Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Google's new EVIL plan [PDF]

For a company whose mission statement ends with "do no evil" the minions at Google seem to be working overtime on a full on assault, attacking direct marketers in every angle.

They have banned entire industries with a single click, cutting hundreds of companies, supporting thousands of families, off at the knees, without so much as a warning.

Look at what they have planned next

If this isn't evil, I don't know what is.

Unfortunately, they're just getting started.

End of the Web Report by Ryan Deiss:
The End of the Web

Inside the money report, "End of the Web": Ryan Deiss exposes Google latest plans, and sneaky little tricks designed to stab a sharp dagger into the throat of the marketing industry.

This is the kind of thing you have to know, you have no choice if you plan to survive.

In addition, this report will share over 90 days of research that Ryan and his team complied regarding the current changes, and upcoming cataclysmic shifts to Internet marketing.

To get a complementary copy of this report, click the link below now:

Here is more of what's inside:

*The 3 giant companies who are KILLING online "mom and pops" (like YOU!) using an old Walmart strategy...and how you can PARTNER with them. (Yep, if you can't beat 'em it's best just to join 'em...)

*Why cheap, easy traffic (i.e. Google AdWords) has all but dried up, and the "Brute Force" traffic strategy that is more reliable and less expensive than Google...

*The "5 Phases of Technology" and why the transition from Phase 4 to Phase 5 will render most online businesses impotent over the next 12 - 18 months...

* The $200,000 "bet" Ryan makes every 30 days, and how you can follow his lead and cash-in on the largest wealth transfer the web has ever known...

* How the most common gadget in the world is killing traditional eCommerce, and why tactics like upsells and continuity may be gone forever. (There is a solution to this mess, but you have to read the report to see what it is...)

and much, much more...

This may be your last alert to grab this report

Go now!

Arthur M.

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