Newport Beach has recently suffered through internal fighting regarding the location of the White Elephant (New City Hall) while the most important thing which truly affects the every day lives of Newport residents has been largely ignored, while still continuing to break records for passenger loads. The Daily Pilot even proclaimed that "John Wayne Airport enjoys record summer." Great...
Well...finally a Newport Beach City Council member has something to say other than where to put the White Elephant. Finally, it seems that the real issue of substance is being discussed...problem is...I don't really understand what she wrote.
Councilmember Leslie Daigle wrote this opinion piece in today's Daily Pilot. And according to it's title, "Council working to protect residents from JWA effects" it's about stopping the expansion of John Wayne Airport...I think. So how come I cannot read through the entire 972 word piece without nodding off? I know this is a very important issue, so I keep trying to read through it again, but time after time, I get about 1/3 of the way through and I stop caring. So I'll try to read it again right now...that ad on the right side for Carnival cruise ship looks is that 4 line ad 2 weeks free deal for Daily Pilot advertising...can't do it. I cannot read through the entire piece!
I consider myself well educated. Attended a top notch school as an undergrad. Went to a 2nd-tier graduate school (with a GREAT football team though). So I don't think it's about intelligence. I can converse pretty well with Congressman Rohrabacher and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, but both can drop the clutch and lose me pretty easily though. I have had conversations with both Mayor Rosansky and Councilman Keith Curry and understood what they wrote in their opinion pieces in the Daily Pilot. I've even had conversations with Councilmember Leslie Daigle, but for the life of me, I cannot get through one of her opinion pieces.
I even wrote about a previous one she had in the Orange County Register. I couldn't get through that one either without nodding off.
Perhaps it's my MTV-Generation X-Short Attention span reading comprehension issues that I'm having problems with. Is it me?
In my dealings with the IRS, the Franchise Tax Board and the California State Board of Equalization, I've learned a very important lesson. Complicate to deceive, simplify to tell the truth. Is that my problem here? Are these two articles by Leslie Daigle too complicated for my simple brain? Maybe it's all the acronyms that she puts in there.
I don't know. All I can gather, as I read the article again, is that she is against the expansion of John Wayne Airport...I that is very good. Keeping the expansion of John Wayne Airport in check is truly the most important issue which will truly affect the most amount of Newport's residents and it's future. And she's the first Newport Councilmember to deviate from the White Elephant debate to bring it to the forefront of Newport's consciousness, so that's good.
I just wish I could understand what she wrote.
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