Monday, August 30, 2010


This is no way a science or guarantee; it's simply a few suggestions with which many bloggers have found success. How to promoting your Blog? this is the several tips. I hope with this simple tutorial, it will usefull and can raise your rank and better SEO. 

Set your blog to Send Pings. When this setting is activated, your blog will be included in various "recently updated" lists on the web as well as other blog-related services.

Activate Your Navbar. Do this and you might start to see the effects right away! One of the features on the Blogger Navbar is a button called NextBlog - click it to visit the next Navbar-enabled blog.

Install Email This Post. If you use Email This Post on your blog, people will be able to forward your posts to friends. This may not have an immediate impact on your site stats but it enables others to publicize your blog for you.

Turn on Post Pages. By publishing every post as its very own web page with Post Pages, you ensure that your entries are way more link-able and more attractive to search engines.

Turn on your site feed. When people subscribe to your site feed in their newsreaders, they're very likely going to read your post.

Add your blog to Blogger's listings. When you add your blog to our listings it shows up in Nextblog, Recently Updated, and other places. It's like opting-in to traffic.

Write quality content and do it well. If your "style" is bad writing, worse grammar, no punctuation, and an ugly design, that might be okay for a niche crowd. But the idea here is to achieve mass appeal, so fix yourself up a bit.

Publish regular updates. Simple: the more you blog, the more traffic you'll get.

Think of your audience. A good way to build an audience is to speak to one in particular. When you keep your audience in mind, your writing gains focus. Focus goes a long way toward repeat visitors.

Keep search engines in mind. There are a few things you can do to make your blog more search engine friendly. Use post titles and post page archiving. This will automatically give each of your post pages an intelligent name based on the title of your post. Also, try to be descriptive when you blog. A well crafted post about something very specific can end up very near the top results of a search.

Keep your posts and paragraphs short. Strive for succinct posts that pump pertinent new information into the blogosphere and move on. Keep it short and sweet so visitors can pop in, read up, and click on.

Put your blog URL in your email signature. Think of how many forwarded emails you've seen in your day, and just imagine the possibilities.

Sumbit your address to blog search sites and directories. People look for blog content atTechnorati every day, are you on their list? You should be. Submit your blog's url to Technorati,Daypop, Blogdex, Popdex, and any other site of that ilk you come across.

Link to other blogs. Links are the currency of the blogosphere and it takes money to make money so start linking.

Install a blogroll. It's a very simple yet effective social networking scheme and it has the same result as a simple link if not stronger: traffic! So if you don't have one yet, sign up for a blogroll and get that link-list going.

Be an active commenter. This is in the same vein as linking. Most comment systems also provide a way for you to leave a link back to your blog which begs a visit at the very least. So if you feel inspired, leave a comment or two in your blog travels. It behooves you.

Enable Following on your blog. Following a is a great way to keep your friends updated on the latest activity on your blog. New blogs will have this blog feature enabled by default, but for older blogs you will have to enable it from the Layout | Page Elements tab.

Read another article :

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Semakin berkembangnya industri online di Indonesia membuat perusahaan online dan startup asal Indonesia mulai aktif di ajang inovasi web dan aplikasi mobile, termasuk yang berskala internasional.
Salah satu di antaranya adalah turnamen inovasi web dan aplikasi mobile yang diselenggarakan oleh komunitas E27 asal Singapura, bertajuk 'Asia's Top 50 Apps'. Beberapa Industri Online Indonesia ikuti kontes e27 ini adalah Kaskus, Tokobagus, Koprol dll. Turnamen ini bertujuan untuk mencari situs dan aplikasi mobile paling kreatif  dalam hal inovasi teknologi, bisnis dan desain, yang diikuti oleh peserta di tingkat Asia

Pada ajang tersebut, beberapa perusahaan online dan startup online asal Indonesia turut dinominasikan. Mulai dari startup yang namanya jarang terdengar, hingga perusahaan-perusahaan online ternama.
Berdasarkan pantauan, di antara sekitar 150-an peserta turnamen banyak juga yang berasal dari Indonesia. Beberapa di antaranya adalah situs online ternama seperti Kaskus, Koprol, Tokobagus, atau startup yang sudah tak asing, seperti Tokopedia, Urbanesia. atau KrazyMarket.

Selain itu, ada pula startup-startup Indonesia lainnya, seperti Tuitwit, BukuQ, Gantibaju, Lewatmana, Ngaturduit, i-klan store, Kayakarya, Gamelan, Scraplr, MyBabyTree, Movreak, Newsachormac, Adadiskon, Goorme, Brosurku, eEvent, Flusr, Kulacak, MainMusik, dan Doocu.
Panitia memberi kesempatan kepada para pengguna internet untuk memilih aplikasi kesayangan mereka di situs resmi e27 hingga 31 Agustus 2010. Dari hasil voting, nantinya akan dipilih 50 aplikasi mobile atau situs web yang mendapat suara terbanyak, yang akan diumumkan pada 1 September 2010.

Dari 50 peserta pilihan, panitia akan memilih 10 terbaik, yang dipilih oleh tim juri beranggotakan para ahli. 10 pemenang akan berkesempatan untuk bekerjasama dengan operator telekomunikasi di negaranya yang berada di bawah kelompok Singtel. Mereka juga diberi kesempatan untuk tampil pada acara Accelerate 2010 yang diselenggarakan pada 22 -23 2010 di Singapura. 
Misalnya, sebagai salah satu nominator dari Indonesia, sepertinya tak mau menyia-nyiakan kesempatan ini. Mereka langsung menggelar kampanye di situs Tokobagus maupun di laman Facebook resminya untuk menggalang suara.

Semoga ajang ini bisa menjadi suatu langkah positif bagi industri online di Indonesia selain itu pula mampu membuat prestasi yang membanggakan bagi kemajuan dunia industri online di masa depan.
referensi vivanews

Silahkan baca juga :

Carrot Face Mask

As I have pointed out earlier that not only fruits but vegetables also make great face masks and are extensively endowed with nutrients required for our skin. Spinach serves as a great hydrating face mask and beetroot can be used to give color to a pale complexion.

Today, I would like to discuss carrots with you. Carrots are, as you all are well aware, rich in vitamin A and helps improve our vision. But, actually, carrot is also very helpful for oily skin. It clears the extra oil from the skin and also takes care of pimples, acne and dark spots. Boil a carrot for 15 minutes. It would turn very soft and easy to mash. Mash it or blend it with lemon juice, orange juice or even the water in which it was boiled. Apply it on your face for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water. Your skin would be glowing. You can open your pores before you apply this mask as it helps carrot to act better on the skin. 
For people with dry skin or normal skin, you can blend carrot with honey or milk cream or even any nourishing and moisturizing fruit.


Fasilitas Google Translate sangat penting bagi kelengkapan suatu blog ataupun website. Berbagai tipe Google translate bisa dipasang di blog sahabat. Mulai dari tipe bendera yang atraktif ataupun tipe lainnya. Bagi rekan-rekan yang masih kebingungan memasang fasilitas Google translate ataupun bagi yang ingin mengganti tipe google translate yang ada, disini saya menawarkan Tips Memasang Google Translate Tipe Scroll. Fasilitas ini biasa disebut juga Google web Element.

Kelebihan Google Translate Tipe Scroll adalah tidak terlalu memakan tempat di website ataupun blog anda. Selain itu juga praktis karena bila di-klik akan muncul langsung nama-nama negara sebagai bahasa terjemahannya.

Inilah Google Translate Tipe Scroll:

Bagi Rekan yang tertarik memasangnya silahkan copy paste kode script di bawah ini :

<!-- Google Translate Element --> <div id="google_translate_element" style="display:block"></div><script> function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({pageLanguage: "en"}, "google_translate_element"); };</script> <script src=""></script>

Silahkan baca juga artikel menarik lainnya :
Trik mencuri kode widget blog
Cara pasang video youtube di blog
Memasang kode translate dan ikon bendera
Menampilkan judul posting saja pada label
Tips mempercepat terindeks Google Search Engine
Cara termudah dan tercepat membuat Banner
Cara membuat Blog Dofollow dan Logo Dofollow

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Used Stationary Bikes : Cheap exercise equipment

When you do exercise regularly, it is important for you to have exercise equipment to support that you do. Having used stationary bikes will be very great for you. If you want to buy used stationary bikes, there are many option to compare not just style such as upright bikes or recumbent bikes. A good stationary bike will come with certain features. Some features will be able to see the distance that you have ridden, the calories that you have burned and the time that you spent.

Stationary bikes is a kind of exercise equipment that very useful for people who have injured or bad knees or ankles also burn more calories depending on the resistance and the pedaling speed. Recumbent and upright are types of used stationary bikes on the market that you can choose what the best for you to maximize result. Recumbent bike allow you to reduce the risk of knee and lower back pain since it places you in more reclined position. Meanwhile, upright stationary bike allows you to exercise in regular position as riding your bike.

Using a stationary bike is a great way to burn fat and get your heart pumping. Provides a steady workout for your legs, hips, thighs and glutes, as well as a cardio workout to get your heart pumping and keep it there for prolonged periods of time. Stationary bikes are a great way to exercise and have fun. Used stationary bikes are affordable, and can be use in the comfort of your home.

More people say that used stationary bikes is cheaper than joining a gym. If you joining a gym you will spend a few dollar every month to keep up your routine exercise. It will save your money if you purchase this equipment. You can exercise anytime you want and this equipment an investment for your health in long term.


Artikel ini merupakan tulisan seorang sahabat bernama Agung Mauliady yang begitu menggugah. Dengan rasa salut saya tampilkan Tulisannya kembali disini dengan Judul Nasib Negara terkaya di Dunia. 
Sebenarnya banyak yang tidak tahu dimanakah negara terkaya di planet bumi ini, ada yang mengatakan Amerika atau negera-negara di timur tengah. tidak salah sebenarnya, contohnya amerika. negara super power itu memiliki tingkat kemajuan teknologi tinggi, contoh lain lagi adalah negara-negara di timur tengah.Rata-rata negara yang tertutup gurun pasir dan cuaca panas itu mengandung jutaan barrel minyak yang siap untuk diolah. tapi itu semua belum cukup untuk menyamai negara yang satu ini. bahkan Amerika, Negara-negara timur tengah serta Uni Eropa-pun tak mampu menyamainya.dan inilah negara terkaya di planet bumi yang luput dari perhatian warga bumi lainya. warga negara ini pastilah bangga jika mereka tahu. tapi sayangnya mereka tidak sadar "berdiri di atas berlian" langsung saja kita lihat profil negaranya.

Wow.. Apa yang terjadi? apakah penulis ini salah? tapi dengan tegas saya nyatakan bahwa negara itulah sebagai negara terkaya di dunia. tapi bukankah negara itu sedang dalam kondisi terpuruk? hutang dimana-mana, kemiskinan, korupsi yang meraja lela, kondisi moral bangsa yang kian menurun serta masalah-masalah lain yang sedang menyelimuti negara itu.baiklah mari kita urai semuanya satu persatu sehingga kita bisa melihat kekayaan negara ini sesungguhnya.

1. Negara ini punya pertambangan emas terbesar dengan kualitas emas terbaik di dunia. namanya PT Freeport.

pertambangan ini telah mengasilkan 7,3 JUTA ton tembaga dan 724,7 JUTA ton emas. saya (penulis= suranegara) mencoba meng-Uangkan jumlah tersebut dengan harga per gram emas sekarang, saya anggap Rp. 300.000. dikali 724,7 JUTA ton emas/ 724.700.000.000.000 Gram dikali Rp 300.000. = Rp.217.410. Rupiah!!!!! ada yang bisa bantu saya cara baca nilai tersebut? itu hanya emas belum lagi tembaga serta bahan mineral lain-nya.lalu siapa yang mengelola pertambangan ini? bukan negara ini tapi AMERIKA! prosentasenya adalah 1% untuk negara pemilik tanah dan 99% untuk amerika sebagai negara yang memiliki teknologi untuk melakukan pertambangan disana. bahkan ketika emas dan tembaga disana mulai menipis ternyata dibawah lapisan emas dan tembaga tepatnya di kedalaman 400 meter ditemukan kandungan mineral yang harganya 100 kali lebih mahal dari pada emas, ya.. dialah URANIUM! bahan baku pembuatan bahan bakar nuklir itu ditemukan disana. belum jelas jumlah kandungan uranium yang ditemukan disana, tapi kabar terakhir yang beredar menurut para ahli kandungan uranium disana cukup untuk membuat pembangkit listrik Nuklir dengan tenaga yang dapat menerangi seluruh bumi hanya dengan kandungan uranium disana. Freeport banyak berjasa bagi segelintir pejabat negeri ini, para jenderal dan juga para politisi busuk, yang bisa menikmati hidup dengan bergelimang harta dengan memiskinkan bangsa ini. Mereka ini tidak lebih baik daripada seekor lintah!

2. Negara ini punya cadangan gas alam TERBESAR DI DUNIA! tepatnya di Blok Natuna.

Berapa kandungan gas di blok natuna? Blok Natuna D Alpha memiliki cadangan gas hingga 202 TRILIUN kaki kubik!! dan masih banyak Blok-Blok penghasil tambang dan minyak seperti Blok Cepu dll. DIKELOLA SIAPA? EXXON MOBIL! dibantu sama Pertamina.

3. Negara ini punya Hutan Tropis terbesar di dunia. hutan tropis ini memiliki luas 39.549.447 Hektar, dengan keanekaragaman hayati dan plasmanutfah terlengkap di dunia.

Letaknya di pulau sumatra, kalimantan dan sulawesi.sebenarnya jika negara ini menginginkan kiamat sangat mudah saja buatmereka. tebang saja semua pohon di hutan itu makan bumi pasti kiamat.karena bumi ini sangat tergantung sekali dengan hutan tropis ini untukmenjaga keseimbangan iklim karena hutan hujan amazon tak cukup kuatuntuk menyeimbangkan iklim bumi. dan sekarang mereka sedikit demi sedikitelah mengkancurkanya hanya untuk segelintir orang yang punya uanguntuk perkebunan dan lapangan Golf. sungguh sangat ironis sekali.

4. Negara ini punya Lautan terluas di dunia. dikelilingi dua samudra, yaitu Pasific dan Hindia hingga tidak heran memiliki jutaan spesies ikan yang tidak dimiliki negara lain.

Saking kaya-nya laut negara ini sampai-sampai negara lain pun ikut memanen ikan di lautan negara ini.

5. Negara ini punya jumlah penduduk terbesar ke 4 didunia.
 Bengan jumlah penduduk segitu harusnya banyak orang-orang pintar yang telah dihasilkan negara ini, tapi pemerintah menelantarkan mereka-mereka. sebagai sifat manusia yang ingin bertahan hidup tentu saja mereka ingin di hargai. jalan lainya adalah keluar dari negara ini dan memilih membela negara lain yang bisa menganggap mereka dengan nilai yang pantas.

6. Negara ini memiliki tanah yang sangat subur. karena memiliki banyak gunung berapi yang aktif menjadikan tanah di negara ini sangat subur terlebih lagi negara ini dilintasi garis katulistiwa yang banyak terdapat sinar matahari dan hujan.
Jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara timur tengah yang memiliki minyak yang sangat melimpah negara ini tentu saja jauh lebih kaya. coba kita semua bayangkan karena hasil mineral itu tak bisa diperbaharui dengan cepat. dan ketika seluruh minyak mereka telah habis maka mereka akan menjadi negara yang miskin karena mereka tidak memiliki tanah sesubur negara ini yang bisa ditanami apapun juga. bahkan tongkat kayu dan batu jadi tanaman.

7. Negara ini punya pemandangan yang sangat eksotis dan lagi-lagi tak ada negara yang bisa menyamainya. dari puncak gunung hingga ke dasar laut bisa kita temui di negara ini.

Negara ini sangat amat kaya sekali, tak ada bangsa atau negara lain sekaya INDONESIA! tapi apa yang terjadi? dialah INDONESIA!
untuk EXXON MOBIL OIL, FREEPORT, SHELL, PETRONAS dan semua PEJABAT NEGARA yang menjual kekayaan Bangsa untuk keuntungan negara asing, diucapkan TERIMA KASIH.

Dan untuk rasa terima kasih untuk Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke 65 tahun, kami pemuda-pemudi Indonesia memberikan penghargaan sebesar-besarnya kepada pejuang yang telah mengorbankan darah dan air mata mereka untuk bangsa yang tidak tahu terima kasih ini.
 "Indonesia tanah air beta disana tempat lahir beta,dibuai dibesarkan bunda,Tempat berlindung di hari Tua...Hingga nanti menutup mata"


Semoga nasib negara terkaya di dunia ini
berubah demi kemakmuran rakyatnya

Friday, August 27, 2010

Milk Turmeric Solution for glowing skin

A very simple remedy which works for all skin types and not only protects skin from all kinds of outbreaks but also improves the skin tone and makes your skin flawless and radiant. This remedy can also be stored for some days in the fridge so you need not make it everyday. 

Buy turmeric root from the market. Make sure they are long and thin and rich in color. If they are more brownish than yellow, they are old roots. Try to buy new or better if you can plant them in your garden. Turmeric is really good for health apart from its beauty uses. Take a cup of raw milk (better if it is cow or goat milk) and boil in a single root of turmeric in it for an hour or so till the root loses its color. Let the milk cool. Discard the root and refrigerate the milk. Dip a cotton in the milk and apply it on your face. Wash your face with this solution as much as possible or at least make a habit to use it once a day or once in a week. This would control the oil production in the body and also improve your skin tone making your skin flawless. Turmeric also helps in preventing skin breakouts. Thus, this solution is great for all skin types. You can also use this milk to mix your face packs and scrubs.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Almond Orange Body Polisher

Do you ever get bored using the same old scrubs available in the market or at home. I do. So, time for innovation. And, this time, it was just a little better than the regular almond scrub we use.

So, take a handful of almonds and soak them in milk overnight. In the morning, make a paste of the milk soaked almonds and dried orange peels. The result would be sort of a paste. Now, use this scrub in the shower instead of your regular soap or cleanser. Milk would cleanse your skin, almonds would provide the required vitamin E and orange peels would bring a glow to your skin resulting in a fresh and dewy look. And, the scrub smells nice too. You can also add your favorite essential oils.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Meditate while you walk

I am not very sure about how many of you like to exercise and sweat out. And, I'm not equally sure of the number of people who can sit through the meditations and yoga since you might find it very boring and slow. But, no one hates walking or, rather, cannot do without walking. So, I am sharing today with you all a great article which I came across which discusses a combination of walking and meditation as a form of exercise and I must say it looks really interesting and worth giving a try.

Walking is one form of exercise which can be indulged into without any expenses and waste of time. A short or a long walk early in the day literally helps you marathon through out the day and a short stroll in the evening or after dinner helps in a good sleep. Not only that, it helps you lose weight too. The article discusses how you can make walking a time to observe awareness of your own body instead of concentrating on the surroundings and the people. You can take this time to come in harmony with yourself and understand how your body moves and how you can make it even more better. So, go ahead and make walking an enjoyable and a different experience by reading this article. Do come back and share the experience and thoughts.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Natural Moisturizers for Oily Skin

Oily Skin mostly feels like a bane to everyone who has it. And, most likely, it is. Because, the skin is prone to the onslaught of acne and pimples and regular outbreaks. A slight imbalance of food habits can also tip the scales and result in more oil production. And, there seems to be nothing one can do about them. But, the boon part of having oily skin is that you are not prone to wrinkles and fine lines as much as people with dry or normal skin are. But, this seems like a small compensation when you have to invest so much amount of care to tend to oily skin. 

Cleansing is not that big a concern. There are a number of natural ingredients which can clean the oily skin. Milk, citrus fruit juices, tomato, besan or any other flour, baking soda, clay masks are all great cleansers when it comes to oily skin and they also tend to control the oil (sebum) production in the body. Green / Black Tea can act as a toner. But, my concern today is how to moisturize oily skin? I have been asked by many of my readers how to take care of oily skin. But, I am, honestly, clueless when it comes to moisturizing the oily skin. You can not use any ingredient like milk cream or oils like you can for normal or dry skin.

I would say that there are two ingredients in my mind which can be used to moisturize an oily skin. And, yes, oily skin also needs to be moisturized. Otherwise, it gets dull and greasy. 
First ingredient I would vouch for is aloevera. Aloevera gel, fresh from the plant, can be used to moisturize any skin type. But, aloevera is actually a little drying. So, I think it will suit oily skin well. And, it is great for acne and pimple prone skin.
Second is a product - any calamine lotion. More commonly, one we get in India, is called Lactocalamine. The blue bottle is suitable for normal to oily skin. The main ingredient of any calamine lotion is Kaolin clay which is very good for oily skin. 
But, I am confused as to is there any other natural ingredient which can be used to moisturize oily skin. I would not vouch for honey as a moisturizer because commercial honey has lot of preservatives. 
Another thing I was wondering was how does application of oil affect the oily skin? I know many of you would be horrified on the mention of such a thing and cast it directly as outrageous. The obvious answer would be that it would lead to more inflammation and acne and other kinds of outbreaks. But, is it really true. 

Update: I recently visited Marie Veronique Organics site and found this which I am directly copy-pasting from their site:
Most people get a bit nervous when they hear the words oil and skin in the same sentence. But there’s no reason to get nervous. In fact, waxes, not oils, are the major cause of skin congestion. Applying oils to the skin, without the interference of a wax barricade, gives your skin the essential fatty acids it needs. These fatty acids, called lipids, form an environmental protection barrier that prevents the elements from assaulting our skin, keeping all skin types healthy. Research indicates that a compromised lipid barrier may be at the root of skin problems such as eczema, acne and wrinkles.
MVO oils maintain the integrity of the lipid barrier, preventing moisture loss and dehydration. At the same time they inhibit peroxidative and oxidative damage. The reason you should care about that is, in a word, wrinkles. Upon contact with light, lipids will undergo what is known as peroxidation. These peroxidized lipids lose their barrier ability and gaps occur in the lipid matrix, resulting in a loss of skin resilience and the formation of wrinkles.
A word (or two) about acne. Treating oily skin with oils may seem even more counter-intuitive. But think about this:
  • Scrubs, harsh soaps and other drastic treatments that strip off your topmost lipid barrier do a number of things that may actually aggravate the problem.
  • Oil-stripping actually prompts your skin to produce more oil, but it may be more of the oil that you’re trying to control.
Topical applications of fatty acids alleviate breakouts by re-stabilizing the lipid barrier, thus restoring anti-microbial activity on the skin’s surface. What’s more, because lipids dissolve lipids, MVO oils actually break up congestion at the source.
Marie Veronique is a former chemistry school teacher who got into making her own products because she could not find any good sunscreen. And, now she is one of the biggest names of the industry. The best thing is that her products are all organic. And, she is one to advocate oils for all kinds of skin. So, I hope I have convinced you to try applying oil and see the results.

[Do share with me how you control your oily skin]

Friday, August 20, 2010

Have you made a big change?

O, how they want us to have had epiphanies, shifts, turnabouts, makeovers, changeovers and on and on. If you happen to be one of the people who have (has? I never remember) made a big change because of breast cancer, and you'd like to be interviewed, read on:

Breast Cancer survivors

Category: General


Media Outlet: Book

Deadline: 07:00 PM EST - 24 August


I am a cookbook author and nationally-published essayist writing
a novel centered on themes of rebuilding life after breast
cancer, I am interested interviewing breast-cancer survivors who
were inspired to make a major life change (new career, move,
etc.) because of beating their disease. Would be most interested
in speaking with people of South Asian descent. Acknowledgment
given to interviewees in published book.

Natural Homemade Cleansers

The cleansers and face washes available in the market are laden with chemicals and it is not necessary that they will suit your skin type. Where as, everything which is available naturally will suit your skin, no matter what type. So, here are some natural ingredients available in your kitchen which you can use as cleansers and they sure will cause you no harm if not do you any good. So, go ahead and have a look.


Selamat datang bagi pengunjung, sahabat dan rekan bloger yang secara kebetulan mampir ataupun tersesat di Blog Allien 99 ini. Pada postingan kali ini mungkin saya menulis sedikit berbeda dari biasanya. Selain mencoba belajar menulis dengan cara sharing yang jujur sekaligus juga ingin sedikit me-review perjalanan Blog Allien ini.
Artikel ini saya beri judul Identitas Blog dan sikap sebagai bloger. Begitu banyak suka duka selama menjalani dunia blogging dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan ini. Sedikit banyaknya mungkin tulisan sederhana ini bisa menjadi bahan renungan bagi kita bersama.

Ketertarikan masuk dunia Blogging
Setiap blogger termasuk saya pada awalnya tertarik menggeluti dunia blog tentunya dengan niat yang tidak jauh berbeda, bisa salah satu di bawah ini ataupun beberapa diantaranya. antara lain :
- Belajar menulis perihal sesuatu hal yang kita sukai/minati
- Menulis opini pribadi, idealisme dan penelaahan pribadi.
- menyukai utak atik tempat, scrip HTML, Javascript dan sejenisnya
- Membuat koleksi tulisan yang kita buat sebagai kepuasan tersendiri
- mengharapkan passive income dari blogging

Selanjutnya sahabat dihadapkan pada kenyataan mau tidak mau pada hal yang namanya, SEO, search engine, Pagerank, Alexa dan strata-strata kasta lainnya yang terdapat pada dunia blog ini. Sebagai pemula anda cepat atau lambat akan tersedot mengikuti arus pelajaran wajib ini.

Identitas Blog dan Perjalanan Blog
Diawal ataupun dalam perjalanan blog anda selanjutnya anda akan membuat Identitas Blog anda sesuai yang anda inginkan. Apakah dalam niche tertentu ataupun general (umum). Berikutnya ada akan merasakan kewajiban lainnya yang sifatnya ekstra kurikuler, misalnya blogwalking, tukar link dan banner. Hal ini bisa menimbulkan beberapa efek pada anda, seperti autis dan adanya tuntutan secara halus dari aturan blogwalking, negosiasi tukar link sesama blogger.

Suka duka dalam kegiatan diatas tentunya sahabat alami juga bukan. Mulai sebagai anak bawang tanpa teman, sowan pada para senior, mendapat kritikan, sindiran, kecaman ataupun pujian dari komentar-komentar yang masuk ke blog anda. Seperti halnya Blog terseok-seok diawal perjalanannya, hampir tidak ada blog yang bersedia diajak tukar link. Hanya sedikit blog sahabat yang menyambut blog ini dengan ikhlas.

Akhirnya setelah berjuang sendirian, tanpa sadar mendapatkan rank cukup lumayan, tawaran persahabatan muncul dengan sendirinya. Jujur saya sempat tersenyum getir melihat kenyataan ini. Kembali saya teringat pengalaman terdahulu, haruskah saya bersikap arogan seperti senior-senior saya dulu? sebisa mungkin saya sambut bloger pemula dengan niat yang ikhlas (meskipun dikemudian hari beberapa terbukti mengkhianati persahabatan dengan Spam, membuang link pertukaran dll).. ironis. Tapi setelah proses ini dilalui saya bersyukur ternyata terbukti pula ada yang benar-benar sahabat.

Sikap Sebagai Bloger
Pengalaman dalam blogwalking sedikitnya ada yang membekas dalam pikiran saya. Setiap blog memiliki warna yang mirip, tersendiri ataupun yang sifatnya idealisme. Setiap bloger memiliki hak dalam mengungkapkan pendapat dengan berbagai gaya bahasa, lurus, memutar, berpilin dan bahkan arogan. Menurut saya itu syah-syah saja karena disadari atau tidak ego bermain disana.
Setiap blogger merasa dituntut untuk menulis dan membuat postingan. Omong kosong bila ada yang bilang hanya sekedar ingin menulis. Ego dan kebutuhan eksistensi tersirat dalam beberapa blog yang saya kunjungi. Selain itu Omong kosong pula bahwa bila ada yang bilang tidak peduli terhadap Rank, SEO dan sebagainya. Itu hanya permainan kata dan trik psikologi terbalik. Faktanya setiap bloger terkait pemikirannya dengan apa yang dinamakan dengan rank.

Penutup dari Bloger bodoh Allien 99
Terlepas dari opini singkat diatas, saya mengatakan bahwa setiap bloger memiliki hak yang sama, spirit berbagi,  selain itu ada satu hal yang saya ingat, motto yang saya pernah dengar dari seorang sahabat.. Your blog your rule!.. tetaplah dalam sikap seorang bloger yang memiliki identitas sendiri. Kelengkapannya hanyalah 1 tambahkan etika dalam blogging. itu saja.
Jadi bila suatu saat sahabat mendapat komentar pedas, sinis biarlah itu berlalu. Selain itu bila suatu saat anda mengunjungi para master blog dan dikecewakan, biarlah itu berlalu.. Juga bila anda membaca blog satire, idealisme dan arogan biarkanlah.. karena sebenarnya merekapun tidak pernah bisa berpaling dari yang namanya eksistensi, Ranking walau apapun yang mereka tulis. Karena merekapun berangkat dari awal yang sama. Salahsatu dari lima point di atas.
Mohon maaf bagi para sahabat yang kebetulan membaca artikel ini, pesan saya.. keep on blogging, make it fun and do it for yourself. Tetap semangat dan tetap berpikir positif untuk blogging.
Terima kasih saya ucapkan pula bagi rekan-rekan yang benar-benar menjunjung nilai persahabatan.

dengan secangkir kopi dini hari..    

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Big C How Pretty Cancer Is

God help us! I just watched Showtime's The Big C online while sitting in my bed and breakfast room on State Street in downtown Jackson, Mississippi. It's funny. It's ironic. It's sardonic. It's clever. It's cute.

It's unrealistic. It's demeaning. It delivers a very very odd message about race.

It begins with a black guy from the swimming pool company talking to the blonde (Laura Linney) about how unrealistic a pool is for her yard. We are in Minneapolis but we could be anywhere where there are driveways and shrubs and lawns and single-family dwellings that one can afford to expand. He says instead she should "bump out the deck," put in a hot tub and and barbecue pit. To get it done faster, she offers to pay him double. OK, I'll start tomorrow, he says. (Later she decides she does want the pool no matter what, and he says he'll get a digger tomorrow. "The bigger the digger the better," she quips. Ugh. Insert joke here about black men and their big diggers.)

It ends with Linney talking to someone who's off-camera: therapist? husband? No, ha ha. It's a dog. I think it's the neighbor's basset hound. And it's unclear whether he's listening. Then as the camera goes further and further away, we see them on the couch together, isolated as if in a boat, and then the FUCKING CIVIL RIGHTS ANTHEM, "This Little Light of Mine" plays.

What is going on here?

Race relations are un-problematized. Cancer is de-clawed. She might as well start singing, I Feel Pretty. She sure looks pretty. Healthy.

But Cancer Bitch, didn't you say you feel fine till the treatment starts?

In between we have Linney telling her handsome young Indian-looking doc (he's 31, she's his first terminal patient, lotta yucks about being the first) all about her swimming games as a kid while she's in the exam room, and then they meet for a meal. Maybe this is how they do medicine in Minnesota, but ain't never seen nothin' like that in Chicago, and, like Linney's character, I too have health insurance.

This seems to be a fantasy about what happens when you say what you've been swallowing all this time. She tells her fat, mouthy black student: "You can't be fat and mean." Linney tells the girl that the other kids laugh at her cruel jokes, but nobody's asking her to the prom. And at their next encounter, Linney offers the girl $100 for every pound she loses as long as she quits smoking. Seems like we're getting pretty close to the territory of Blame the Victim for Her Cancer--she was repressed, so see what happened!

She finds out her neighbor has complained about the backyard construction so walks straight into the old biddy's house and accuses, "You have never smiled even a little bit." And the old lady's house and lawn are a mess, too.

Of course, because this is TV-land, next time we see them the neighbor has upswept her hair, cross the street to shake hands, and smiles and asks to borrow the lawnmower.

And because this is TV, and because everything is so funny haha, her husband hears her doctor's compassionate message on the phone and assumes she's having an affair. She doesn't tell anyone--her son, her husband, her save-the-world goofy brother--that she's got metastatic cancer.

"It makes me feel better to think we're all dying," she says (to the dog). Profound. Never thought of that before. I'm here all year, she says. Performing at stage four. (That was a clever line. Really.) "The laughter might turn into a sob in a second." And it does.

So next episode, we'll be wondering, Will she tell or won't she? Will she mention money? Will cancer be anything more than a giant wake-up call? And at the end, will she be able to best Oscar Wilde's final line: "My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go"?

And what is it about Hollywood and house expansion? That disappointing movie with Meryl Streep in it centered around the Steve Martin architect character who came into her life to expand her house. After her second and last kid left for college. Isn't that a sign that it's time to downsize?

Note to Hollywood: Can you spell F-o-r-e-c-l-o-s-u-r-e?

Hey, kids, here's someone who died from breast cancer, as well as other stuff!


Inovasi selalu muncul setiap waktu. Perkembangan teknologi Notebook yang semakin pesat seiring animo pembeli yang semakin besar membuat parikan notebook semakin tertantang menciptakan hal-hal baru.
Salah satunya adalah Notebook Samsung tembus pandang alias transparan. Bagi yang tertarik ingin melihatnya silahkan di klik read more-nya.

Inilah Notebook Transparan dari Samsung

Samsung, sebuah perusahaan elektronik asal Korea Selatan ini memang tidak henti-hentinya mengadakan innovasi. Kali ini, untuk menunjukkan kelebihan teknologi OLED, Samsung menciptakan laptop unik. Laptop ini apabila dalam kondisi mati, maka layar laptop ini akan transparan, dengan 40% cahaya bisa menembus dari belakang.
Apabila saat dinyalakan, pengguna akan melihat ikon dan aplikasi di layar, sisanya anda akan mampu melihat gambar-gambar dibelakang laptop ini.
Jujur saja saya kurang mengerti tujuan dibuatnya notebook ini selain unik mungkin. Apakah ini merupakan respons permintaan pasar? ataukah memang notebook ini memiliki keistimewaan tersendiri?.. 

Silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya:

Sunday, August 15, 2010

One-Breasted Tour Through Dixie

I am so sad because I'm leaving the South on Tuesday. I'm in Selma tonight, having spent the afternoon in the Reform temple with a very nice and spry president of the congregation who is 85. He is 10 percent of the congregation, and ten years younger than the oldest member. He put captions on two recent pictures. On the group standing together: The last of the Mohicans. On a photo of the members sitting around on the pews in the nearly-empty sanctuary: Reserve seating at Mishkan Israel.

The synagogue was started by German Jews; my great-grandfather and his brothers-in-law were fresh-from-the-shtetl Eastern European Jews who were presumably members of the Orthodox synagogue, which no longer has members or a building. It's now the site of the post office. Most of the documents and photos at Mishkan Israel pertain to that synagogue, but I saw a copy of minutes from 1912 from B'nai Abraham, the Orthodox shul. It was in Yiddish, which I should know how to read after ten years of study, but I know I'll have to get it translated.

What I know: My great-grandfather Zendel aka Sidney was born in Plungian, Lithuania, in 1874. He arrived in the U.S. in 1901. His wife Sarah, who was four years older (they allegedly told the census enumerator Miss Lula Hamilton, who got some names wrong; maybe she was better with figures), arrived in 1906 with five kids. This was typical for immigrants, of course. Imagine coming over on the boat with children aged four, five, seven and nine (the latter, my grandmother, Bessie aka Bayle Maryassa) Mindel. Imagine living in the shtetl Pusvatyn (better or worse than Plungian?), your husband has left for America, he says he'll send for you but you never know, you've heard of women who go overseas and they find their husbands are living with a real American woman who speaks English, the men abandon their faithful wives and don't release them with a religious divorce and they are isolated and floating and alone, with their children and Yiddish and nothing else in the new country. He goes and you're pregnant and have the fourth baby, which he doesn't see grow into a toddler and then a little girl. But he does send money for passage and you come, five years later, to 517 Washington Street in Selma. And two years later, an American baby is born. And 103 years later, Bessie's granddaughter aka Cancer Bitch makes a visit and there's a gas station where one house was, and probably an empty lot where the other was, and anyone can see them from their computer, thanks to the Google satellite system, the big eye that sees and records everything.

Why Selma? Why Alabama? It's always the same reason: someone else was already there. In this case, Sarah's brothers Louis, Joe and Samuel Rosenburg nee Pruchna. Samuel came to the U.S. in 1892. Today I put stones on the graves of Louis and Joe and Louis's wife Mattie Smith. The graves were in a row and there was space for another head stone, for Joe's wife, but she wasn't buried there. I don't know where Samuel and his wife Jennie are. I do know that they married in 1910, when he was 38, five-foot-six and 200 pounds, and she was 28, the same height and weighed 150, and had been in this country five years.

What does this mean? Why is genealogy the alleged second-most popular hobby in the US?
The one-breasted researcher has thoughts on this, which she will relate later.,

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Used Stationary Bikes vs Eiknujomorp

Seo contest never and never end, not only local seo contest, this year most international seo contest presents than last year. Divide with another country, Indonesian blogger very interested to participate in seo contest, especially contest of Used Stationary Bikes and Eiknujomorp.

This two contest presented by webmaster forum that same, that is Promojunkie and than be a keyword Eiknujomorp for one of they contest. Another thing of this two contest is long of time. Used Stationary Bikes have 3 month duration, but Eiknujomorp only 2 month. That interesting from this contest is meets of two contest where in the last month of used stationary bikes contest, comes eiknujomorp contest.

From two contest, where a contest that very difficult? Personally, I think used stationary bikes very dificult, Because more seoer who have experience participate this contest. And than Eiknujomorp will be a alternative of seo contest from they aren't participate on seo contest Used Stationary Bikes. There are more people participate all of this contest. It possible, there are double winner?

Friday, August 13, 2010


Bagi rekan-rekan yang tergabung di blogger alias blogspot tentunya mengenal sistem moderasi komentar. Dimana komentar tidak akan muncul langsung di kotak komentar blog sebelum pemilik blog melakukan moderasi untuk ditampilkan. 
Informasi terakhir ada Sistem tambahan dalam Moderasi komentar baru di blogger. Anda bisa mengkatagorikan sebuah komentar sebagai Spam dalam tool yang disediakan oleh Blogger.

Bila ingin memakai fasilitas ini tentunya sobat harus mengaktifkan dulu sistem moderasi di menu  Dashboard. sobat dan klik Setting/Pengaturan, Pilih Comment/komentar

Aktifkan moderasi komentar :

Selanjutnya perhatikan tanda bila ada komentar yang masuk di menu dashboard, misalnya sbb :

Klik 1 comment need t be moderate, tampilan akan menuju halaman berikut :

Selanjutnya sobat bisa me-moderasi komentar, bila termasuk Spam tinggal klik tombol Spam. Bila bukan tinggal di checklist dan Publish.
Oya untuk memudahkan pemberitahuan komentar yang masuk, tanpa perlu masuk ke dashboard aktifkan Outlook Express yang relatif ringan dalam mendeteksi email yang masuk.
Semoga bermanfaat.

Silahkan baca artikel menarik lainnya :
Mempersingkat New post dari blogger
Menu statistik dari
Social bookmark dari blogger
Cara termudah edit template- template designer
Trik membuat posting pada tanggal tertentu


Penulis merupakan blogger pemula yang ingin mencoba menelaah tentang website dan blog. Mengenal website dan Blog merupakan dasar pemahaman untuk ditindaklanjuti kemungkinan pengembangan site dikemudian hari.
Bagi rekan-rekan yang lebih paham mengenai hal ini mungkin bisa memberikan tanggapan, masukan mengenai pengenalan dan perbedaan website dan blog yang ingin saya coba kupas di bawah ini.

Website secara terminologi adalah kumpulan dari halaman-halaman situs, yang biasanya terangkum dalam sebuah domain atau subdomain, yang tempatnya berada di dalam World Wide Web (WWW) di Internet. Sebuah halaman web adalah dokumen yang ditulis dalam format HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), yang hampir selalu bisa diakses melalui HTTP.

Website memiliki banyak keragaman dan lebih bersifat satu arah dan profesional. Bila sebuah website itu berisikan banyak berita terkini dan menjadi pusat segala informasi, maka website itu bisa dikategorikan dalam portal. Misalnya, vivanews, dll

Website bisa pula bersifat komunitas. Website komunitas terbentuk dan diperuntukan bagi sekumpulan anggota yang mempunyai ketertarikan yang sama. Misalnya saja website kaskus. dll
Website umumnya berbayar alias tidak gratis, website juga konon lebih dipercaya search engine dan memiliki prestise lebih dibanding blog.

Blog merupakan singkatan dari “web log“ adalah bentuk aplikasi web yang menyerupai tulisan-tulisan (yang dimuat sebagai posting) pada sebuah halaman web umum. Blog menginduk pada satu domain/website besar. Tulisan-tulisan ini seringkali dimuat dalam urut terbalik (isi terbaru dahulu baru kemudian diikuti isi yang lebih lama), meskipun tidak selamanya demikian. Situs web seperti ini biasanya dapat diakses oleh semua pengguna internet sesuai dengan topik dan tujuan dari si pengguna blog tersebut.

Blog umumnya lebih bersifat personal dan lebih mengarah pada sharing knowledge ataupun jalinan interaksi sesama blogger. Blog lebih ke metode penyampaian pemikiran, opini ataupun ajang kreatifitas. Hal ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan dimana blog itu berada. Misalnya di blogspot, wordpress, blogsome dll.

Perkembangan Blog dan istilah Niche
Perkembangan blog semakin maju dewasa ini, kreatifitas dan tujuan blog mengalami diversisikasi dari sekedar Blog personal dan opini. Blog mulai terkategori berdasarkan Niche yang dipilih kreatornya. 
Niche adalah istilah yang dipakai merujuk kepada sebuah topik atau subyek tertentu. Kebanyakan situs mencakup satu atau lebih niche. Contoh-contoh niche misalnya adalah olahraga, gosip, kesehatan, Blog trick, humor dan keuangan.

Menurut pendapat awam saya Blog pada dasarnya website juga, yang membedakan adalah kelas dan gengsinya. katakanlah Blog merupakan cikal bakal website profesional ataupun media pembelajaran website. 
Selain dari itu blog lebih bersifat pribadi dan pemiliknya bebas menuangkan buah pikirannya sesuai keinginannya. Sedangkan website umumnya lebih bersifat organisasi, badan usaha, lembaga dll, yang intinya lebih bersifat non personal, profesonal, profit oriented, tendensi dan brand image.

Just ordinary Blogger

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