Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How well can regular people do with video marketing?

Have you been watching the Bossathon that Andy Jenkins has been running?  For two days he had all kinds of famous "gurus" and big time bestselling authors and stuff over to his house for a live webcast that went 15 hours across 2 whole days.

Those hugely successful experts all told some AMAZING stories about the rewards they got with video  But at the end of the day, it's clear they are pretty special folks.  Talented, Motivated, and even Lucky!

What people really want to know is, can REGULAR people really do the same kind o f thing.  People who blush on camera, people with no video experience, who can't write a script to save their lives...

Well, today's Bossathon is going to start at 2PM Eastern, 11AM Pacific and I think you really shouldn't miss it.  Especially not if you're sitting on the fence about video.


Here's the deal - whether you want to become a "Video Boss" or not, you MUST understand that video is the web's FUTURE.  It's "Evolve or Die" time. 

Those that refuse to get good at video will become dinosaurs.

Those that get in now will have a quantum leap head start on everyone behind them.

So I think that when you see what REAL people have done with video - people that started at ZERO and turned into video experts - you'll know that I'm right.

And hopefully it inspires you to take some massive action!  After all, what I really want for you is success, and for MILLIONS, video is going to be the key to that.

So check it out, work it into your day, even if you just let it play in the background while you get some work done.  I think you're going to dig it.

Remember, 2PM Eastern, 11AM Pacific, right here:


Hope to see you there!

Arthur M.

P.S. Now, keep in mind - IF you are considering picking Andy himself to be your video mentor, that opportunity is evaporating. Video Boss is closing again (maybe for another year) - I think it's the BEST way to be ready for the video evolution that's coming. But if you missed seeing what Video Boss is all about, check out this video before the Bossathon so you can know what these people ACTUALLY accomplished to get where they are now.


If they can do it, you can do it.  Heck, WE can do it.  Talk soon!

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