Former Newport Beach Mayor (considering that the Mayor seat rotates between City Council members, it's possible that every member of the dais could become a Former Mayor right?) John Heffernan has a few questions in today's Daily Pilot to his former colleagues.
But I had a recurring question while I read through his questions.
Why did he resign?
Mayor Heffernan talks about the $5 million bucks Lennar is forking over for development fees, and how the City Council should handle it.
Why did he resign?
Mayor Heffernan then talks about the potential $45 million the City will "extract" from the Irvine Company for development fees and how the City Council should handle it.
Why did he resign?
He then asks why isn't City Staff more involved in negotiations.
Why did he resign?
Leasing from the Irvine Company versus taking the $50 million in Development fees to pay outright for the new White Elephant.
Why did he resign?
Get the picture here?
Mayor Heffernan couldn't decide whether to run for re-election in 2004, finally filing his paperwork at the last minute (and hanging opponent Dolores Otting out to dry). 13 months after the election, he resigned anyway.
By the time he resigned in January 2006, the Newport Beach City Council already had three previous City Councilmember resign since 2003, making him the fourth to resign in three years.
Thus creating a situation where the Newport Beach City Council had 4 (count 'em 4) members out of 7 who were appointed instead of a three year period.
A majority of the City Council were appointed by the other members of the City Council.
Good for creating a voting bloc huh?
Mayor Heffernan (to his credit) addresses his resignation by saying:
"Yes, I am responsible for the status of these issues above by resigning before my term expired. I needed to for personal reasons, though that does not excuse me."
You are right Mayor Heffernan, it does not excuse you.
While I can fully understand personal reasons being much more important than political aspirations, what I don't understand is how you started apologizing for your inactions on many City related issues (high paid City Employee salary increases, for instance) 6 months after you resigned.
And now you are asking major questions to a City Council (which you decided to leave) about fiscal responsibility, which you admittedly say that you were partially responsible for?
Are you preparing yourself to run again in 2008 (by making the City Council look bad) and are using the press to start the campaign?
Do you feel guilty for being partially (self-admittedly) responsible for some of the mayhem the City finds, and found, itself in?
I guess we'll find out soon...when the silly season starts up again early next year.
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