Funny stuff...when you think about it. Hank Paulson, Ben
Bernanke and most of the Republican leadership....all voted
for the first $700 Billion dollar giveaway. The money has
gone down the big black hole of Wall Street. Bank mergers
became all the Vogue. Investment Banks all wanted to go
as regular....banks! Bank of America is about $65 Billion
under right now....after getting $35 Billion from the TARP.
The list of who got what and when is Top Secret Information.
Even the FBI, CIA and IRS haven't figured out where all this
cash went off too!
Our dearly departed Republican Majority/Minority has switched
without premise from "Go Bail Kill the Bail
Out!" David Drier and John Campbell are touting the
negatives this time as opposed to their first time back in
September of 2008. What has changed? Isn't this $900 Billion
dollar Obama bail out...just Bush Light? Hey, they have a
motivated Inspector General guy...they have rules....they
have "earmarks"! They have programs to fix bridges, and of
course infrastructure and secure jobs - something wrong with
The Republicans are saying: "Tax Cuts!" Whew, that's new!
When did they come up with that issue? 1979? OK, maybe 1959
when Goldwater ran...maybe after 1964..with Wallace. All in
all....this is not exactly new news is it? Our economy is
on its knees.....this Bail Out package is more or less
designed to Bail Out....States, Counties and some of the
larger cities who are verging on the edge of a cliff.
California is supposed to get about $8 Billion up front
cash...which will still leave them about $34 billion upside
down. It might be enough however to pay citizens their
State Tax refunds...rather than offering those lovely IOU's!
So, here we are in a World Economy that is about $163
Trillion dollars short. Commercial and Real Estate values
that need to be written down to be sure that
stability will work. The jobs plan has to be to keep the
infrastructure of the nation, state and municipalities
able to continue. All will be forced in the near term to
reduce the size of government about 30%.
We have entered Post-Communist Russia "Shock Therapy". As
the Republicans change their allegiances from the bankers
the ones that are left) to the out of work citizen...buyers
should beware! The devils are always in the details.
One thing is certain: We need to keep every elected's feet
to the fire! We want results...and we want them now! Save
your partisan tripe for when you get back to your district.
One last word of advice: It will be better to find
solutions than to require the voters to seek one!
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