Saturday, July 31, 2010


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Setelah perubahan disimpan maka selesai sudah pemasangan Favicon. Selamat ber-Favicon ria :)
Silahkan baca artikel menarik berikut :

Oat meal face pack

A very Happy Friendship's Day to you all!!
Today, I would be sharing with you a simple face mask recipe made from oats. The oats which we eat are equally good for our skin. They provide smoothness and suppleness to the skin. 
  • Mix a handful of oats in honey and use it to cleanse your skin. 
  • Indulge in oat bath. Put a handful of oats in a muslin or cheesecloth and tie it. Put the cloth under running water in the bath tub. The water would turn milky in texture. After filling your tub, you can use the cheesecloth as a sponge to cleanse your body. 
  • Prepare a face mask of oats by grounding them and mixing them with milk. 
Voila! Your skin would turn soft as a baby's bottom. Go on and enjoy these face masks.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why is good posture important?

I have already talked about the effect of sleeping posture on our height and exercises for better posture. Now, after speaking about those things, I want to talk about why maintaining a good posture is actually important. There are definitely some obvious reasons like improving self-confidence and your appearance.

The first and foremost benefit is that you do not ever get back aches. Spinal Cord is the first thing which gets affected due to a bad posture and over the years, it loses its strength. Maintaining a good posture makes sure that you spinal cord has strength. Do not strain your spine. And, a proper posture helps in increasing your height as I have already pointed out in my earlier posts. 

Then, there comes benefits of decreased risk of injuries, proper airflow in the body and increased energy levels. Oh, and before I forget, let me point out that a poor posture enhances your body fat and flab. Also, you seem lethargic and convey vibes of sluggishness.

Now, how to improve your posture?
  • Walk with your shoulders forcibly held back and head should be held parallel to the ground. This will put stress on your shoulder blades but that is fine. It will be there until you get used to it. 
  • Always walk with foot facing forward instead of an outward open position. This will help prevent any knee pains in the future.
  • Sit in an upright position in a high backrest chair. Make sure that you provide support to the small of your back too. Otherwise, you will end up with back problems.
  • Do not let your spine remain curved at any time of the day.
  • Hold your neck in a relaxed and upright position. You do not have to stretch the neck forward or high like a camel. Just be comfortable and always hold it in such a way that your face is parallel to the ground.
These are some of the ways in which you can improve your posture and look better. 

Used Stationary Bikes for The Home

For the people who find gym fees to be somewhat expensive or would prefer to exercise in their own convenient time without other people around, exercising at home is the best option. Having Used Stationary Bikes at home gives you the freedom to use the machine when you want it and how you want it. This equipment focuses mainly on the buttocks and the legs and is great for those who are just beginners when it comes to exercising.

There are great Used Stationary Bikes for home available. The internet is a good place to start your search, and if time allows, check out stores in your area that sell good used stationary bikes, as well. Your local newspaper is another good resource. Any or all of these may have something that piques your interest.


Rekan Blogger ataupun para Onliners tentunya mengenal situs yang satu ini bukan? Youtube merupakan situs video yang sukses dari Perusahaaan Upload and share video. Kabar terbaru yang saya dengar adalah YouTube akhirnya memenuhi permintaan dari para penggunanya untuk memperpanjang durasi video terpasang di situs tersebut. Durasi YouTube diperpanjang 15 menit demi kepuasan pengunjungnya.

Limit upload sebelumnya YouTube membatasi durasi semua klipnya maksimal hanya 10 menit, kini YouTube menambahnya menjadi 15 menit.
Sebagaimana dikutip dari situs eWeek, perkembangan ini tak lepas dari keberhasilan YouTube mempercanggih sistem keamanan hak cipta dari konten-konten yang diunggah ke YouTube.

"Sekarang, semua studio film maupun label musik di AS serta lebih dari 1000 mitra global menggunakan Content ID untuk mengatur konten mereka di YouTube. Karena keberhasilan upaya teknologi ini kami bisa menambah limit unggahan hari ini," kata Joshua Siegel, Product Manager of Upload and Video Management YouTube di blog resmi perusahaannya.

Salah satu yang menjadi perhatian YouTube saat menambah durasi klipnya adalah untuk memenuhi permintaan dari para pembuat film amatir. Kebanyakan dari mereka, kata YouTube, menggunakan YouTube sebagai alat untuk mepublikasikan karya-karya mereka dan menjaring komentar atau vote bagi konten video mereka.

YouTube juga mendorong para pembuat video untuk merayakan momen ini untuk membuat video karya mereka yang akan diaudisi oleh YouTube melalui program "15-minute of fame".

Nantinya, YouTube akan memilih video terbaik untuk ditampilkan di homepage YouTube. "Bayangkan bahwa video itu nantinya akan dilihat oleh seluruh dunia: apa yang ingin Anda komunikasikan?" kata Siegel.

Untuk mengikutinya, pengguna musti men-tag karya video mereka dengan "yt15minutes" dan mengunggahnya sebelum Rabu, 4 Agustus mendatang. 
Bagaimana tertarik? mungkin saja video sobat-sobat bisa sesukses Shinta dan Jojo dengan 'keong racun'nya atau pasangan kribo dan botak dengan  Marimar-nya. hehe.. Happy Blogging. Have a nice weekend  :)

Silahkan baca artikel berikut :

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why not to get a laser surgery done?

Eye Sight has increasingly and alarmingly become a very common ailment of the recent times thanks to the evolving technology which keeps us addicted to it. But, eye sight also depends on various other factors like your genes, reading habits and nutritional deficiencies.And, now, again thanks to technology, we have various innovative ways to avoid looking geek with huge glasses on our faces. Though, I would say some people look much better in specs than without. You just need to choose the right one for yourself. Contact lenses and Laser surgery have become much in demand these days. Both of the methods have their pros and cons.

I wanted to share with you an article which I came across. The article lists down various reasons for not getting a laser surgery done. Some of them are correct but some are just precautions. But, the most important point is the manipulation of the cornea done during the surgery. To speak in a layman language, cornea is a thin transparent covering over the black of the eyes. It increases or decreases in its thickness according to the eye sight. If you have negative vision, cornea gets thicker and viceversa. So, during the lasik surgery, the thickness of the cornea is manipulated according to the needs to restore the eye sight correctly. In this process, the cornea flap has lot of chances of getting damaged. And, moreover, there is a very high chance of getting back into the specs sooner or later after the operation. So, in case you are considering getting a lasik done, I would suggest you to go through this article and and then decide.

A request: Would welcome all your suggestions and comments whether they support or refute the article. And, in case, I have made a mistake, please feel free to guide me to the right knowledge. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Exercises for better posture

I was talking about relation between sleeping posture and height yesterday. So, continuing on the same lines, I would also like to bring to your attention that posture is something intrinsic to the way we carry ourselves and the older we grow, we slacken our postures and cause harm to our bodies. So, today, I would share with you some exercises for better posture. Read about the exercises here. 
And, let me remind you that better posture not only makes you look more beautiful, it improves your self-confidence, helps with self-esteem issues you might have and causes your body to lose unnecessary weight and makes you look even more attractive. So, start practicing these exercises for better postures from today.


Bagi rekan-rekan yang mempunyai bisnis online di website ataupun blognya masing-masing tentunya membutuhkan jasa pengiriman. Bisnis online ini umumnya yang bersifat order barang yang dipesan pengunjung. Sebenarnya banyak sekali jasa paket pengiriman yang ada dengan harga yang kompetitif dan berkualitas.
Disini saya akan mengetengahkan salah satunya yaitu dari JNE. Info Tarif Paket Kiriman JNE ini bisa menjadi salah satu referensi pembanding.

Sebelum menggunakan jasa pengiriman ini rekan-rekan bisa mencoba mengukur biaya yang harus dikeluarkan, caranya dengan masuk pada link url yang saya sediakan dibawah ini :

Selanjutnya akan muncul tampilan halaman page JNE dan sobat bisa melihat di bagian kanan halaman tampilan di bawah ini :

  • Isikan Asal kota sobat sebagai pengirim pada kolom From
  • Isikan kota tujuan pengirim pada kolom To
  • Isikan pula berat paket barang yang dikieim pada kolom weight
  • Klik Submit
Setelah proses diatas selesai maka Nilai Nominal pembayaran jasa pengiriman akan muncul. Dalam Bisnis ini mengenai kebijakan pemesanan termasuk ongkos kirim atau tidak tergantung perhitungan bisnis anda tentunya.  
Semoga tulisan singkat dan sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan yang kebetulan memerlukannya.

Silahkan baca juga artikel menarik berikut :

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

But I date myself...

The clock radio went off this morning and soon a notice came on about an upcoming special on the life of Daniel Schorr, who died last week at 93. I'd promised myself I would write four pages when I got up so I rushed to my office across the hall, and used a staple-puller to open up a cassette tape. I was about to put it in the boom box to record the special when I realized: I can listen to this online later.

What century was I still living in?

My only excuse is that I'd just woken up.

I did get bits of the special, which is worth listening to. Find the link here to Dan Schorr Memorial Special. I would love to live as long and work as long and be as productive and honorable and wise as Schorr.

Sleeping posture decides height

It does sound strange, right!! I am not sure actually if it a verified scientific belief but I am sharing this with you because I feel it might be true to a certain extent. But, not necessarily for all. Sleeping is one of the most important activities in our life. If you know, we sleep for more than 1/3rd of our lives! I know that its a lot. So, definitely the way we sleep would have some or the other effect on our body.

There are a lot of ways people sleep and the most common way is to get curled up and sleep on the side or stomach. This might be a great way to get deep sleep but definitely not good for your height. Because, it severely restricts your spine from getting relaxed and comfortable. And, if your spine is not straight, you would look almost 2 - 3 inches shorter than your actual height. You know that when you get up in the morning, you are an inch or two taller than your normal height and when you go to bed at night, you lose those inches. This is because of the gravitational pull on your spine. Now, as to the number of inches you lose, it also depends greatly on you.

So, if you want to increase your height and look taller, the best way is to sleep flat on your back. Or, no matter how you sleep, just make sure that your spine is straight. You can tuck a pillow in between your knees if you sleep on the side or under your knees if you sleep straight to prevent exerting pressure on your spine. I have noticed that if I sleep on my back, I tuck one of my legs under the other and if I sleep on my side, I tuck my hands in between the knees. This is probably just an instinct of the body to avoid strain on the spine. Not using a pillow is also a good thing for your spine but many people are used to using a pillow so use a small pillow instead of a high one. It will give relief to your neck and avoid uncomfortable postures which you might develop while using high pillows. And, regrading the mattress, use one which is not too soft and not too hard. Rather, choose one which is a bit towards harder side instead. It is good for the health of your spine. And, believe me, you do not want to get back problems ever in your life. I am sure all people suffering from back problems will agree with me. If you never encountered one, you are lucky and strive to remain that way. And, console yourself that it sure makes you look taller too.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The drug you can never quit

My dear friend D read about my nausea when I ran out of Effexor, and sent me this helpful link to Crazy Meds. CM lists: Effexor's Cons: For many people Effexor XR has the absolute worst discontinuation syndrome of an antidepressant. Effexor (venlafaxine hydrochloride) is a medication people utterly loathe to have taken. It is not uncommon for someone to fire doctors during or immediately after they quit taking Effexor XR(venlafaxine hydrochloride).

I'm trying to remember why I switched from Cymbalta. Oh, well helpful Crazy Meds is reassuring on this point: It appears as if the discontinuation syndrome for Cymbalta (duloxetine hydrochloride) is just as harsh as that of Effexor (venlafaxine) for many people. In case you're wondering what Cymbalta is for, Crazy Meds tells you that, too, in technical language: Major Depressive Disorder (i.e. feeling or like Whale Shit at the Bottom of the Ocean) - approved 4 August, 2004.
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain - approved 7 September 2004.

And if you happen to type the URL incorrectly, you get this very technical notice: The file you were looking for is just an illusion created by the devil.

As are most things.

How to avoid wrinkles during sleep?

Don't we all love to sleep like Garfield????

A wrong sleeping posture has been attributed to the increasing premature wrinkles on our faces. This is for people who do not sleep flat on their backs. And, if I am not wrong, many of us actually fall under this category. Many people do not feel comfortable and get deep sleep if they sleep flat on their backs and since childhood, we get used to sleeping on our sides and on our stomachs. Personally, I feel there is nothing wrong with that but it is certainly true that sleeping in those postures creates folds on the skin which on a prolonged time develop into fine lines and then deep crevices in the skin. So, if you want to avoid that happening to your face, you should practice sleeping straight on your back. Or, you can find various other home remedies to get rid of wrinkles here.

Well, I am not very sure I would ever be able to follow this advice. So, I started searching out for alternatives. The simplest answer which I thought was to apply a little on oil around the eye area to prevent the skin from wrinkling. Yes, it is as simple as that. You can take a drop or two of coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil or vitamin E oil straight from the capsule and massage it gently into the skin around the eyes and also on your lashes. Take care not to let the oil enter your eyes. This way, you skin remains moisturized around the eyes and does not get wrinkles. And, applying the oils like coconut, castor, vitamin E and almond also makes sure that the already fine lines go away. And, the added benefit of massaging the eyelashes with oils is that it ensures better growth of eyelashes. Just remember to wash your hands properly before applying the oil. You can substitute the oils with any natural body butter you have. Shea or Cocoa butter will also do a good job. And, you can also go for milk cream or white butter which is the perfect home remedy for removing the tan and darkening around the eyes due to exposure to sun. But, sleeping on your back still remains the best way to keep the wrinkles at bay.

Cooling from a meltdown

[or heating up together]

Meltdown is the topic of a blog carnival sponsored by Chronic Babe, so if you go there after July 27, you'll have access to lots of cooldown tips.

For Cancer Bitch, a meltdown means feeling hopeless and helpless, out of control. It's easy to feel out of control when your body has started acting badly, and when professionals are delineating the ways your body is doing that bad thing to you, using words you've never heard before, and offering treatment that might be painful, expensive, confusing, inconvenient, lonely, messy, experimental and/or detrimental to your health in the long run.

What I've found to work well: Cry. Talk. Write. Find something cool and soothing to eat, such as frozen yogurt. And yes, make sure that the milk used does not have bovine growth hormones. Cry a little more because: you live in a world where we give hormones to cows, you have to be vigilant in order to get dairy without the hormones, in Europe it's banned, and the hormones may be linked to estrogen-positive breast cancer, and extrapolating, what else in our food, water and air supply is detrimental to the health of the planet?

Then link up with an organization that works on these issues, because they don't feel hopeless. Acknowledge that that's hard, especially if you're feeling faint, are in pain, and have been handed a death sentence.

[What would Mother Jones do?]

Mother Jones (the person who inspired the founders of the magazine) was born Mary Harris in Ireland in 1837, and immigrated to Canada and then the US. In 1867 her husband and four children died of yellow fever in Memphis. She moved to Chicago, where her home and dressmaking shop burned in the Chicago Fire.

By her 50s she was a radical, working mostly with mineworkers. In 1903 she led a children's march fom Pennsylvania to New York to protest child labor. She helped found the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, the "Wobblies").

She's buried in Downstate Illinois.

If you're able, after your meltdown, you might want to heat up, as the IWW says, and help fan the flames of discontent.
Check out the research/activist groups such as: Breast Cancer Action; Collaborative on Health and the Environment; Our Bodies, Our Blog; Organic Consumers Assn. Feel free to list your recommended organizations and meltdown tips in Comments.

[Order your IWW songbook for Labor Day. Disclaimer: Cancer Bitch does not endorse all stands/actions taken by IWW.]

Don't mourn...organize!--Joe Hill

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Surprise, surprise

[Smile when you smash that breast!]

OK, I have to admit that I'm late with this news. I found it as I was filing away a page from the Tribune about what your greenest options are re: shopping bags, diapers, coffee holders and the like. So this news is late, and it states the obvious. But it's always nice to have your world view or Weltanschauung validated, as long as you can forget that these are real people involved who are suffering. Oh, but we shouldn't forget.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released stats July 6 on breast and colon cancer screenings among people age 50-75--or middle age, according to my calculations. Among the findings:
-People with health insurance were more likely to get screened than those without.
-Minorities were less likely to have screenings. American Indian and Alaska Native women were least likely to get mammograms.
-Women with less than a high school education and women who were low income were less likely than others to get mammograms.

Interestingly, the Tribune gave the story seven lines and two charts, accentuating the positive: Screenings rise for 2 cancers. It's odd, though: I couldn't find the original story, which was from Reuters, online. I found a longer AP story on the Trib's web site. That one mentioned the variables of education and insurance, but not race. It emphasized that more people are getting tested for colon cancer, but the same percentage of women were getting mammograms in 2008 as they did in 2002. The New York Times ran a piece the next week based on a CDC update, emphasizing the negative: Gaps Found in Breast Cancer Testing, noting that equal rates of black and white women were getting mammograms, though fewer Native Americans. The Times did not mention income disparity .

This all goes along with my theory that if everyone were rich, we'd be much better off. Rich people are thinner and healthier and usually more educated. Our obesity problem would decline and we'd all fit into our airplane seats.

Always have a bottle of calamine lotion

Just a small advise from my side for everyone irrespective of their skin type is to always have a bottle of calamine lotion at home. Sudden and unexpected outbreaks are no irregular in the lives we lead even for the driest of the skins and in the unlikeliest of the weathers. These outbreaks are all thanks to our lifestyle and the pollution around us and not to forget the amount of chemicals we are slathering. So, always keep a bottle of calamine lotion or a clay mask. And, when ever you have an outbreak, you can use either of them. A topical (on spot) application is fine with the lotion where as a clay mask should be done for the complete face. And, if I am not wrong, I should say a weekly or monthly application of a clay mask is actually not a bad idea for any skin type because it absorbs all the dirt from the skin and balances the oil production. You can read this post to know why clay masks are necessary for skin. So, go and get yourself a calamine lotion today if you do not have one and you would not be bothered with pimples and acne and other outbreaks. Calamine lotion works well for short notices and temporary fixes and acts as a great foundation for your make up without making your face oily. And, it also holds make up for long.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


CNN sebagai kantor berita dan salah satu sumber informasi dunia memberikan terobosan baru dari segi pelayanan berita, khususnya untuk dunia informasi teknologi. Aplikasi iPhone milik CNN yang dirilis tahun lalu disambut baik oleh kalangan kritikus dan pengguna. Kini, CNN berambisi membawa aplikasi tersebut ke mancanegara dengan merilis aplikasi iPhone versi internasional, dan membebaskan biayanya.
Aplikasi Gratis dari CNN ini bisa memberikan pelayanan informasi bagi para pembacanya tanpa perlu membayar lagi.

CNN International adalah stasiun televisi kabel yang didirikan oleh Ted Turner & Reese Schonfeld. Saluran ini disediakan oleh seluruh stasiun televisi kabel di Indonesia. CNN International adalah stasiun televisi berita International terbesar kedua setelah pesaing globalnya BBC World News yang merupakan stasiun televisi berita Internasional terbesar di dunia. CNN International meraih audience share sebanyak 70 juta penonton. Melalui 250 juta rumah, 1,5 juta hotel, 50 Kapal pesiar, 40 maskapai penerbangan dan 29 telepon seluler (per Juni 2008). wikipedia 

Seperti dikutip dari laman CNN, 23 Juli 2010, aplikasi CNN versi internasional mirip dengan aslinya. Di sana CNN menyajikan berita-berita penting di dunia melalui teks, video, dan foto, serta menyediakan push notification, regionalization, dan perangkat personalisasi.

Perbedaan besar antara aplikasi internasional dan domestik adalah soal harga. Pelanggan CNN iPhone di AS harus membayar US$2 untuk aplikasi CNN. Sedangkan pelanggan di luar AS bisa mengunduh versi internasional CNN dengan gratis.

Pada aplikasi tersedia fitur Latest Headlines di mana pelanggan bisa dengan mudah berselancar untuk membaca berita dalam kategori kawasan regional melalui kategori "My CNN" Personalization.

Sedangkan dalam iReport, pengguna akan terhubung dengan komunitas berita pembaca CNN. Pengguna bisa melihat-lihat konten yang diunggah pembaca CNN lainnya atau mengungah konten sendiri. Materi yang diunggah bisa di-sharing melalui email, email, Twitter, atau Facebook langsung dari aplikasi.

Aplikasi versi internasional ini membutuhkan iOS 3.0 atau terbaru agar dapat bekerja. Berita ini saya dapatkan dari vivanews dan bagi anda pemilik iPhone selamat menikmati fasilitas ini. 

baca berita menarik lainnya:
Mainan-mainan canggih tahun 2010
konsep komputer masa depan dari NEC 
Gebrakan Blackberry di Wes 2010
Seagate hadirkan Harddisk 3 Terabyte
Handphone bisa Hack lampu lalu lintas
CPU komputer terbaru tahun 2010
USB Flashdisk terbaru tahun 2010

Magic mushrooms & no magic bullet for patient communication

Johns Hopkins tells us that researchers are looking at illegal drugs to help people with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), anxiety and depression--anxiety being Cancer Bitch's major bugbear. MDMA aka Ecstacy, says Johns Hopkins health reports, also increases brain levels of oxytocin, which arouses feelings of trust and confidence that can be particularly helpful during psychotherapy. The idea is that a dose of the drug, taken before a talk therapy session, may help individuals with PTSD reduce their fear and anxiety long enough to discuss and process the events that traumatized them. Ketamine aka Special K, is an FDA-approved general anesthetic that is being studied as a fast-acting antidepressant. Ketamine binds to receptors in the brain and blocks the neurotransmitter glutamate that normally activates neurons, thus producing a calming effect.

I haven't tried any of the above, though in high school, the guys in Future Farmers of America were allegedly growing the mushrooms on their school farm. It was the '70s, after all.

You can participate in clinical trials of these drugs (or a placebo)if you meet the criteria. For example, New York University is administering one dose of psilocybin to anxious people with life threatening, advanced, or recurrent cancer. If you're in Baltimore, check a study out here.

University of Rochester is studying whether topical amitriptyline and ketamine cream are effective in treating neuropathy caused by chemo.

There are tons of clinical trials and they can save or at least improve lives, even your own. For example, in researchers in Downstate Illinois are studying how best to get breast cancer survivors to exercise. There's another one on whether flaxseed is helpful in combatting hot flashes. My favorite is one at Fancy Hospital on communication with patients. A major goal: •Determine patients' health communication needs during the first 6 months of care by interviewing patients with breast cancer (as well as their families, caregivers, and healthcare teams) and observing interactions between patients and oncologists throughout the trajectory of care from initial diagnosis through the initial treatment course.

This involves video and extensive interviews. What should also be done:








To search for clinical trials, go here.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Saat sobat-sobat blogwalking ataupun sekedar browsing ke blog ataupun website tetangga tentunya sering melihat widget yang keren dan menarik. Terkadang kita tertarik untuk memiliki widget tersebut tapi kita bingung dimana ya dapetin Kode HTML-nya? browsing sana sini ga dapet dapet. Mau tau Trik Mencuri Kode Widget Blog?

Oya review dikit Widget atau lebih mudah disebut aksesoris yang terdapat di bagian sidebar blog kita sebenarnya sebagian besar merupakan kode-kode HTML atau Javascript yang statis/bisa dipakai untuk blog lain, atau kalo tidak kita tinggal sedikit mengakali agar berlaku untuk kita. Trik Mencuri Kode Widget Blog ini sangat mudah dan tidak membutuhkan software khusus. Tertarik?.. silahkan disimak.

Artikel ini akan memberikan sedikit tips termudah gimana caranya “mencuri” kode widget blog temen kita yang sidebarnya berisi aksesoris yang menarik untuk kita miliki. Caranya :

1. Pada browser silakan dicari View source/View Page source, caranya untuk IE ( Internet Explorer ) silakan klik kanan halaman blog lalu cari View Source, untuk Mozilla Firefox bisa langsung dengan menekan tombol CTRL + U atau klik kanan View Page Source.

2. Kmudian secara otomatis akan muncul tab baru atau notepad yang berisi source kode dari blog tersebut. sebagai contoh :

Yup!! inilah kode-kode yang menyusun sehingga menjadi sebuah blog.

3. Oke kita beraksi sekarang, mulai cari dan curi kode blognya ( tinggal seberapa kreatifnya anda dan seberapa jelinya anda dalam mencari kode )

4. Sebagai bocoran, kode widget biasanya diawali dengan kode : dan diakhiri dengan kode : , lalu judul sidebar biasanya menggunakan kode :

judul/nama widget

5. Nah, tepat di bawahnya pasti kode dari widget tersebut, kita tinggal copy paste kode tersebut dan simpan script kode itu untuk kita pakai untuk blog kita. 
Ups takut lupa, jangan lupa sob kode-kode selalu diakhiri dengan …., jadi copas-nya jangan sampai ada yang ketinggalan. Selamat mencoba…. 

Bagaimana cukup praktis dan kreatif bukan?.. buat yang tertarik jangan lupa nyumbang komentar di bawah artikel ini yach.. semoga bermanfaat dan bisa mempersingkat waktu browsing sobat dalam mencari mencari widget tetangga.. Happy Blogging folks.. :)

silahkan baca juga artikel menarik berikut :

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More confusion but you'd think there wouldn't be

[by the immortal Posada]

I've been getting mammograms every six months for the remaining breast. Today I went again, and the procedure is that after the mammogram, you're led to the radiology lair and sit in the radiologist's office and talk to her. The radiologist I saw today was seemed to be in her 30s and spoke without pretense. She was happy because the images showed that the (micro)calcifications, which are tiny specks of calcium that could indicate cancer but probably don't, have looked the same in all the mammograms in the past few years. So that means that nothing has changed. OK, it means that probably nothing has changed because you can't see every little thing that's going on.

I've had calcifications for a while--for years, in fact, before I was diagnosed. So I asked her if she could look at the calcifications in my cancer mammograms and compare them to the pre-cancer mammograms. My idea was that she could say, Aha, these calcifications from 2005 developed into the cancer of 2006/7, you can see that in retrospect. And then that would shed light on the specks of July 2010.

So she went through the images and arranged them on her light board and looked through her magic binoculars to see them better and said you couldn't learn anything from the comparison.It seems that the calcifications appeared next to the tumors (or masses, as they say in the biz) but did not turn into them. She also said she had other customers waiting and indicated the folders on her desk. OK, she said patients, not customers.

She told me if I was really worried that I could have a biopsy but it wasn't necessary or that I could come in for a mammogram in six months instead of a year.

I had asked her to do this extra digging because I had this idea of calcium specks as little seeds that could turn into cancer, but that seems to be wrong. Dr. Susan Love tells us: Microcalcifications, as we call these specks, are usually the result of normal wear and tear on your breasts, but 20 percent of the time they're an indication of cancer or of the precancer ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). If the film shows only a few very tiny specks arranged in tight clusters, then it's more likely to be something wrong that can fit into the tiny ducts. If the specks are scattered and larger in size, they're more likely to be benign and harmless.

The California Pacific Medical Center tells us: "Benign" calcifications in the breast do not become malignant. Malignant calcifications are malignant from the time they first appear. When the radiologist assigns calcifications to a "probably benign" category, the risk of malignancy is considered to be less than 2%.

My specks are scattered and the radiologist didn't seem bothered by them. She gave me a piece of paper showing the mammogram results as "benign appearing (not malignant) stable." The surgeon smiled at the results when she popped in (standing the whole time). In all everyone seemed happy and cheery with the mammograms, just stopping short of congratulating me on the films' unchanged nature, the way they did when we found out that the cancer hadn't crept up into my lymph nodes.

Aw shucks, it was nothing.

Still, nobody knows anything for sure sure, and though the physician's assistant said it was great that the cancer hadn't come back after 3.5 years, when I asked him about estrogen-sensitive tumors like I had, he said that they're usually slow-growing and are more likely to come back after 15 or 20 years than right away. I was thinking of CJ, who died last summer after having had a mastectomy and no chemo. She said that she thought she should have had chemo. She did have some good years, I think about eight, and then a couple of bad ones at the end, with the cancer growing in her brain and bones. She was working as long as she could, as a school librarian, even when she was nearly blind.

It's fine to laugh at this stage 2-a breast cancer, just garden variety, no big deal, I didn't need that breast anyway, and to read about someone with stage four whose bones were cracking at the end of her book (The Red Devil) and then to find out, hey, she just wrote a book about spending a year in India, but the cancer--even though we say its name now, not just Big C, or that someone's Sick, or Very Sick--it is a death sentence, for some people, some of the time, we just don't have all the particulars in advance.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ginger-Fennel Detox Drink

Detoxification diets are supposed to clean and free your body from every kind of toxins which you have been having since years. You can either hold a detox diet for a day in a month or follow it every day by doing simple changes to your routine like drinking a detox juice. More regular you are in your detox program and more you eat healthily, the cleaner your body will be. Today I would be sharing with you a detox drink made from ginger and fennel seeds. 

1 Big Ginger Root
1 tablespoon of fennel seeds

Boil them in a glass full of water. Add salt to taste or you can avoid salt too. You can improvise this drink by adding fenugreek seeds, spinach leaves juice and lemon juice. 
Drink the juice every morning to keep your system clean from the inside.

11 Reasons not to eat dairy products

Yesterday I was just browsing through the internet and looking up on certain articles on eating dairy products and their effects on health. Well, let me inform you if you do not have an idea that eating dairy products cause us to age quickly because the dairy products are acidic in nature. Avoid milk and milk products if you want to look young. But, I actually came across an article which put forth a total of eleven arguments in favor of not eating dairy products and some of them, I must say, are really compelling and made me rethink about milk, milk products and the consequences.

The main argument is the condition in which the cows and buffaloes are kept and the food they are given to eat. And, personally, I have seen some cowsheds within my city and I acquiesce with the condition. The cattle is generally fed
Milk has also been linked to osteoporosis and arthritis. And, one more thing which I want to add is the milk in the cartons and packets we get now are pasteurized and deprived of all the nutrients so you drink milk or not, it is not going to make any difference to you. You can read the entire article here.

There is something more I would like to bring to your attention. I did some research on milk and discovered that there is a growing craze of drinking raw milk these days as it is deemed to be highly beneficial for the body. For that, I just have to say that one should never drink raw milk and please never feed it to your children. There are lot of viable reasons for that. Firstly, the cows are no longer getting their feed from clean green fields as they used to when there was less pollution during the time of our grandfathers. Secondly, the food they are fed might have bacteria which is not good for our bodies so you really need to kill that bacteria. And, finally, you do not know about the hygienic conditions in which the cows are milked. Thus, boiling raw milk is the best way to consume milk and if you use the milk cartons available in the markets, you can drink straight from the carton as that milk is already pasteurized and does not need to be boiled. Drink a glass of boiled milk everyday to stay healthy.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Can cleaning products cause breast cancer?

Yes, maybe, sort of. Could be--according to a study just published in Environmental Health.

Researchers conducted phone interviews in 1999 and 2000 with 787 women who were diagnosed with breast cancer between 1988 and 1995. They also interviewed 721 women in a control group. The interviewers asked about the women's use of cleaning products and pesticides, about their beliefs in the causes of their cancer and about family history. They found that women with breast cancer were twice as likely than the control group to have used air freshener and to have been exposed to more cleaning products.

However, the scientists cautioned, all the information came from women recalling their use of cleaning products, and could be biased. The study found no link between pesticide use and breast cancer.

Here's a link to the abstract, which will in turn lead to the whole study, which was submitted in 2010.

So, should the study have been done, considering that all the information relied on women's memories?

In the meantime, using simple products is better for the environment. But alas, when we buy the hippie-recycled-feel-good products, we find they don't work as well as the strong-smelling stuff with ammonia and bleach.

[Elbow grease works best.]


Kabar terbaru yang saya dapatkan dari Forum-vivanews bahwa Lokasi bisa dilacak Via Foto oleh Para HackerSebaiknya, bagi Anda yang sering mengunggah foto di internet, terutama Twitter dan Facebook mulai kini harus berhati-hati dan tak sembarangan. 
Hal ini tak hanya beresiko foto-foto tersebut beredar dan dimanfaatkan orang-orang tak bertanggungjawab tapi kejahatan juga akan mengintai Anda. Metodanya adalah melalui foto-foto tersebut, para penjahat dunia maya bisa mengetahui keberadaan lokasi si pengunggah. 

Biasanya Foto-foto yang diambil dari kamera ponsel selanjutnya akan langsung dibagikan di Twitter, bukan hanya sebatas informasi gambar saja, melainkan menyimpan informasi yang tak diketahui oleh pengunggah.

Dalam konferensi hacker Next HOPE di New York, seorang ahli keamanan mendemonstrasikan bagaimana ia memindai sekira 2,5 juta link foto yang tersebar di Twitter.
Dari jumlah tersebut, ia mampu menyebutkan lokasi koordinat (posisi lintang dan bujur) sekira 65.000 foto, dan itu tanpa diketahui pemilik foto.

"Ini menunjukkan bahwa keamanan privasi telah gagal," kata Ben Jackson ahli keamanan Mayhemic Labs seperti diberitakan Cnet.
Proses pemindaian foto untuk menentukan posisi koordinat, dimungkinkan bila foto tersebut diambil dari ponsel. generasi ponsel yang ada saat ini memiliki fitur geotag foto.

Geotagging ini adalah sebuah proses pemberian identifikasi geografis dalam metadata suatu media seperti video, foto, website, dalam metadata nantinya akan terdapat informasi koordinat.

Para hacker bisa melakukan injeksi ke EXIF metadata foto yang diambil dari kamera tersebut untuk mengetahui lokasi.
Sebenarnya Twitter dan jejaring sosial lainnya, memiliki layanan untuk berbagi lokasi tapi kebanyakan pengguna jarang mengaktifkannya. 
Mudah-mudahan informasi singkat ini bisa bermanfaat dan membuat kita lebih berhati-hati. 

Monday, July 19, 2010

[NYT photo; patient claims surgery was unnecessary]

The New York Times tells us that that 17 percent of D.C.I.S. cases identified by a commonly used needle biopsy may be misdiagnosed. D.C.I.S. is ductal carcinoma in situ, aka Stage O cancer. The Times interviews women who had surgery (ranging up to a double mastectomy) who later found out they didn't have cancer after all.

I've been a critic of Susan B. Komen for the Cure, but it turns out that Komen has studied this. According to the Times, Komen reported in 2006 that in 90,000 cases, women who receive a diagnosis of D.C.I.S. or invasive breast cancer either did not have the disease or their pathologist made another error that resulted in incorrect treatment.

So--if you're diagnosed with Stage 0, get another opinion. So you won't need a lawyer later.

How to reduce food and water wastage?

Food and water wastage is a really big problem in the world, especially, when a lot of people are dying of hunger and thirst. At the rate we are depleting out water resources, there will one day be a grave shortage of water for our future generations. The water table under the Earth has barely any water left during the summers and we are not getting enough of rains to fill the water table again.So, there is great article which I came across which talks about how to save food and water. Have a look at it here.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Do you check the expiry dates of your products?

Checking Expiry dates of the products is really very important. Be it a face cream or a chocolate or any other processed eatable, there is a limited time in which these products should be used up. Otherwise, there are just worth discarding. It is very obvious that one spends a lot of hard-earned money buying favorite edibles or cosmetics and no one really feels like discarding the stuff. So, always make sure you buy only the required amount of things and finish them before buying another lot. This applies for both cosmetics and eatables. And, before you buy, make sure that the product is fresh so that you would not have to end up discarding it.

Expiry Date poses problems most for eatables and sunscreens. And, any other product which has active ingredients in it like enzymes or vitamins. Sunscreen formulations always degrade with time so it is always best to buy a fresh product and use it up before you buy another batch. Similarly, check on the expiry date for the eatables because generally the eatables are in edible condition for only six months from the date of packaging. So, next time, pick the freshest batch of snacks or biscuits. Even the fresh veggies have their own expiry date as you well know. So, do not bother keeping foods in your refrigerator. Instead, go and buy the freshest vegetables and fruits you can. And, do not forget to compost all the raw food if you are discarding instead of throwing into the dustbin.


Di dunia komputer trik overclock telah terbukti mampu meningkatkan performa Processor PC. Bagaimana dengan ponsel? Ternyata kabar terbaru bahwa Ponsel Android-pun bisa di-overclock. Seperti diketahui, ponsel juga merupakan sebuah komputer, namun dengan ukuran kecil. Jadi sudah seharusnya, ponsel juga bisa overclock. Overclock Android Dengan Setcpu diyakini terbukti mampu meningkatkan kinerjanya.

Dengan Aplikasi bernama SetCPU, ponsel berbasis Google Android kini dapat di-overclock. Menurut para developernya, SetCPU merupakan sebuah aplikasi untuk Android yang khusus dirancang untuk mengubah kecepatan CPU Android dari akses root (root access).

 tampilan menu overclocking

Sampai saat ini, SetCPU kompatibel dengan sejumlah perangkat Android, seperti HTC Dream, HTC Magic 32GB, Motorola Droid, Google Nexus One, Samsung Galaxy, dan beberapa perangkat Android lainnya.

Untuk bisa menginstal aplikasi ini, user harus mempunyai perangkat Android dengan edisi OS versi 1.5 ke atas, termasuk Cupcake (1.5), Donut (2.0), dan Eclair (2.1). Selain itu, pengguna harus memiliki root acess dan mengubah cpufreq pada kernel.

Selain mengatur kecepatan CPU, SetCPU juga mampu menampilkan informasi seputar CPU perangkat Android milik user, mengatur kecepatan secara otomatis saat boot system, atau mengatur profil CPU.

Misalnya pada saat kondisi ponsel sedang tidur. Informasi temperatur, indikasi baterai, hingga menjalankan benchmark dengan cepat untuk menguji kemampuan floating point dari CPU juga disediakan SetCPU.

Karena SetCPU mampu mengubah kecepatan clock dari perangkat Android, sangat dimungkinkan bila kinerja perangkat Android bisa lebih cepat melampaui spesifikasi pabrik,” kata pengembangnya, seperti dilansir laman Overclockers, Selasa 25 Mei 2010.

Karena itu, penggunaan aplikasi ini berpotensi merusak perangkat Anda. Jika Anda cukup berani untuk mengambil risiko, silakan mencoba,” ucapnya. Untuk mendapatkan petunjuk tentang instalasi aplikasi ini, Anda bisa mengunjungi website SetCPU.
Semoga informasi ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda yang memerlukannya.

baca juga artikel menarik lainnya :

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Facial Exercises Series - Video 27 of 30

Video 27 in the series of face workouts by Jack Lalanne.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lose Weight with Love

This is a really interesting article I came across when looking for weight loss tips. And, probably the best one which I think will work out for anyone who cares to give it a try. The articles says to love your body and yourself for what you are instead of just cringing on every extra flab and fat on your body. Accept your belly pooch or wrestler arms and look for the goodness in yourself. Appreciate yourself instead of criticizing. And, treat your body as a temple. Look out for everything you feed it and feed only the best and freshest things available. It might seems impossible to try all the items listed in the article so go for it one by one and try to substitute something which is not available. Like, the article says you to incorporate green juice. You can use the spinach-lettuce drink as a substitute and add other various foods which you like. Read the entire article here.

I would like to add that whatever your body type or size, it is very important to wear clothes which flatter you not the ones you flatter. Some clothes look fabulous on mannequins and friends but if they do not flatter us, there is no point looking silly in such clothes. If you have unsightly arms, do not wear sleeveless. Avoid wearing fitting tops and shirts with potbellies. Instead, go for umbrella cut tops which will hide your paunch and believe me they would make you look great. These were just examples. So, next time, you choose clothes, choose wisely and do not forget to try them before buying. Same goes for jeans too.


Banyak artikel yang memberikan Tips dan trik menaikan Pagerank. Bagi sobat yang blognya telah memiliki Pagerank tentunya ingin PR anda naik lagi kan? Berbagai tips diberikan untuk menaikan atau meningkatkan Pagerank. Mulai dari Link arisan alias MLM, Award dan Tag award dll, tapi menurut penilaian pribadi saya Peningkatan Pagerank secara profesional dan permanen tetap hanya bisa ditingkatkan dengan cara yang standard. Trik Pasti Menaikan Pagerank yang terbaik menurut saya adalah sebagaimana yang saya uraikan dibawah ini.

Cara Termudah untuk menaikan Pagerank tentu saja dengan memperbanyak jumlah backlink, dengan bertukar link dengan web/blog lain. Usahakan yang sejenis. Mari kita bahas Trik Menaikan Pagerank, Inilah beberapa trik yang layak di coba :

1. Blogwalking
Lakukan kunjungan ke blog teman baik yang sudah dikenal maupun belum dan jangan pernah sekalipun memilih milih blog yang anda kunjungi. Luangkan wacukup waktu untuk kegiatan ini.

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4. Bertukar Link
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5.Update artikel rutin
Update artikel berbobot secara rutin, usahakan bisa harian atau minimal mingguan. Sehingga blog sobat bakal banyak dikunjungi.

6.Bergabung ke Social Network
Tentunya ke situs yang memiliki PR tinggi seperti facebook, friendster yang ber PR 7, myspace PR 8, juga yang ber-PR 8 dll

7. Gabung ke Social Bookmarking
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8. Buatlah Free Template  untuk Free download
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9.Aktif di Forum
Aktif di forum, sertakan link blog kita. Paling tidak tuliskan link blog/web kita pada signature forum. Bisa dicoba di kaskus dll.

10. Search Engine
Biasakan buka Blog/web sobat dengan memakai bantuan Google dengan cara melakukan Searching link blog anda pada Google. Dengan cara ini url blog sobat semakin familiar dimata Google dan Pagerank dijamin naik.

Demikianlah 10 tips standard yang sudah teruji mampu meningkatkan Pagerank. Hal ini sya pelajari dengan mengamati blog-blog para senior yang telah sukses dengan Kenaikan Pagerank-nya.
Semoga tulisan sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat bagi rekan dan sahabat.

silahkan ikuti tutorial menarik lainnya :
Cara membuat Blog Do Follow
Social Bookmark dari Blogger
menambah traffic dengan daftar search engine
Tips mempercepat terindex Google
Analisa mendapatkan Pagerank