Friday, November 30, 2007

Who Loves Ya! Apparently Only One Person...

So, as I was going through my morning reads, I first saw this from

SD35 Watch: Tom Harman Seeking Re-Election

Ok, makes sense, why wouldn't he?

And with all the rumors running around that State Senator Harman will be facing a Primary Opponent (for the first time) in Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, it kind of makes sense that Tom would announce early.

In conjunction (or coincidentally) with his announcement, he held an Open House at his District Office in Costa Mesa, and guess what...

The Daily Pilot article says it all:

Harman hosts meeting to one attendee, leaves early

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

And the one person wasn't even a constituent as much as she was a business interest.

Now that's funny.

But it brings me to this question.

Does the Daily Pilot have it out for State Senator Tom Harman?

I mentioned it before from this Daily Pilot article.

The Daily Pilot set him up to look bad in that article.

I asked former Daily Pilot political writer Alicia Robinson about it. She had no comment...

It just seems like at the beginning of his re-election campaign, the LAST thing he would need would be the Press announcing that:

Harman hosts meeting to one attendee, leaves early.

Doesn't look like a good running start to his re-election campaign huh?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hmmm...No Parking Sign Old or New?

Before Councilwoman Leslie Daigle pats herself on her back too much for "defeating" an Airport Parking Lot where the Newport Beach Golf Course goes:

"It demonstrated the power of the Internet as a tool for political activism," said Councilwoman Leslie Daigle, noting that hundreds of residents sent e-mails to elected officials decrying the plan."

Perhaps she should have actually spoken with County Supervisor John Moorlach who says in his MOORLACH UPDATE - Daily Pilot - November 29, 2007,

"Secondly, speaking of JWA, it owns the bottom-nine holes of the Newport Beach Golf Course. The City of Newport Beach preferred a Lexus dealership over an Avis Rental Car parking lot (God bless the power of sales tax revenues) and we now have a shortage of locations for car rental agencies to inventory their vehicles near the airport. Our Airport Director, Alan Murphy, should provide the Board of Supervisors about alternatives and solutions. I encourage a “best and brightest” philosophy and I also encourage a “let managers manage” approach for our County’s management team. So, when Alan Murphy says that the bottom-nine holes may be a solution, we said early on that it would not be advisable. However, we still wanted him to provide all of the alternatives, as a good manager should. But, the private sector should probably solve its own problems and not put them on the door step of the airport.

Somehow, this keeps coming up, unnecessarily, as an issue for reporters to comment on. Expect another article tomorrow in the Register. Somehow, Barbara Venezia has figured out this story and has exemplified the “best and brightest” approach in managing this issue in her role as the Chair of the Santa Ana Heights Project Advisory Committee."

Gee...looks like to me that this was already a done deal in Supervisor Moorlach's mind that the golf course was not going to be used for Airport Parking.

But, as Barbara Venezia points out:

"She’s (Leslie Daigle) still trying to resurrect that issue even though Supervisor John Moorlach appeared at a City Council meeting this summer reiterating there was no support for such a project and no plans for it."

Maybe Councilwoman Daigle should champion (coat-tail) another issue which has not already been decided?

Running Rumors

Rumors are just...rumors...and as a victim of some doozies in the past, I only take them at face value.

Taking a cue from Barbara Venezia's Daily Pilot "hit piece" against Councilwoman Leslie Daigle...

I've heard the same rumors that Councilwoman Daigle is positioning herself to be the next Mayor Pro-Tem for Newport Beach at the December City Council meeting.

Other Councilmembers in the running would the be the obvious (Councilman Keith Curry) and the not-so-obvious (I even heard Councilwoman Nancy Gardner...), but all Leslie needs to do is count to four and she's in.

And what does that mean?

Mayor Pro-Tem in 2008, which typically leads to Mayor in 2009 (can you imagine her speech for the Mayor's Dinner? Oh boy...check out this and this for "samples.")

Now...this would set her up for something which has been an extremely loud rumor for the past three years.

This is a rumor I've heard from many very very prominent folks in Newport Beach, but remember, it's just a rumor.

Councilwoman Daigle supposedly has her eyes on Assemblyman Chuck DeVore's seat, which currently terms out in 2010.

Now, there a LOTS and LOTS of variables which need to happen before this could work:

1. If Assemblyman DeVore runs against State Senator Tom Harman (another rumor) and wins, the mad scramble would happen to fill the seat earlier, and I don't think Leslie would be ready soo soon.

2. Some how, some way, the Term Limits extension could happen up in Sacramento, at which then Assemblyman DeVore's seat wouldn't come up in 2010.

3. Since the 70th Assembly District includes Irvine, Tustin, Laguna Woods, and Lake Forest, the many many voters of Irvine, Tustin, Laguna Woods, and Lake Forest would have to conveniently forget that Newport Beach fought tooth and nail in favor of destroying their neighborhoods with the El Toro International Airport. Linking Leslie Daigle to that sentiment wouldn't be very difficult.

4. Since a majority of the 70 Assembly District includes Irvine, the many many voters of Irvine would have to conveniently forget who spearheaded the lawsuits against the City of Irvine and the developments at the Irvine Business District.

5. The very Conservative Voters of the 70 Assembly District would have to conveniently forget Leslie's moderate leanings (Example - enthusiastic support and votes in favor of giving the Police and Fire Unions everything they ask). Leslie would have to try to "out conservative" other rumored candidates (Tustin Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Amante and Laguna Beach Councilwoman Elizabeth Pearson-Schneider). Either that or hope for those two Conservatives to split the vote and let Leslie "slide" right in.

If all these stars align, and we get Assemblywoman Daigle, I would then only blame one person.

Barbara Venezia.

Yes, Barbara Venezia would be to blame.

You see, a few years back, the Republican Party of OC and the California Republican Party started going after Local Elected Offices, rallying around the cry that if "They had stopped a then-unknown Barbara Boxer when she ran for the Marin County Board of Supervisors, we wouldn't now have a US Senator Barbara Boxer!"

The Republican Party of OC and the California Republican Party started looking at the Local Elected Offices as "farm teams."

If Barbara Venezia would have not dropped out of her 2006 City Council bid, we probably wouldn't have had a Councilwoman Daigle, nor a Mayor Pro-Tem Daigle, no Mayor Daigle, and certainly no Assemblywoman Daigle.

And because Leslie is nice, non-threatening, and has the ability to raise BIG dollars, that might just happen...

Then her only battle would be against History.

100 years old and the City of Newport Beach has NEVER sent a Council member to a higher elected office (Sen. Marian Bergeson was on the School Board).

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

John Moorlach E-Newsletter - John Wayne Airport Agenda Item - December 4, 2007

This might be something worth tracking...

From County Supervisor John Moorlach's E-Newsletter today.

I hope you had a restful Thanksgiving weekend.

Below is the only John Wayne Airport agenda item on next week’s agenda.


Approve agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for design and construction services for Parking Access and Revenue Control System ($1,085,539); and make California Environmental Quality Act findings - District 2

I would appreciate any counsel or advice you may have.

I don’t always get to my e-mails everyday, so if you have a serious concern and you don’t receive an e-mail response from me, then please call my office at 714-834-3220 and leave a message for me or for Mario Mainero, my Chief of Staff.

With deep appreciation for your interest,

John M. W. Moorlach, C.P.A., CFP®

Orange County Supervisor, Second District

Home Protection - Joe Horn/Texas Edition

Yes, I know, Pasadena Texas is very, very far away from sunny Newport Beach, but what happened certainly affects everyone who feels that we have the right to protect themselves and their neighbors at all costs.

Here's the rundown.

61 year old Joe Horn sees his neighbor's house being burgled in broad daylight.

He grabs his shotgun.

He calls 911

The 911 dispatcher tells him to stay inside and that the cops were coming.

He tells the 911 dispatcher that the burglars were leaving the house with bags.

He tells the 911 dispatcher that he can't wait for the cops to show up.

He loads his shotgun.

He tells the two burglars to stop.

The two burglars don't and come towards him.

He shoots them both dead.

He calls 911 back to tell them to send someone over quickly.

To listen to the 911 tape playback, click here.

To read a good article on it, click here.

Under Texas law, people may use deadly force to protect their own property or to stop arson, burglary, robbery, theft or criminal mischief at night.

Talk about a deterrent.

Fascinating stuff, and could actually happen anywhere.

Joe Horn should be commended as a hero.

DUI from the Past

As I've mentioned before, one of my obsessive compulsive behaviors is to regularly check the Daily Pilot's DUI Arrest reports.

This week has a name which former Mayor Jan DeBay would recognize from one of her City Council campaigns. It's also a somewhat familiar name for those involved with the Republican Party of OC.

It's the holiday season, and the Newport Beach Police Department is definitely kicking up it's DUI enforcement efforts (here and here).

Although, "These people have been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of an intoxicant. They are considered innocent until proved guilty."

They are lucky they didn't crash into or kill anyone, or themselves (if they are lucky).

For the sake of mine and your families, take a cab?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

City Employee Pay Rates

So I went to the City of Newport Beach's website to pay a parking ticket when I just happened to see this, which lists every City position and it's pay range.

Interesting thing?

A Regular Councilman gets $13,790.41 a year.

The Mayor gets $19,565.10 a year.

I hear the Councilmembers spend an average of 30-40 hours a week working on City stuff, while the Mayor, in speaking with him, as well as some former Mayors, average 40-50 hours a week.

Which is probably heavier than normal due to the City Hall/Albatross/White Elephant debate and the Sober Living/Rehab Home issue.

But still, can you imagine working a "normal" job, then having to work on City Council stuff, then having to deal with family?

Not enough time in the day.

Can't say they do it for the money...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Losing Days and Years

Once I asked an E.B. White scholar why White's essay, "Once More to the Lake," is so much anthologized and taught, and he answered: Because it's the best essay in the English language. Or something to that effect. Which may be why I'm calling it to mind. I guess a great piece of writing is one that you call to mind to encapsulate your own experiences, among other things. White writes about going to the lake in the summer as a boy and going back as a father, and that slippage that happens in which everything about the place seems eternal, and he doesn't know any more if he's the boy or the father or what year it is. That same feeling is in Thorton Wilder's "Long Christmas Dinner." It all takes place at, well, a Christmas dinner table, and it's populated by generations of a family. The members grow old and die (walk offstage) and different ones (who look more or less the same) come to the table and grow older. Some repeat the phrases of the elders. When we come together for a holiday, the same place, the same people (more or less), it's like one long event, punctuated by your life outside. Last week I stayed at the preposterously spelled Hilton Lincoln Centre in Dallas, which used to be the Double Tree, just like I've gone for we don't remember how many years. At the gargantuan buffet there was the same ice sculpture of a turkey and the same thawed shrimp and crab claws as in years past, and I remembered my great-aunt E heaping her plate with shrimp, and others remembered our cousin C piling everything on his plate, back before he became glatt kosher and stopped eating *anything* in non-kosher places. It was gradual: He'd just eat vegetables, and then just drink water, and then just come and not ingest anything. Aunt E died several years ago, and, eerily, after she died, I received a new year's card from her. Inside was a note from her daughter explaining that she'd found it on her mother's desk. C is still alive and well, but in Israel this year with his new bride. He called while we were at table, and the phone was passed around. After dinner together Friday night at a place called Celebration, which I claimed never to have set foot in before, and which everyone said I'd been to, some of us went back to the hotel. One of the little cousins, M, said he remembered when the hotel had large ceramic lions. I do, too. The place is decorated now in wavy-line Retro, but used to be Large-Scale Asian, which was rather attractive and plush but absurd. When it was the Double Tree, we used to get a dense chocolate chip cookie at check-in. When we were sitting in the lobby and talking, M and his brothers were telling stories about their father, and they seemed to be the same age their father was when we were sitting downstairs at dinner not that many years ago. But it's not the memories that unnerve me; it's the gaps in memory. I don't have clear memories of the last Thanksgiving I spent in Dallas. Two years ago I went with L to his mother's. The year before that, I spent many fruitless hours at O'Hare waiting and finally took a taxi home at about 4am. My bag, on the other hand, made a round trip to Dallas. The year before that? I must have been in Dallas. Was that when the Hilton was the Double Tree? I don't remember. Or was that the year we met in Houston? That year my little cousin (first cousin once removed) J was a freshman at Harvard. He just graduated in May so that was 2003. My last Dallas Thanksgiving had to have been five years ago. Then there were bar mitzvahs in Dallas, which feel the same, more or less, as the Thanksgivings, same basic players. My father's side of the family meets in Houston on the other feasting holiday, Passover. The memories of those gatherings overlap, too. We take pictures so that we'll remember. Photos as aides-memoires. You always hear statistics like: people only use one-tenth or one-fifth or 2 percent of their brain capacities. Does that mean that we have the capacity to remember more than we do? I used to know everyone in my senior class of about 750. I wonder if I'd looked at our very horizontal class picture every day, would I still recall everyone's name? The real question is, Why would I want to?


I guess what would you expect in a City full of Attorneys, and former Attorneys.

Here's the headline, "Newport Beach sued over City Hall ballot measure."

Essentially, Community Activist/Former City Council Candidate/Balboa Island Ferry co-owner Allan Beek is suing his own City in an effort to get the City Hall in the Park initiative off the ballot, saying where the City Hall goes is only a decision a City Council can make...

Hmmm...I wonder where he stood on the Greenlight Initiative...which essentially takes away decisions on certain projects from the City Council and gives it to the voters...

I suppose the City Council can decide on some things, but on others they cannot be trusted?

It must depend on which side of the City Council decision one sits...

I guess this notion doesn't run in the family as Allan believes Parks are Priceless, while the rest of his family don't...

Note - Glad to see our Million Dollar City Attorney's office finally getting involved again...

Newport Harbor Republican Women Luncheon

I know Bill Christiansen and he'll do a great job steering the California Republican Party, which has been struggling, into the "Right" direction.

Newport Harbor Republican Women Luncheon
Thursday, November 29th - Five Crowns Restaurant
Guest Speaker
BILL CHRISTIANSEN, Chief Operating Officer,
Republican Party of California
Bill Christiansen serves as statewide director of the largest State Republican Party in the country, where he directs day-to-day operations and financial management of the California Republican Party.
Shop til you drop at the "Unique Boutique" before and after the meeting.

PCH at Poppy, Corona del Mar
Social Hour 11:30 a.m., Lunch 11:45
For questions or reservations, please call Sue Bennitt at (949) 644-0539.

The Ed Who Would Become Mayor

So who's on tap to be the next Mayor of Newport Beach?

My bet is on Mayor Pro-Tem Ed Selich.

Here's a guy who has successfully stayed under the radar this past year regarding the Sober Living/Rehab Home Issue and the City Hall fight, which have made Mayor Steve Rosansky's life somewhat exciting.

I bet most people probably didn't even know Ed Selich was Mayor Pro-Tem.

Here's some background on our future Mayor.

He was appointed the Newport Beach City Council when then-Mayor Steve Bromberg was appointed Judge.

He was on the Planning Commission for 10 years.

He shows up to meetings on his Harley.

He likes to send multiple pictures of his new Motorcycles to people (who have to get rid of theirs)

He's responsible for turning Downtown Huntington Beach into Pink Stucco.

He's pretty involved in his District, as well as in Corona Del Mar.

He's a good guy.

He's smart (lucky?) enough to time his Mayor rotation to his re-election year, and if his 2006 opponent is any indication (Robert Schoonmaker was neither for nor against Greenlight II) to his likability, Ed probably won't have an opponent in 2008.

Hail to the Mayor.

And welcome to the White-Hot spotlight. You've enjoyed the quiet for too long now.

Where's the Time Gone

The Mayor's job is to be the Figure Head of the Newport Beach City Council.

When the press comes calling, he/she's supposed to be the one to answer.

When there's a ribbon to be cut, or a proclamation to be made, he/she's the person.

After all, the Mayor is the only one of the 7 to get their own office in City Hall.

Well, Steve Rosansky's year as Mayor is coming to a close. As you can see by the silly poll above, it's been a good year to be Mayor...

He started off the fireworks by announcing at the Mayor's Dinner (held by Speak Up Newport and Debra Allen) that he had changed his mind about the location of City Hall and that City Hall should be placed behind the Library, on land which was previously dedicated as Parkland.

I think Debra Allen's head exploded (yes, figuratively) during Mayor Rosansky's speech...

He then continued by the War of Words between him and Councilman Keith Curry.

That was fun.

And now the "Conflict of Interest" issues with the Sober Living/Rehab Home issues, which were more Rumors and Accusations than truth (Yes, I believe that while Mayor Rosansky had some "apparent" mis-steps, he had NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST)

He's been a busy Mayor, but I think he's done a good job overall in a tough non-election year.

Just imagine if the Mayor post was an elected one...

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I went to Dallas for Thanksgiving, where my great-grandfather settled for reasons lost to the mists of time. He was a blacksmith. There will be a family reunion there around Xmas, and for some reason I can't remember I exhorted all my relatives to attend. Now in order to show good faith, I need to go, too. I tried to recall why I wanted to go, aside from finding out about cancer in the family, but I don't think there's much interest in that. I probably don't need it, since I don't have that gene mutation. Anyway, I realized the reason I want to go is to find out why Great-grandfather Max R ended up in Dallas. There was the very strangely-named Industrial Removal Office, which existed to remove Jews from New York City. It was founded by German Jews who were afraid that if there were too many greenhorn Eastern European Jewish riffraff (such as my ancestors) around the city, speaking Yiddish, gesticulating, and being Orthodox, they would destroy all the hard-won assimilation points that the earlier immigrants had earned. (OK, they also wanted the new immigrants to have jobs.) This is how the removal service worked: Agents of the IRO would travel around the hinterlands and find out what sort of workers were needed in various towns. Maybe Atlanta needed a cobbler and three tailors. The guy would report back to New York, which would send out a new immigrant cobbler and three tailors post-haste. The IRO was founded in 1901, which was after Max R had settled in Dallas, so the records of the IRO won't help us. Maybe the other R relatives at the reunion will know something. My aunt said that she heard that the Rs set out for the Far West from Texas in Conestoga wagons, that the Rs were the scouts at the head of the line. This is laughable, considering that our family motto is Not So Fast. But maybe the ones who went West were fast, and left the cautious ones behind. We shall see. I am more timid than most of my friends, but to my family, I'm Amelia Earhart. I came North at 18, thinking it was East. It took me several years and as many plane rides to realize that Chicago and New York City were not in the same region.

These are the little cousins, the ones a generation in front of (behind?) me. Some of them are ruby- and white-eyed from the flash. Three little cousins weren't there. In the napkin-covered baskets are squares of excellent corn bread--not sweet like the Yankee style.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Give Thanks.

The past week or so have been extremely angry and accusatory, especially towards Mayor Steve Rosansky and his "involvement" with a Sober Living/Rehab Home.

This, of course, was an accumulation of frustration and anger towards the proliferation of these Sober Living/Rehab Homes which have filled the Balboa Peninsula (which isn't Mayor Rosansky's City Council District, so I wonder why absolutely NO VENOM has been directed towards the guy who represented the Peninsula for 8 years, who had to recuse himself from Sober Living by the Sea discussions during City Council meetings, and who possibly is much more responsible than any of the "Accused" responsible parties...)

So since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, perhaps the anger, resentment, and distrust can be lifted for just one day.

The one day where the Federal Government tells us to Give Thanks for what we have.

Being a Historian by nature, check out the history of Thanksgiving here.

Here's what President George Washington wrote in his Thanksgiving Proclamation in 1789,

"Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country...for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed...and also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions—to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually...To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us—and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best."

President Abraham Lincoln later changed the date of Thanksgiving to the last Thursday in November, while President FDR changed it to the fourth Thursday of November in 1939.

But perhaps the best reason for Giving Thanks?

That you are not a Turkey...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

War Scars/Bartleby and Bontshe

Yesterday I had a meeting with two people whom I knew, but not that well. One of them had had cancer and would always ask me, in routine e-mail correspondence, how I was doing. I would always ask her about her former cancer and she wouldn't answer. But yesterday we started talking about our cancers, comparing acupuncturists and port scars and oncologists. She told me about misdiagnoses and general mishandling of her disease at Central University Hospital, we'll call it. She had a rare form of cancer that only men in their sixties and seventies are supposed to get. She was quite ready to talk about her treatment. Now it's been six years and she's out of the danger zone, apparently. I had a student who had breast cancer, ran a marathon a few years later and then a year later (this year) I heard she was dying. I sent her a card. I was too uneasy to call. I was afraid it would be awkward. I haven't heard how she's doing. I check the obits on line every so often, to see if her name comes up. It hasn't, so far.

So we go on. I went to my acupuncturist today and he did the routine needling and cupping. I taught my last short story class at Intellectual University. We had student reports and student work and didn't have time to talk about Bartleby, the Scrivener. This is something I hadn't thought of: "He just dies ever so passively, ever so politely, passing into the next world leaving no blood on anyone’s hands." He is a gentleman down to the end. I don't think that's the essence of the story, though. I think the essence is how a man can be so beaten down by the system, by the walls (as it has been pointed out) bearing in on his office window, by the impersonality of industrial capitalism (in that way, no blood on any specific person's hands). But if you do examine his politeness and passivity (which is not the same as passive-aggressiveness or passive resistance), you might be reminded of I.L. Peretz' Bontshe the Silent, who asked for nothing on earth, and when he dies and goes to heaven, asks for nothing more than a hot roll and butter every day. The heavenly beings rebuke him for his modest request. In one translation from the Yiddish: "...slowly the judge and the angels bend their heads in shame at this unending meekness they have created on earth."

In one sense, Bartleby wasn't meek. He wanted to be passive, he wanted to do nothing, he wanted to live in his employer's office, he wanted to refuse. He was able to live as he wanted (according to his own narrow concept of desire, or simply his concept of what was possible) up until a point. His employer let him live as he liked, until the employer was embarrassed, until others were outraged. But Bartleby was meek in his desires. He had stopped desiring as others did, and required only the bare necessities. His desire had dried up so much that it could express itself only as a preference "not to." He could only respond. He could not utter that most elemental phrase that babies learn instinctively: "I want."

Political Taste Buds

For those who used to go to Lido Diner on a regular basis, before it became Woody's Diner, you know Annie and Robert Morgan, who used to run the place. You would also know their kids and their kids friends who all waited on tables there.

For being a "Corporate" diner, it had a great family feel, because of the Morgans.

During the 2006 Newport Beach City Council campaign, they catered a fund raiser at the home of Dr. Brennan Cassidy which featured Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, and had esteemed guests like Former State Senator Marian Bergeson, a couple of Councilmembers, Republican Party of OC Chairman Emeritus Tom Fuentes, Barbara Venezia, amongst many others.

The feedback from the fund raiser wasn't about how eloquent Dana was, or how nice the home is (which is very nice), or how stupid the City Council candidate was for running against a David Ellis managed guy. It was all about the food and the caterer.

Who were the Morgans.

In today's Daily Pilot is a great article about them and their restaurant named Taste Buds, as well as ink on their thriving catering business, who just did a Newport Beach Rudy Giuliani fund raiser.

I'm sure you'll be going to one of their catered events soon, especially since the election season is gearing up again.

They are great people, who run a top notch business.

Go visit their restaurant on 17th Street in Costa Mesa.

If you like the feel of the Lido Diner, you'll like their new place.

Monday, November 19, 2007

More John Wayne Airport

Before Alicia Robinson left for the Riverside Press Enterprise (Hello Alicia, read some of your articles (here, here, here and here) and of course, good job), we had a chat about people who read an article somewhere else and just link to it without any of their own words.

Well Alicia, I'm going to do it right now because if the Daily Pilot knows the obvious, then it's time for City Council (of NEWPORT BEACH - why is it a Costa Mesa Council member who is quoted and not one of OURS??) and our City Manager to start getting nervous...since the title alone needs not further explanation or any of my stupid opinions to go along with it...

"EDITORIAL:JWA growth an issue that won't go away"

In Case You Were Wondering...

Before Assemblyman Chuck DeVore because Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, he had to run in a pretty expensive (yet ultimately non-competitive) primary race against Cristi Cristich, among others.

Because of Cristi's money, her expensive friends, and her Corona Del Mar home address, the primary was pretty ugly.

It became a battle of Irvine (where DeVore lives) against Newport Beach (where Cristich lived).

The El Toro Airport became a major issue - when Cristi lived in Anaheim Hills, she was against the El Toro International Airport, but when she lived in Corona Del Mar, she was for it.

Although a Republican, she was the chairwoman for Republicans for Clinton.

And (while I hate to agree with Jim Righeimer...), volunteers made all the difference with Chuck's office chocked full of volunteers while Cristi had lots and lots of paid staffers running her campaign.

Sometimes you wonder what happened to the losing candidates (my wife had triplets, which is why I disappeared...). For how "involved" she had become in the local Republican Party prominent of a Newport Beach resident she became...she seemed to disappear...

Well, wonder no longer.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Senator Fred Thompson Event - With State Senator Tom McClintock!

Now this is a draw.

Like former US, and Republican Presidential hopeful, Fred Thompson or not, seeing State Senator Tom McClintock with him is quite exciting...

Here you go...

Please Join

Senator Tom McClintock

For an event



Saturday, December 1, 2007

Luncheon Reception – 12:00 p.m.

Home of Julian and Aleen Movsesian

Newport Coast, California

___$500 Reception

___$1000 Reception w/Photo Opportunity

___$2300 Maximum Contribution ‐ Reception w/Photo Opportunity

Evening Reception – 5:30 p.m.

Century Plaza Hyatt Regency Hotel

Beverly Hills, California

___$100 Reception

___$1000 Reception w/Photo Opportunity

___$2300 Dinner with Senator McClintock

For More Information or to RSVP

Call Nicole Zamora at (916) 563-7115 or Click Here for the Invite

Is Your Eye on the Ball?

With all the Rehab/Sober Living Home/Conflict of Interest stories and opinions being bantered around, I wonder if the residents of Newport Beach have taken their eye off the ball?

That ball? Keeping more Rehab/Sober living homes from opening up all over our residential areas.

In today's Daily Pilot is this article, titled "Rosansky cleared by letter," which essentially details Mayor Rosansky's "involvement" with a Rehab/Sober Living Home.

If there hasn't already been plenty of opinions about this's another one.

First - "An independent investigation has determined Newport Beach Mayor Steve Rosansky has no conflict of interest in regulating rehabilitation homes..."

Ok. How independent is an investigation if the people investigating the Mayor of a City are paid by the same City Council and City they are investigating?

Second, Mayor Rosansky's situation and story (which I believe is good and true) were only worsened by himself.

Here's why -

1. He's an elected local official which means he has no more private life. What he does for a living impacts the City he is the Mayor of in every single way. By keeping silent about these accusations and rumors, it only made him look like he was guilty and hiding something (at least he didn't quit over them, that would make him look really guilty). And because he's the Mayor, he has to respond publicly and quickly to these types of issues, especially since they deal with such a hot-button item as this.

2. In the course of his business, he knowingly rented to a Sober Living Home operator (who was operating a Sober Living Home a few blocks from the house in question, and more in Costa Mesa). That is why he put "premises are not be used for recovery housing,” in the lease. I've rented before and NEVER have I received that stipulation in the lease (even when I was much more of a long-haired, tattooed, Harley-riding degenerate than I am today) . Well, guess what, the fellow he leased to used that "Home Office" as a Sober Living Home. He shouldn't have really been surprised by that.

What that said, he did, however, terminate his business relationship with the home in question as soon as it was CONFIRMED to be operating as a Sober Living Home.

And please, a real conflict of interest item should earn the guy more than $100 a month right (which by the way, HE HASN'T COLLECTED SINCE 2004!)?

If he wanted to make money off of the Sober Living Home issue, I think this wouldn't qualify

How about it he had made $300k/year managing some businesses, one of which does $500k/year of business with Sober Living by the Sea?

Wouldn't that give a guy more reason to modify ordinances to make sure that steady stream of dollars kept coming through?

With that said, the real goal of this issue is to keep more of these Sober Living/Rehab homes from opening up in yours and my neighborhoods.

Attacking Mayor Steve Rosansky and the $100/month he used to make will not help accomplish that goal, will it?

Give us a Mayor with a plan!

Richards, Watson & Gershon....sounds
like a breast enhancement outfit doesn't it? In reality,
this is a group hired by Robin Clauson...the Newport
Beach City look into charges that Mayor
Steve Rosansky had "conflicts of interest" regarding
those pesky Rehab Homes and Facilities that are growing
like Topsy..right here in our town. What gives Richards,
Watson & Gershon the heft to investigate with clarity
...this matter might be a question. What else have
they investigated lately? OJ, Barry Bonds, Michael
Milkin, Ken Lay, Bernie Ebbers...or Jeff Skilling? We
think not!

So vindication for Mayor Rosansky was reported in the
Daily Plot today! "Not only do I not have any conflict
of interest, but I've gone out of my way to be very
careful in my dealings." Sounds like a Larry Craig
soundbite doesn't it? Perhaps we are too tough on
the Mayor. Perhaps we expect "NO Conflicts of Interest
- EVER!" from our elected personnel. But what are the
issues, the details and would it make any difference
if we did know? Well, actually yes! The proliferation
of "Rehabs Homes in Newport Beach" has some deleterious
effects on our environment. Sadly, all the "so-called
disabled patients" are not Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton,
Britany Spears, Charlie Sheen, Todd Marinovich or a
plethora of other high profile "Rehab Home" celebrities.
Many are getting grant money from the State of California
while others are being fronted the money for Rehab by
their families or themselves to avoid hard time in the
State slam. But hey, you probably already knew that!

What is at an elected Public Servant having
a possible "Conflict of Interest" when voting or creating
policy on any contentious matter before the Public Forum.
Bob Burnham has stepped down from a variety of city held
assignments under a lot of gray conjecture. Mayor Rosansky
should have never been connected to any gray area in the
first place. The question always remains: What is legal
and what is considered wrong doing? It better all be
very black and white...which in this case doesn't seem
the case just yet!

But let's not be unfair here...without a drug test..we
may never know whether the Mayor needs Rehab or Rehab
needs him. We do know this....over proliferation of
"Rehab Homes" is not only a Newport Beach concern. The
State of California needs to make some hard and fast
rules regarding both their certification and annual
inspection. If the State wants to pass those duties on
to the Cities or Counties....we should know this now.

We should probably contact Senator Tom Harman and our
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore; as well as the Governor and
explain to them without equivocation: "Regulate
the Safety of our neighborhoods when it comes to Rehab
Homes - both the number per community and the State
Health and Regulatory requirements that meet local
community standards!
In the meantime, Mayor
Rosansky should just step aside when it comes to issues
regarding Rehab Homes in Newport Beach. That is, unless
you believe that Richards, Watson & Gershon did their
due diligence on Mayor Rosansky regarding his associations
with various Rehab Home owners or representatives - and
can still do outpatient breast enhancements safely - of
course! We would have found it more reassuring had the
OC District Attorney looked into this matter...but we
know how busy their office is right now!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Headline Sports

Sometimes when you read the headlines of newspaper stories, you get excited and can't wait to read them.

But in today's Daily Pilot, there are two articles which...well...made me wonder...wonder if our collective IQ's have dropped.

First - "Goats could prevent fires."

Really? You mean every year, when the Santa Ana Winds whip up and fires go through the Southland, goats could have saved the day?

"Newport Beach firefighters have commissioned a study to examine how effective goats could be at preventing wildfires by gobbling up brush in Buck Gully and Morning Canyon in Corona del Mar."

I guess it makes sense.

I guess our Newport Beach Firefighters (who are one of the highest paid in Orange County with GREAT, GREAT pensions) should be commended for being proactive as opposed to reactive.

Second -"Defendant says city didn’t notify him of filed lawsuit."


I haven't been sued that much, but one would think that you don't get notice of a lawsuit before getting served, otherwise, you'd get out of Dodge right?

The interesting thing of that article was what defendant Barry Saywitz says,

“I was shocked to find out I’m being sued by Newport Beach without any notice or warning letter,” Saywitz said."

My questions are:

- Since he "has interest in a partnership that owns properties that have several leases with Morningside Recovery," does that mean that he didn't think the City of Newport Beach was serious in their enforcements of the Moratorium?

- Or...because the Sober Living/Rehab Homes have been running soo rampant on the Balboa Peninsula, did he think that no one would notice his new operations opening up and that business would be as usual for the City Attorney's office (he must not have been paying attention that our City Attorney's office was "relieved" of their Sober Living/Rehab Home duties and that an outside Attorney was brought in - which in itself is an argument for the City to contract out services, who get paid and rewarded based upon good performance versus having City Employees, who get paid and rewarded NO MATTER WHAT)

- Or...because he was expecting a warning letter or notice, was he just disappointed that his "friends" in the City didn't tip him off first?

Where do we get Goats from anyways?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lesson Learned?

Something that many people in the Rehab/Sober Living Home issue learned late in their battle.

The only people that can create/change/alter ordinances are the Seven City Council Members.

Yes, City Attorneys and City Managers can have lots of input, but when it comes down to the final whistle, all one needs to do is count to 4 to get the ordinance passed or overturned.

Take in consideration this Newport Beach Brewery's lawsuit against the City, the City Council, and 5 Councilmembers (Ed Selich, Nancy Gardner, Leslie Daigle, Keith Curry, and Michael Henn) individually.

The vote was 5-1 (Mayor Rosansky dissenting and Councilman Webb absent) in overturning the Planning Commission's decision to essentially do nothing against the Newport Beach Brewery.

In reading this article in today's Daily Pilot, I saw why the those 5 overturned the Planning Commission's ruling:

"The recent troubles over the Brewing Co. began in January 2006, when a small group of residents in the neighboring Cannery Village Lofts complex complained to the city about unruly behavior of patrons at the restaurant. The Planning Commission held a series of hearings on the matter and the Brewing Co. agreed to make some minor operational changes, but Kevin Weeda, the developer of Cannery Village Lofts, appealed the commission’s ruling."

You see, the Planning Commission are appointed by the City Council, but are largely independent and, unless they are running for the City Council, do not "play" the political game and solicit campaign contributions.

So their decisions are typically "pure" and free of "influence." Especially with this group of Planning Commissioners.

But not the City Council and when I saw the name Kevin Weeda, I could have predicted what was to happen.

In running for City Council, many names of "influential" businessmen and residents are thrown out and Kevin Weeda's name is one of those.

If you look here, here, here, and here, you can find that Kevin Weeda and his CWI Development, Inc are regular contributors to the 2006 City Council campaigns, especially those who voted in favor of his appeal (I couldn't find any contributions to Mayor Rosansky's or Councilwoman Gardner's campaign from Kevin Weeda nor CWI Development). And although he doesn't max out ($500) to their campaigns, he was still active.

And if I know him as an influential business owner, you'd better believe that the City Council knows him as such too.

Is there a connection? Maybe, maybe not.

But when a City Council overturns their Planning Commission's ruling, brought upon by complaints by a "small group of residents" of newer and expensive lofts, specifically appealed by an influential donor, specially targeting one bar in the midst of 4-5 other similar establishments (within 1-2 miles mind you), one has to wonder...

Perhaps this should be a lesson learned to other business owners in the City (wink, wink goes to Todd Carson of Rudy's Pub).

If you want to operate hassle free in Newport Beach, make sure you donate to the right City Councilmembers...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Return of the Bitch

Cancer Bitch has returned from her Midwestern tour, which began with a midnight ride to Iowa City and then continued with a daytime (mostly) ride to Ripon (pronounced RIPn), Wisconsin, where her visit was announced in the local paper as well as in the larger one in nearby Fond du Lac. Now she is home and complaining. Her hips hurt. A little. She thought a few weeks ago it was from doing lunges but now she believes (having quit doing daily lunges as part of her daily yoga, which she also quit) it has to do with long-term side effects of Terrible Taxol. Her knees hurt a little, too. She has sent a message to the oncology nutritionist and will report on her findings.

In Iowa City, besides her official business at the NonfictioNow conference, she met with old Red (or Pink) friends from the Iowa Socialist Party, S and R. S is a longtime temporary worker in the Iowa City public library, and his house with R is filled with library discards. It is filled with many other books and papers and with cats. There are also more than 50 boxes of tea. There's a little cancer corner, and from there she was offered a number of items. She took Rose Kushner's "Breast Cancer: A Personal History and Investigative Report," which Kushner wrote partly because she couldn't find any books about breast cancer. How times have changed in 30 years, and partly because of Kushner's ground-breaking book. On the one hand, it's sad that the library discarded Kushner's book, but on the other, it must mean that many other books on breast cancer are in the library and seem more relevant to the librarians and patrons.

Kushner was a member of the Ashkenazim (European) Jewish folk, and she died in 1990, of breast cancer that metastasized.

Your Cancer Bitch is way behind in everything because of her trips, and she leaves Thursday for a nearby university, where she will lead a workshop on writing about your cancer. All fun and games, tra-la.

Principle over Politics - November 17th

The notice for the next Principle over Politics meeting came in yesterday's mail.

This Saturday, November 17th at the Balboa Bay Club, starting at 8:30 am for registration and 9 am for breakfast, Camp Pendleton Staff Sergeant John Costa will be speaking about his personal experiences serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Come meet a true American Hero and help celebrate Veteran's Day with this great group.

Great job Marianne.

It's a Lawsuit Wash!

I guess you win some and you lose some huh?

First - As threatened, the City of Newport Beach (through their contracted Attorneys) is following through and suing a couple of Rehab/Sober Living Home operators for setting up shop during the Moratorium.

That's a good thing.


Second - Also, as threatened, the Newport Beach Brewery is suing the City of Newport Beach "over changes the city made earlier this year to its operating conditions." Named individually, in addition to the City of Newport Beach, are the 5 Councilmembers (Ed Selich, Nancy Gardner, Leslie Daigle, Keith Curry, and Michael Henn) who voted against the Brewery. Mayor Rosansky voted in favor of the Brewery and Councilman Webb was absent that evening.

I guess Newport Beach can be business unfriendly sometimes...

Anyhow, I wonder if the 5 Councilmembers, since they are named individually, have to pay their own legal expenses or does the City pick up the tab for them.

Curious thing - why did the Daily Pilot interview Contracted Attorney James Markman for this story? I was under the impression that he, and his firm, were only handling the Sober Living/Rehab issue.

Was our $1 million a year City Attorney's office unavailable for comment?

At least it was a wash. We sue, we get sued. It all evens out right?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Neighbor Watching - Costa Mesa Edition

The Orange County Register has an very interesting article regarding a report by two Costa Mesa Police Officers discussing the successes with the Illegal Immigration/Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement program.

Here's some good parts of the article:

"In a new report to be publicly discussed Tuesday, police Lts. Allen Huggins and Tim Schennum say that 422 arrestees have been identified as potential illegal immigrants subject to deportation from Jan. 1 through Sept. 30."

"Roughly 35 percent of those detained for immigration violations first were arrested for felonies. While some are violent felonies, such as robbery and assault, arrests for possession of a controlled substance are by far the most common serious offense."


"About 65 percent of the cases involve misdemeanors, most often DUI or vehicle code violations."

Sitting in Newport Beach, I remember the furor about Mayor Allan Mansoor's plan. He was called racist, that, although he is the son of Immigrants (LEGAL), he was singling out the Hispanic population and trying to whitewash Costa Mesa.

But I couldn't really understand the uproar. I mean, Illegal Immigration tells you in the name of the word the main problem.

It's illegal.

That by itself means that our police should enforce it right?

Allowing Illegal Immigrants to stay in this Country is a kick in the face to those Immigrants who came here Legally (like my parents, or even like the Governor of California)

And even our Local Police should be trained in all things which are against the law right?

Especially if Costa Mesa is averaging almost 47 arrests per month dealing with Illegal Immigrants.

But I guess people in Costa Mesa didn't feel like it's a law which should be enforced? Which is why there was soo much uproar? appears as though the program is working.

Our Newport Beach Police Department is one of the highest paid in the County now (thanks largely to a very active Police Union during the 2006 City Council Elections).

Shouldn't they be set up and trained to enforce ALL of the laws and not just the politically correct ones?

Mayor* Heffernan Asks More Questions...

Why did he resign?

That was the repeating question I asked the last time Former Mayor* John Heffernan cast judgment on the Newport Beach City Council regarding the Development Fee the Irvine Company pays to the City to build their White Elephant.

One month later, Former Mayor* (I wonder if he should get an asterisk on his Mayor-ness because he was only Mayor for Half a Year? For fun, he gets it for this post...) Heffernan is back to questioning the City Council with questions he already knows the answers to.

Shoot, these are questions most everyone already knows the answers to.

But Mayor* Heffernan resigned from the City Council for personal reasons in January 2006

But...he then came back (six months after resigning) onto the 2006 City Council Campaign trail, apologizing for his lack of involvement keeping employee salaries in check while he was on the dais. He even had a spreadsheet showing how out of whack employee salaries got under his watch.

And year before the next City Council elections, in a district where his appointed replacement is up for re-election (again), he is asking the City Council rhetorical questions about the City's perceived sweethart deal with the Irvine Company.

Last month, I had a chat with some Lincoln Club guys about the possible candidates against Councilman Keith Curry in 2008.

But that was a week before Mayor* Heffernan's first set of rhetorical questions designed to make the City Council look bad.

A month before Mayor* Heffernan's second set.

And probably two months before Mayor* Heffernan's next set.

Glad the Daily Pilot is helping him out...

I think the first contested City Council seat is lining up...where's my magic 8-ball?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thank You.

I know, I know, a day later..but never too late.




Whereas it has long been our customs to commemorate November 11, the anniversary of the ending of World War I, by paying tribute to the heroes of that tragic struggle and by rededicating ourselves to the cause of peace; and Whereas in the intervening years, the United States has been involved in two other great military conflicts, which have added millions of veterans living and dead to the honor rolls of this Nation; and

Whereas the Congress passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926 (44 Stat. 1982), calling for the observance of November 11 with appropriate ceremonies, and later provided in an act approved May 13, 1938 (52 Stat. 351) , that the eleventh of November should be a legal holiday and should be known as Armistice Day; and

Whereas, in order to expand the significance of that commemoration and in order that a grateful Nation might pay appropriate homage to the veterans of all its wars who have contributed so much to the preservation of this Nation, the Congress, by an act approved June 1, 1954 (68 Stat. 168), changed the name of the holiday to Veterans Day:

Now, Therefore, I, Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America , do hereby call upon all of our citizens to observe Thursday, November 11, 1954 , as Veterans Day. On that day let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us reconsecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain.

I also direct the appropriate officials of the Government to arrange for the display of the flag of the United States on all public buildings on Veterans Day.

In order to insure proper and widespread observance of this anniversary, all veterans, all veterans' organizations, and the entire citizenry will wish to join hands in the common purpose.

Toward this end, I am designating the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs as Chairman of a Veterans Day National Committee, which shall include such other persons as the Chairman may select, and which will coordinate at the national level necessary planning for the observance. I am also requesting the heads of all departments and agencies of the Executive branch of the Government to assist the National Committee in every way possible.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington this eighth day of October in the Year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy-ninth.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Department of Health at Newport Beach City Council Study Session

This must be really important because I've received it from more than just Dolores Otting...

Thanks to Our City Council-
The California Department of Health Services, Office of Oral Health will be sending a Representative to answer our questions and address our concerns regarding the adding of hydrofluosilicic acid to our water

When: November 13th @ 3:30 PM- Study Session
Where: Newport Beach City Council Chambers
3300 Newport Blvd - Newport Beach - California - 92663

Upcoming OCGOP-related Events - November

The Republican Party of Orange County just sent out it's latest calendar of events and here are the Newport Beach-Centric ones before Thanksgiving...

The first one, while not Newport Beach centered, is in nearby Irvine, and it does involve a Major Presidential Candidate

Tuesday, 11/13/07
8:00 AM
Special Event

Where: Hyatt Regency Irvine

Seating is limited for this exclusive breakfast with Mayor Rudy Giuliani, candidate for President of the United States. For more information, please contact J. Allen Pitkin at (949) 232-8882 or

The next night is something at Lincoln Club Deity Buck John's Office

Wednesday, 11/14/07
5:30 PM
Special Event

Hosted By California Republican Party

Where: Office of Buck Johns - Inland Energy, Inc. Newport Beach

The California Republican Party Ron Nehring, Chairman invite you to the Golden State Leadership Team Kickoff, Wednesday, November 14th with a reception from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Office of Buck Johns - Inland Energy, Inc. Newport Beach. This event is complimentary, however reservations are required. Please confirm your attendance by contacting Anne Saro at 619-787-7187 or or Gina Malone 949-856-2200 or

And guess what it's free.

The night after that?

Thursday, 11/15/07
6:00 PM
Special Event

Where: The Home Of The Yeager Family, Corona del Mar

You are cordially invited to a Reception to Honor of California Assemblyman Martin Garrick, Thursday, November 15th , 2007 beginning at 6:00pm. For more information, please call 949-854-3497 or

and don't be surprised if you don't recognize this Assemblyman's name. He doesn't even come close to representing Orange County. But you gotta love when they come into unfamiliar territory to raise bucks.

Saturday, 11/17/07
6:00 PM
Special Event

Guest Of Honor: The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld

Where: The Island Hotel, Newport Beach

The Board of Directors of The Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy cordially requests your attendance at our 20th annual Sir Winston S. Churchill Dinner where we will honor The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld with our 2007 Statesmanship Award presented by The Honorable William J. Bennett on Saturday Evening, November 17, 2007. Reception at 6:00pm. Dinner at 7:00pm. The Island Hotel, Newport Beach. RSVP by November 12, 2007 to (909) 621-6825. Business Attire.

Yes, that's right, Former Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld is busy that day. A Luncheon with Congressman Rohrabacher at the Pacific Club earlier in the day, and then this with the Claremont Institute later in the evening.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Panini Cafe in Corona Del Mar

I'm not too sure where I completely understand the big to-do regarding Panini Cafe moving to a larger location.

Because I don't know all the details, I won't really judge anything.

But, as far as I know, Panini Cafe already operates in Corona Del Mar and they just want to move to a larger location, but parking is tight.

I don't understand the big deal with that. None of the restaurants on that block have good parking, and you always have to park on the side streets to go to them.

You just accept that. And if you live close to Coast Highway, within the first block of these restaurants and shops, you live with it.

Did the people who live on Goldenrod, next to that Starbucks, or next to Zinc Cafe complain about the potential lack of parking when those places opened up? Or how about Gary's Deli or Ruby's? All four places are always overflowing with people, who park on the side streets behind the restaurants. I don't remember if they "took action" like they have against Panini.

Drunks at night? What about the Quiet Woman, or Bandera or Landmark (Carmelo's) Restaurant. I used to live within a block of some of these, and I just accepted the "night life."

Anyway, we still live in a Free Market Economy right? If the place is successful, doesn't that help the community?

Anyway, this email was forwarded to me. (note - this item is being continued to the November 27 meeting because of a publication error)

November 6, 2007

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

In seven short days, the City Council will decide how we should live our lives. Here’s what you can do if you've had enough bad decisions made regarding your QUALITY of LIFE! URGE THEM TO VOTE AGAINST THE CAFE PANINI MOVE & EXPANSION.

Get all of your neighbors to show up at the Council meeting on November 13 at 6:30 pm. WE NEED TO EMPHASIZE OUR VALID POINTS WITH NUMBERS! Many people make an impact. NUMBERS SWAY COUNCIL VOTES.

Ask as many neighbors and friends as possible to send e-mails in the next 7 days. We can unite across the city; others WILL have empathy for us. Be sure everyone emphasizes the listed points below.

City Council Email List:,,,,,,,,,



1.) Negative Long Term Effect on Quality of Life for CdM Residents: This is tied into the new General Plan Update regarding specific land use in CdM as being zoned a "residential" neighborhood - not "commercial" like Newport Center is zoned. Ed Selich, The City & community's goal for the "Vision Plan for Corona del Mar" is supposed to improve the quality of life for CdM residents - This congestions, traffic, additional parking and alcohol related incidents, etc. does just the opposite.

The 2006 General Plan, approved by the City Council states in its Vision Statement:

“The successful balancing of the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors has been accomplished with the recognition that Newport Beach is primarily a residential community. [Emphasis added]

2.) Increased Public Disturbances - Night noise, More trash, Alcohol related incidents; increase in DUI incidents citywide; Upon land use approval restaurant will most likely apply for full bar permit in future, etc.

***When the Panini site was presented to the Planning Commission, they had not done an impact study on the lives of residents nor a parking study. This means CdM residents get to have more pollution: noise, car drunks, workers LOUD radio, LOUD alarm systems going off after 11:00 PM, and trash from all of the above; not least of all, LESS parking for YOUR home.

3.) Increase in Traffic & Parking - Extremely limited parking lot situation, Increased street parking will result in already highly congested area, Increase in restaurant delivery trucks, etc.

There are NO spaces for employee parking on site in the Panini plan as other restaurants must have. To park employees off site is not a workable nor permanent solution. [Unless the homeowner wants to monitor them).

4.) Overall Imbalance & Too Much Restaurant Zoning Congestion - Important Note: Panini has five years left on current lease as is. The Crow Bar will open soon, etc. Plus, all the existing dining establishments in a one or two block area...

The new Panini location is being accepted by making EXCEPTIONS for the site to the existing code regulations for PARKING. The Planning Commission had NOT done an impact on residents OR a parking study before they granted the Panini move. Why did they not?

Not having an impact study means the use permit was changed from a retail store to a full-Service restaurant. Why? We already have 10 alcohol-serving restaurants in 1/16 of a mile in CdM.
Do we need more?




Thank You!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Neighbor Watching - Irvine Great Park - Cocaine/Embezzling CEO Edition

This...I could not believe.

Here's a guy, who pled guilty in 1989 to embezzling public funds in San Juan Capistrano to feed a cocaine habit, who was able to climb the ranks within the City of Irvine up to Public Works Director AND the CEO of the Irvine Great Parks Board, all the while the people who kept promoting him KNEW about these Convictions, even hearing about it from the San Juan Capistrano City Manager,

"Why would you put someone who had been convicted of stealing public funds in charge of a corporation that's going to be spending public funds?" said Stephen Julian, the San Juan Capistrano city manager at the time of the embezzlement."


"Julian, the San Juan Capistrano city manager at the time, said he called Irvine's city manager, Brady, to warn him about Bryant. If it were up to him, Julian said, he would have fired him from the analysts' job. He said he was astonished to hear that Bryant had moved up the ranks over the years, to public works director and then the Great Park chief executive officer."

Emperor Agran's quote?

Even if he had known about the conviction, Agran said, Bryant's criminal history would have been overshadowed by his successes planning and expanding the city's transportation system."


"Agran said that it was not Great Park's job to investigate the chief executive's background and told The Times to call City Manager Sean Joyce and ask why Bryant was not screened. Joyce said that he thought Bryant's 22 years of city experience spoke for itself."


At least our City Employees are accused of committing their crimes WHILE working for the City.

Councilwoman Nancy Gardner's November Newsletter

So while Councilman Curry writes his newsletter according to season, Councilwoman Nancy Gardner publishes hers monthly.

Keith's deals with more "global" Newport Beach issues, while Nancy's is distinctively more Corona Del Mar-feeling.

Here it is.

I wonder when the other 5 Councilmembers will get on the ball and start writing about their district going-ons.

It's a good tool to hear from our local electeds.

Councilman Keith Curry's Fall Newsletter

Councilman Curry sent out his Fall Newsletter a few days ago, in a Microsoft Word format, and I couldn't figure out how to post it, since the City hadn't updated their link yet.

Fortunately, it appears as though they have.

Here's Councilman Curry's Fall Newsletter. It has the standard information regarding City Hall (Groundhog Day as Keith calls it) and his take on the Pension Reform that he had attempted to push through the City Council.

He then has information on how to contribute to Newport Beach's adopted 1/1 Marines.

County Supervisor Janet Nguyen Event

Although she doesn't represent Newport Beach, County Supervisor Janet Nguyen, who was the most powerful Supervisor in Orange County yesterday, is having an event in the soon-to-be-annexed Newport Beach's Santa Ana Country Club.

Check out her Host and Honorary Host Committee for some powerful and familiar names.

Slow in Newport?

It has been a bit slow Politically, at least this week, in Newport Beach.

So slow that the Daily Pilot has sent their new Political reporter, Brianna Bailey to Mississippi?

Elsewhere, in the County business is the Sheriff Carona Saga. With a no guilty plea, Sheriff Carona has decided to take a leave of absence for 60 days.

I don't think 60 days will be enough...

In the When-It-Rains-It Pours category, check out this OC Register article on Orange County's Auditor doing a full run-through on Sheriff Carona's expenses too. If they find something hokey, be prepared to see the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board in full assault mode too.

For more information on the Sheriff Saga, click on the OC Register's Total Buzz section for great coverage.

Monday, November 5, 2007

President (or Governor) Leslie Daigle?

It's not Councilwoman Daigle's fault...but this Daily Pilot article titled,

"Rehab blocks toured for input " made me laugh.

However...the tag line underneath the title made me puke.

"Newport Beach Councilwoman Leslie Daigle recently toured neighborhoods residents say are overrun with rehabilitation group homes. What she saw was surprising."


What surprised her, the fact that there are over 100-150 of these Rehab/Sober Living Homes on the Balboa Peninsula?

Or the fact that this is really a problem?

Has Councilwoman Daigle been living in a cave?

Has Councilwoman Daigle morphed into President Bush and/or Governor Schwarzenegger, who toured the devastating aftermath of last month's fires.

Let's see...

There were horrible fires set by little kids.

President Bush came and took a look, while taking pictures with his arm around the fire victims, who had just lost all their earthly possessions, and spoke about what he saw on the evening news.

Taking a page from that, Councilwoman Daigle came in and took a look, but I didn't see the photo-ops, while meeting with the residents who were losing their "residential" feel to their neighborhoods, and spoke about it to the Daily Pilot.

Anyway, Councilwoman Daigle "toured" some of the neighborhoods where some of the Sober Living/Rehab Homes have overrun what used to be nice and relatively quiet residential neighborhoods.

And she cried...

A couple of observations though.

First - this isn't a new issue, this isn't something which just happened because of the Santa Ana Winds and a 10 year old with matches.

This is something which was a CAMPAIGN ISSUE IN THE 2006 ELECTION FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!!!!

And if I remember correctly, Councilwoman Daigle was in the 2006 election.

If I remember correctly, Councilwoman Daigle was asked about this during the 2006 election and she answered those questions.

Why is this first time she is on a "fact finding mission?"

Is this the first time she actually spoke to the residents about this major issue?

And when she finally went out to check them out,


Did everything she said during her campaign just made up to make her sound educated and concerned?

I guess it took a few years for her to finally figure out that this is an important issue.

Second - Where are the photo-ops with the "retired school teacher?"