Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Comprehensive Restaurant Closure Reports

I must say that the OCRegister has done a great job in their latest series of articles regarding restaurant closures.

Those who read this blog know my obsession with the County of Orange's Restaurant Closure list.

And those who go out to eat on a regular basis need to be VERY aware of what restaurants get closed down and for what reason.

And while I've been focusing on Newport Beach restaurants, I thought it would be nice to also start focusing on Orange County restaurants.

Being involved in the restaurant business for many years, I know first hand how difficult it is to get a temporary Health permit suspended.

So having their Health permit suspended...well...the cockroach literally has to walk up to the inspector and say Hi.

Anyway, here's the

O.C. restaurants with most permit suspensions.


O.C. restaurants with highest number of major violations

Fortunately, not too many Newport Beach restaurants on either list.


Cleanest O.C. restaurants

Take notice that the Arches is at the top of that Cleanest OC Restaurants list (someone at the Register must really like Dan Marcheano...but then again...who doesn't)

Here's the original article from the OC Register.

Very interesting stuff.

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