Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Spread the word, not the SPAM

Don’t make the fatal mistake of being mistaken for SPAM among the social media circles of the World Wide Web. “But I’m not a SPAMMER,” you say? Well, you may not be a SPAMMER, but being mistaken for one is equally as detrimental to you and your business.

So, if you’re not a SPAMmer, how would you get mistaken for one? Easily. Too easily, in fact.

In the world of viral marketing, there is a fine line between frequent communication and excessive updates. If you cross that line, you will become blacklisted among piers and customers alike, which is bad news for your business. To avoid overdoing it, consider the following: If you wouldn’t care, why should they?

In other words, with every tweet, status update or blog post, you must be clear, concise and strategic. To balance these elements is the true test. How do you get your message across in such a way that is enticing, yet explains your complete offering while doing so in 140 characters or less? Okay, 140 is excessive, but it is the total characters allotted for on Twitter for each “tweet”.

Regardless, your goal should always be to capture the attention of your audience and if you can do that, you have a great chance of going viral. So get out there and spread the word! Leave the SPAM in the can.

For the full guide on releasing your own viral marketing campaign and for a leaked report visit:

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