Hi Delmar citizens, my name is Nicole McGuire and I want to be the mayor of Delmar, MD. I am sure you all know that I filed for commissioner in the last election and withdrew my name. I was at the time lead to believe it would be beneficial for the election, by the powers that be or were at that time.
I think I would be a fresh breathe of air to the political machine in Delmar, MD.
The position I currently hold does not allow discussion. When I was hired documents had to signed as to the privacy of the company itself. However, I have lived in the area five years and have worked for this company over three of the five years. So there is no question on my "stay the course" attitude.
I am a Mom of two, one in Delmar Elementary and a Freshman in Wicomico High School.
The thing that I want to see more than anything else, is the forward momentum of the town of Delmar. It is my sincere hope that as mayor, I could aid the town in future improvements without hindering the delicious small town appeal that so many of us recognize as Delmar.
On the other hand, here's her husband/boyfriend Tom McGuire. Now Tom is the guy that called WalMart Corporate and told them he had just seen me ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at Sam's Club. He claimed that when an interracial couple walked out the door, Joe called them a N-Word Loving Whore.
Tom went on to brag about his doing this and then pounded his chest after WalMart asked that I be removed from ringing the bell there. Of course, this plummeted the income for the Salvation Army and now Tom wants to be your next Town Commissioner.
Here's a reminder to ALL of you about the McGuire clan.
"Joe , hi this is Nicole toms wife . I'm sorry if you took offense to my comment on Brooke mumford ,I don't apologize for it just that you were offended by it . The sad fact is she is going to die period . When is not for me to say that is gods hand or destiny ."
The big question is, does Delmar really want such unstable people running their local government?
The decision, (of course) lies in the hands of the voters. However, IF the McGuire's think this is the only post we'll be doing throughout their ridiculous campaign they'd be sadly mistaken. This is just the beginning.
Don't you ever say you have not been warned. In a conversation I had yesterday about the McGuire's I kind of chuckled and said, well, if they were to win, think of all the fun I'd have over the next 4 years.
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