Friday, July 15, 2011

How To Measure Success

Most Internet marketers define success this way:

- Ability to earn an unlimited amount of money

- Working for yourself rather than trading time for dollars

- Enjoying more free time to spend with those you care about

- Setting your own schedule

- Learning a new IM skill, strategy or formula that works so well you can repeat it whenever you need or want more income

However, before you can achieve success, you need a starting point and a plan.

Your definition of how you measure success will determine your outlook, your attitude, and your inner belief system. Have you ever heard it said that people who ―believe” that they can do something and take action, actually become successful?

Then there’s the other side of the spectrum. If you start out strong and determined to succeed, but then you don’t implement the plan and follow through with the process, you won’t achieve success because you quit too soon.

An easy definition for measuring success: “When I accomplish one item on my Internet Marketing To-Do list this week, I’m moving one step closer to my own personal goals for success.”

Have you ever made a promise to someone other than yourself? And because you cared about that person, you fulfilled that promise, right? Then that person praised you and thanked you. It felt good, didn’t it?

Then what I want you to consider today is making a promise to yourself and fulfilling that promise. Here’s a short check list to get you started.

When you can place a check mark next to each item, that lets you know that you’re moving closer to your dreams and goals. (Use the following check list to get you started with this mindset. Then create your own check list.)

- Choose a product or service to sell

- Using free tools, find 10 keyword phrases for your product or service

- Buy a domain name that starts with your best keyword phrase

- Create the shell (basic structure and layout) for your website or blog

- Create or outsource the content creation for your site

We all need to make a start at one point or another. Why not let it be a free place?

Teach-Me-How provides you with 20 free video tutorials to help you get on your feed and start your online business.


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