Friday, December 31, 2010


Maintenance blog ataupun website sering menjadi perhatian para blogger. Salahsatunya adalah mengetahui Cara mengukur size dan kecepatan loading website. Selain itu juga akan dijelaskan mengenai bagaimana cara mengetahui secara detail mengenai analisa script template pada blog yang sobat pakai. Fasilitas yang dipakai adalah Website speed check dari rapid website

Mengetahui jumlah total size dalam hitungan kilobyte, waktu dalam hitungan detik yang dibutuhkan loading template blog sobat secara keseluruhan, serta jenis komponen penyusun template, bertujuan agar anda dapat mengevaluasi script atau widget mana yang perlu dikurangi, dalam upaya optimasi percepatan waktu loading page demi performance template sobat.

Cara mengukur size dan kecepatan Loading blog atau website:
1. Masuk ke URL , tertulis
2. Ketikkan alamat URL blog anda, misalnya:
3. masukan angka hasil penjumlahan

4. lanjutkan dengan klik Submit
5. Pada halaman berikutnya akan ditampilkan hasil antara lain:

Penjelasan :
·   Perhatikan tabel Speed, kolom Average Speed merupakan rata-rata kecepatan blog anda. Misalnya: 4,4s itu artinya waktu rata-rata yang dibutuhkan sekitar hampir 4 detik berdasarkan standar koneksi yang dipakai.
·   Data Volume: 208,04 kB artinya bobot data template secara global termasuk teks, gambar, output dari javasript dan load dari iframe yang mungkin ada dalam blog.
·   Size with HTML adalah data yang umum dianalisa dan digunakan dalam berbagai Speed Test tools template, Allien99 templatenya 84,66 kB. Menurut para master batas ideal dari template blog konon adalah 100 kb.
·   Kolom Estimated Load Time: waktu yang dibutuhkan sesuai jenis koneksi internet yang digunakan. Jenis modem UMTS : Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, adalah teknologi telepon genggam 3G yang ekonomis dan murah meriah. sedangkan jenis T3 merupakan modem super cepat, modem ini akan menampilkan laman dengan cepat dan sempurna.
·   Selanjutnya perincian unsur penyusun script yang ada dalam Template ditampilkan mulai CSS, JavaScript (termasuk PHP) dan file Image (termasuk animasi).

Penutup :
Sebagai saran kurangi pemakaian gambar dalam artikel juga pemakaian animasi GIF yang berlebihan Bila tetap ingin memakai pakailah seperlunya sesuai kepentingan (misalnya gambar tutorial diatas). Carilah keseimbangan antara kecepatan dan estetika yang diperlukan blog sobat. Terlalu berat membuat sulit dan malas diakses pengunjung dan bila terlalu sederhana mengurangi nilai estetika yang sedikitnya diperlukan.
Akhir kata semoga cara mengukur size dan kecepatan loading website ini bisa bermanfaat untuk dipergunakan sebagai analisa loading page pada blog rekan-rekan.

Silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya :

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Hey All!!

Well, I am back to wish you all a very happy new year. This year has been too much eventful and full of ups and downs. So, here's to everyone, all the very best for your new year and may you have all your wishes fulfilled in the new year. Have a very very happy new year.

And, once again, thank you everyone for keeping up with my irregular habits and bearing with my ramblings and rants. Hope you continue to do the same :)

Take Care and enjoy!!
See you all in the new year.


Internet memang sepertinya terus membuka cakrawala dan wawasan baru bagi penggunanya. Tergantung diri kita apakah akan terus maju menyerap wawasan baru di dunia maya ini. Hasil Googling kali ini Allien 99 menemukan sebuah website menarik. Menjadi  Pialang via Marketiva hanya dengan cara online saja. Apakah Marketiva?

MARKETIVA adalah sebuah perusahaan pialang internasional, profesional dan legal yang berkedudukandi switzerland. Perusahaan ini telah mendapat izin international dengan nomor :
IBC CAP.291 REG.NO. 646819
bagi yang penasaran coba periksa no izin internasional tersebut kalau ingin benar-benar yakin.

Setelah sedikit dipelajari ternyata melalui Marketiva sobat tidak selalu harus memiliki uang dengan jumlah besar untuk mulai mencoba berinvestasi dalam perdagangan mata uang asing, tapi cukup dengan uang Rp. 10.000,- ataupun sesuai kemampuan finansial sobat tentunya.

Satu hal menarik, sobat bisa segera melakukan perdagangan tanpa uang sepeserpun.. ??.. karena begitu sobat selesai mendaftar sobat akan langsung mendapat bonus hadiah 5 US$ sebagai modal awal perdagangan anda.

Bagi rekan yang ingin mencobanya silahkan masuk ke , pelajari baik-baik, teliti dan hati-hati, mudah-mudahan hal ini bisa membuka wawasan baru dan tentunya juga penghasilan baru bagi para netter.
Selamat mencoba..

Silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya :
Daftar tempat jual beli blog dan situs
Google TV inovasi terbaru dari google
Cara termudah membuat animasi GIF
Cara pasang video youtube di blog
Free download-Advance SystemCare Pro 3.3.4
Pantau quota speedy dengan speedy alert
Amankan komputer anda dengan Install Block

Monday, December 27, 2010


I was corresponding back and forth in the comments section of the Elizabeth Edwards post about selfishness, having children, not having children, going to enormous effort to have them. You could call me selfish for not having children. I was always afraid they'd have asthma, I was afraid I'd run out on them in a panic, that I would be selfish and not want to pay attention to them. I realized that I think strangers who've tried very hard (hormones, in vitro, etc.) are spoiled, but when my friends and family have taken this route, I'm very sympathetic. What does this mean except that I'm judgmental? Or maybe that I'm envious of celebrities who have been able to stop the clock, the way they've been successful in doing so much else. Both Wendy Wasserstein and Elizabeth Edwards had children late and both died of cancer. Connection? I don't know. I do know that both ovarian and breast cancer have been known as "the nun's disease." My sister has three children and has never had even a cancer scare. I don't have the BRCA gene, and I would bet neither does she. My mother has never had breast or ovarian cancer. She had two children and no more. Is there a part of me that wishes that I could have gone through all the body mechanics to have a child late in life? The truth is that I like options. I always want to feel that I could take up anything, marathon-running, or art or a new language, with my middle-aged chemo-addled brain and body. And you can always find role models. Take Grandma Moses, for example. I've always wanted to experience pregnancy and childbirth. When I come across an ad for a surrogate, I read it, and it takes me a second or two to realize that yes, though I am healthy (if you ignore the breast and blood cancer and asthma), I am not 35 years old any more.

Attention, bloggers

More media queries, for current and former bloggers:
If you live and work in the Chicago area and used to blog,
but don't anymore, and want to be interviewed, please contact
Lisa Bertagnoli (
Media Outlet:
Deadline: 05:00 PM EST - 30 December
African-American Bloggers: How Did You Begin Blogging? is looking for African-American bloggers to
share their stories of how they started blogging. How did you
begin blogging? Who (or what) influenced or inspired you? What
has blogging brought to your life? We want to know! All stories
will be fully attributed to you with links to your blog as well.
Photos are a plus.
Maurice Cherry (Black Weblog Awards)
Deadline: 11:00 PM EST - 31 December


Berhubung banyaknya pertanyaan dan permintaan rekan-rekan pada postingan tempat jual beli situs dan blog yang menampilkan flippa sebagai situs jual beli website, maka artikel kali ini penulis akan mencoba memberikan beberapa Daftar tempat jual beli blog dan situs sebagai bahan perbandingan. Silahkan untuk dipelajari dan semoga memiliki nilai manfaat bagi rekan yang berkunjung ke Allien 99 dan rekan yang membutuhkannya.

Inilah 10 Daftar Tempat Jual beli Blog dan situs :

1. Flippa
Pada artikel sebelumnya telah dibahas secara ringkas informasi akses situs jual beli ini dan rekan-rekan dapat membacanya pada link yang terdapat pada paragraf pertama. Situs ini memiliki rating tertinggi dalam hal jual beli website, domain dan bahkan blog.

Website ini terkenal dalam jual beli situs dan blog, selain itu website ini menawarkan sistem afiliasi sehingga para member atau anggotanya dapat memperoleh penghasil tambahan sebagai bonusnya.

3. Website Broker
Website ini telah memiliki reputasi di dunia online sehingga  bisa dipercaya untuk jual beli blog dan situs.

4. Webuywebsites
Reputasi website ini terkenal dalam jual beli website. Webuywebsite cenderung berminat membeli website yang sudah cukup terkenal dan kurang berminat pada web konten porno ataupun website arsip.

5. Time2sell
Website ini bisa dicoba untuk menjadi tempat jual beli blog dan situs.

6. Domainshow
Website ini adalah tempat jual beli website dimana merupakan marketplace yang cukup dinamis.

7. Buydomains
Tempat jual beli domain yang cukup dikenal dikalangan netter.

8. Afternic
Afternic menawarkan berbagai layanan seperti domain registration dan domain parking yang artinya mendaftarkan domain tapi tidak untuk menggunakan berbagai layanan email dll.

9. Sedo
Seperti halnya website di atas website ini menawarkan semua layanan dan domain eceran

10. Buy Domain
Seperti namanya website ini tempat membeli ataupun menjual domain yang anda miliki.

Baca artikel menarik lainnya :
Meraih dollar dengan daytipper
Tips membuat artikel yang bermanfaat
Domain-domain impian bernilai miliaran
Menaikan ranking website di google
Tips menjaga keamanan password
Istilah dalam affiliate program
Amankan komputer anda dengan install block
Free download PDF to word doc Converter

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Hey guys, wish you all a very merry Christmas. Hope you have a great weekend. I am posting a very cute Punjabi Jingle bells song video. Do watch it!! It's really cute.


Berhubung isi artikel ini cukup penting maka penulis ulang informasi yang didapatkan ini karena bermanfaat bagi netter ataupun para nasabah Bank. Waspada terhadap tipuan phising bagi nasabah bank perlu kita ketahui bersama karena telah muncul modus baru dalam metode phising yang para hacker kriminal lakukan. Dari referensi yang penulis dapat ada 4 kiat untuk menangkalnya.

Aksi phising ini merupakan upaya pencurian informasi sensitif yang mengincar para nasabah bank. Dibawah ini adalah 4 kiat yang bisa dijadikan pegangan nasabah agar tak terperdaya dengan aksi tipuan.

1. Cek Asal Usul Email
Modus yang biasa dilancarkan penjahat cyber adalah dengan mengirimkan email pancingan ke sejumlah orang. Isi surat elektronik tersebut biasanya meminta si calon korban untuk mengunjungi situs tertentu, untuk kemudian melakukan registrasi ulang (memasukkan username dan password e-banking nasabah).

Jangan lantas percaya jika mendapat email dengan model seperti ini. Cek dulu asal-usul si pengirim email, apakah menggunakan domain email resmi dari suatu bank tertentu atau tidak.
Sebab, jika mereka memakai domain email tak jelas, sudah tak usah dipercaya email tersebut. Meskipun di akhir email mereka mengaku-ngaku dari bank yang bersangkutan.

2. Tak Cukup Lewat Email
Melakukan registrasi ulang dengan memasukkan username dan password merupakan aktivitas yang sensitif. Jadi, penyampaian informasi terkait aktivitas ini juga tak bisa sembarangan, cuma lewat email.

Sejumlah bank mengaku jika menginginkan para nasabahnya melakukan registrasi ulang, mereka biasanya tak cuma memberi kabar lewat email. Namun juga melalui sarana yang lebih personal, yakni dihubungi secara langsung. Ada juga yang menggunakan surat resmi, meski dipadu-padankan dengan email pula. Setidaknya, pihak bank memperlakukan aktivitas ini dengan lebih profesional.

3. Telepon Balik
Jangan ragu untuk menelpon customer service bank yang Anda gunakan. Lebih baik waspada, ketimbang ragu-ragu namun malah berujung hal buruk bagi Anda.

4. Membedakan Situs Asli atau Palsu
Situs lembaga keuangan yang digunakan untuk login biasanya memiliki sistem keamanan yang lebih ketat. Pertama, lihat alamat situsnya. Situs login harusnya menggunakan awalan 'https' bukan 'http'. Https merupakan merupakan versi aman dari http.

Akhiran 's' pada 'http' tersebut menandakan bahwa situs tersebut benar-benar telah 'secure', karena dilindungi oleh teknologi enkripsi data berupa Verisign SSL.

bank permata palsu
 Di situs e-banking Bank Permata yang aspal, tercantum pula logo 'Verisign Security Site'. Bagi orang awam, tentu sulit membedakannya. Yang dapat menjadi salah patokan kesahihan sebuah situs e-banking yaitu URL yang tertulis adalah 'https'.

Kemudian di bagian kanan bawah browser (untuk Firefox) ada gambar gembok yang terkunci. Sementara untuk Internet Explorer (IE), gembok warna kuning ini ada di isian URL.

Demikianlah kurang lebih kiat singkat yang bisa membantu rekan-rekan dan pembaca dalam menangkal aktivitas phising yang mengancam. Meski terkesan simple namun dampak yang akan diberikan oleh ketidakwaspadaan ini akan berakibat fatal.

Jika korban tanpa sadar mengisi username dan password pada situs aspal tersebut, maka dapat dipastikan bahwa data-data personal tersebut, termasuk catatan aktifitas e-banking-nya, akan dapat diketahui oleh pihak lain yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Selanjutnya rekening anda bakalan dibobol. Berhati-hatilah.

Baca artikel menarik lainnya :


Bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin mendapatkan penghasilan dari web / blog mungkin bisa mencoba yang satu ini, caranya bukan dengan mendapatkan click dari para pengunjung anda seperti Google Adsense dan sejenisnya melainkan dengan menulis tip-tips singkat. Lho cuma nulis tips dapet 3$ lumayan banget kan? dibanding nungguin click pengunjung yang itupun cuma dapet 0,0? $. Nyampe kucing betelor juga ga bakalan nyampe 10 $. Meraih Dollar dengan Daytipper caranya sangat mudah. Mau coba bro en sis?..

day tipper akan membayar anda untuk menulis tips-tips unik dan bermanfaat senilai 3$ per tips. Bayangkan jika anda bisa menulis 3 tips saja perhari berarti penghasilan sebulan adalah 270$ dan penghasilan anda setahun tinggal anda kalikan saja, bukan angka yang sedikit bukan?

Caranya mudah Meraih dollar dengan Daytipper, yaitu :
  • kunjungi
  • Daftar sebagai New Member
  • Selanjutnya Login dengan akun anda
  • masukan Tips yang anda buat pada Submit Tip
screenshot of daytipper

Selanjutnya rekan-rekan akan mendapat 3 $ untuk tiap tips yang dikirimkan.
Semoga sharing ini bisa bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan yang sedang bersemangat memburu dollar di internet.

Baca juga artikel menarik berikut :
Pasive Income dengan upload ziddu
Cara memasang Link Referral ziddu
Tempat jual beli situs dan blog
Amankan komputer anda dengan Install-Block
Amankan komputer dan warnet anda dengan Deep Freeze

Monday, December 20, 2010


Artikel ini sebenarnya udah rada-rada ketinggalan jaman nih.. orang lain udah pada pindah windows 7 lah penulis baru nyoba pindah. berhubung penulis masih demen sama xp sp3 yang relatif anteng-anteng aja. Menurut Om Microsoft sih Windows 7 ini memiliki Kelebihan atau istilahnya penyempurnaan system. Kelebihan Windows 7 dari XP dan Vista bisa dikaji dalam uraian di bawah ini. 

Berdasarkan referensi dari Microsoft dan techno.oke zone bisa disimpulkan 11 fitur keunggulan Windows 7, yaitu :

Windows Taskbar yang Diperbaharui
Taskbar pada Windows 7 memudahkan kendali dan membantu untuk mengakses program dan file yang dibutuhkan secara lebih cepat. Setiap Windows yang ada di taskbar dapat dilihat secara penuh apabila mouse diarahkan ke windows tersebut. Dengan ukuran ikon yang lebih besar membuatnya mudah di-klik dengan windows ataupun dengan fitur multi-touch Windows 7. Program dan file yang sering digunakan dapat mudah ditempatkan di taskbar untuk pengaksesan lebih cepat.

Jump List
Jump list disetiap program pada menu start dan windows taskbar mempermudah dalam mencari sesuatu. Secara otomatis disusun berdasarkan yang paling baru dan sering dibuka sehingga lebih sedikit waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencari lagu favorit, atau file yang baru dikerjakan.

Snap, Shake, Peek
Program dan file yang sering digunakan dapat diakses dengan mudah tanpa desktop menjadi berantakan. Dengan adanya peek, arahkan muse ke kanan bawah taskbar dan semua windows yang terbuka ke arah yang lebuh jauh untuk mengukur ulang (re-size) windows tersebut, sehingga dua windows dapat terbuka pada sisi kana dan kiri secara bersamaan, untuk melakukan perbandingan.
Dengan shake, klik satu windows dan goyangkan mouse untu minimize windows lauin yang sedang terbuka.

Windows Touch
Fitur layar sentuh telah dimasukan ke dalam Windows 7 dan tersedia pada PC dengan layar sentuh. Dengan fitur layar sentuh, gambar dapat diperbesar dengan menempatkan kedua tangan. Browsing Interner Explorer 8 juga akan semakin mudah denga  fitur ini.

Home Group
Home Group di Windows 7 membuat berbagi file diantar PC da n device di rumah menjadi lebih mudah. Melalui Home Group, PC dengan IWndows 7 dapat secara otomatis mengidntifikasikan dan tersambung dengan yang lannya.

Fastern on, Fastern off
Pengguna Windows 7 akan memperoleh manfaat dari peningkatan kinerja waktu memulai (start-up), resume dan menutup matikan (shut dows) PC yang lebih cepat dan peningkatan power management.

Windows Live Essentials
Komunika dan berbagai layanan merupakan salah satu hal yang penting. Di Windows 7, fitur yang ada di versi Windows sebelumnya akan disediakan secara cuma-cuma melalui program Windows Live Essentials. Pengguna dapat mengakses data offline dan melakukan berbagai hal untuk foto, video dan hal lainnya.

Internet Explorer 8
Berselancar di dunia maya dengan IE 8 semakin matap dengan menyesuaikan keperluan penggunaanya melalu peningkatan di kecepatan, dan smart screen filte, yang membabtu PC tetap aman dengan memberitahu situs yang memiliki potensi bahaya.

Windows Search
Fitur ini dapat mengidentifikasikan lokasi dan membuka file apapun pada PC dari menu start dengan hanya mengetik satu atau dua kalimat.

Web Slices
Fitur ini merupakan yang terbaru di Windows 7 dimana pengguna dapat memotong bagian yang ditargetkan dari sebuah situs yang kemudian ditempatkan di toolbar Internet Explorer 8 untuk referensi yang mudah dan cepat.

Parental Control
Membantu mengatur waktu yang spesifik dan menentukan program, situs serta game yang diperbolehkan untuk diakses anak-anak.

Baca juga artikel menarik lainnya :

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Banyak rekan-rekan yang memilih bekerja sebagai satu-satunya mata pencaharian tapi banyak pula yang memilih berdikari total di jalur bisnis. Sebenarnya mana sih yang lebih baik diantara keduanya? Fokus pada pekerjaan atau Total pada Bisnis. Masalah lainnya adalah apa hubungannya Hobby dengan Bisnis. Sharing tulisan singkat ini mungkin bisa sedikit membuka hubungan antara hobby dan bisnis. Sedikit banyak artikel ini saya harap bisa sedikit bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan yang berkunjung ke blog ini.

Pada umumnya bekerja pada suatu perusahaan maupun instansi merupakan prioritas utama bagi mereka yang mencari nafkah untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Kepastian penghasilan per bulan merupakan suatu hal yang menjadi daya tarik sang pekerja. Hal ini jelas berbeda dengan Bisnis atau mereka yang berwiraswasta, penghasilan sering mengalami fluktuasi naik dan turun.

Ada beberapa pemikiran yang penulis dapatkan dari pemikiran rekan-rekan di dunia offline yang dapat disimpulkan secara garis besar, yaitu :

  • Fokus bekerja bila mereka bekerja sebagai PNS di suatu Instansi pemerintahan, mereka merasa terjamin dengan gaji yang relatif besar dan jaminan jangka panjangnya (pensiunan dll)
  • Bekerja pada perusahaan swasta dan memiliki side job atau bisnis sampingan, hal ini didasari bahwa dewasa ini tidak ada jaminan bahwa bekerja di swasta dapat langgeng. Pilihan ini dibuat bila pekerja selalu dalam status pekerja kontrak dan kurangnya Jaminan atau tunjangan dari perusahaan (misal Jamsostek, asuransi dll). Sidejob disinis bersifat tambahan penghasilan dan cadangan penghasilan bila sewaktu-waktu kena PHK perusahaan
  • Total berwirausaha alias bisnis karena tidak ingin terikat pada perusahaan dan motivasi ingin mandiri. Hal ini dipicu latar belakang yang berbeda dan lebih didorong oleh kebutuhan hidup ataupun mengembangkan potensi pribadi.
  • Mengembangkan Hobby menjadi suatu bisnis yang menjanjikan, hal ini seringkali adalah cikal bakal suatu usaha yang menjadi sukses.
Dari ringkasan pernyataan diatas point Hubungan antara Hobby dan bisnis menarik perhatian penulis untuk sedikit mengupasnya. Bisnis is bisnis .. hobby is hobby.. awalnya banyak orang berpikir demikian, malah bisnis terkadang cuma ngabisin duit aja. Tapi ternyata bila dikembangkan Hobby bisa menghasilkan juga, bisa jadi duit. why not?.. asyik kan punya hobby yang bisa jadi duit..
Misalnya yang suka nge-net kenapa ga sekalian aja bikin warnet seperti dalam artikel strategi bisnis warnet atau yang hobby nge-game dalam Bisnis online poker zynga. Selain itu hobby lain seperti kolektor mainan ataupun Action Figure bisa menjadi bisnis yang menjanjikan seperti halnya Aldo dalam artikel Museum mainan anak era 80 dan banyak contoh-contoh lainnya yang tidak mungkin dituliskan satu persatu.

Intinya selain bakat hal terpenting dari suatu bisnis adalah Minat. Dan hal yang paling membangkitkan minat adalah Hobby.. Jadi kenapa tidak kita gali hobby kita untuk menjadi suatu usaha yang menjanjikan?
Selain itu suatu hobby jelas tidak akan membosankan bagi pelakunya bukan? suatu hobby jika dikelola dengan baik akan menjadi sumber pendapatan yang bukan hanya memberkan penghasilan tapi juga kepuasan.

Bagi rekan dan sahabat yang tertarik untuk bisnis dan berwirausaha mari kita gali hobby yang kita miliki untuk menjadi sumber pendapatan baru. semoga tulisan sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat bagi rekan dan sahabat yang kebetulan membacanya. Salam.. :)

Baca artikel menarik lainnya :
Nostalgia dengan sepeda BMX
Tempat jual beli situs dan blog
Bisnis warnet bagi pemula
Nostalgia Film Indonesia Era 80-90    


 It's Christmas time , so just download and merry christmas everybody.
Andy Williams - Silent night
Boney M - The 20 Greatest Christmas Songs_Chrismas Medley
Boney.m - feliz_navidad
Boney.m - Hark_the_Herald_Angel_Sing
Celine dion - Christmas song
chant de noel - Joy To The World (traditional)
Childrens Fun - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Christina - Malam Sunyi Senyap


Just want to share my fav old song , so enjoy it


Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

Hey guys, I am really glad to announce to your that today is the first birthday of my blog. Yay!!!! I can't believe how fast this whole year went away. I remember the night last year when I decided I would start blogging. At that time, I was so afraid what if no one comes and reads. Then, I overcame it all and went ahead with my posts. I loved writing and love it now too. And, this blog has been my passion for the last year. I am happy that you all came to my blog and read my posts, liked them and stayed with me for a complete year. 

Unfortunately, I am caught with my own things so I would not be able to post regularly (I know it seems like too recurring problem) but I promise to make up for these missing days by coming with a bang (hopefully !!). I might not be able to see you all till next year so wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year :)

Lastly, I want to thank you all for bearing with me and hope you would do the same in future :) Would love to read more of your comments and queries. Do tell me if you want to read about certain topics. I'll make sure I post about them. I know I promised some to post on certain of their topics but I am really sorry to have failed. They are on the top of list when I come back so please keep up with me. And, send me more of your love and do not forget to sing the birthday song with me :)

P.S: As a part of the celebration, do tell me which post do you like the most in my blog. I would sincerely appreciate your effort. Thanks and I am waiting for your comments.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Band Baaja Baraat {Movie Review}

Ohk, so you might really end up hating me for doing this but I went to watch this movie today. And, wanted to share my experience with you. So, yes, from now on, I would be posting movie reviews too(whichever I see!!). There is just one reason behind this. Some of the really good movies go unnoticed and many movies have false reviews online so I thought I might give my opinion. Before beginning, I can add that I love romance and light-hearted movies. But, then, I would definitely update with all movies I have seen and would see. So, hope you enjoy it!!

So, talking about 'Band Baaja Baraat', it is actually a nice movie. I do not have a proper word to describe so I would get down to the basics. The lead pair looks adorable and made for each other. The guy acts amazingly and dances well. Anushka is cute in the movie. I find both lead pairs expressions amazing. And, if you do not like "Ainvayi Ainvayi" already, you would end up liking it by the end of the movie. The beats in the movie are awesome and sure to rock the marriages of the year. I loved the "Dum Dum" song too. First half is hilariously entertaining and barring some 30 minutes in second half, the movie goes well. Those 30 minutes make you feel the inadequacy of proper editing but then the climax covers it all. The Punjabi accent is obvious and that makes the movie even more realistic. A refreshing pair and story is what I would call the plus point of the movie. The guy is a must watch in the movie. If you find he is not that great-looking, you would end up liking his adorable character on the screen by the end of the movie. Best part of the whole thing is that you have no better movie to watch this week so go ahead and watch this movie. And, no I am not going to rate the movie on a scale of five.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Skin Cancer due to Genital Warts

I have posted about warts long back but then I only thought that it is due to viral infection but did not think it was a deadly thing. But, I was just going through this article which mentions that the cause of skin cancer is supposed to be only sun exposure but genital warts are even more deadly then I had to write this post without delay. Most women die of genital skin cancer. The virus, human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes warts can also cause skin cancer. And, not only skin cancer but also cervical and anal cancers. Worse of all, your immediate family members are also at risk because the problem is contagious. So, in case you have genital warts and have not yet gone to a doctor, please do so and get your skin checked by them to ensure that you do not have any symptoms of skin cancer.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Do you feel too oily after applying sunscreen?

Well, I hate applying sunscreen because it makes my skin feel like a frying pan even though I have normal to dry skin. None of the sunscreens suit me and I am always in search of new ones. These days I have shifted to Biotique sunscreens and lets see what I have to tell you about them. Now, every day after my bath, I apply a moisturizer (no particular brand) then follow up with sunscreen after 5-10 minutes. So, the fresh feeling which comes to my skin after having my bath vanishes the moment I slather on anything on it and my skin turns dark on its own accord. Ok, I want to say that this does not mean that I apply loads of product. I use very little product but still it happens. So, today, similar kind of thing happened and I was not in a hurry so I took time out to try out a simple trick to curb the oiliness. 

I used tissue paper to blot out the oiliness. Spread the whole tissue paper on your face and press gently but firmly. If the skin is too greasy, tissue paper would stick to it. So, keep on blotting till the stickiness in your skin disappears. Do not forget to blot your neck and chest areas too. And, the result was a soft skin with a glow on the face. My face was no more sticky and greasy. If you also suffer from the peculiar problem of skin darkening after applying anything on skin, that would disappear after this step.While choosing tissue papers, go for paper ones instead of mixed ones or cloth ones. Probably a toilet paper would be even better for this job but I have no idea. The best would definitely be blotting papers if you find them. And, finally, if you want, you can do a little touch up with a compact and face spray or mist. 

One more thing I want to add is that do the blotting of your skin every time you find your face becomes greasy. It will also help you remove the dirt and extra product from your face which would otherwise be blocking your pores. And, it also helps you look fresh and dewy all the time. So, make tissue papers a part of your essentials-on-the-go. You might even be wondering why I did not opt for refreshing wipes. Frankly, I do not like them. They leave a film on my face which I absolutely loathe and then it becomes drying for my skin. If it suits your skin, you might want to go ahead with them but then contain a lot of alcohol (most of the times) and preservatives which I prefer to avoid. Hope this helps you as well as it did help me :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sunscreen is breaking you out?

This is some tip I read some where regarding the usage of sunscreen. Use a Zinc Oxide based sunscreen if your sunscreen is breaking you out
Zinc Oxide is a great sunscreen agent and even a stronger antiseptic and inflammatory agent which helps the comedogenic (prone to blocked pores) skin. The best part is that zinc oxide based sunscreen is more effective and less harmful as compared to chemical sunscreens available in the market. For more information on physical and chemical sunscreen, please refer to this post.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Do you have Stage 4 breast cancer?

If so, and you're willing to talk to a New York Times reporter, read on:

Roni Rabin (New York Times)

Deadline: 07:00 AM EST - 10 December


I want to interview women living with Stage 4 breast cancer to
talk about their experiences, quality of life, hopes and fears. I
would prefer women willing to use their real names.

Do not rub your Eyes

I have already done two posts on bad habits which lead to aging of our skin early. I felt I was kinda doing something silly but since I have started getting comments from you all, I feel these posts are not silly instead they do encourage everyone including me to change bad habits and give information to those who are not aware of the facts yet. So, thank you guys and keep the comments coming. And, now moving on today's bad habit which is prevalent among children generally and then gets carried on to adulthood.

Habit: Rubbing the eyes vigorously to subside irritation.

Results: Wrinkled skin and fine lines around the eyes. The reason for this is that the skin around the eyes is almost 10 times thinner than that of the face. So, consequently, it is much more sensitive to various products and various kinds of movements. Another consequence can also be drooping and wrinkling of the eyelids.
If you have read about the surgery of Botox, a neurotoxic protein by the name of botulinum toxin is injected in the forehead. This toxin paralyzes the muscles temporarily so that there is no movement in the muscles near the eyes or where ever it is injected by blocking the nerve impulses. When there is no movement in the muscles, there is no chance of formation of wrinkles and slowly the existing wrinkles also smooth out because of the lack of repeated movements. The effect of the toxin lasts up to 8 months and one has to take the injections regularly to keep up the effect.
So, even the surgery is doing the same thing. Blocking the movement of the muscles so that there is no repeated movement. This is exactly what I meant when I was writing my earlier post on facial expressions and even this post. But, I am not advocating Botox here because let me also tell you the down side of this procedure. Your face freezes and does not show any emotion which is not what you basically want. Just for the record, women who under go Botox surgeries have higher divorce rates as compared to women who do not. So, you can easily imagine how much trying to stay young costs a person. And, frankly, there is nothing wrong if some of your lines are visible. That makes you look real at least.

Remedy: Apply eye gels or under eye creams to smooth the wrinkles and fine lines. (This is not what I do personally) Apply almond oil or vitamin E oil at night on the skin around the eyes. In the morning, you would find that the eye area is smooth and soft. In some days, you will see lessening of the wrinkles and fine lines too but for that you need to be persistent in your efforts. A home remedy which I would like to suggest is a honey mask for your eyes. Apply a little amount of honey on your eye area (under eye, around the eye and eye lids) every day for 15 minutes and then remove with a cotton pad gently. Honey prevents wrinkles.

How to get rid of the habit?
Of course, stop rubbing the eyes. Stop your children from developing that habit too. It irritates the eye foremost even if you forget the wrinkles. Next step is if you feel irritation and have a strong desire to rub the eyes, close your eyes and gently massage them or splash cold water in them. Either would help reducing the irritation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards

What to say about Elizabeth Edwards? She tried to help others with cancer, and to raise funds for research. While her husband was running as John Kerry's running mate in 2004, she though she might have cancer, but didn't tell her husband John. She was diagnosed after the election, with stage 3. In 2007, it became stage 4, which means it appeared in other parts of her body, specifically, in her bones.
She died today at home, surrounded by family, including her ex-husband.
When she announced that her cancer had metastasized, I was annoyed with her for not speaking out about links between manmade chemicals and cancer. In fact, I wrote that I hated her. I conceded that I might have displaced my feelings about cancer itself onto her. I do wish she hadn't died and that she'd caught the tumor earlier. She reminds us that cancer is a serious, deadly disease. And that people find inspiration in those who try to do something about it.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Berikut adalah 10 password yang paling banyak digunakan berdasarkan reset google dan yahoo
jadi coba hindari , sebelum semua nya terlambat , masih ingat kan kasus nya ariel , ko bloon banget sih laptop nya ngak di bikin password akun gitu ,atau jika dia bikin ,pasti password nya gampang di tebak sama si pencuri laptop , maka nya hati hati bikin password jangan sampai gampang di tebak.


Facial Expressions can make you look old

Yup, this might be a habit of yours as is mine :) I always give a million dollar smile and consequently, I have laugh lines and fine lines under the eyes. I do not frown too often but yes it happens that we screw our faces without realizing which can again cause a lot of lines on the face.

Habit: Constant facial expressions should be avoided.

Result: Laugh lines, fine lines under the eyes, forehead lines. A lot of lines on the face can develop if this is a regular habit of a person. Many people have forehead lines which develop when you screw your forehead and then there are vertical lines between the eyebrows too. Fine lines under the eyes are really common in people because of excess exposure to sun and also because the skin around eyes is a very thin layer. Crows feet and other wrinkles around eyes develop if you close the eyes too hard. Laugh lines are formed right from edges of your nose to the corners of your mouth and can travel down to the edge of the jaw. Many people have lines on their chin too. These are all due to the regular movements in the face muscles and if it becomes a regular habit, these lines develop very quickly just like lines in our palms. 
At this point, I also want to share something which we are told when we are children. Now, everyone knows that children make a lot of weird faces meant to tease you. So, they will smirk and scorn and turn their mouths to one side or another or stick their tongues out or pull the lips to one side of the cheeks. I have done those things and even you might have. (I really hope I am making sense. Please do tell me so if I am not) So, we are often told or even children say that your face will become like what you make it. In a sense this is exactly true. Our usual facial expressions make a mark on our faces. So, one should be very cautious about the facial expressions. They represent your character. 

Remedy: Well, wrinkles once formed are very hard to get rid of. Even then we can give them a try and things might work out temporarily. First thing is to apply sunscreen regularly so that sun exposure is not damaging the face. Second is to stop squinting and frowning too hard or laughing too hard every time. Screwing the face is not an option so keep your face pleasant looking under all circumstances. I know this is very hard but once you control it, it becomes very easy. Working people might be able to better share their experiences in this regard (you have to appear neutral in the office and not show what you are thinking). Then, obvious is wrinkle lifting creams which basically never work (you are fore-warned). And, you should try these home remedies to get rid of wrinkles. Apply a thick coat of almond oil or castor oil at night on your face and sleep. 

How to get rid of this habit?
I have certainly stopped laughing too hard every time and controlled my smile extent (seems stupid but true!!). Now, when I laugh or smile, my eyes do not get all wrinkles up. Then, I used to squint a lot in the sun coz I have specs and cannot wear sunglasses :( A big problem for people with glasses (I find contacts too tiresome!!). So, controlled my squinting too by being conscious of it. I do not frown but when I concentrate I do screw my forehead so have to take care of that too. And, whenever I close my eyes, I gently close them instead of squeezing them hard as is generally asked in facial exercises. So, remember this if you do facial exercises, do not squeeze any muscle in your face, gently do the exercises so that wrinkles smooth out instead of developing more.
I wish to add that most of our habits can be changed by constant observation and control of the habit so it is a good thing to be conscious of what your children are doing and then teach them accordingly what is right so that they do not need to change their habits tomorrow.

Update: I wish to add that neither this post is saying you to stop laughing nor am I encouraging you to become sad and morose. The only thing which I have tried to convey is that keep your face relaxed instead of in a particular expression. And, of course, smile all the time. It makes you look beautiful :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stop cracking your Knuckles

Well, I thought it would be a good idea to do a series of posts on habits which are unconsciously done but they effect out body and skin or even hair in harmful ways.

Habit: The first which comes to my mind is cracking the knuckles. Well, it is true and I have this very terrible habit. I have tried to stop so many times but I do it unconsciously whenever I'm nervous or brooding.

Result: The result is an extremely wrinkled hand which looks at least 10 years older to your present age.

Remedy: If you are already suffering from the wrinkled hands, a very good option is to massage your hands with coconut or almond oil at night for five minutes regularly. And, keep your hand moisturized all day long with use of either the hand creams or body lotions or my personal favorite, body oils.And, of course, avoid the habit.

How to get rid of this habit?
I am pretty sure it is in heads of many of you but this is something which I would not be able to answer because I have been trying to get rid of this habit since quite some years but I have not yet succeeded. Even one of my friends has asked me in the comments about how to get rid of this habit. I wish I could help but the only thing I have succeeded in is to be attentive to what I am doing and if I find myself cracking my knuckles, I try to turn my attention to some other work I have. I would definitely appreciate if anyone can suggest some way to get rid of this habit.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Adventures of Snow Bitch

I made my second snow person ever today. I'll post a better picture tomorrow but for now, here she is.

When to remove Face Masks and Hair Packs?

Hey guys!! I am really sorry for not being at all particular with the posts. Kinda really busy these days so I'll probably even miss the first birthday of my blog which is on December 14. I can not believe a whole year has passed. I definitely have been very lazy in writing my posts many a days but I have tried to be as regular as possible. In case, I do miss the birthday of my blog, I shall do the festivities along with the Christmas and New Year or may be Pongal even. Gosh!! That will be really late but I am sure you will all forgive me. So, for today, I have a very simple tip to share with you all regarding the face packs and the hair packs. Now, I had shared the correct procedure for applying face masks. So, this is one additional procedure which should be followed stringently. 

Always remove the face masks and hair packs as soon as they are close to drying. When the face masks and hair packs dry completely, they start absorbing water from your skin or hair to compensate the loss of moisture in them due to the reverse osmosis process. And, this becomes very drying for your skin and hair in the long run. So, always remember to wash off as soon as the mask is close to drying. For hair, I have a tip that wash off your mask after an hour. One hour is enough to let your hair get the nutrients from your mask. If you are applying henna, always remove when the mask has dried otherwise you will find that your hair has become dry in nature. This is especially true for dry hair. Whenever you apply a hair mask, always put a shower cap on. This helps to hold the moisture inside. When you keep the hair packs and face masks beyond stipulated period, they can causing aging of your skin and drying of your hair. This holds true with the home remedies too. So, follow this tip and reap the benefits.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The second day of Chanukah

For those of you who are still eating Thanksgiving leftovers, it may come to you as a shock that Chanukah started last night. It's early this year. But as the joke goes (a weak joke), it's the same time every year on the Hebrew calendar, which is lunar, it's always the night of the 24th of Kislev. In some households, family members give eight gifts, one for each night of the holiday.
Wondering what to get your true love, especially if she's cancerous? And if your true love is an Ashkenazi Jew, as are 90 percent of the Jews in the US, she has a greater chance of being breast-cancerous than the non-Ashkenazim. I stole this idea from The Cancer Culture Chronicles. Go there to find other tacky items, listed under Pink Boob Award Nominees. Here is the Natural Contours Petite Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Ribbon Vibrator. Why do all these pink tchotchkes have long names, like M-&-M'S(R) Brand Milk Chocolate Candies Help Fight Breast Cancer?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A blog, a blog, why a blog?

[Venus with a Mirror by Titian]

I just looked at this blog with my picture on it and thought, What in the world am I doing? Am I still running for junior high student council? (Alas, that was a sad story. My friend A helped me for about eight hours paint a very sophisticated campaign banner on brown paper, consisting of Doonesbury characters speaking favorably about my candidacy. We put it up on the cafeteria wall and then then someone tore it down. Who knows why? I think I ran because K was running and told me I should. I ran again in high school and won. And why did I do that? I had no big desire to change X or Y about the school.)

Last year my acquaintance S said, as I suppose many commentators have, that nowadays everyone is a hero to his own group of friends. We're all famous and important or want to be. Every single thing we do is important, especially the unimportant things, which we record on Facebook and Twitter. Why? Because we don't want to be insignificant. And we can't stand the idea that we're going to die. And be gone gone gone. And because it's so easy to write, I'm cleaning off my desk. I'm waiting in line. I'm inhaling. Exhaling.

On that note, I'm offering more of myself. Today I did a phone interview with KMSU in Mankato, Minnesota. To hear it, click here.