Saxby Chambliss is an elegant man of the south! Saxby is
arguably the atypical image of the "Idle Rich" with a Mint
Julep in his hand and his lovely bride of 50 years by his
side. Saxby comes from the great State of Georgia. Georgia
where the Confederate Flag still waved proudly until April
12th, 2000! Of course Mississippi still has the Stars and
Bars on their flag....sort of an embarrassment to Georgians
who believe "they" are still the voice of the south!
OK, there has been much made of the Victory last night of
the good "Saxby" over the powers of "darkness" and Saxby
did win by close to a 53% to 47% margin over his Democratic
rival. But Saxby pulled out every card in the deck: from
Sarah Palin, Rudy Guiliani, Mike Huckabee, Sean Hannity
......hey, the whole shooting match as it were! We even
think that Mitt Romney had to make an appearance. Pretty
daring for ultra conservative Georgia! But this was an
attack on the "Mint Julep" attack on the "whiteness
of the south"! How could anyone hold back all the soldiers
for the great Republican Party?
In all actualities, Saxby is a pretty mushy "Conservative
Voice of the South". He had to be just to get a few minority
votes! Is Saxby a RINO? Hey, this is politics, the South,
and who in the world would ever know. The truth of the matter
is that the Republican Party is "hurtin for certin". Having
to sell out to Moderate voices in order to get money to run
has been a huge malfunction of the Republican Party. Their
first big mistake was to marginalize the Evangelical wing of
the party. "They" literally took them for granted and stated
vividly: "Where else are they going to go?" Well, "they"
quickly opted out for - "Independent" and "Decline to State"
status. The few bucks in their wallets dried up quick too!
Then came the ever present support to the 2nd Amendment
people. "They" figured if they just got the Supreme Court to
make a ruling..everything would validate the credit for the
Republican party. Of course they then quickly get local
politicos to restrict CCW's and the like for all of us. Again,
a "New Majority" misstep! Hey, but you have to follow the
money right? Then what about all of us that want our Border's
Secure? Nah ...pick a real softy on Amnesty and no one is
going to care about that in a down economy anyway ...will
they? The list goes on.....but let us say that our new
President Elect is "looking good". He is promising not to
raise our taxes right off, not take our guns away - right off
and make sure that Churches can keep their "tax protections"
for the time being.
The reality is that the "so-called" Most Liberal Member of
the United States Senate has stolen the Republican thunder
...ripped it right off the Elephant Party Platform! "Pragmatic
proposals for a pragmatic life!" How about a "Apologists
proposal for apologists greedy life!" Karl Rove, Sean Hannity,
Bill O'Reilly, Newt Gingrich or Grover Norquist may not be
quite as smart as the entire Republican Party had once had
thought! Even the likes of Bill Bennett, Peggy Noonan and
Pat Buchanan were looking with a very jaundice the
2008 goings on! When you get those Jesuits "eyeballing" your could be a sharp message....that you could be
in big trouble - and so we were!
Well, we are in trouble as Republicans and we have a lot of
trash to get off the table to sort out our party. We have
an immense amount of outreach to do when it comes to Latinos,
Asians and Blacks. We need to identify the smartest of the
lot and bring them into the fold! We need to "bleach our party"
of Liberal Tom Kuechel and Earl Warren Democrats in Republican
clothing! We need to go back to basics. Oh sure we can be
forgiving of minority report lifestyles, but we cannot fall
prey to Legislation in that regard. We can be even greatly
forgiving of those hooked on drugs...alcohol or prescription
drugs.....but we certainly cannot be soft on violent crime,
child abuse or terrorism.
The list of things we will do as Republicans that differs from
Democrats needs to be addressed now and in great detail. The
longer we wait, the worse it will get. We might need a group
that creates an "100% Republican" website! Where people can
go to see "how Republican" those that they vote for really are.
In any event, Saxby Chambliss might be the last Republican ever
voted into office....unless we change our ways. Sarah Palin is
not the answer......we need more not less! We need kind not
mean! We need smart not apologetic! "OK Saxby, Congratulations
from Orange County, California! - make sure you turn out the
lights when you leave!"
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