Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sen. Harman Perfect?

I'm very confused now...(which isn't too difficult to do)

Picked this up from just now about Newport's (Actually Huntington Beach's) State Senator Tom Harman:

Senator Harman Earns A Perfect Conservative Score From Capitol Weekly

Sacramento - Senator Tom Harman (R—Huntington Beach) has earned a perfect “conservative” score from Capitol Weekly, a printed newspaper that is published every Thursday in Sacramento and widely read in and around the Capitol.

“I appreciate this recognition of my conservative stance on many of the key issues that came before the State Senate this year,” Harman remarked. “I remain committed to fighting for the values and principles that are important to constituents in the 35th District.”

In ranking the legislators, Capitol Weekly selected major bills that have been debated and voted on in the Legislature dealing with the environment, social issues, business and labor. Two major bills considered in determining their scorecard include Senate Bill 11, which would expand domestic partners’ benefits, and SB 840, which would mandate universal healthcare in California.

Senate Republican Leader, Dick Ackerman (R—Tustin) is the only other Senator who received a perfect conservative score of zero on the scorecard. Senator Carole Migden (D—San Francisco) was one of five senators to receive a perfect “liberal” score.

Now...The California Republican Assembly calls Senator Tom Harman a candidate for their Nanny of the Year. He attacks Republican candidates for President in the local press, has never won a Republican Primary (Open Primary for Assembly and Special Election for Senate) and now Capitol Weekly says he's the perfect Conservative while Senator Tom McClintock and Assemblymen Chuck DeVore (Who define Conservative thought to me) aren't?

It's been a long day, but this is bewildering to me.

Here's the OC Register's Steve Greenhut's take on this too.

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