The law of attraction will not work if your want or need from the universe is wrapped with jealousy
It is natural for a girl to feel that another female is more beautiful than her. This can cause her to feel jealous. In real life, this girl can also be you. Don’t feel bad; jealousy is a natural feeling in human beings. But when working with law of attraction you need to free yourself from it. In details, don’t see an enemy in another girl just because you consider her to be more beautiful or because the world gives her more attention. Be selfless and think everyone is beautiful and that includes you. Why is it important for you to go selfless? Because that will allow the universe to grant your wish quicker.
Just fall in love with yourself, but never think that you are superior to all
This is another important element that you must keep in mind when using the steps of law of attraction. The detailed message of the above statement is that you should not be arrogant, for such term equals to feeling overconfident. Remember your thoughts and feelings are transparent to the universe. If it hears that you are overconfident about yourself it will leave you alone. So in a way, your steps will not help you achieve anything.
Don’t ask sad questions about others to yourself
I have a wonderful friend. She is helpful and by appearance, very cute. The only problem she has is that she keeps asking herself why others have things that she doesn’t. I have been hearing her say this since high school days. We call this self pity. This can be seen as the ultimate enemy to create setbacks in reaching goals. This friend of mine always ends up with bad luck in her life. It could be that the self pity has turned into a habit for her. But it is really making her life miserable. Do you why this is happening? This is because she is telling the universe “I don’t have X-Y-Z”. As a reply, the universe says to her, “okay, you don’t have X-Y-Z”. Consequently, her life does not move forward easily. Don’t be like her. Stay satisfied with what you have and don’t peek into what others own.
Open your heart when you practice your steps
Just think how it feels to go in a relationship with the perfect man. In such a situation, we break all barriers and feel no hesitation to welcome him in our life. You need to be exactly like that when practicing the steps to cure your skin problems. Feel that you deserve beauty. Let nobody’s words hinder you from doing this. Keep the concept of blind love in mind. This is how you must connect yourself with the new you. A secret to be revealed is that you will know the steps are working when you feel that your heart is opening itself to them.
Get rid of desperateness
This is highly important. Have patience. Chasing the goal will only make it distant. So don't do it. Always believe you have it now and slowly you will see your dream coming true.
Get rid of desperateness
This is highly important. Have patience. Chasing the goal will only make it distant. So don't do it. Always believe you have it now and slowly you will see your dream coming true.
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