Doing my basic headline scanning during my morning routine, I came across a gem of a headline:
"Public vomiting tips off undercover police."
So many thoughts going through my head...
I guess times have changed since the Roman Empire when Vomitoriums where not just common, but accepted.
and I suppose that if people were puking in the parking lot of a restaurant, not just the Police Department would be tipped off but also the Health Department?
and find me any bar, on any Friday or Saturday night, that someone isn't puking in the alley behind it.
I mean, my buddy who used to live behind an alley shared by a Restaurant and a Bar would see someone vomiting in the bushes, on the street, or on his parked car every weekend.
Since when did it become suspicious?
It's actually expected on the weekends around the Balboa Peninsula bars.
Anyway, I'm sure the Daily Pilot article has be leaving stuff out because having the Police watch people do illegal and non-illegal activities in a parking lot is a bit interesting...since when is the Restaurant/Bar really responsible for what people do in their parking lot AFTER they leave their establishment?
An undercover Police Officer saw a bunch a dudes "ingesting a narcotic substance" in the parking lot.
Ok...they weren't doing it in the restaurant right?
Is someone working in the Restaurant selling the narcotic substance? Now that would be a story right?
And were those guys arrested by the undercover Officer, or was the Use Permit investigation more important?
Anyway, when did the Police Department start sending out Undercover Police Officers to restaurants suspected of violating their Use Permits?
I thought the Police is for investigating crimes? Real crimes.
If I start doing lines in Von's/Pavilions parking lot after I go shopping, I guess by that logic, Von's should be responsible for my actions? I mean, that Von's parking is pretty big.
I guess the only thing the restaurant should do differently is post a security guard in their parking lot, sort of like the one Rudy's Pub and Grille had to do to stop the public vomiting and urination in the alley behind it.
I suppose if public parking lot urination and vomiting helps restaurants lose their use permits, then EVERY restaurant in America better build more restrooms, which themselves would need to remain open for hours after the restaurants close, as to prevent people, who still have to pee or vomit, from doing so in their parking lots.
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