Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to Pull in Twice as Much Profit in 24 Hours Then You Did All Month

Without a doubt, marketing your product, your service - or anything for that matter - is one of the most difficult and costly ventures one could possibly undertake. Unfortunately, this painful process is also one of the most crucial components of your business. You can have the greatest product in the world - but if nobody knows about it, then you might as well just close up shop.

And to make matters worse, not only is marketing expensive and time-consuming, it's also "hit and miss" at best. One ad might bring you a ton of sales, another might bring some, and many ads won't produce a single sale or lead. There are so many variables involved when it comes to marketing your business successfully - so I'll just get straight to the point...

Marketing isn't fun. It's expensive, frustrating, time-consuming and many times, very disappointing.

Now - before you throw in the towel on bringing your business to the market - let me tell you about the world's most powerful marketing strategy. It costs you absolutely nothing up front, it's the most targeted campaign imaginable - and by it's very nature, it's completely RISK FREE.

What is it?

It's called a "Joint Venture" - or "Strategic Alliance". And this single strategy has been responsible for generating the fastest fortunes on this planet. It's certainly not a "new" strategy by any means, but its effectiveness is still completely unmatched by any other form of marketing.

How does it work?

Very simply, a joint venture is a partnership with another business that already has what you need - a client base. To establish this sort of partnership, what you would do is approach a similar business to yours, make them an offer to promote your product (or service) in exchange for a significant share of the profits, and then set things up so that everyone wins. They create more profits out of thin air just by promoting your product - while rake in a ton of sales from ultra-targeted leads that you would have NEVER had otherwise...

You don't spend a penny unless you sell something - and if your partner has a substantial, targeted and "warm" client list, then both of you will generate an enormous amount of revenue just by having them tell their clients about your offer.

In fact, this is by far the easiest way to pull a fortune out of thin air - almost effortlessly. If your partner reaches your target market - and if they already have an established client base - then you'll be reaching serious leads that already have a relationship with your partner - and, unlike an ad, your offer won't be reaching a "cold crowd". You'll be reaching the most responsive leads you could ever imagine...

...and your profits from a promotion to a large, "warm" client-list will be massive.

Now, at this point, you might be thinking, "Well, that sounds nice, and it makes sense - but how can I possibly convince the "big players" in my industry to partner with me?"

Well, that's a valid question. But what if I told you that thousands of entrepreneurs have created a fortune out of thin air using this strategy - using this exact strategy - even though they had no market presence, no "credibility" and no connections within their industry?

It's absolutely true.

You see, all it takes is to actually get out there and make an offer. Make some calls. Write some letters. Put yourself in your potential partner's shoes, and make your offer truly irresistible.

Do this enough times, and I can guarantee you that you'll see some explosive results if your product is in demand (and your offer is solid).

Now, that said, there's actually a system of approaching potential partners that has been developed, tested and optimized by a "JV Expert" named Chris Rempel. Chris has been using joint-ventures to grow his business - and his client's businesses - without spending a dime up-front for advertising. Instead, by leveraging the customers, leads and traffic that were already available from other related companies, Chris has literally been able to explode his business - and his clients sales - just by using this simple "JV creation strategy" over and over again.

Chris's specific deal making strategy is available at http://bit.ly/k2tFao

You now have everything you need to literally bypass the painful process of traditional marketing, and take the "shortcut" to success with your business.

Construct an offer that will appeal to your prospects - and put yourself in their shoes while your writing it. Pitch that offer to at least 40 potential partners in your industry - and watch your revenues soar, without spending a single dime on advertising.

Always remember that you're only ONE partnership away from a fortune...


Co-written by Arthur M. and Chris Rempel

To discover the fastest and most effortless way to crank out one hyper-profitable partnership after the next - check out Chris Rempel's JV System at http://bit.ly/k2tFao

Additional Resources:

Instant Joint Venture Success System

FREE VIDEOS: Joint Ventures Exposed

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