Monday, August 6, 2007

POW, Right in the Kisser!

Borrowing a line from one of my favorite shows, watching the situation regarding the City Hall location has become like watching a sitcom from the 50's. Mayor Rosansky penned this Daily Pilot Pol Position in response to Councilman Keith Curry's Pol Position from last week. On one side (Curry) you have arguments in favor of a new Grand White Elephant (City Hall) on the OCTA site. On the other (Rosansky) there are arguments for the White Elephant (City Hall) ten feet away in previously Passive Park-Designated...well...parkland. Councilman Curry calls this issue one which has "needlessly divided our community like no other." Mayor Rosansky says that Curry's "editorial is replete with distortions, misrepresentations and unsupportable facts is being generous." "Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!"

The last time these two combatants went at it like this was in regards to the Robo-Calling which led to Mayor Rosansky banging his gavel in frustration at a City Council meeting. But this time instead of it being at a City Council meeting, instead of the 10 (8 of them lobbyists, the other two gadflies, who seemed to get upset at me calling them gadflies after looking up the Wikipedia listing/definition for gadfly) people in the audience and 5 people watching on TV, instead of the 3 people who probably watch it from the City's website, Mayor Rosansky decided to attack Councilman Curry's thoughts in the Daily Pilot, where according to the Pilot's Director of News and Online, the gets 7000 visits per day, plus it's normal Paper distribution. Never mind my calling out of Councilman Curry's Conservative roots last week, since Mayor Rosansky has never even called himself Conservative, just Republican. This City Hall issues has not only "divided our community," it has created this battle of the words between our "Fearless Leaders."

Stay tuned. This ugliness will get uglier. All of this over (get ready for it...) something which will create NEW debt for the City and will increase the quantity of City Employees, which will in turn increase our ever growing Employee (funded or not) Pension Liability. White Elephant anyone?

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