Sunday, June 5, 2011

Free resource that teaches how to market online...

It seems we all take a lot of courses out there on internet marketing, but at the end of the day, there are a lot of things that we just don't know how to do that needs getting done.

Here are just a few of the many skills we all need to know:
-Create a professional, high-converting website
-Put up a contact form -How to make cool buttons that stand out -How to advertise his website
-How to set up a PPC account -How to SEO his website, and...
-Much, much more.

At this point you have two (2) choices:
1 - Outsource
2 - Do it yourself

Even if you outsource you have to know SOMETHING about what you are outsourcing or you may get a bad result.

The GOOD NEWS is that there is a new resource online called Marketing Online Workshop that teaches people how to do things online...

...and the BEST part is that a membership in Marketing Online Workshop is ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Plus they give away a very cool premium WordPress plugin just for joining!

Check them out right and let me know what you think.

Also, I think their video on the home page is quite hilarious at some points. Does it remind you of anybody you know?


Arthur M.

P.S.  These folks figured out how to make WordPress run inside of Facebook without having to have a separate installation or do a lot of extra work. Check it out!

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