Monday, August 1, 2011

The slow ROTTING of the web [Free PDF]

Based on alarming new data, Ryan Deiss is predicting the World Wide Web as we know it, as independent direct marketers will be dead In 18 to 24 months.

Ryan's even outlined his findings in a shocking new report he's calling: The "End of The Web?" Report

You can get a complimentary copy right now by clicking the link below:

The End Of The WEB As We Know It

Inside the report Ryan will reveal...

* The 3 giant companies who are KILLING online "mom and pops" (like YOU!) using an old Walmart strategy...and how you can PARTNER with them. (Yep, if you can't beat 'em it's best just to join 'em...)

* Why cheap, easy traffic (i.e. Google AdWords) has all but dried up, and the "Brute Force" traffic strategy that is more reliable and less expensive than Google...

* The "5 Phases of Technology" and why the transition from Phase 4 to Phase 5 will render most online businesses impotent over the next 12 - 18 months...

* The $200,000 "bet" I make every 30 days, and how you can follow my lead and cash-in on the largest wealth transfer the web has ever known...

* How the most common gadget in the world is killing traditional eCommerce, and why tactics like upsells and continuity may be gone forever. (There is a solution to this mess, but you have to read the report to see what it is...)

and much, much more...

Claim your free copy of his 24 page report NOW before he's forced to remove it from the web.

Click the link below to claim your free copy now:

Ryan realizes that he's making some very bold statements that could come back to haunt him, but he's willing to risk his reputation to make sure that you don't get blindsided by these massive shifts in the marketplace.

That alone just move this report to the top of my reading list!

Listen, I know this must sound like a very doom and gloom message, but Ryan assures me there is a rainbow, if you know where to look, and pot of gold too.

He believes that he's figured out a way for few of us to profit from the coming changes. The report outlines the entire process, along with Ryan's research data and proof points to inside the report.

Go grab your complimentary copy now Click Here =>

Talk Soon,
Arthur M.

P.S. I'm sure that some people will say that Ryan's being over dramatic or that he's gotten too emotionally attached to his ideas, but I think that you'll see: the facts back him up 100%.

Grab a copy of the End of the Web report now for FREE: Click Here==>

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