Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What happens when they tear down your signs?

So what is it? A flap, a brouhaha...or just plain silly? The
latest rigmarole regarding Pro-B supporters having their signs
stolen or removed has been countered by the Anti-B supporters
that are claiming the same thing.

Since we have more than a passing experience with political our 5 runs for City Council...we can say with
some authority....that emotions, mean spirits, rude behavior,
moments of opportunity, political strategy, retribution and
other assorted issues may come into play....before election
night, when it comes to the display of signs!

Sometimes, there is a pure compulsion..that takes hold of our
our normally capable senses. You see that name..that position
..that color...and you just go off the rails. You slam on the
brakes with full effort...jump out of the car and either pull
down the offending "bad guy banner"...or in some cases rip it
to shreds! Thank goodness - it doesn't happen that often.

You see there are real tactical, strategic and psychological
concepts to the placement of political signage. The strong
and busy thorough fares are natural choices. Places that see
literally thousands cars and eyes every hour of the day. Some
are placed high....some way high.....some at street level....
some in bushes..some attached to trees, telephone poles, fences
next to Electrical Power Stations, some on Commercial Real
Estate property that are for Lease or Sale, empty businesses
(we used the Port Theatre and put our signs behind the glass
displays no one could reach) some on-going businesses with
owners that support your position, homes and assorted busy
traffic and the edges of strip malls, the
post offices, near markets....and many places that simply defy
amazement and logic.

So, when someone drives by the other guys sign.....say 10 or
12 starts to get bugging. Many times, Candidates
have been caught tearing down their opponents signage. Many
times, the kids of candidates and their supporters have been
caught either putting up signs or tearing others down. There
is always a lot of swearing and upset by the offended party.
The police are called, sometimes even Citizen Arrests are
instigated. Bob and Sallie Dornan actually caught the husband
of Loretta Sanchez...tearing down Dornan signs and Dornan
tried the Citizens Arrest route...and he did wind up with
the offending party..paying a small fine!

So, what about this Measure "B"? Like it or lump it.....we
are going to support the we guess we will be voting
against Measure "B". Seems like those from the other side
have appropriated several large expensive signs from along Mac
Arthur Blvd., San Joaquin Road and the 73 Tollway. We have no
clue as to what was legal there or whether removing them was
a crime. We do know this. If you come to the dance
....expect to hear music!

So,good luck to both parties....and if you happen to see someone
knock down a sign....pick up that cell phone and do what you
think is right. Maybe call your kids....maybe call the cops...
maybe just call the other side and tell them what you saw!

Otherwise, just follow your own conscious to the Park or the
City Hall...whatever you like best! We support dogs in parks..
not politicians and bureaucrats...but what do we know?

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