The SAT score for reading was the lowest in history. The math SAT score hasn’t risen in 11 years. The new writing SAT score declined every year since its inception in 2007. The Department of Education was created in 1979 and has spent hundreds of billions in the last three decades making our kids stupider.
I love how the article soft pedals the issue of “diversity”. Below is the link to the report. The facts are that black kids are dumb on average and probably can’t tie their shoes. Table 8 tells you everything you need to know.
Asians: Reading – 517; Math – 595; Writing – 528
Whites: Reading – 528; Math – 535; Writing – 516
Blacks: Reading – 428; Math – 427; Writing – 417
Hispanics: Reading – 451; Math – 462; Writing – 444
How much more money are we going to shovel to minorities to try and make them smart? This isn’t just a Democratic problem either. George Bush and his no child left behind bullshit has failed. Guess what? Being smart requires you to read books. It requires you to think. It requires parents who insist that their children go to school, do their homework, and study. It is clear that parents across this country don’t give a crap about the education of their children.
If ignorance is bliss, this country has cornered the market on bliss.
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