Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When the brand means the brand

Let's consider brands, not as in corporate branding or even personal branding, both kinds ubiquitous in this Age of Labeling. (A student once asked me if he published in a low-level magazine, would that damage his brand?)

Let's talk about Effexor, the brand. There's a debate about whether there's a difference between generics and brands. They're supposed to be the same, right? But there are always some differences. If you want to read some patient testimonies, you can go here. The FDA says there's no important difference between brands and generic.

All I can say is that one kind of generic Atarax helps control my itching and one does not, and one brand of generic Buspar (with the rounded corners) helps with my anxiety and one (sharp corners) does not. I'm a sensitive sort. The FDA says that people might have a relapse (of depression, of seizures, of ulcers) that just so happens to occur at the same time that a switch to the generic occurs, and they'll blame it on the generic. But I swear that a recent switch to generic Effexor led to "breakthrough" weeping twice. In cases where the drug has an effect on emotions, it is impossible, I think, to prove that there's a difference. There's no way that you can compare yourself to yourself, except if you're living in Groundhog Day, and even then the outside factors shift each day.

This is why I paid nearly $100 today to Osco Drugs so that I could get a week's supply of brand-name Effexor so that I could compare myself to myself on and off the brand.

What happens if I find there's a big difference between the generic and the brand? Then I have to appeal to the insurance company, and last time I did this, headquarters misplaced my paperwork and then refused to allow me to buy the brand name for the generic price. Eventually I got off the drug because of news that it interfered with Tamoxifen.

Tonight I was riding my bike back from the Y and thinking how much I felt like myself. Which is a slippery slope in the creative nonfiction biz, because the Weltanschauung in academic/professional circles is that everyone has personae and you can't "be yourself" in your writing because there is no consistent self. I do remember reading an advice book or essay when I was young that attacked the hoary notion that you should "be yourself," asking in so many words, Who is this vaunted self? and arguing that our selves are not yet formed in teen-age-hood and that we should conform and be tactful. I've tried to find the quote in How to Get a Teen-Age Boy and What To Do With Him When You Get Him, but all I found is that the author died of cancer in 1995.

I remember reading Peter Kramer's Listening to Prozac where he talks about a patient who says she feels more herself on Prozac. Commentator Sherry Turkle had this to say about the notion in Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, published 16 years ago:

If a patient on the antidepressant medication Prozac tells his therapist he feels more like himself with the drug than without it, what does this do to our standard notions of a real self? Where does a medication end and a person begin? Where does real life end and a game begin? Is the real self always the naturally occurring one? Is the real self always the one in the physical world? As more and more real business gets done in cyberspace, could the real self be the one who functions best in that realm?

All I know is that I haven't wept since Tuesday--this "I" being the self that moves in the world and the self that stays at home.


(Illustration: I Am Half-Sick of Shadows," Said the Lady of Shalott by Sidney Harold Meteyard. 1913. Oil on canvas 30 x 45 inches. Private Collection, Europe [as of 1985].)

How To Rotate Your Desktop Screen

Guys,here is a funny trick to Rotate Your Desktop Screen.
You can rotate ur desktop screen.
its very need of any software.
You have to DO these steps:
 just Press the Ctrl+Alt+Any of the arrow keys.
Press the Right arrow key rotate by 270 degree.
Press the Left arrow key rotate by 90 degree.
Press the Down arrow key rotate by 180 degree, invert screen.
To make it normal,just press the Up arrow key.
That's it.


Hello friends, here is the fastest vpn for 2g users.
First of all visit & make an account.
After registration download it & run it as administrator.
Now put the password-senttoall
You can download it from here.
You will notice the speed has been accelarated.

New Update Blogger Interface - Tampilan Baru Interface Blogger

Saat membuka akun blogger (blogspot) ternyata ada hal baru yang admin temukan disini. Ketika melihat ke pojok kanan rupanya Blogger menawarkan Tampilan baru interface Blogger. Blogger rupanya mencoba membuat interface baru untuk menawarkan kemudahan dan tampilan baru untuk penggunanya. New Update Blogger Interface - Tampilan baru interface blogger ini terlihat simpel dan user frindly ketika kita mencobanya.

Bagi sobat yang ingin mengetahui lebih jauh silahkan klik Try the update blogger interface di pojok kanan atas pada waktu masuk dashboard blogger anda.

screenshot updated blogger interface

setelah sobat masuk pada interface baru sobat akan disuguhkan tampilan yang bernuansa soft  dan light loading ataupun menu-menu blogger yang ter-integrasi dengan baik. Sepertinya blogger ingin memudahkan penggunanya untuk mengakses fasilitas tool dalam blognya.
contoh tampilan scrolling new update blogger interface

Tampilan Baru interface blogger ini cukup memudahkan kita untuk merambah fasilitas tambahannya. Interface baru ini juga memudahkan kita untuk menganalisa Blog-blog yang kita miliki.

Bagi sobat yang ingin mengetahuinya lebih lanjut silahkan mencobanya sendiri pada akun blogger sobat. Semoga informasi singkat ini bisa menambah manfaat. a positif blogger buddy!!.. :)
Silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya :

Color’s Connection With Personality Is a Joke

Red seems to be always associated with negativity. According to psychologist, people who like red tend to be more free spirited, but also aggressive. Meanwhile, it is claimed that most criminals have a liking for black, green people are faithful and calm, pink people are flirty and friendly, blue people are depressed, white people are honest and coservative. Perhaps, their studies showed some kind of precise result, but by using my own observations, I will say that color cannot define a person’s personality.  I will tell you why here.

Nick Cartner’s favorite color is green. That means he is down to earth, faithful and peaceful. But in real life, he is something completely different. I do not know whether he is down to earth, but he definitely is not faithful and peaceful. Once he made it to the headline for cheating on Paris Hilton. Of course, before that she was the one who did it. When Nick Carter was asked why cheated on her he replied that because he heard from people about her infidelity and thus, he could not take their relationship seriously anymore. Another point to note is that he does have an anger management problem. He has been the most hyper BSB member.

Interestingly, Kim Kardashian’s favorite color is white. What does this lady’s career profile say? She is not just famous for her reality television show, but also for her explicit videotape and pictures. But if we take color personality into account we will have to conclude that she is the type of woman who would not even dare to touch a mini skirt.

Personally, I know someone who likes red very much. She is so obsessed with it that she makes sure to only buy red cars whose decorations are also of that same color. But she is neither aggressive nor free spirited. She gives into people’s wishes all the time because she cannot say no. At the same time, she is too much of an introvert.

Overall, color cannot define a personality. But I still wonder whether psychologists believe that people who like too many colors at the same time have multiple personality disorder. I tried to find a journal containing a research on this, but received zero result.  They seem to have never did any studies on this issue. 

LG Phones Price and Features

Check out the updated price list of LG phones available in the Philippines!

LG Optimus GT540

Android 2.1
Up to 100,000+ applications from Android Market
Dual OS
3.0 megapixel camera with smile shutter, face detection and beauty shot
Price: Php 9,990
LG GM360i
LG GM360i
Cookie Snap
Price: Php 7,990
LG GT505
LG GT505
Price: 8,990

LG KM555
LG KM555
Cookie WiFi
Price: Php 6,990
LG GT350
<LG GT350
Cookie Pro
Price: Php 6,590
LG GB230
LG GB230
Price: Php 2,990
LG GS205
LG GS205
Price: Php 2,990
LG A230
LG A230

1GB / 512MB memory
1.3 Megapixel camera
Dual SIM

LG A190
LG A190
106.5 x 45 x 13.8mm
2G Dual band
1.5" TFT
32MB memory
Dual SIM

LG Optimus Black Price and Features

The new LG Optimus Black is said to be the World's Brightest NOVA Display, with it's 1GHz processor for instant switching between applications and 4.0" NOVA display to deliver the clearest ever images. It features an unprecedented slim profile for smartphone, measuring only 6mm at the thinnest point and 9.2mm at the thickest point.

Check out the features and specifications of this fashionable phone.

LG Optimus Black
LG Optimus Black
Wi-Fi enabled
122 x 64 x 6~9.2mm
109 g includng battery
700 Nit IPS LCD
TFTP capacitive touchscreen, WVGA
4.0 inches, 800x480 pixels display
OMAP 3630 (1Ghz)
Android 2.2 Froyo, upgradable to 2.3
1.5GB memory
2GB microSD card provided
5 megapixel AF wil LED flash back and 2 megapixel front camera
Price: Php 19,990

Mozilla's Rapid Release Schedule for Firefox Comes Under Scrutiny

Mozilla FirefoxMozilla's new rapid release schedule for its Firefox internet browser, which was created as a positive thing for the company, has come under a lot of scrutiny in the past few weeks and even more fuel was added to the fire over the weekend to make things even worse.

The criticism this time came from a former volunteer for the project, Tyler Downer. Downer recently left the project after three years after becoming increasingly frustrated with what he describes as a "broken" triage process for finding and fixing bugs.

According to a blog post from Downer, "Triage as we know it today is NOT ready to handle the Rapid Release process." Under the old model, with which a new major version of the browser would be released once every year, "triage had a bit more time to go through a massive pile of bugs to find regressions and issues, and there was a pretty good chance that most bugs would get caught just because we had time on our side, and we could afford to miss a bug for six weeks, because we would most likely get around to it," Downer added.

However, Downer asserts that with the new, faster process, triage has been caught off guard. "We currently have 2,598 [unconfirmed] bugs in Firefox that haven't been touched in 150 days. That is almost 2,600 bugs that have not been touched since Firefox 4 was released. And how many more bugs have been touched but not really triaged or worked on? Every day this number grows."

Despite his comments, however, Downer did make a point to note that he wasn't criticizing the rapid release process itself. "I love the idea of rapid release. Rapid release is going to be awesome if done properly. I have always been so frustrated by the continual late releases that hold back awesome new features from the web."

In addition to that, Downer also added that he doesn't think the situation is hopeless. "I have been in talks over the past few days, and I see a good possibility that Mozilla means business in improving triage." However, when Downer decided to leave, it was due to a general lack of interest in doing anything substantial to improve the triage process.

Source: PC World - Firefox's Rapid Release Schedule Draws More Blame


Friends i just tried a trick to get free reliance 3G.I found that its working.
So here is the trick to get free 3G on your reliance connection.
For this trick first of all you have to download an application called ULTRASURF.

Get it from HERE .
You must have to use APN-rcommms
IF you want to use it in firefox browser,Then configurate some changing.
Set the IP-
Set the port-9666.
Try this once.

More about me and my skin care regime

About Me
  • Name : Swati Murti

  • Age : 25

  • Hobbies : Reading

  • Skin Type : Combination Skin tending towards dry

  • Skin Color : Wheat Brown

What made me start "Perfect Skin Care for you"?
I have very thin hair and in consequence, I started searching for hair care remedies online. That was back in July - August 2009 and it had become an obsession. That was when I came across the concept of beauty blogs and websites. The obsession continued till November of the same year to a very high measure. And, then, in December, it struck me that it would be helpful if I could share all the extensive knowledge I had gained in the past couple of months and "Perfect Skin Care for you" was born.

When did I start "Perfect Skin Care for you" and what it is about?
I started blogging on 14th December, 2009. I had started with the intention of writing about natural skin and hair care topics and health was a subject closely related. And, very recently in January 2011, I have started doing product reviews.

What do I think is most important step in skin care regime?
Hydration. Keeping skin hydrated and supple makes it look young and healthy. So, hydrating the skin at every step is very important. 

My Skin Care Regime in a Nutshell
I don't have a very elaborated routine. I stick to the basics most of the time because of my laziness. Cleansing out the sunscreen is what I believe most essential. Then, I hydrate my skin with the toner. I take the toner in my palm and pat it onto my skin instead of using cotton pads or squirting it on my face. This helps in increasing the blood circulation.And, follow it with oil. Any facial oil or almond or coconut oil would do for me because my skin loves oils.

What are the 5 most important things in my bag?
I don't use makeup so you will find only skin care products in my bag. First will always be a lip balm, of course. Others include an all-purpose moisturizer, sunscreen, a face wash and a face spray.  

My favorite DIY 
Since I am a big fan of DIY remedies, I would like to end this post with my favorite DIY recipe. Its a homemade scrub which improves the hydration levels of the skin - sugar + salt + honey in equal quantities.

PS: This post is a part of the "Dove Diaries" section on which is sponsored by Dove.

How To Play Snake Game On YouTube While Video Loading

YouTube The  Popular WebSite For Watching & Uploading Videos.
Slow Internet connections takes the lot of time to download. Get fun while video is loading.

Here is a trick that you can play the classic Snake game, While the video is loading, buffring.

How to play the game snake?

It's easy., When the video is loading just press the Left Aero + Up Aero keys together,not one by one.

Now the game starts.
Start playing the game.

Web Scanner

85% of sites have vulnerabilities that can lead to theft of sensitive data.

Hackers focus on Web applications - forms, shopping carts, signup, etc. available 24 / 7 around the world, insecure web applications provide easy access to back-end enterprise systems.

Firewalls, SSL and locked the servers are futile against web application against piracy!

Web application attacks, launched on port 80/443, go straight through the firewall of the operating system of the past, and network security, and the heart of your application and corporate data. Web applications are often insufficiently tested, vulnerabilities are discovered, and are easy prey for hackers so.

Acunetix, a leading Web application security

Acunetix is ​​a pioneer in technology, scanning the Web Application Security: Its engineers have focused on Internet security since 1997 and has developed a technology leader in web site analysis and vulnerability detection.

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner includes many innovative features:

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Acunetix is ​​whether the site is completely exposed in any way, and the price level of security. It can analyze all the attacks above to see what's vulnerable.

It's worth $ 3195 a year! get free time and unlimited here.

how to install:

First install Acunetix 6.5.

2. Replace the original files from the crack folder contents.

3. Wvs.exe home and ready.


Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Wishing you all a very happy Ganesh Chaturthi :)

Product Creation Crash Course (Lesson #4)

I hope you are learning a lot from our Product Creation Crash Course.

Today let's talk about how to create your new killer product with the least amount of hassle possible!

Ok, so by now you should have a market that is profitable and all you need to do is create a product.

There are lot's of different products that you can create but for the purposes of this short course we will create an ebook and I will show you how to write a brilliant one even if you do not have a clue about the topic!

The reason that you should create an ebook as your first project is it is without a doubt in my opinion the easiest product to get started with!

If your niche really takes off you can always come back and create an "add-on" product like educational videos, or an online course as an up sell but to start off with focus on an ebook.

So let's get started:

First thing we need for our ebook is chapters. How do you know what chapters to put in your ebook?

Well you need to know what people want answers too within your niche so for this we head over to Yahoo Answers.

Yahoo Answers is an excellent resource to see what people are wanting answers to within a market. It is an awesome tool to find out what the chapters or sections of your ebook should be.

So all you do is type in the market phrase you have decided on into the search bar for instance "Dog Potty Training" so I will type this in, here is what comes up for me:

From the example it is hard to see, but there is 1,266 results for the phrase "Dog Potty Training".

What you need to do know is search through the results and see what the main questions or subjects that are bought up are.

For instance for my example one of the topics that comes up a lot within "Dog Potty Training" is the question "Should I smack my dog when potty training?"

The answer to this question by almost everyone is a big resounding NO!

So taking the example I would think about entitling on my chapters "The 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Smack Your Dog While Potty Training!".

The amount of chapters you pick for your ebook is dependant on how many different questions are being asked but you should aim for about 5 or 6 chapters with good content.

More on how to get the content next, for now find 5 or 6 questions that are being asked and make a note of them as these will be the chapters of your ebook.

The top 5 issues I found for "Dog Potty Training" was:

Should I Smack My Dog When Potty Training?

Is It Right To Shout At My Dog When Potty Training?

Should You Use A Crate When Dog Potty Training?

What's The Best Routines To Potty Train My Dog?

What Is The Best Way To Potty Train An Older Dog?

There was actually a lot more for “Dog Potty Training” but for your first product just focus on 5 or 6 main questions and save the questions in a notepad file and put them in the folder you made earlier.

These will be the main subjects or chapters for your ebook and all you need to do know is make a good title for each chapter and obviously add content to each chapter.

For the start of your book always start with an introduction where you can tell them who you are and what you are going to tell them.

This does not have to be too long however a nice little story will go down well.:)

For the title of your Chapters I find that catchy titles following the top reasons routine works well.

So for instance you could entitle the first chapter

"The Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Not Smack Your Dog While Potty Training And The REAL Secrets You Must Know To Do Successful Potty Training!"

As with every other step do not get too caught up on the titles of the chapters as you start to put content in your Ebook you can always go back and change them.

I find these three guidelines help:

Try to think of a catchy title that grabs their attention

Use words like "Secrets" or "Never Revealed Before" To Spark Interested

Also use the top 10 reasons methods or 10 thins NOT to do when training your dog, as it is easier when you go to write your book!

So to recap you should know have 5 or 6 questions that your product is going to answer and have thought of how to put them into catch chapter names.

As I say this does not have to be a masterpiece just think of 5 or 6 chapter headers that you are going to tell them the answer to. This will give you a focus for the content that you are going to create.

Once you have your chapter titles you are ready to start writing your content and we will discuss a simple way that you can do this quickly and easily.

So, be sure to check your email tomorrow and don't worry it isn't as hard as it sounds!

The Info Product Academy

Info Product Academy - make money with your own digital product

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reliance free GPRS TRICK September

Here is the updated RELIANCE GPRS trick for you.
You can use it on your computer,cellphone,free unlimited.
so follow some steps given below:
Go to your cellphone GPRS settings & make some changing.
set the port-8080
set the  Ip-
set apn-rcommms
try this trick.its working.


For this trick first of all recharge your cellphone with any gprs plan.chooose any low cost plan.
Download the proxyfier by google search & install it.
now the most important part of this trick.
change the setting of your gprs account.
set the protocool- HTTPS
set the proxy-
now the turn of port changing.
set it-Port- 9401
well,this trick not works in some states.

Airtel Free GPRS Trick september

Hi friends,here is new AIRTEL GPRS trick for you.
its simple & working trick.
no need of any application or browser.
just some configutation changing in your GPRS setting.
ok.lets start.
select the DNS SERVER-,OR
now change your
that's it.
keep your belance low.
now try to get free gprs for your mobile & computer.

Water for Lips {Lip Care}

Ok, so summers are gone and monsoons are already raging down on us. And, places which are cooler and highly humid come with another disadvantage. You forget to drink water because the thirst is not felt so much as much as in scorching heat. So, it is very important that you keep on sipping water little by little every one hour so that you don't go dry because it will affect your health first and then the skin, hair and lips show the signs of dryness. Lip becomes dry very easily when you don't drink enough water so make sure before applying your favorite lip balms or lip treatments, you are drinking enough water.

Horror Show in The Beauty Industry: Know the Reality

The beauty industry gets worse day by day. There was a time when anti ageing creams were made just for mature skin. Now they have such skin care products designed specifically for adolescents. The whitening creams cannot be ignored either.  Many drugstores keep a shelf specifically dedicated to those items. But are they safe to use despite their stronger promise to whitewash a face within a couple of weeks? 

There is dark side to what the beauty industry is all about. It no less than a horror show.  If you wish to get it revealed to you I recommend that you read Stacy Malkan’s book called Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry. Trust me, it is an eye opener.

According to the back of the book, Malkan works as a communication director for Health Care without Harm. She is also one of the founders of Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. In Not Just a Pretty Face, she shows her extensive research on how both lower and higher end brands (names are in the book) sell makeup and skin care products full of harmful ingredients to their world wide consumers. They do not even spare the skin of the babies. She has also mentioned how her organization requested these brands to change their product formula only to end up with got no positive response. In other words, bringing a change to the beauty industry is quite a challenge.

Although Not Just a Pretty Face has some real bitter truths it is not at all boring to read. Malkan seems to be a gifted writer and explains everything in simple sentences. So do try to get a hold of her book. It should be available in most public and school libraries. But if you wish to get the sneak preview of this book you can try using the Amazon. By the way, on that site, the users have given it full 5 Stars. The book is actually deserving of it.

One thing I would like to point out here is that the book does not say that the entire beauty industry is bad. There are good companies out there who produce products that are safe to use. They cooperated with Malkan's organization. But after reading this book, do not come to conclusion that wearing makeup will poison your skin. We live in an industrial era. The air is too polluted and full of radiation. So saying goodbye to makeup forever will not guarantee that we will be able to hundred percent protect ourselves from any infections. Do wear makeup, but keep it minimum. Also if you are already faithful to a certain toxic makeup brand minimize using it. However, be careful about your skin care products. 

Create A Own Facebook Username

just Login in & Click on Account– Account Settings.

Now find the username field.

Just click on the Edit button.

Text box, type the user name that you want.
Remember that you can create a username only once.
After that, click Save Changes go to the profile. You can view your profile link to / username.


A Few Android Security Applications

Android is the creation of some

Buzz around with all its fantastic users

saving features and applications. Millions of

applications and the games are available


so let's have a look at some

applications that will help you protect your data

and privacy.


Another good all-in-one app, which protects

data and privacy. You can track

The position of the phone in case its stolen or

lost by you. It basically sends a sms

default alert to a contact. Who has this amazing ability to locate, lock and delete a

the device remotely. Yes! You can clean

the data remotely if the phone can not be found.

Even if it does not provide anti-virus

protection, and provides a backup

restore the system.

Was recently acquired by WaveSecure


Downlod it from here.

Norton Mobile Security

This application has received as well as the characteristics

the applications mentioned above. As follow-up

remote locking and eliminate the ability, etc.

Besides, you can block or control

incoming calls and text messages to some people

your call log.
 it's free  to download.
Get it from HERE .

Lookout Mobile Security

This is  the best applications to protect your

phone against viruses, data loss, etc. appprovides anti-virus, malware and

spyware blocking features. It also scans

all applications installed on the phone to prevents you from using these applications in the

in the future.

If you lose your phone, you can follow

phone location by phone to locate on the map

function. This seems mainly an alarm

the device itself, when asked to follow.

Another nice feature of this application is that it

allows you to save and restore your data

like - contact, photos, text messages and emails

Download it free from here


It allows users to password protect any

an application stored on their phone. This

Application security takes a step further

even allows users to password protect any characteristic of a mobile app.

Many users experience the benefits of

about this security.

The Protector allows users to password

to protect different applications, such as Android

Chat, notepad, calendar, photos, settings,

Email, Gmail and  SMS inbox.

A downside of this application is that

do not provide a recovery service pin. So it

can create a lot of trouble if you forget or

lose a PIN.
Download it free from here.
That's it guys.

Product Creation Crash Course (Lesson #3)

It's time for your third lesson.

Today let's talk about how you can be sure that your product will make you money!

Ok, so you have your niche and have picked out the top 5 phrases that people are searching for in that market. The next thing we need to find out is if the niche will make you any money!

Bear in mind that there is no guarantees that you will make money with your product, however if you follow this step it should make you 99% sure that there is a market available for the taking!

Before we begin I highly suggest that you make a folder on your Desktop to keep all your work together. Just call it your "niche name" product for example "Dog Training Product".

Now to find out if you will make money from your product we need to ascertain that all the people are searching for your 5 phrases are buying as well!

There are many different ways to do this but this is the way that I recommend because it's easy and effective.

First of all go to and type in your top phrase (the one with the most searches) for instance I would type in "Dog Training".

Once you have typed in your main phrase the first thing you should look at is the number of search results the query has.

For example at the time I am writing this there are 37,200,000 results for the phrase "dog training".

This is a lot of results and that normally means there is a market for dog training products. The next thing you should do is look at the number of Adwords ads the phrase has.

These are the mall ads on the right side of your search results page. Basically the more profitable a market the more people will bid to place their ads. If your search returns a page with few or no Adwords ads on it. Drop that topic and find a new one because chances are good that no one is buying in that market.

Now all you need to do now is type each one of the five phrases you picked earlier and make a note of:

1. The number of search results

2. How many people are buying Google Adwords for that phrase.

The next thing we need to do as mentioned above is get a rough idea of how much people are willing to pay to be there on Google Adwords as this is a good indicator of how much money is in a niche!

Also make a note of what the Adwords are selling as this is a good indicator of WHAT people are buying in the niche and this can help you with your product creation.

For instance what is the top Adwords Ad?

For the dog training niche it is:

Tropical Dog Training Achieve Behavior that will impress.
Serving South Florida

Bear in mind this is not necessarily the best product to copy although it will give you an idea of what people are selling in the niche.

However the above is just something to bear in mind, when you have checked out the search results for each one of your phrases and the competing ads we need to know how much people are paying and for this we will use a site called:

Spyfu is a site that lets you see what sort of money people are spending on Google Adwords for their phrases.

When you go these all you need to do is type in your main phrase into the Spyfu search bar and it will display the information we want.

You will need to do this with each of your phrases but I will go through the process with our example phrase "Dog Training". SpyFu bought up this information for the phrase "Dog Training"

Cost/Click: $0.82 - $3.41

Clicks/Day: 62.4 - 79.0

Advertisers: 20

Cost/Day: $51.46 - $270.00

You will receive more info showing the Google Adwords ads but we are only interested in the top bit as shown above.

Let me explain what this data means and how it is relevant:

Cost/Click: This tells us the average cost to the advertiser per click, so you can see that the average advertiser is spending $0.82 per each click. The higher amount is the better as if they are spending a lot of money per click they must be getting sales! (normally anyway!)

Click/Day: This shows us the average amount of clicks per day an advertiser is getting on that phrase. If this is high it is better also as it means people are searching for information on that phrase.

Advertisers: This shows the number of advertisers bidding on this phrase. Ideally this number should be lower than 20 as it means that there is more than 20 different competing Google Adwords and if you can find a good niche with low competition then this is better. Don't worry too much about this though as if it is high you can get people to promote your product!

Cost/Day: This shows the total daily cost to all advertisers that bought this keyword/phrase this just shows you how much an advertiser is prepared to pay to stay at the top. Normally the more the better, as if the advertiser is willing to pay more than they must think the keyword is profitable!

So all you need to do is go through each of your 5 keywords and see the results using this tool.

Ideally you will be looking for all the figures to be high and the competition low (lower than 10 competing ads can be a goldmine!).

However as long as people are spending money and there is a market there you will make money 99% of the time!

Also you should now start thinking about narrowing down your niche for product creation using this tool.

For example I have been focusing on the keyword "Dog Training" however it is a good idea to focus on an actual topic within a subject like "Dog Potty Training" in my example.

This is not always the case but does mean you can focus in on one point and will be easier when creating your product and more targeted.

Here is the results for "Dog Potty Training":

Cost/Click: $0.61 - $1.95

Clicks/Day: 1.58 - 2.00

Advertisers: 20

Cost/Day: $0.96 - $4.00

As you can see from the example above this phrase is a lot more focused and is still very competitive.

However although it is saying we would only receive approximately 2.00 clicks per day if you created a product on how to potty train your dog you would get more sales than if you created the same guide and bid on just the phrase "dog training".

Does that make sense?

You should find a niche this way that tells people how to solve a problem or offer some solution.

So for this example I will settle on the topic "Dog Potty Training".

Also don't get too caught up on this just take each of your 5 phrases type them into Spyfu and note the results and see how much people are spending to be there. Then select a phrase that solves a problem or that is more focused!

So I have settled on the phrase "Dog Potty Training".

The next step will show you how to get started creating your product. So, do all of your research and save your results to the folder that you created earlier and make sure you look for your next lesson soon.

The Info Product Academy

Info Product Academy - make money with your own digital product

Exploit The Mobile Revolution

I recently discovered a surefire solution to taking your business to the next level.

You're about to get a one-shot opportunity to dominate your niche markets simply by tapping into the popularity of an ever-growing revolution in business.. Mobile Marketing!

With millions connecting to the Internet every day from their mobile devices, you can instantly maximize your income just by plugging into this dramatic change in the way that people look for information.

You can tap into a Brand New Method of targeting Customers and skyrocket your profits, instantly!

Uncover the Revolutionary System That Will INSTANTLY Maximize Profits While Pushing Your Business Out to MILLIONS Of Customers Worldwide!

If you act quickly, there is a low introductory price available ...

... but even if that introductory price is no longer available when you get to the page, this is still an absolute must-have!

To Your Success

Monday, August 29, 2011

Schedule A Publication Of Facebook

Guys, schedule your posts, comments, on Facebook using an application on facebook called postcron .
you can publish your comments or post time scheduled using this free application.

Here's how:You have to Login your facebook account using postcron .
Enter your comments and speeches on the provided box .
Set The shedule as you want.
You can change the plan at any time.

Almond Oil for Neck Wrinkles {DIY}

I have always felt that neck lines can't be got rid of except for doing face exercises daily and keeping the neck straight so that there is no crease. But, sometime back, I used almond oil for moisturizing my face and neck and observed that my neck lines were gone in probably 3-4 days. So, if you have the same problem you could give the almond oil a try!!! If you are afraid that the oil might break you out, then you could try using the oil only on the neck. I had been using the Rogan Badam oil which I had talked about quite a long back.

the doom of it

B reminded me that when her physical pain was so great years ago, she had told me she thought of suicide, and then later, maybe months or years later, I'd said, Aren't you glad you didn't do it? I didn't remember the conversations at all. I think of Spalding Gray every time I have the attack of itching/stinging. I know why he did it. I can feel a parallel to what caused him to go over. I know what pain or discomfort (discomfort: such a plush, seemingly innocuous word) can lead you to do. Just to stop it. All you want is to stop it. I cannot stop weeping. I wept Friday because a medical resident smiled her way into the exam room, and I told her, I didn't think residents bothered me any more, and I was embarrassed that they still did. I feel attacked. I feel stripped apart. I feel taken, taken brutally, by surprise. I cannot believe my hyperbole. Many many years ago in an interview for an internship, I was shocked to be told that the length of the internship was not what I thought. To be told differently than what I'd assumed--I was shocked, embarrassed, into gaping silence. Because the world was not the steady thing that I thought it was. Or rather, not the steady thing I knew it wasn't, but needed it to be. Then again, all this, this being deeply felt despair, deeply felt sorrow, could be caused by a switch from the brand Effexor to the generic capsule. And last time I filed for a switch back from generic to another brand name medicine, the insurance would not allow. Not allow. To be boxed in. To have no choice. My father would say, Only a fool is happy all the time. He had no idea. No idea of daily despair. Of the depths. How bad it could get. There was only unhappy or total happiness. I didn't even hope for total happiness. I wouldn't have bothered to hope for it. Total happiness wasn't necessary. I agreed with him on that, I didn't demand such luxury. All I wanted was to be delivered from the darkness. To live in the world the way I imagined a normal person would. I knew that I might not receive this award or that one, or be accepted into the ivy league university I thought I deserved. I did not demand or crave a life that consisted of always winning. All I wanted to was to be released from the invisible choke at my neck. To start out looking the morning straight in the eye. On a level playing field, you could say. As if there were some guarantee from our alleged Creator that we would not feel each day as if life were against us.


To read about how Prozac changed my life, click here.

Can I Succeed Online? (Short Video)

To learn more just click on the “SBI! 2.0” at the bottom of the video when video is finished (about 1 minute)!

Auto Backup Firefox Bookmarks

Firefox has a backup system.backupfox  is an extension for Firefox to save your bookmarks in a JSON file. Now you can retrive your links saved.
The BackupFox useful Firefox extension that automatically and regularly back up your bookmarks and history.use this simple tool to save the copy of the configuration of your browser and navigate links to important data files on the hard disk .

You must specify a file path that contains the saved data. The recorded data is formatted. JSON.

Product Creation Crash Course (Lesson #2)

It's time for your second lesson. I hope you found lesson one informative and that you are ready to get started researching topics for your new information product.

This is one of the most talked about subjects in Internet marketing and can be like the search for King Solomon's mines.

The good news is it really doesn't have to be that difficult and you can find profitable niches with ease it just requires you to think slightly outside the box.

This step is the exact method I use to find profitable niches and is pretty easy to do!

The first thing you need to do especially with your first product is find a niche that interests you.

This is not always the case and there will be plenty of profitable niches that you do not really interest you at all, but with your first product it is a good idea to find a niche that you have some sort of interest in. It will make the job easier for you.

If you are having difficulty thinking of a good niche that you have interest in, the best thing to do is think about your hobbies.

Just think of things that you enjoy doing like cooking, playing computer games, fishing, DIY, Ebay, collecting stamps etc...

The other thing I should mention here is try not to spend too much time thinking about this as it can prevent you from taking action!

Ok, so once you have got your niche the first thing you need to do is see if it is profitable and people are looking for it!

Remember don't spend too much time on this just think of something you have an interest in and move on to the next step.

The next thing you need to do is determine how many people are searching for your niche.

To do this you will need a good keyword tool like the one found here:

There are many more that you can use and you can find them by doing a quick search for "keyword tool" in your browser. But for this course we will stick with the one above because it's fast, free and easy.

Now, perform this test. Go to the link above and type in your main topic, for instance dog training. When you click the button you will see a list of the top keywords on that topic plus how many times the words have been searched for.

By performing this search you will be able to get a good idea if the niche you are interested in is a popular one with lots of people looking for products related to it.

Keep in mind that your niche search results should have more than 1000 searches per month at the very least 500. This is a rough estimate, but it will still give you a good idea of weather or not you should move forward in that niche.

If you did the test above you've seen that the top main phrases associated with dog training are:

free dog training tips dog training collars in home dog training dog training collar dog training tips

At least at the time I am writing this. Result will vary.

So you should now do the same with the topic of your choice and pick the top 5 phrases that are being most searched for in your niche.

If you followed the above steps and your niche has less than 500 searches per month then you may want to find another because it may not be worth putting the work in to creating a product on that topic if there are so few looking for it!

So if you have a very small niche, try and think of another niche with more search results.

Once you have found a niche with a decent amount of search results move it time to move on to Step 3 where we will find out if your niche will make you money and we will cover that in your next lesson. Be sure to look for it tomorrow!

The Info Product Academy

Info Product Academy - make money with your own digital product

Sunday, August 28, 2011

How To delete The Data from Your computer

Are you thinking to  wipe the hard drives.
there are so mant softwares are available to erase your computer hard disk.
I must  recommend an active mode Disk Professional.
You can download it from here.
Thisr software will erase your data totally. there will be no turning back, and  your DATA or any FILES will be totally unreadable.

Easy Way to Clean and Store Makeup Brushes So They Last Longer

Makeup brushes need cleaning because they show a little bit too much kindness to dust particles. This, in turn, means negative things for our human skin. After all, dust particles are full of germs and they are one of the leading causes of breakouts. Apparently, there are several methods released by different makeup artists on how to clean makeup brushes.  You are free to try them out anytime. But the specific method I am going to talk about here today is unique in what it does. 
It is something I came up with on my own when I was a teenager.  Yes, three years ago, I did cover it in an article, but that was for another site and that is also without the evidence and some more details. I am going to basically provide it all here today. But before that understand the method involved

Things Needed
Gel hand soap  (must be antibacterial)
Two kitchen towel s (must be strong)
A big jar (must have the lead)
Makeup brushes and if needed eye shadow applicators made from foam
A Cup/Mug (the one that you do not use for drinking purpose)

  1. Give a good shake to your brushes so all extra dust particles fall off.  This step does not apply to foam based eye shadow applicators.

  2. Now wash them one by one under running water. This way you will be getting rid of more dust and preparing your brushes for the soap.  This time include your eye shadow applicators. The dirt will not come out easily out of them though. So use your fingers to give them a little press. Remember they are highly fragile. So you need to be extra careful with them.

  3. Now in the cup, pour two to three drops of your gel hand soap.

  4. Pour water in it now.

  5. Stir the gel nicely so it loosens up.

  6. Next, soak your makeup brushes in this water for couple of minutes.

  7. Before taking them out, give each one of them a little swirling in the cup.

  8. Then wash them in the running tap water. For the eye shadow applicators, use your fingers again.

  9. Press them to take out excess water.

  10. Leave them to dry off on the surface of the kitchen towel. Keep them covered with another of your piece.

  11. Store them in the jar. Leave it closed.

Okay, I really do not recommend you to apply any kind of gel cleanser directly to your brushes. It is just that they are thick and stubborn. They do not want to get out of the brushes easily and thus, you need to spend extra with them. I must also let you know that the direct gel has a great ability to ruin the overall structure of your brushes. Now if you follow my steps your brushes will last almost forever. Yes, it is possible. Just take a look at the image below.

Notice the Estee Lauder (blue) and Lancome (red) eye shadow brushes. Both of them came in their respective makeup kits in the early 2000.  The Estee Lauder one was my mom’s. She never used the brush and handed it over to me to use.  Meanwhile, when I just started wearing makeup in high school (2003) I bought the Lancome makeup kit (Teen Me=Fool). Now all the cosmetics are gone. The only things remain are the makeup brushes. However, the models are no more available in the market. So you will never see them anywhere.  By using the above method, I am always able to make them maintain their quality and yes, I still use them to apply my eye makeup. Now as for the foam based applicators and face makeup brush, they are 4 to 5 years old, but see how new they look still. 

Hydration for Hair {Hair Care}

Rule 1 for Hair Care: Constantly hydrate your hair. 
One of the very basic principle of hair care is to keep your hydrated at all times. Dry hair is prone to damage and same goes with excessively oily hair. Oily hair is just excess in oil which is also harmful for the hair as it might cause excess buildup on the scalp and hair and of course, you need to wash your hair regularly to get rid of the grease. So, let us return to hydration of hair. If you want to keep your hair in optimal health, go for regular hydrating treatments. A hair spa is a good indulgence which will bring a lot of life to your hair too. And, whipping up various home remedies is also not such a bad option. Make it a routine to treat your hair at least once a week to a hydrating treatment whether its a hair mask from the brands or a homemade one.

Samsung Galaxy S II Coming to Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T

The New Samsung, T-Mobile and also AT&T Cell phones came again. Samsung Galaxy S II coming to sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T are the great cell phone. The new US Samsung Galaxy S II have 4 buttons on galaxy s phones. Our SGS devices had 4 buttons too. I prefer any of these GS2 versions than the international one. I prefer the 4-button design. The Sprint one looks the best, but the AT&T looks good too. I want the qwerty version on AT&T. Hope the rumors were true about two version of  Galaxy s2 phone for AT&T. The Samsung Galaxy S II is really thin and light, im  touching very often my pocket to see if my SGS2 is still there. And screen is superb, colours are very rich.

T-Mobile, Samsung Galaxy SII and At&T

via pocketnow

Product Creation Crash Course

Welcome to the first lesson in the Product Creation Crash Course.

Each day for the next few days you will receive a lesson that will help you learn the ins and outs of product creation.

Firstly, let me say Thank you joining me for this short course, I am confident that you will find the content in this course invaluable when begin to create your own information products.

The reason I've created this short course is to help other people (like you) get started creating their own products. I know it can seem like a daunting task, but believe me when I say it is also the most profitable step you can take for your financial future!

There is a lot of information on the web on how to create your own products but not many of these sources provide a clear and concise step by step plan so that you can get your product out there and making money in the shortest time possible!

So that is what I am going to attempt to do here. :)

I am confident if you follow the steps within this course you will have your very own killer product that will bring in sales for years to come.

In this first lesson let's talk a little about why the right mind set means a lot when it comes to creating your own product.

The hardest thing I've found and probably many other people find to when they get started with any aspect of Internet Marketing is all of the hard work it involves.

I am not sure how you got interested in Internet Marketing but if you were like me you have probably been pulled in at some point, by all the websites out there that promise untold riches for 5 minutes work!

Don't get me wrong this is indeed possible, but in my experience not when you are getting started. It is indeed a reality if you have a list of 3,000 responsive buyers that you can send out an email that will make you thousands of dollars within a few days.

Although to start off you need to create that product and build that list and unfortunately that will require some good old fashioned research and elbow grease!

So you will need the correct mind set and I am not going to write pages and pages of motivation for you, except to answer the number one question that stops people taking action or makes them give up in my experience.

I know this question comes up and can be very hard to overcome because I have asked myself the same question plenty of times when I was getting started with Internet Marketing.

Here is the question or questions I found myself asking when I was getting started:

Is this going to work?

Is all this work worth it?

Will my product sell?

These are the three main questions that I found myself asking when I was creating my own product.

Well take it from me the answer to all those questions is Yes it really does work!.

If you follow the steps within this course you will see that Internet Marketing does not have some secret formula!

All you have to do is see things through to the end, have the ability to follow a series of steps and probably most important take action!

Whether it takes you 5 days or 5 weeks to follow these steps see them through to the end and I guarantee you will achieve success online!

Once you create your own product and once that is pulling in money you can do the same thing over and over to build a virtual empire.

We have a lot to go over in the next few days if you want to learn how to create your own product, so make sure you look for your next lesson tomorrow.

The Info Product Academy

Info Product Academy - make money with your own digital product

A VERY Simple Way To Format Your Computer

This is the easiest way to format your computer.
No required any software,No any long processor.
Just do one thing-
Press cnrl +x+00+f12
That's it.

How To Remove Recycle Bin From Your Computer

Friends, i m going to tell you how to remove the Recycle Bin from your computer.

Its very easy thing.

You must remove the Windows registry value.

To do this:

Go to Start, Run, type "regedit"

In Search box.


Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-Software-Microsoft-Windows-Explorer-CurruntVersion-desktop-mast {NameSpaceyou see 645ff-040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} delete this key should delete recyle bin from your desktop.

Problem: Information Overload

Anyone in their right mind knows that if you were to try to cramp everything into your head right now, you will DIE from information overload. Period.

If you are currently employed, you already know that job security is a myth. You can risk losing your job anytime, and all the more chances now in this financial climate.

If you are an offline business owner, you can feel the pinch of the global recession effects on your business.

If you are currently unemployed or still studying, you don't need to get another job to find out the cold, harsh truth about the never-ending rat race.

"Now For The Good News!"

Regardless of your current circumstances, did you know that you DON'T have to read hundreds of books or courses on Internet Marketing to truly start making your first dollar online?

Neither do you need to spend years of pioneering your way towards your first million dollar success!

Look, I'm telling you all these not because it's something you want to hear - but you NEED to hear it. Don't get me wrong on this - you don't have to be a popular face on the Internet to start raking big bucks.

Making money on the internet is not hard UNLESS you learn from someone who has already been through the pain and suffering and trials and errors.

In fact it makes me cry when I see others trying to do everything themselves from scratch and still end up getting nowhere.

Allow me to show you what you SHOULD understand first before you even attempt to start your business..


internet marketing membership training

Master Google+!

Google+ is the hot new kid on the block in the world of social networking, and with good reason. It’s been called the love child of Facebook and Twitter, and some say it’s poised to put Twitter out of business in the next few years.

So what is so great about Google+, anyway?

Well, Google+ combines the best of various social networks in one engaging platform. You have the power of a robust social network like Facebook combined with the ease of use simplicity of a site like Twitter.

As a result, people are flocking to the site in droves. The site had over twelve million users in its first few weeks, making it a runaway success! Not only are people signing up they’re actually using the site! These are loyal users who are posting every day! Where else can you immediately have access to 12 million people in a single location? If you’re not on Google+, what are you waiting for? The site is a goldmine, and now is the perfect time to get in on it.

Want to learn how Google+ can get you more traffic and more money?

To your success,


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