If you're familiar with Joe Sugarman's famous "bucket brigadge" method ...
(something you'll learn on The Lost Sugarman Tapes)
... you'll know that it's one of the many shortcuts Joe gives you to instantly getting far better results than you have been.
It's wonderful. We use it all the time. But that's not what I want to talk to you about.
Instead, I want to talk to you about the BONUS brigade!
That's right, we have a brigade of bonuses we're going to keep chucking at you until it's impossible to resist The Lost Sugarman Tapes:
Discount Code: m78xc3qw
What's the first one?
Well, Joe did a live presentation a few years ago at a Joe Polish seminar where we talks about each of the "27 Triggers" in even more detail than he did on the Dan O'Day audios (which are awesome of course).
Joe Polish wants you to have The Lost Sugarman tapes so much that he's offering these videos for free to all of the people lucky enough to grab one of the last remaining copies of the tapes.
Step 1. Grab One of the Remaining Copies of The Lost Sugarman Tapes
Discount Code: m78xc3qw
Step 2. There is no step 2.
That's it. Once you purchase, you'll get immediate access to this additional set of mind-bending video trainings.
Joe Polish sold them for $468.95. They're now not available at all at any price.
Unless, of course, you follow Steps 1 and 2 above.
How many more bonuses will we throw at you?
It all depends on how long it takes to sell the remaining copies Joe has authorized us to sell.
We're keeping all of the specifics here under wraps, but know this: we could, and probably will, yank the tapes off the market at any time.
There won't be any warning. They'll just be gone.
And once they're gone, they're gone for good!
So, what are you waiting for?
Remember what Goethe said:
"Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid!"
Be bold today and treat yourself to something that will send positive shockwaves into your financial future!