The sunny weather today for the Balboa Island Parade
was fabulous. The turnout was huge and the likes of
Supervisor John Moorlach and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore
dotted the landscape of the parade route. City Council
members included: Leslie Daigle, Nancy Gardner, Keith
Curry and Steve Rosansky. Even Judge Steve Bromberg
and Newport's own City Manager Homer Bludau....were
highlighted in their own specially marked vehicles.
Having not attended the Balboa Parade for several years was certainly a joy to experience the festive
environment. Dogs, kids and even the Trojan Marching
Band...(well, at least 25 members that is!).
We stood there with our "Time for a Change" - Barack
Obama T-Shirts which we got in Chicago recently. It
was truly amazing to see the dark clouds over everyone's we walked through the crowd. Hey, we wanted
to say: "We are George and Laura Bush supporters!" We
still love George and Laura and Dick and Lynne Cheney!!
We don't care how many people cast our President into
the dust bin of history so quickly! He brought honor
to the office...and nothing anyone can say about Laura
or the kids...will every change our minds or our caring
appreciation for their service to our country.
So, what's the deal? When we wear Obama T-Shirts then
everyone "freaks out" and can't believe their own eyes?
As Ronald Reagan once said about the Democratic Party:
"They left me...I didn't leave them!" As die hard
Rudy Giuliani supporters....once Rudy was unselected
and relegated to campaign history...we were left without
a candidate to choose from. To be sure...we along with
Ann Coulter and other "Conservatives" can not and will
not vote for John McCain.
You can call us anything..but certainly not traitors
to our own values! We believe that the Bush Tax Cuts
should remain permanent. We believe that we should stay
in Iraq until we win. We believe that Heathcare should
not be a government program or one that run by Federal
or State bureaucracies. We believe government should not
be making laws regarding 1st, 2nd, 4th or 5th Amendment
rights! We believe that if we vote for Obama....if that
is ....and that he chooses someone other than Hillary...
our nation will be no worse off...than electing a very
untrustworthy McCain or Hillary Clinton person!
The days of "hold your nose and vote" are over. We
still support all our old Republican pals; DeVore, Curry,
Moorlach...who by the way refused to acknowledge us -
except Keith Curry...who said: "You've changed!" and
we responded..."No, we have always been - who we are!"
Independent and looking for those who will protect,
defend and honor our Republic.
So, dear is gut check time. Are all of us
"Conservative Republicans" going to be relegated to being
supervised and managed by the New Majority? Or, are we
going to remain the Independent, caring and Conservative
members of the Republican Party - that can think on their
own, once in a while?
Oh, and what about our support for Barack Obama? These
are special times and we have special choices in 2008!
We will certainly put his feet to the much as
any Republican so-called Conservative...along the way!
And to all our old Republican pals: The campaign of 2008
does not have to be strident, mean spirited or upsetting.
It could actually be: "A new beginning for the Republican
Party!" and we hope you will join us - in being a small
part of that future! As the Trojan Marching band said
today at the Balboa Island Parade: "Fight On"!
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