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Welcome to the first lesson in the Understanding Private Label Content crash course. Over the next few days you will receive several lessons that will help you learn all about private label content and how you can put it to work for you.
In this first lesson let's talk a little bit about what is private label content is and how you can use it for your own business.
Private label content, often referred to as PLR comes in many different formats, including articles, reports, ebooks, blog posts, graphics, templates and even videos. What makes PLR so great is that once you purchase it you allowed to modify the content to suit your needs, this means that you can also claim ownership of the finished product when you are done making changes.
There are many PLR sellers and resellers that make it their business to create content for buyers just like you and when it comes to using the content that you purchase there are so many options for using the content that the possibilities are actually endless.
For the most part, PLR can be used to edit and modify the content to something different than the original. You will either receive the Private Label Rights content in a .doc (document file), .rtf (rich text file) or a .txt (text file).
In my humble opinion, private label content is instant content. It makes it easier for web publishers and marketers to acquire content that can be used to build inbound links, generate web traffic and to increase profits.
For instance PLR articles can be modified and placed in article directories. They can be used as part of a landing page. They can be used for emails. They can even be combined to create new products.
Because PLR content often passes through so many resellers, the content can vary from poor to needing slight modification. This is not to say that you can't find good PLR online. It's just like finding any other good product online, you simply need to do your research and try different providers until you find content that suits your needs.
Tip: Always take time to fact check the PLR content that you purchase, because not all content is created equal and it may not be completely accurate.
When it comes to making money, there are a number of different ways that you can turn private label content into more profits for your business.
One idea I would be to create a collection of ebooks. You can do this by purchasing private label rights to several different bundles of books or articles and then combine them all into a single package.
Since you purchase the private label rights, you can technically do with them whatever you wish. This includes modifying them or including master resell rights with the ebooks. This will get others to pick up your ebooks and resell them, boosting your credibility as the author.
Of course if you use PLR articles this method will require a lot more work because you will have to combine the articles to create the ebooks, but your finished product will be a completely new product to present in the marketplace.
Another idea would be to take your collection of ebooks or articles and combine them into a massive content archive and start a monthly membership site.
Your site could be based on a wide variety of topics or on a single topic. For instance you could only offer health related products to your members every month. You can set it up so that your members will receive a certain amount content each month. You could also charge a premium for joining and then allow members to download the products that they want at a discounted price.
One more idea before we close this lesson could be to break apart your private label rights products and turn them into paid newsletters or free courses that you can use to sell members on other products. While this isn't done often, it can often achieve the best results when done properly.
When it comes to making money from PLR products these suggestions just scratch the surface. There are literally dozens of ways that you can turn your private label content into more profits.
In closing, I do want to say that although the PLR content is very convenient and flexible to work with you must be compliant with the license terms and restrictions that come with each product that you purchase.
Usage limitations will depend on who originally created the product. For instance some provides do not allow you to post content on official websites or in article directories. They may also have limitations as whether or not you can pass on the private label rights to your customers or if it is strictly for your use only.
To avoid purchasing content that will not work for your business always make sure that you read the licenses terms before you buy. When in doubt don't be afraid to ask questions. This way you will be sure that the content that you purchase can be used in the way you want.
We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to learn how to use private label content to make more money, so make sure you look for your next lesson soon. We will be talking about the benefits of using PLR content versus writing the content yourself.
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