Friday, November 30, 2007

Who Loves Ya! Apparently Only One Person...

So, as I was going through my morning reads, I first saw this from

SD35 Watch: Tom Harman Seeking Re-Election

Ok, makes sense, why wouldn't he?

And with all the rumors running around that State Senator Harman will be facing a Primary Opponent (for the first time) in Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, it kind of makes sense that Tom would announce early.

In conjunction (or coincidentally) with his announcement, he held an Open House at his District Office in Costa Mesa, and guess what...

The Daily Pilot article says it all:

Harman hosts meeting to one attendee, leaves early

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

And the one person wasn't even a constituent as much as she was a business interest.

Now that's funny.

But it brings me to this question.

Does the Daily Pilot have it out for State Senator Tom Harman?

I mentioned it before from this Daily Pilot article.

The Daily Pilot set him up to look bad in that article.

I asked former Daily Pilot political writer Alicia Robinson about it. She had no comment...

It just seems like at the beginning of his re-election campaign, the LAST thing he would need would be the Press announcing that:

Harman hosts meeting to one attendee, leaves early.

Doesn't look like a good running start to his re-election campaign huh?

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