Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ready or not, this WILL affect you…

Everything you know about email marketing is about to change. And trust me, ignorance is not bliss. If you miss this it WILL affect you.

Do me a favor and watch this short video from Glen Hopkins because it’s a real wake up call.

If you’ve been marketing online for any period of time then you already know how important your email contact list is.

It’s the most important component of your business! It gives you leverage like nothing else can. Allowing you to contact your customers, drive targeted traffic to promotional offers, set up joint ventures, and much more.

But a lot has changed in the world of email marketing in the last few years. And building a quality, responsive list is getting harder and harder. The same old tactics simply do not work as well they once did.

Yes, prospects are still very interested in getting their hands on your freebies and ethical bribes.

But with email spam and unethical marketers running rampant, people are becoming more and more resistant to sharing their REAL information.

So what do they do? Well, sadly as you know, all to often they enter bogus names and email addresses into your opt-in form just to get their hands on your free gift.

So now you’ve given away some of you best content just to add bogus names and email addresses to your mailing list. Which of course destroys your email conversion rates and increases your monthly autoresponder fees!

I don’t know about you but that’s what I call a complete waste of time and effort!

And frankly it was really starting to tick me off. I knew something had to be done. There needed to be a new and better way to build quality, highly responsive lists.

Ready or not, the impact IS coming.

So you’re about to experience a ‘mind shift’.

I’m not saying it’s for better or for worse, that depends on what you decide to do.

But this WILL affect you.

At least you’ll know what to do. Most people will be blind sided. 

We’re at a cross roads and one path leads to something much bigger, the other is a dead end.

So I hope you take the time to watch this right now…

See you there!

Arthur M.

P.S. If you only could focus on ONE thing I’ve said to you this year, then this video would be it.

Things are NOT going back to how they were.

It’s not possible.

You’ll understand why after you watch this video…

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