The Orange County Register has an very interesting article regarding a report by two Costa Mesa Police Officers discussing the successes with the Illegal Immigration/Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement program.
Here's some good parts of the article:
"In a new report to be publicly discussed Tuesday, police Lts. Allen Huggins and Tim Schennum say that 422 arrestees have been identified as potential illegal immigrants subject to deportation from Jan. 1 through Sept. 30."
"Roughly 35 percent of those detained for immigration violations first were arrested for felonies. While some are violent felonies, such as robbery and assault, arrests for possession of a controlled substance are by far the most common serious offense."
"About 65 percent of the cases involve misdemeanors, most often DUI or vehicle code violations."
Sitting in Newport Beach, I remember the furor about Mayor Allan Mansoor's plan. He was called racist, that, although he is the son of Immigrants (LEGAL), he was singling out the Hispanic population and trying to whitewash Costa Mesa.
But I couldn't really understand the uproar. I mean, Illegal Immigration tells you in the name of the word the main problem.
It's illegal.
That by itself means that our police should enforce it right?
Allowing Illegal Immigrants to stay in this Country is a kick in the face to those Immigrants who came here Legally (like my parents, or even like the Governor of California)
And even our Local Police should be trained in all things which are against the law right?
Especially if Costa Mesa is averaging almost 47 arrests per month dealing with Illegal Immigrants.
But I guess people in Costa Mesa didn't feel like it's a law which should be enforced? Which is why there was soo much uproar? appears as though the program is working.
Our Newport Beach Police Department is one of the highest paid in the County now (thanks largely to a very active Police Union during the 2006 City Council Elections).
Shouldn't they be set up and trained to enforce ALL of the laws and not just the politically correct ones?
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