Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Maximize Profits with Text Messaging

Text messaging through SMS is the most common method for reaching people with mobile marketing.

While this method is extremely powerful, you still have to be very careful about how you use it.

Most people have to pay for their text messages. They may get a few for free, but generally they can only receive a certain number of them. For this reason, people don’t typically like to see direct marketing. Instead, it’s important to be subtle and use more of a "backdoor" approach. There are three major ways to market via mobile text:

1. You can send them a friendly text
2. You can send them an informative text
3. You can provide them a valuable service or product for free

Using this system, you will learn all about mobile marketing plus *specifically* how to set up the third option, which essentially is using the text message as a platform for your marketing and building your list on autopilot at the same time:


Because people carry their phones with them everywhere they go, your messages can be in their hands in just moments. You won’t have to wait for people to get around to checking their email. You won’t have to worry about being stuck between hundreds of spams in a flooded inbox. You’ll have direct access straight to the people you want to reach. Additionally, people are captive audiences when reading text messages.

Since text messages are so short, you have to keep them straight to the point. This means more people will take the time to pay attention and read your message. Believe me when I say, there won't be another method with this much potential to come along for decades, don't miss it...


Till next time,

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