Friday, April 1, 2011

Twitter Tips and Secrets

Here is a compilation of Twitter tips & secrets that you can use to maximize your earning potential with Twitter in your marketing efforts!

• If you have tons of followers, chances are good that not all of them will read every tweet that you send. If you got a good reaction or a good bit of traffic from one of your tweets, try posting it again at another time. Preface it with something like, “Did you miss this?” or “Last week retweet”.

• On the right sidebar of your Twitter page, you'll see a link to your RSS feed. Take this feed and submit it to RSS directories, just as you would do with a blog! This will increase exposure to your tweets.

• If you have lots of friends on Facebook, there is an application you can use to integrate your Twitter feed into your Facebook feed. This can lead to more followers and larger exposure overall. An application called Twittersync will actually post each tweet as a status update on your Facebook page. Unfortunately, it turns your links into text, so that kind of sucks.

• Interact with your followers and take an active interest in them by replying to their tweets and retweeting. Schmooze with them – offer compliments, joke around, etc. Remember that Twitter is a community.

• If your goal is marketing, be direct with your Bio. Tell them exactly who you are. “I'm a 27-year-old marketer and blogger living in LA!” Don't post random song lyrics or an inside joke. Leave that to your personal Myspace page.

• Remember that everything you do on Twitter represents your brand. Tweeting “OMG I got so drunk last night I barfed up nachos on my friend's shoes” probably isn't the best image to portray, unless your demographic happens to be male college students or something like that.

• Don't get addicted to Twitter. Checking it every five minutes will start to interfere with the rest of your life and your business. Keep a schedule and force yourself to check it no more than every two hours or so. If you intend to publish a tweet, it's easy to start reading up on everyone else's tweets, and before you know it, half an hour has passed and you can't remember what you were going to tweet about in the first place.


Want to learn more about marketing with Twitter? The 5 Day Twitter Course has all the information you'll need.

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