Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simple and Effective Tips to Pluck Eyebrows Without Pain

As we head towards the adulthood, plucking eyebrows become an essential part of our lives. The main reason behind this is that it makes us look clean and beautiful. 
But for most girls, the process is not easy, for it involves going through much pain. This, unfortunately, can get worse if the eyebrows get denser throughout the years. But worry not; there is still a way to lessen this trouble. Just follow the tips given here and you should be fine.

Before plucking your eyebrows, wash your face with warm water, but do not pat dry
This is the best technique for avoiding pain while plucking eyebrows. Your moist skin will make the roots of your eyebrows softer. So they will easily come out. If needed always keep a soaked towel in front of you. If the skin starts to get drier just dap the towel on to it to make it softer again.  Apparently, the best time to pluck eyebrows is right after shower.

Stretch the skin near your eyebrows while plucking them
There are two benefits associated with this. First of all, it will eliminate the pain. Secondly, it will prevent your skin from getting cuts.

Pluck your eyebrows in front of the open window at daytime
This is something I learned from my aunt. She always plucks her eyebrows in front of her window at daytime. The reason behind this is that the sunlight lets all the eyebrows stay more visible. So it is much easier to pluck them. Even the tinier unwanted ones cannot stay hidden. But of course, you cannot do it without a mirror. So get yourself one.

Pluck your eyebrows everyday if possible
Skipping to pluck eyebrows for a  make their roots stronger. This means more pain in the future. To prevent this problem taking place, try to pluck your eyebrows everyday.

Things to Avoid during eyebrow plucking
Powder: This is going to make the skin inside and around the eyebrows drier. So pulling them will become more difficult. Another important thing is that it is going to increase the risk of having cuts.
Moisturizer: Traditionally, many women apply moisturizer on to the skin and eyebrows as a way to make the plucking easier. Unfortunately, it is not as effective as water. So avoid it. 

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