Tuesday, August 2, 2011

189 Silly Newbie Mistakes REVEALED! - DO NOT DO THIS!

Successful people make mistakes ALL the time.

It would be impossible for a person NOT to make a mistake because that would mean that they know EVERYTHING - now and in the future!

The difference is however, is that they don't talk about it and would rather not show it so all you see is the final result, be it their house, the car they drive, the screenshots of their earnings... etc.

Then when you attempt to do it, and don't achieve the same results first time round or find that you're continuously failing, you end up quitting!

Sound familiar?...

Successful people look at mistakes as a way of how to NOT do things. They see it as a 'result' and 'feedback' rather than looking at themselves as incapable and failures.

The average person will take failure personally and believe that it's linked to everything else they've been through in their life which has gotten them to this stage of yet another disappointment.

Now I won't be surprised if I've already offended a few subscribers by saying this but it had to be said.

Instead of my usual course on how to DO things properly, I'm going to do a complete 180 and show you what *NOT* to do.

=> http://www.hb2k.com/GoTo/silly.htm

'Silly Newbie Mistakes' is 13-part module that covers all the finer details of marketing that can and do lead to terrible mistakes.

Why is this good for you?... Because I've already committed them and you'll be fully aware of what NOT to do.

I'm going to go deep into areas which no other marketer likes to talk about and open up some very sore wounds that have led to many failures in my past. Failures which you can learn and profit from!

=> http://www.hb2k.com/GoTo/silly.htm

Inside you'll get answers to detailed questions like...

"How often should I send emails out?"
"How often should I blog and what about?"
"How do I get a JV request without pestering the person I'm asking?"
"How do I get people to comment on my blog and why aren't they doing so?"
"Should I buy traffic, and when is a good time to do so?"
"Why being an 'obedient' affiliate can have an negative effect on sales?"
"Why being a perfectionist is just as bad as doing nothing at all?"
"Why most people fail to make a single cent from their GIGABYTES worth of PLR content"

and so much more...

This is a 13-part, 5 hour video packed course on all the mistakes you SHOULD AVOID!

Module #1 - Mindset Mistakes
Module #2 - List Building Mistakes
Module #3 - SEO & Link Building Mistakes
Module #4 - Copywriting Mistakes
Module #5 - PLR Products Mistakes
Module #6 - Product Creation Mistakes
Module #7 - Affiliate Marketing Mistakes
Module #8 - Traffic Generation Mistakes
Module #9 - Blogging Mistakes
Module #10 - Product Launch Mistakes
Module #11 - Affiliate & JV Requests Mistakes
Module #12 - Membership Site Mistakes
Module #13 - Social Media Marketing Mistakes

There's a total of 189 crucial mistakes which you can definitely learn from and NEVER have to experience.

If you wish to learn from MY mistakes without having to go through all the frustrations, heartaches and financial losses yourself And if you wish to save yourself four years of your precious time Then you'll want to check this out below...


Silly Newbie Mistakes

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