The undergrounding of utilities is perhaps
the greatest way of increasing land values on the planet.
Little Balboa Island, by the way, has already completed its
undergrounding. So, what is up with those on Balboa Island
that wish continue to fight the good fight against the devil
The people on Balboa Island have always been wrapped a little
different. Balboa Island people become Republican when the
Democrats are in, Democrats when the Republicans are in and
Independent whenever it serves their purposes. Balboa Island
has a Ferry to the peninsula, A cute little Clubhouse, A Main
Street with shops, two major cross streets, one of which has
lovely trees. Balboa Island even has funny street names for
various stones and crystals....Like; Diamond, Garnet and even
Crystal. They have Little Balboa Island and Big!
Anyway, they had a nice turnout down at City Hall last night
according to the Daily Plot, all about "Undergrounding".
They had a whole bunch down there on one side saying: "Too
expensive!" and the other group saying: "Too ridiculous!"
In any event, the patriotic thing to do for Balboa Island is:
Underground your utilities! My goodness, on one hand they
contend that they are "elitist status which deserves the best".
Like their expensive Fire Station, an Annual City Wide July
attended Parade, Three Boat Parades, Three fix up your homes
for the holiday events, a business improvement district and
even a bridge! They have yachts, they have sea walls, they
have beautiful homes on North and South Bayfront. They have
cute little houses and wonderful little streets in the middle.
What is wrong with doing away with all those drooping
telephone and power lines? "The Cost, you idiot!" they do
protest! $5,000 dollars to $35,000 each. Well, what we
might mention is that this could be the only time that
anyone will be able to refinance their homes for quite some
time during these tough economic times! They might even get
lucky and get a reduction in their current monthly payments.
Hey, this could be a lot more complex than most thought..huh?
Well, we stand firmly for "undergrounding" all utilities in
Newport Beach. We are supposed to be a wealthy, intelligent,
beautiful city that invites travelers and visitors from all
around the world. We are not San Francisco....we need our
utilities "undergrounded".
We invite your comments....
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