Sunday, October 31, 2010

Make your own colors for your Rangoli

Made from flowers and leaves only. Is it not beautiful?
Rangoli is an integral part of our festivals. While in North India, people generally make Rangolis only during festivals where as it is a daily routine in South. Every morning you will find ladies waking up, cleaning their porch and making a beautiful Rangoli with rice flour. Of course, they do not bother to color it every day but yes, we do love colors. Right?? Diwali is almost there and of course, your designs for Rangolis would be improvising day by day. So, have you decided on how will you color your Rangoli. No, not the Holi colors please!! They are chemically processed making them unhealthy not only for the skin but also they can cause asthma and cancer. Skin allergies from Holi colors is nothing new. I stopped playing Holi because of the very reason and many of you must have too.

So, how do we go about making our own colors? I am sure many of you must already be aware of it. But, for those who do not, I'll recount certain things and your own imagination will also give you exquisite results on the D-Day. Lets start with things already available.
  • Turmeric - yellow. Mix turmeric with rice flour (off-white in color) or even maida (all purpose flour) and create different shades of yellow. Besan can be used for pale yellow too. 
  • Orange peels are already lying for your daily scrubs. Use them for orange color.
  • Sindoor can be used for maroon. The orange shade of tika is also available. It will do beautifully for orange.
  • Beetroot - shade of magenta. Dry the peel or a single beetroot cut into pieces and then grind them for a beautiful and vibrant shade of something ranging from pink to magenta. You can vary the color using the white flour.
  • Pomegranate - something between red and orange. Dry the peel and grind it. 
  • Carrot - Peel it, cut into pieces and dry and then, grind. Carrot red.
  • Rose Petals - which ever color is your rose. General colors are pink and red. Dry the petals and grind them or you can use them as they are.
  • Marigold petals - a vibrant orange. Petals can be used as they are.
  • You have a wide array of choices for green. Go for mint, spinach, fenugreek, corainder leaves or leaves from the plants from your garden or you can dry the peels of your green veggies from the gourd family and powder them. 
  • Blue is a difficult color. You can go for small blue flowers which is the best bet. Or, if you can get indigo, you can create blue color of your own. But, this would be rare. So, I am giving this a miss!! You have lavender flowers. They would do beautifully and impart fragrance too. 
  • Hibiscus flowers - would again give red. 
  • You can use cinnamon and other spices for brown. I would go for cinnamon because it has a fragrance too. 
  • Use mustard seeds (rai) for black. I know black is not used or preferred but using mustard seeds in the middle or small pockets of your Rangoli would give a different look to it.
  • Jasmine flowers, jasmine buds, rose buds can also be used (as in the pic). It is just made of all the flowers you can get at the florist shop. Why not use them? The green color is made form the ferns stems.
I am not able to think of any more colors but I am sure you can make out some from your own imagination and kitchen and beauty ingredients. There are some tips which I can give on your Rangoli decorations:
  •  Mix rice grains with the respective colors to make them look more appealing. My mom had made a complete Rangoli from the rice grains mixed in different colors and believe me it was fabulous. It was in a competition she participated and won the first prize!! Using rice grains makes your Rangoli stay for longer. 
  • Do not have the time to dry the ingredients and powder them. Just crush the things, make a paste and mix with rice. You will need more quantity and little patience to mix with rice because it takes time.
  • You can use essential oils in your colors to make your Rangoli smell exotic. 
  • Use the diyas for decorating and illuminating your Rangoli strategically.
  • I do not have to tell you this but make Rangoli at a strategic place where it is visible to all but not in anyone's way so that no one disturbs your hard work.
  • You can place small Ganesh ji's in your Rangoli. That looks chic and will utilize the numerous Ganesh ji's coming your way. (We do get lot of Ganesh ji's during Diwali and I love it!!)
Wish you all a very Happy Diwali!! May it bring you and your family all the prosperity and happiness you wish for.
[Do you have any tips on Rangoli decoration or color making?]

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reduce air and sound pollution this Diwali

Diwali is one of the favorite festivals for almost everyone due to various reasons but the most due to the crackers. But, have you ever realized the amount of pollution which can be caused just in one day? Of course, I know that the tendency to burst crackers has reduced to a large extent and year by year, Diwali is getting greener but still efforts must be kept up by every body and those who have not yet realized should become aware of the harm they are causing to the environment. 
"On a personal level, my experience on a Diwali day is like why is it so loud and deafening? Oh, I can not breathe. It is so suffocating."
"How much smoke comes from igniting just a single anar!!"
Imagine this on a scale of every house in the country. My God!!! Its just preposterous. So, this is my humble request to all those who love crackers and wait for Diwali just to burst crackers that please reduce or do not at all burst crackers. I will definitely understand if you can not completely give up because even I have not given up completely. I still love phuljhadi, pencils, anar, charkhi even though I have given up on rockets. Yes, not much contribution but definitely, I have reduced the amount of crackers I bring home. Not buying crackers can be devastating for kids. So, as a solution, you can at least opt for crackers which do not make noise on a huge scale. 

For those who think that Diwali is just about crackers, it is not so. Diwali is a festival of lights not sound. Decorating your homes, making sweets, taking part in buying gifts and then exchanging them, all contribute to the festival. Frankly, it is the excitement of a festival which I enjoy more than the particular day. On a further note, I would also add that crackers have really bad effects on animals. So, please be humane and think about their plight too. And, as far as my resolution goes, I'll buy even less crackers this time and will enjoy the festival in more greener ways.


Bagi rekan-rekan blogger  khususnya para senior tentunya sudah terbiasa membuat artikel-artikel dahsyat yang diburu pengunjung setiap muncul postingan terbaru. Selain itu bagi rekan blogger yang gemar blogwalking tentunya sibuk dalam kunjung mengunjungi dan bertegur sapa untuk menghargai postingan terbaru rekan dan sahabat blognya. Dalam postingan kali ini Allien 99 mencoba memberi sedikit Tips Membuat artikel yang bermanfaat. Tips ini berguna secara pasif ataupun aktif tetap mendapatkan traffic kunjungan. Tertarik? sok atuh di klik read more-nya. 

Sebenarnya tidak ada tips khusus untuk mendapatkan traffic kunjungan. Banyak cara untuk mendapatkan traffic, Bila sobat seorang blogger yang aktif maka dengan cara blogwalking dan posting rutin dijamin traffic bisa tinggi dan otomatis rangking (alexa atau PR) bisa meningkat secara progresif.

Permasalahan muncul kalau sobat bukan blogger yang aktif karena banyaknya rutinitas offline di dunia nyata. Sehingga tidak cukup waktu atau tidak banyak waktu luang yang tersedia untuk blogwalking. Dalam hal ini sobat tidak perlu kuatir, karena hal ini juga dialami Allien 99 yang kini disibukan oleh rutinitas kerja. Kunci tetap eksis dalam blogging dan tetap mendapatkan kunjungan adalah 1, buatlah artikel yang bermanfaat.

Tips Membuat Artikel yang bermanfaat

1. Buatlah artikel untuk mereka
Artinya artikel yang disajikan adalah perihal yang kira-kiranya dibutuhkan oleh pengunjung, misalnya sejenis Tips, trick ataupun informasi lainnya yang tentunya sesuai niche blog dan kemungkinan informasi tersebut dibutuhkan netter/pengunjung lainnya.
2.Buatlah artikel dengan bahasa yang ringan dan sederhana
Artinya artikel tidak perlu bertele-tele, menggunakan bahasa yang umum dan sedikit menggunakan istilah-istilah yang tidak umum.
3. Pakailah gaya bahasa yang akrab bila dibaca
Sisipkan kalimat ataupun pakailah gaya bahasa yang bersifat 'friendly' dan tidak bergaya seorang master blogger. bersikap sederhana, terbuka dan bersahabat akan lebih berkenan dihati para pengunjung. 
4. Jangan sungkan untuk membuat artikel Re-post
Jangan sungkan untuk membuat artikel repost bila menurut sobat informasi itu bisa bermanfaat, dengan memakai etika mencantumkan sumber ataupun referensi kajiannya. karena logikanya Setiap informasi tentunya memiliki sumber bukan?
5. Berbagi pengalaman dan eksperimen yang bermanfaat
Tulislah artikel meskipun dengan bahasa yang sederhana perihal pengalaman dalam dunia blogging, hasil utak atik template ataupun kesimpulan eksperimen dalam hal komputer ataupun kehidupan pada umumnya. Artikel tersebut menurut sobat bisa memberikan nilai manfaat dan berbagi ilmu dan wawasan maka tentunya layak untuk ditampilkan.

Demikianlah sedkit sharing dari Allien 99 perihal Tips membuat artikel yang bermanfaat dengan maksud tetap mendapatkan kunjungan dan juga membuat blog sobat memiliki nilai guna dan manfaat daripada sekedar blog personal yang lebih bersifat untuk diri sendiri.

Oya.. idealis itu baik, tapi keseimbangan antara realita, idealis dan berbagi manfaat itu yang terbaik. Mohon maaf kalau tulisan sederhana kurang berkenan.. karena penulis pun masih belajar nulis.. yah setidaknya niat penulis sih ingin berbagi dan mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat.. salam :)

Silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya :
Tips mengatasi virus Rontokbro
Mc Donalds virus terbaru di Facebook
Alexa rank ibarat pacar yang selalu haus perhatian
Periksa secara rutin backlink blog
Cara termudah memasang favicon
4 cara mendapatkan traffic website
Analisa mendapatkan Pagerank

Friday, October 29, 2010


Kalau sobat buka Facebook dan mendapatkan undangan (event) bertajuk "What McDonalds DOESNT Want You To See" atau "SHOCKING McDonalds Video"? Ya, undangan itu bisa datang bertubi-tubi ke akun Facebook Anda dari teman-teman dekat Anda. Berhati-hatilah karena Mc Donalds Virus terbaru di Facebook. Event undangan ini bukanlah undangan sungguhan yang datang dari teman Anda. Itu pesan spam dengan menggunakan teknik khusus semacam phising (teknik memancing pengguna melalui tautan atau link untuk masuk ke sebuah website). 

Jika mengklik atau membuka tautan di dalam undangan tersebut, maka akun Facebook Anda secara otomatis meneruskan undangan yang sama ke seluruh daftar teman Anda tanpa melalui konfirmasi Anda terlebih dulu. Tunggu saja. Dalam beberapa saat, teman Anda akan mengirimkan undangan yang sama ke seluruh teman-temannya juga.

Sebetulnya, perkara ini bukanlah perkara yang baru. Dalam beberapa waktu terakhir, banyak pihak yang tak bertanggung jawab memanfaatkan jasa pemendek URL (URL shortener), seperti,  untuk mengelabui korbannya masuk ke sebuah website. Cara yang klasik.

"Ini konyol sekali. 'Lagu' lama terulang lagi. Ini marak beberapa tahun terakhir. Anehnya, korban yang berjatuhan tetap saja banyak," kata Alfons Tanujaya, Antivirus Specialist Vaksincom Jumat 29 Oktober 2010.

Pada kasus ini, Alfons mengatakan, analoginya sama seperti spam, menyebarkan berita hoax. "Kami mensinyalir ada kelemahan pada API (application programming interface) Facebook. Dengan aplikasi pihak ketiga, sebuah akun Facebook bisa mengirimkan undangan yang sama ke seluruh temannya," jelas Alfons.

Tapi, Facebook tak bisa disalahkan. Menurutnya, jejaring sosial raksasa itu serba salah. "Layakya buah simalakama. Jika Facebook mengetatkan pengamanan pada API, aplikasi yang dikembangkan di dalamnya akan sedikit," terang Alfons.

"Tetapi, jika lemah seperti sekarang ini walaupun aplikasi di dalam Facebook banyak, risikonya program-program jahat seperti McDonald's ini mudah berkeliaran. Jadi, ini bukanlah sepenuhnya salah Facebook," tandasnya.

Lalu, apa solusinya? Di sisi pengguna, dia mengimbau untuk lebih waspada dan berhati-hati dengan undangan atau pesan yang dikirimkan teman. "Sama halnya seperti menerima e-mail spam. Jika Anda menerima e-mail dari teman, Anda harus tetap berhati-hati apakah itu e-mail spam atau e-mail sungguhan. Jangan terlalu gampang percaya."

Sementara di sisi Facebook sebenarnya sudah cukup baik. Mereka mempunyai tim untuk mengontrol kasus-kasus seperti ini. Mereka yang bertanggung jawab untuk menghentikan arus pesan tersebut. Namun, perlu diakui jumlahnya memang sangat banyak. "Tentu saja, Facebook mau tidak mau harus mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang banyak pula," pungkas Alfons.

referensi : - vivanews

Silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya :

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Detox your home this Diwali

Diwali is just a week away. And, I am damn excited about it :) It is my favorite festival in whole of the year. And, it is a age old custom to clean our homes inside out before Diwali. I have seen that this custom has lost its importance over time due to our busy lifestyle and hectic schedules. But, there is more to this custom than just being a tradition. You can call this 'Detox your home' to make a more specific effect on people. In a sense it is what we do, removing all the junk piled up in the house over the course of year, taking the house inside out, buying new things for the house to welcome the new year. So, what all can be done while doing the detox of the house: 
  • Start with the entrance of the house. Do you wash your door mats regularly? They becomes so dirty due to constant usage and dirt being accumulated. They are potential source of infections in the house so it is advisable to either wash it regularly with an antiseptic solution using a vacuum cleaner or you can even replace it with a new one every year. 
  • Do you place door mats in front of your bathrooms? I know most of the people do but do not know how regular they are in washing it. So, same goes for washing these bathroom mats.
  • Now, lets go for bathrooms first. We do wash bathrooms really regularly. But, do you remember to wash the walls of the bathrooms, the shower head, the taps, soap holders and other cabinets in the bathroom. Do not forget it this time. Oh, by the way, do wash the shower curtains too if you have one. Of course, toilet rims are most prominent places to wash but do you wash inside the commodes? Then, again the buckets and mugs and other things we use. 
  • Lets move to the bathing accessories. The flannels, loofahs, scrubbers, dry brushes, combs, hair brushes, makeup brushes and any other accessory which you use should be washed regularly and kept in sunlight for some time every week. Even 15 minutes is enough. That kills the bacteria in them. And, dry them every day before storing. 
  • Do not forget to dry the tooth brush with hair drier or in sunlight before storing it to prevent molds and bacteria growing in it.
  • By the way, do you open the windows in your bathroom if you have any? Do open them at least once a week for a complete day to allow fresh air circulation. It also allows sunlight to come into your bathrooms.
  • Now, let us go to laundry. You wash clothes then put them in the drier. Today's automatic washing machines give you fully dried clothes which you can simply put on and go. But, drying them in shade once a while or even in sunlight for 15-290 minutes helps them smell fresh and last longer.
  • Same goes for bed sheets. Change the bedding every week. And, if you suffer from acne and other breakouts, change bedding in 3 days at max making sure to use clean pillows almost everyday. 
  • Do you launder your carpet? Do not forget to expose it to sunlight for a day this Diwali for a clean floor. Removing the carpet also helps the cleanign of the floor properly and removing the dirt in the carpet.
  • Same goes with the mattress. You can not launder your mattresses so keep them in sunlight for a day or two at least twice a year or once in three months.
  • Lets move to curtains. Curtains are ones which go completely beyond attention unless one day you are trying to remove it and find a plethora of dust settled on it. Change the curtains once in three months. That brings freshness to your rooms also in matters of look. You can use dark colored curtains or double curtains for bedrooms and light curtains for drawing room. 
  • Now, cupboards are one places which are dark and become smelly quite easily. So, take out all the material from the cupboard, clean it nicely once in three months or every season change. Use a disinfectant with water while cleaning. After cleaning, leave the cupboards open to let lot of air inside. Then, after half a day, you can replace all the things inside the cupboard again. This way you can get the unnecessary junk out of the house regularly too. And, do not forget to donate the things which you do not need. 
  • Place moth balls inside your cupboard every month. Always try to keep the cupboards in an orderly way but I know it is very difficult because I face the same problem. The more I try to be methodical, the more messy the place becomes.
  • When you remove the things from your cupboards whether it is clothes, suitcases, blankets, simple accessories, keep them in sunlight too for a day. This is again a nice way to freshen up things.
  • Before winters, always keep your winter clothes in sunlight for a week to freshen them up. This also includes the blankets and your jackets and other stuff too. 
  • Open all the doors and windows in the morning to allow maximum natural light inside. Do this daily to reduce the usage of artificial light and hence, electricity. 
  • Avoid using air fresheners as they have chemicals which are not good for you. Instead, keep your houses clean by using dried neem (margosa) leaves or homemade potpourri from rose petals and jasmine flowers. Also, keep lots of plants outside the house. Plants purify the air. If you can keep some inside, you should do that too.
  • There is a tradition of using mango tree leaves int he houses before any festival. The reason for this is because mango tree leaves are considered auspicious and control the evil elements for one and the second is because they are anti-bacterial and prevent the insects from entering the houses. 
  • Use soap nuts or baking soda to clean your homes instead of any chemical detergents. You would be surprised by the results!!
Thus, detoxing your home is as good an idea as detoxing your body. Obviously, it is the basic hygiene which should be observed. A weekend is a perfect time to do this. So, happy detoxing and do share with me your own tips for cleaning out your houses.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

50 million

I just found out about this site. Some of us are lucky enough to be insured. According to a recent U.S. Census report, more than 50 million or 16.7 percentof our fellow residents are not. They might not be able to afford insurance, but hey, they can always buy the wristband, for $3.99. How can we call ourselves a civilized country and not have public health care for all?

How to protect skin this winter?

Autumn is giving way to winter. By the time Diwali would come, winter would officially declare itself. Its time to change your beauty routines to accommodate the change in climate and lifestyle. Whether you live in tropical, dry, temperate or cold climate, the air in winter is drier as compared to that of the summer in the respective areas. Thus, you need to lavish more pampering on to your skin.

Your skin care starts with taking baths. Remember what I said about bathing too much. A must follow advice or you will see the repercussions soon enough. And, an advise from me would be to couple your baths with oil massages. That would prevent your skin from drying. In case oil massages become too much time taking and demanding, you can pour 2 teaspoon of your favorite oil to your bath. The oil will keep your skin moisturized. Follow with moisturizing your body on the damp skin. Keep the temperature of water low. Do not take long baths in any case how so ever tempting they might be.

Do not stick to the heaters and blowers in winters in case you live in cold climate. Exercise well to make your body tolerant to cold. That would also bring a pink glow on your face. Wear a lot of clothes to protect yourself from cold. Heating equipments burn the oxygen in the room and deprive you from all your moisture.Always avoid extreme temperatures as they simply lead to cracking of your skin and trust me you do not want to see the worst of it. People living in hilly regions would be knowing about that.

The air in the winter is really drying for the skin no matter where you live. The dryness generates a lot of static electricity in the skin and wearing woolens worsens the situation. So, invest in a good humidifier.Or, place a mug full of water in the room.

Drink lots of water. No one feels like drinking water in winters. But, that will surely lead to dehydration. Compensate with drinking fruit and vegetable juices instead of just plain water. Add lots of fatty acids and oils to your diet. That will keep your skin moisturized from inside. 

Moisturize the skin a lot. In  the instant you feel dryness, apply moisturizer or oil immediately. At night, you can also compensate with milk cream or white butter. Coconut oil is the best if you go for oils. Buy heavy moisturizers. look for products rich in shea butter and cocoa butter. In case you do get pure unrefined shea butter, nothing is better than that. Pay special attention to your elbows and knees otherwise the skin around them would get rough and darker.

Cleansing and exfoliation are two things which should be done properly in winters. Anything excess would make your skin dry and less would make your skin dull. Go for homemade products in exfoliation. Do not exfoliate more than twice if you go outside regularly and once is enough if you rarely venture out. For cleansing, either stick to your favorite cleanser or go for homemade ones. Oil cleansers are good idea in winters even for oily skin.

In winters, you would find sometimes (especially at very low temperatures) that you feel like scratching your skin. I have seen my mom do it many times. That is because of the excessive dehydration of your skin. At that time, apply a moisturizer or oil and massage it slowly into your body. Oil is always better as it gives fatty acids into your body and keeps it nourished from inside instead of outside. And, improve your diet as indicated. Food is the only thing which can keep you well in winters. Eat lots of eggs and fish if you can. Otherwise, depend on lots of seeds of every kind. Do not forget nuts, any kind of them. You can go on a binging spree without any qualms.

Skin tends to get darker in winters. There are various reasons for it. The first on my list is excess exposure to sun. People love to bask in the heat of sun in winters. Do not forget a sunscreen if you are one of them. The second is dry air. It sucks out the moisture from your skin. You can do nothing except keep the water levels inside your body at a high and nutrition very controlled. Avoid junk foods which we do binge more in winters. Do not go for bike riding or long car drives in open. The third is obviously the friction and static electricity which I mentioned above also. This can be avoided by wearing cotton clothes first and then covering with woolens. Wearing multiple layers of clothing also helps prevent cold than a simple jacket. The fourth reason is excess exposure to heat. So, stay away from heaters, save electricity and keep yourself in check by exercising regularly. Use more blankets. The last reason is over application of moisturizers. If you just keep on slathering moisturizer in layers on your skin, the pores will get clogged and your skin starts to look dull. 

[These tips are for everyone no matter what climate you live in. I am sure you would be able to relate to something or other here. I would surely love to hear any ideas which you might have for winter skin protection.]

Monday, October 25, 2010

Honey as face cleanser

Happy Karwachauth to all of you :)

Well, I did nothing innovative today. I was just feeling like pampering myself and the only thing I had was honey. So, tried to use it as a cleanser. Today I used it after my scrub but a few days before, I used only honey to cleanse my face after a very long day. And, it worked so wonderfully :)

You do not have to do anything except take a little honey in your hands and rub it into your face in upward massage movements. I did the massage for around 15 minutes and then left it for 5 minutes. You should apply honey even on the eye area. Do not miss it out. It is good for wrinkles. After waiting, I washed it off with warm water followed by water at room temperature. My skin was amazing. It was glowing and had perfectly even skin tone. 
Note: Try to use organic honey

My blackheads did not disappear though. But, I did not expect them to. They need a little more work than simply working honey into your face. So, happy cleansing with honey and do share your experiences :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How to wash your hair with soapnuts (reetha)?

I had bought soapnuts (they are environment friendly and natural detergents) and shikakai a year back with the resolution that I would use only these things to wash my hair. Well, as you might have guessed, it never happened!! (till now) But, yes, I was successful in making homemade shampoo with soap nuts and shikakai and other ingredients. 

A few days back one of my friends informed me that she has bought soap nuts to wash her hair regularly. And, I remembered my long forgotten lot of soap nuts and shikakai. Now, the reason I could never use soap nuts was because I never knew how to use them. I had asked a lot of people and they told me correct procedure but still I could not bring myself to use them. So, there was no harm in asking one other person, right? I asked my friend how to use soap nuts to wash hair. And, she told me. Strangely, you have some people in your life who assure you of things without really doing so. She is one of them and I decided to follow here advice to the letter.

So, what did she advice me? Quite simple: Soak soap nuts and then use the liquid to wash your hair. When the liquid gets finished, use the soap nuts to lather a batch of water again and use it again and again as many times as you want. No details, nothing. But, still, I decided to go with it. So, what did I do? 
  • I put 3 soap nuts and 2 shikakai fruits (vary according of the length and thickness of your hair, my friend said it is very less, she has shoulder length hair - shorter than mine and she used 10 soap nuts so you can go for 15 too if you have waist length hair) in a cup and covered them with boiling water and left them overnight. I deseeded the soap nuts before soaking them. You can throw away the seeds or grow your own soap nut tree.
  • In the morning, during my shower, I shook the soap nuts in the water and then put them in little water in another mug. (Do not throw away the soap nuts.) 
  • Now, I took the liquid (it has very less foam in it) and applied on my scalp and started massaging. It does not lather at all in the starting. So, you have to just work your way through your hair very thoroughly. Then, I dipped my hair strands into the liquid and shampooed them as well as I could. Yes, the whole procedure is a lot more messier than using a shampoo. And, it might tangle your hair. (There is a surprise there!!) Then, I rinsed it off. 
  • Now, I took the other mug in which the soap nuts were transferred and used that liquid for the second round and simultaneously, transfer the soap nuts into the first cup in some water. Shake the soap buts a bit to bring out the lather. Again follow the same routine. This time your hair might lather. Mine did not because I had oil in my hair. The time soap nuts will take to lather depends on the oiliness if your hair so it might lather for you int he first time also if your hair is not very dirty and free of oil. 
  • So, this way, I followed the shampooing of my hair six times though I could have probably stopped at third or fourth. Well, that would come with experience.I would aim for less times the next time I shampoo.
  • I did not condition my hair. I wanted to see the results without the effect of any conditioners and such.
The results: 
  • Soap nuts are also washing agents. Though they are natural, they also clean your scalp. So, excessive washing is not recommended. If you do try this, stick to three. That is enough to clean the oil from your hair also. I overdid in my naivety.
  • My hair was shinier and softer without using any conditioner.
  • Now comes the surprise!! There was minimal tangling of the hair which was easily resolved in a minute which is really less as compared to ones I get while using a normal shampoo. 
  • There is no frizz in the hair even though I overdid my shampooing.
  • Manageable hair.
  • There was less hair fall in the bathroom as compared to using shampoos.
  • Completely natural and non-toxic.
  • Soap nuts and shikakai condition the hair very well and promote hair growth. They also help stop hair loss and treat scalp infections and dandruff.
  • If you use organic soap nuts, I think the results would be even better.
  • Do not throw away the soap nuts after your hair wash is over. There is a lot of lather left in them. So, use them to wash your utensils or put them in a cotton bag and throw in a cycle of laundry. You can give your detergent a miss. Clothes come out really clean and bright if you use soap nuts.
So, I have decided that I would use soap nuts whenever I do not have to rush anywhere. I will keep a bottle of shampoo for emergencies. You really need time to wash your hair with soap nuts. Be careful not to get the liquid into your eyes or it stings the eyes pretty bad. I'll give an update the next time I'll wash my hair. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010


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Prepare your skin for Waxing

Waxing might seem like one of the easiest ways of getting rid with the body and definitely more safer than using hair removal creams or shaving or any other hair removal methods except for laser. But, laser is out of budget for most of the people. But, waxing can be extremely painful for many people with sensitive skin. Some can not resist pain and some are highly sensitive to the hot wax. And, many of you might be susceptible to boils and red patches which appear after the procedure. While I would definitely recommend waxing over other techniques, you should never forget that you are literally peeling one or two layers of your skin even if you are getting it done by the best of the professionals. And, in case you land up with amateurs, there is no saying that there would be bleeding or not. So, when you are exposing your most sensitive skin out, you can definitely expect your skin to react in various ways and boils and irritation is just mild of the symptoms. Though you can never get rid of these problems, you can at least strive to reduce them by following a proper before and after skin care.

Before Waxing
  • Always make your appointment two weeks after your periods. Skin is less sensitive then.
  • Before you go for waxing, always make sure that your skin is not injured or burned in any way. If you have allergies, cuts, open wounds, sunburns or warts, get a treatment before going for waxing.  Waxing can aggravate the situation otherwise.
  • Skip exfoliation, saunas and steam baths on the day prior to waxing. 
  • Do not drink coffee on the day before or on day of waxing as caffeine makes you sensitive to pain. Avoid tea also as it also contains caffeine even though it is less.
  • Take bath immediately before waxing. This would help in removing the oils on your skin and any grease or dirt which might cause hindrance while waxing. 
  • Do not apply and moisturizer or sunscreen or even deodorants.
  • In case you are going for professional service, wash your hands and other parts of the body where you intend to get waxing done with water once more. This ensures easy removal of the hair and so an area does not need to be waxed more than once or twice.
  • If you are sensitive to pain,  pop a pain killer 20 minutes before waxing. It will ease the pain. 
During Waxing
  • Make sure of the wax temperature. If it is too uncomfortable for you no matter the temperature, tell the girl attending you. Do not let her do what she wants.
  • If the girl attending you is too rude or does not listen to you, complain at once. Trust me it is lot better than enduring pain and not going back to your favorite salon. It happened with me.
  • Do not let the girl attending you keep on waxing your skin two to three times at the same place unnecessarily. Sometimes best of the salons have such people. That makes your skin sore and painful in the extreme especially at sensitive places.
  • Do look around for hygiene. Better carry your clothes instead of changing into ones provided by the salons. Salon hygiene is very important to look for before you become a regular there.
After Waxing
  • Now that you have endured all the pain, you would feel a lot of itching after waxing. Do not itch your skin. I know it is uncontrollable but it made big red boils on my skin and then left ugly scars. Itching also causes a lot of ingrown hairs which in turn irritate the skin. So, do not itch at any cost. 
  • If you are at home, immediately go and place a cold water shower head on the areas waxed. That will soothe you well and relives the itch. 
  • Still feeling like itching, run a soothing hand over the area instead of clawing your fingers into the skin. Endure for a moment and it will be fine in the next.
  • Then, take a leaf of aloe vera and scoop out all the gel. Apply it on your skin but do not massage.
  • Do not use very hot water for bathing. Warm water will keep your skin in better condition.
  • Avoid exfoliation for a week after your waxing. Your skin does not need exfoliation as it has been stripped off a layer of skin literally.
  • Moisturize your skin well as long as your skin feels sore.


Petinggi Facebook geram gara-gara kemiripan utility, nama dan fungsi dengan situs jejaring baru Faceporn. Facebook menuntut Faceporn atas tuduhan telah menjiplak konsep jejaring sosial miliknya namun dikhususkan untuk konten bermuatan seks. Inilah Facebook vs Faceporn. Dikutip dari PC World, gugatan perkara rupanya diajukan Facebook sejak 15 Oktober lalu di pengadilan California Utara, AS. Facebook berupaya mencegah Faceporn menggunakan unsur-unsur yang dianggap menjadi ciri khas Facebook, termasuk penggunaan Face dalam situsnya. 

Berdasarkan berkas gugatan yang diajukan Facebook ke pengadilan, Faceporn dinilai telah terang-terangan mengkopi logo Facebook, ciri khas dan merek dagang situsnya. Sesuai dengan namanya, menyebut dirinya sebagai jejaring sosial nomor satu dalam segala hal berbau porno. Maka tak heran, Faceporn hadir menawarkan beragam konten porno.

Dalam berkas tersebut disertakan pula screen shots yang memperlihatkan beberapa kemiripan Faceporn dengan Facebook, di antaranya termasuk kehadiran postingan wall dan warna situs yang didominasi biru dan putih.

Berdasarkan keterangan di akun Twitter milik Faceporn, saat ini situs tersebut sedang offline untuk sementara waktu karena sedang dalam proses desain ulang. "Kami sedang bekerja keras untuk menghadirkan situs versi terbaru yang lebih baik. Dan ini akan menjadi situs porno terbaik di dunia," umbar Faceporn.

"Ada banyak kemiripan diantara Facebook dan Faceporn. Kami harus menegakkan hak kami untuk melindungi merek dagang kami," kata juru bicara Facebook Simon Axten.

Banyak kalangan menanggapi hal ini berbeda, mereka beranggapan dan mengkritik bahwa Facebook berlebihan dalam mengklaim kata umum yang diklaim telah menjadi merek dagangnya.

Sebenarnya bukan kali ini saja Facebook menggugat. Agustus silam, Facebook keluaran Mark Zuckerberg itu juga memperkarakan sebuah situs jejaring sosial khusus para pengajar yang menggunakan nama TeachBook. Facebook mengklaim kata 'Book' yang menempel di belakang nama situs tersebut telah melanggar merek dagang Facebook. Cuma gara-gara ‘Book’ jadi perkara?.. itu kan kata yang umum dan berhak dipakai siapa saja.. narsis bgt nih si Mark :p

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Look fabulous this Karwachauth naturally

I know its going to be a very rigorous day for you all married ladies and ladies who are keeping the fast without the mercy of even a drop of water. Ok, I do not want to sound cruel. I find it to be a great tradition and a beautiful day for a married woman. And, since it is the day dedicated to your husbands, it is the day you should look your best and make sure your husbands do not get time to look anywhere else :) So, how do you accomplish looking fabulous when you are starving and dehydrated????? Well, take care of yourself the days before. I know my post is a lot late and I am really sorry but you can still make up to it. (I meant posting this at least a week earlier but it completely slipped from my mind.) 

Dedicate your three days starting from today to yourself completely. Relax, enjoy, pamper. Well, yes, I know it is hell for working ladies and with families. But, you can always steal an hour for yourself somewhere in your schedule. Even if you can not, I do have tips for you.
  • Make sure you follow this routine to look fabulous during occasions.
  • In the evening, wash off your face with this makeup remover even if you are not wearing makeup.
  • Wash your body (yes complete body not only face) with either besan or 'sunnipindi' (as called in Telugu) mixed with raw milk (real cow or goat if you can get).
  • Every night you can pamper yourself with a face mask according to your skin type. A clay mask would be best as it detoxes your skin well. Mix it with honey for dry skin and with rose water for normal, oily and combination skin. Sensitive skin can go with either.
  • Do not venture out in sun for three days. Wear SPF 15 sunscreen even when inside.
  • You can massage your body before bath as it makes your skin extra soft.
  • Drink as much water as you can. Literally fill yourself with water.
  • Drink a lot of vegetable juices and fruit juices. Make smoothies of different veggies and fruits but avoid mixing both. Do not make a combined smoothie of fruit and veggies. It would not provide any nutritional benefits as the enzymes of both nullify the benefits.
  • Eat a lot of sesame seeds in these days. You could also ingest a table spoon of sesame oil, coconut oil or olive oil, whichever you prefer. I would go for sesame. It would give the much needed fatty acids.
  • After showering at night, massage your skin with any oil. For people with oily skin, you can go with aloevera and rose water mixture. 
  • Make your diet as regular and nutritious as possible. Eat a lot of fruits. Mix a whole lot of nuts (almonds, walnuts, raisins, raw cashews and raw pistachios) and snack on them. Do not add salt or roast them. They lose their nutrition. 
  • Moisturize your hair with natural aloevera in these three days. If you can use yogurt or egg on your hair, use them. Or, simply apply rose water. That does a lot of good to your hair. 
  • Sleep well in these days. Take complete 8-9 hours sleep whichever makes you feel more refreshed. And, take a 10-20 minute walk early in the morning in fresh air. It would make you look fabulous.
This list can go on and on. So, my advice would be to think of beauty and health in everything you do. If you are stepping out of the house, do not forget sunscreen. After coming back, wipe your exposed areas with cotton pads dipped in chilled rose water or with ice cubes. Use gloves while doing the washing. Take baths with either honey, milk or salt in your baths as they soften your skin. Literally make beauty a part of every aspect. Not only for Karwachauth, but for life :)

[Do share what you are planning for Karwachauth]

Six Spices to boost brain

Alzheimer's is an incurable disease at present and can be onset even in your childhood but can not be detected until very late. So, take care good care of your brain as your children's. Our kitchen is full of simple and powerful remedies. So, here's is a list of six spices from the kitchen shelf which are strong anti-oxidants and keep you or your brain from getting aged. Make sure you include them in your subsequent meals.
  • Garlic: Brings a different flavor in the dishes and protects the nervous system. Promotes the growth of neurons (nerve cells), increases learning and memory capacity.
  • Rosemary: Lowers pulse rate and anxiety levels. May also help in improving memory performance.
  • Sage: Protects against injurious affects of the toxins on the brain cells. Can be substituted with basil leaves.
  • Clove: is the best source of anti-oxidants so you can start taking a clove or two per day.
  • Turmeric: Promotes removal of toxic metals from the brain.
  • Cinnamon: Promotes effects of insulin and lowers blood sugar levels preventing diabetes which might trigger Alzheimer's.
In India, you do get four of these condiments pretty easily. Start sprinkling them in your food from today and enjoy the benefits. And, before I forget, let me again remind you, they are anti-aging agents too.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sendha Namak - Indian Rock Salt Beauty Benefits

I do not know how many of you are aware that Sendha namak is the pure rock salt of India and is a little costlier than the normal salt because it is found in very less quantities in the Indian sub-continent. The commercial salt available is iodized where as the rock salt is pure from nature, is more granular, has less salty taste as you would have already noticed and is not chemically processed. It is rich in lot of minerals and if used in regular cooking as a substitute of common salt, it can control all the health problems posed by common salt like high blood pressure, puffiness in the body or the eyes, is cooling for the body, helpful in digestion, relieves gas and soothes heartburn and helps in weight loss.

Not only health but many beauty benefits can also be acquired from rock salt. 
  • Rock salt can be used as a body scrub. Since high in mineral content, it is a perfect substitute for spa standard products made at home.
  • Drop a table spoon of rock salt in your bath every time and enjoy a relaxing bath. It also detoxifies your body externally as well as internally. Eases stress and body pains.
  • Can be used as a teeth whitener or a mouth freshener. Also clears a sour throat if used for gargling.
  • Can be used as a foot soak, foot scrub or a hand scrub too. It is not drying on the skin.
  • Removes the yellowness under the nails and makes your nails shine beautifully.
  • Use it to cleanse your skin at night. Mix a table spoon of rock salt with your cleanser or face wash and rub it gently into the skin. Make sure to remove make up before this routine.
In Pakistan, there is a salt range of Himalayas, called the 'Himalayan Salt Range', which has the purest form of rock salt in the whole world. It is sold as 'Himalayan salt' but it actually is just a rock salt too. The only specialty of this salt is that it is pure and does not need any kind of filtering. So, those who have easy access to Himalayan salt or Pakistan rock salt, make sure you use it regularly in your food and beauty routines.

Do not forget to differentiate between Epsom salt and Rock salt. They have different mineral contents and Epsom salt is the best for skin. If you have access to Epsom salt, you can use it for
You can read about more uses of Epsom salt here.
We have always heard that salt is not good for hair but it is not so. The common salt is not suitable because it has many chemicals in it where as naturally occurring salts are as good for hair as they are for other parts of your body.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to help someone to quit smoking?

There has been a consistent increase in the number of people addicted to smoking year by year and it is not just restricted to men but also women and teenagers. Many start as fun and become enslaved to the nicotine. And, then, it can be hell to make a person quit it. Probably, the person might start hating you for battering him regularly on his habit instead of quitting. So, there are some habits which can help a person quit smoking. Encourage your loved ones in the right way and help them leave this habit. The first rule is always to make them want to quit the habit by themselves.

Habits which can help you leave smoking
  • Chewing peppermint or a menthol toffee as it makes your brain crave less for something hot.
  • Chewing a mint-flavored or other bubblegum keeps the mouth busy and keeps your cravings away.
  • Drink water or fruit juices very slowly at the time of cravings will make the craving go away by the time you finish the drink. A moment of weakness is enough to hook on to bad vices and a moment of strength is enough to develop new habits.
  • Eating grapes is a good idea at time of cravings.
  • Make sure that you do not smoke for 21 days and it will become a habit. It is said that it takes only 21 days for a habit to foster into routine so stick to your determination through thick and thin for just 3 weeks. Starting days are hardest but your will power should carry you through.
  • A very useful thing which I read in one of the comments is that think about the money you poured for the smoking habit just to help the companies let you die and what you could have done with that kind of money.
Give support to your loved ones to discourage their habit
  • If it is a relative who has this habit and you want him to leave it, this especially helps in intimate relations. Be honest with a person and make them understand you reasons for hating their habit. That will strike a chord somewhere inside. 
  • Do not get angry with their habits and comment on them. This makes people more determined to stick to the forbidden habits.
  • Explain them your worries about their health. Be reasonable and not pushy. That will yield better results.
  • A psychological condition with the smokers is that they feel they would fail if they do not smoke. Understand this fear and work around it. Show them the strengths if they leave the habit. Tell them how their family would fare better without the smoke. Talk especially about small children. 
  • Do not make them feel bad about their habit. Instead motivate them to work on their good ones.
  • Do not force. This might sound repetitive but this is the most common of the pitfalls one can fall into because of losing temper or patience. And, the results the opposite of what was intended.
  • Motivate them to seek professional advice. It easier to leave such habits while in a group of people who are undergoing same things instead of going through it alone.
  • Reward the person for their efforts. A special trip or something they wanted to have since a long time, any thing special would shift the focus towards the benefits of leaving the habit.
  • Do not give up or expect them to stop in just one day. It is not possible. It is a consistent effort depending on the emotional state of the person involved with smoking. Some smoke just for fun but smoke because it takes them away from their problems, many are trying to hide something behind the facade of smoking so understanding the psyche of a person is important when you want them to give up smoking. 
  • Do not ever chide them for their weakness. 
Instead of ignoring the bad habits of someone you love, work with them to lose such habits. The working would take time but a step how so ever small is a step instead of not starting at all. And, this fact would apply in any kind of a situation and any kind of problem you are trying to deal with in your life. Understanding the person, their fears, their strengths and weakness would help you help them.

This article was adapted from this and this articles with my own inputs.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Root Canalling or Filling?

Dental problems continue to hound you for life, if given a chance to start. And, worse still, your dentists are not to be believed. Now, why do I say this? Well, yesterday, I went with my friend for getting her filling done. She already had a filling in her cavity but she was getting pain so she went for a simple check up. She could not visit the same doctor who did her filling so we went to the one nearest in our vicinity. 

When we went for consultation, he was pretty insistent on root canalling which was not required in my friend's case as the cavity in her teeth had not reached the roots. Yes, you can tell that by looking at the X-ray. And, she was also told so by her previous doctor. Look at the X-ray, you can easily find the demarcation between a cavity and the teeth. I shall ask for X-rays and scan them and put them up so that it would be a visual help. In root canalling, the teeth is killed by pulling all the nerves from the root and desensitizing the teeth which is required only when the cavity reaches the root nerves. You can see that in the X-ray too.

To speak of the doctor, he was young and quite inexperienced as my friend said. He was not at all confident of his work but that at least was well in a sense that she got a very good quality filling done. Now, when she already had a filling, why did she get another filling? Reason is the doctor. When we went for the check up, they said the already existing filling is really good. Only, it has chipped from the top. They said they can fill that up and bring the filling in proper shape again. We thought that they would apply a little bit of filling over the existing filling so we went ahead with the idea. When my friend went on the dentist chair (which you should be really afraid of), there was no looking back. I was, very ruthlessly, thrown out of the room. And, my friend re-emerged from the chair after a full two hours! Any one would say that when does filling take so long. What I come to know then is that her existing filling was removed and a new filling was put in place just to fill the above chipped part!! I was shocked. But, I think whatever happens, happens for the best. Why? Coz the doc was uncertain of his work, he did a very good job of the filling and another reason is that my friend's earlier filling was silver mixed with mercury which got replaced with a tooth color cement filling.

I am very sure that you are already aware of the toxic effects mercury has on the body. Well, if you do not, let me just say this that mercury is used to melt silver and then, the mixture is poured into the filling. Thus, metal fillings should never be done as mercury is always used to melt the metal and then mixed and poured into your tooth or jaw. That keeps on sipping slowly into your system and badly affects your kidneys, brain, liver and spinal cord. General problems are breathing problems, nausea, memory loss, hallucination, personality disorder and skin allergies among others. And, mind you, there is always a danger of exposure to mercury in the environment itself so it is not only a dental filling which introduces mercury into your body. 

Secondly, metal fillings look really bad when you open your mouth for eating or laughing or talking purposes :) A tooth color cement is also used for fillings. I would not say that they do not use chemicals. The procedure goes something like this. A layer or two of chemical is added then dried with a UV light bulb. And, this process is repeated till the whole of your cavity fills up. There are lot of chemicals used in this method but they are less toxic than mercury.

Now that you have heard of toxic effects of mercury, please do not rush to the doctor to get your fillings replaced immediately. See for yourself that have you been really having any problems and allergies after the fillings, get yourself tested for mercury allergies and then approach the doctor. And, people going for fillings, opt for porcelain or other kinds of fillings which do not involve mercury.

So, coming back to the incident of my friend, I would like to say do not believe what your doctor tells you. There is free information available today. Search on the topic, ask your friends and other doctors you know, ask people who have the same problems, these things help a lot in getting a correct diagnosis and proper treatment. Many doctors tend to treat the symptom instead of the cause. So, unless its your family doctor, always be skeptical of what you are being told. There is no harm in taking second opinion for serious things. Always be skeptical of your doctor and do not hesitate to ask a reason. You are not a guinea pig. If they fail to give an answer, run from there never to return and if they give an answer, take time to counter check. There is always some or the other doctor whom your acquainted with or related to. Always take advice from them. They are the ones who can give you the best advices.

After covering this incident and my advices, I would stress that prevention is always better than cure. So, start taking care of your teeth from today. And, stay away from sweets. Trust me they harm you (at least your teeth) real bad. I do have another incident about it which I would save for another post but you have been warned!! Floss regularly. Buy Oral-B toothbrush and floss. It was recommended by the same dentist. Flossing is difficult if you are new at it. Getting at the teeth at the back of the jaw, especially, the upper jaw is really difficult but you need to have patience and slowly you would master it. And, then flossing would take you no more than 5 minutes each time. If you do have cavities and other dental problems, I would recommend flossing after every meal. Otherwise, two times a day is fine. I would also add that if you are flossing for the first time, you would notice the blood on the floss. It is perfectly fine. It just indicates that your gums are not healthy and the situation would improve with every time you floss. Make your children learn this habit early in life to prevent their dental problems. Lastly, eat these foods to keep your teeth healthy and white.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cancer Bitch in the news

It's hard to complain about Pinktober (well--I want to complain about that neologism) when I'm one of the beneficiaries. The Trib picked five breast cancer memoirs to describe and listed The Adventures of Cancer Bitch first. So, get out there and buy cancer memoirs. If you don't, the [fill in the blank] will have won.

What do you know about warts?

What are Warts?
I do not know about the frequency of appearance of warts as a dermatological problem. But, if they appear, you should really take special care of them and nip them in the budding stages rather than letting them grow. They can occur any where on your body so it is very important for you to know about your body very intimately. Check your genital areas especially. Coming to warts, they are caused by a virus and the problem is extremely contagious. You can infect yourself on different places not to mention anyone else. 

They are of many types and range from being flat on the body and whitish in color to real solid outgrowths of any color generally yellow. They can bleed and be very painful. So, taking proper care is very crucial. The warts, generally, occur in children aged 10-16. So, mothers should be extra cautious of their children skin too as they can easily contract the disease being most in contact with them.

Precautions and Home Remedies
  • Proper Hygiene is the first thing which should be taken care of
    • Wash the infected areas with dettol (anti-bacterial solution) and warm water properly every time you go for bath.
    • Do not handle the areas with bare fingers. Wear gloves or use cotton pads.
    • Pour 5 drops of dettol (anti-bacterial) in your bath and take bath from it. Always bath with warm water. Stay away from cold. Water boiled and then cooled is the best as it kills the germs.
    • You can also use neem water decoction in your bath as it is a purifying and strong anti-bacterial agent.
    • Use separate towels for the affected areas. Wash them separately in disinfectant daily.
    • If you have warts on genital areas, avoid wearing clothes till the area dries fully. That will avoid any inflammation due to humidity and spreading of the infection.
    • The warts should be soaked in warm water and any loose skin should be removed every few days with a mild abrasive like a pumice stone. 
  • Home Remedies which might help (use only fresh ingredients)
    • A very sticky Duct Tape should be applied daily and keep the area covered. This somehow works most of the time. Couple this remedy with others listed below specially the aspirin.
    • Apply Apple Cider Vinegar. This is probably the best home remedy which will work.
    • Dissolve Aspirin in water and apply the solution to the warts. Let it dry for 5 minutes and then scrub the skin off. Use a brush or a dedicated loofah or wash cloth for it.
    • Take a slice of raw potato. Rub it on the wart for about ten minutes each day.
    • Take the peel of a banana and keep its inner side on the wart. Tie it up like a bandage. Change it twice a day. Keep this constantly on the wart until the wart disappears.
    • Mix garlic juice, onion juice, pepper powder and apply it on the warts.
    • Apply pineapple juice on the warts.
    • Take a teaspoon of juice of the coriander leaves along with a pinch of turmeric in it. Ingest this on a daily basis.
    • Eat neem leaves every day. It cleans your system from the inside. You can accompany them with honey.  
  • Certain changes in diet can help
    •  Dark Green Vegetables like spinach, lettuce, kale, fenugreek, curry leaves, capsicum, brocolli dissolve warts from inside. So, eat all green leafy vegetables.
    • Red and Yellow vegetables and fruits are helpful. Tomatoes, red and yellow capsicum, mangoes, banana, beetroot, corn or maize, pineapple, strawberry, orange, water melon, carrot are some. Can be taken in juice form also (for those possible).
    • Yeast is very helpful so eat breads made in the bakery. Fresh breads would help a lot. 
    • Beans, peas, all lentils (pulses) and seeds (cumin, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin) are very good foods for warts.
    • Sweet potato, potatoes, baby potatoes are again very useful for warts.
  • Treatment
    • If your warts are bleeding or painful, you should visit a doctor.
    • Diabetic people with warts on the feet should be treated by doctors.
    • There are many ways to treat the warts but none of them are 100% because the warts can reappear any time. The virus inside your body has to be eradicated to get rid of warts.
    • Topical application of salicylic acid helps with warts but it also takes a very long time.
    •  Laser Treatment is one of the treatments but it is very painful.