Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Meet this man with special powers

I want to tell you about a special man with special powers. I think he's someone you'll want to meet.

Some have called him a "quack", yet he's shared the stage with Deepak Chopra, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Og Mandino, Gerald Jampolsky, Foster Hibbard, Eric Butterworth, C. Everett Koop and others.

Some think his ideas are too "out there", but he's shared his secrets alongside the Dali Lama, Paul and Linda McCartney, even England's Prince Philip himself.

And more importantly, his guidance... his own treasure trove of spiritual secrets have transformed lives across the globe (and quite a few used to be skeptics)

His name is John Harricharan and he can show you secret spiritual powers you didn't even know you had.

Why care?

Because once you experience just a taste of what he can show you, you will see a rush of transformational ripples take over your life. Everything you do, desire, or strive for will be revolutionized.

You will be a different person. You will be more "you."

Meet John here:


To the journey ahead,
Arthur M.

P.S. John is an extremely humble man. He doesn't want huge fame (although he's become quite well known). He doesn't care for titles. He's not screaming at the top of his lungs, hoping you'll listen.

BUT, if you take a moment, step up, and see what he has to say, well...

See for yourself:


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