Last week a Newport Beach Hearing Officer denied the request for
"Reasonable Accommodation" to Pacific Shores Recovery which you
may know runs the sober homes whose 3 house-campus compound
is on the corner of Clay\Orange in Newport Heights. This means that
that surrounding Community in Newport Heights may get relief
from the 50 bed sober home operating there for the past 1-2 years.
However, Mr. Don Krotee, the Newport Heights Association President,
chose not to appear before the Hearing on behalf of his Newport Heights
constituency, while many of us from the outlying areas of the Newport
Beach community did appear and wondered, given Krotee's touted
local leadership role, where he was for that Hearing.
This sober home is one of the worst cases of Rehab/Group Home Over-
concentration in the City and even though the Clay\Orange site and is
within 8-10 blocks from Krotee’s house. The sober home compound is
not close enough to Krotee’s house to actually affect him personally as
it does others in his Newport Heights area, yet Krotee was a “no-show.”
And nope … Krotee didn’t even send in a letter for the record as to his
position on the matter....Krotee did nothing to help his fellow Newport
Heights residents.
But Krotee has been well known for defending and rationalizing exploits
of a number of ethically misguided and self-interested public officials.
The list of names, as you can guess, includes the usual suspects that we've
become familiar with over the last several years. Public officals who have
survived politically by giving out favors or public officals that were found
to be actually profiteering from the very same Drug Rehab industry that
now has found its way into Krotee's Newport Heights. Another of these public
officals was recently found to be using his position to evade the enforcement
of City Municiple Codes concerning a property he owns in Newport. Lovely.
Don Krotee has gone out of his way in the past to defend and rationalize
the actions of these public offials, but didn't lift a finger for his own Heights
Community suffering from over-concentraton. Lovely.
For this reason Don Krotee…from now on I will consider you to be one of the
biggest and most enabling HYPOCRITES that our Community has to offer.
NIMBY’s (would Krotee behaved differently if it were in his own backyard?)
like you Krotee are one of the reasons why we have such misguided public
officals still in power and that certain areas within our Community suffer
so disproportionately from self-interested, political representation. I bet it
makes you feel good in your silence and defense of them, to sit back, sipping
fine wine, puffing out your chest and priding yourself as to your "leadership"
and "importance" and how much you have "contributed" to the Community
while your Heights neighbors, surrounding Pacific Shores, suffer from the
effects of the laxness and the duplicity of some of the very same public officials.
Ultimately, you denied your neighbors. In my eyes...Krotee, you're worthless.
Bob Rush
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