Sunday, July 10, 2011

[EVO PRO] The Moment Of Proof

There's a saying that goes "The Proof Is In The Pudding".

Now what the heck THAT means exactly, I have no clue, LOL.

But I know where the proof on Peter Drew's explosive new Brute Force SEO release: EVO Professional is...

SEO Fight Club Forum. And the doors have swung wide to the public, so there's not a moment to lose:

Here's just a tiny sample of the success other marketers are having with this insanely powerful membership, direct from the Fight Club:

I just spoke to a very happy client
After running EVO PRO over their site, they now rank No1 in the World for mobile phone tracking and phone tracking.
Their adwords spend has gone down from £5,500 to £500 compared to May last year! for the same level of business.
What a result!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Alex H -

You can't MISS the Raw Power and enthusiasm in that statement, and as you can see, that guy's making bank working EVO Pro for Clients- as do MANY top SEO firms! What does THAT tell you?

Want to see a few more? Check this out:

Not only will EVO PRO do all the hard, tedious work FOR you, he will make it so brain-dead easy you won't be able find any excuse to delay whatsoever- unlike probably dozens of other things cluttering your hard drive ;-)

If you see the power here, then GET it.

Remember, a limited number of slots have opened as of Wednesday, July 6th, 2011, and there's no telling if they will last, or if Peter will close the doors to maintain control...

After that, you'll wait on a list (and lose out on insane rankings and indexing power).

If they have 100% retention (which is quite possible- it's happened before), they may decide to keep the membership CLOSED for Months.

And that would just put you further behind the smart money, so I urge you to grab your slot while you can (if you still can).

Your entrance fee is one silly cheap buck (1$US) for a full five (5) day trial. If you don't think it's for you? That's fine! Simply cancel your PayPal subscription (YOU Have The Control) before your trial is up, and you will pay NOTHING more, ever. Nada. Zip.

That's No BS: It's dead easy to cancel. YOU control your subscription. But if you're like 68% of the people that come on board with them, you WON'T.

In fact the excuses they hear for canceling (although they don't ask for your reasons) are things like "I can't afford it right now, but I hope to in the future."

Well, I always cringe when I hear that, because every time slots are opened in BFSEO they usually just get MORE expensive (although Pete's decided to hold pricing for EVO PRO at the existing levels due to the hideous economy- Thanks, Pete!).

So that just makes it MORE critical to seize the moment Right Here...Right Now.

See you in the Fight Club!

Arthur M.

PS - Remember- If it's Proof you want, that's at Fight Club Forum- it's time to take your 1$ x 5 day trial and see for yourself. And don't forget the insane bonuses and freebies Pete gives with this membership- this dude should be known as the KING of Over-Delivery. You gotta see what I'm talking about:

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