Everyone's dream is to be able to sell a steady stream of products online and get to $10,000 per month.
But to make that happen you need to sell over 200 $47 products per month.
If you have a pulse pounding 5% conversion rate that means you need 4,000 qualified visitors to your website each and every month.
So to make 6 figures per year you'd need to sell nearly 2,400 $47 products each year and drive nearly 48,000 visitors to your site.
You can follow Kevin Wilke's proven system, which he will teach you in the Local Business Money Machine webinar, where you only need 6 sales...
To make that same 6 figure income.
Which sounds easier to you? 6 sales in two months or 200 at $47?
Come learn how on Kevin Wilke's webinar training
Where you'll learn how to start doing that right away... within 60 days...
Not after 9 months of product development and another 6 months of SEO, hoping Google doesn't change it's mind.
He'll teach you EXACTLY how you can make THOUSANDS of dollars on the "Local Business Money-Machine 2.0" webinar:
==> Go register here:
You MUST go register for this FREE training if you want to attend, and replace your job within months from today.
To your success,
Arthur M.
P.S. Does this REALLY work?
Over a year ago this was taught to a small beta test group, and most of them had NEVER done anything online.
Within the first 3 weeks, 41 people already had 1 or more sales.
They were making $1,500 their first month, another $2,400 a month, one guy made $4,000 in his first few weeks.
And NONE of them had any previous online business experience.
Obviously this works. And I'm guessing you would like to get FAST results like that too.
If yes, go to this page right now to register for the complimentary training now!
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