If that Newport Harbor/MTV show wasn't enough to make people laugh at Newport Beach, the LA Times decided it wanted to focus some more on us...
"It's surf, sun, sand and -- sobriety?"
Here are some classic quotes from the article:
"We can't hide them behind the oleanders of Betty Ford [Center] any longer," he (Bill Swiney, Sober Living by the Sea's executive director) said. "We're trying to give them a support system so they can live in any environment. We want them to be able to walk right by the bars."
Yeah, nothing better than to tempt RECOVERING ALCOHOLICS than having BARS WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE!!!!
I guess they won't be able to get anymore DUIs if they walk to the bars once (I'm sorry...if) they fall off the wagon...
Michael Cunningham, chief deputy director of the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs, said California does not want a limit on recovery facilities. "We actually need more treatment facilities in the state, not less," he said.
So, we know where the State stands. GIVE US MORE, MORE, MORE!!!
And last, my favorite quote
The anticipated legal fight has turned cities throughout the state into avid spectators, said Laguna Beach City Manager Ken Frank.
"We definitely have group homes in residential neighborhoods; we definitely get complaints about it, and we definitely can't do anything about it," he said. "As you might suspect, we'll be watching this."
Coastal cities up and down the coast will undoubtedly be watching...watching how the glut of lawsuits to follow will tear up a nice and quiet Coastal Community.
Add that to the Millions of dollars which will be spent (borrowed) to build the New White Elephant (new fancy City Hall, for those who don't know...), the millions of dollars which will be spent to save the Newport Bay from a non-dredging future, and the millions of dollars which will be spent to try to extend and defend the John Wayne Settlement Agreement.
Good thing Property Values keep going up so the City will have an increasing base of Property Tax revenues...
Our future is bright.
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