Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weight Loss Tips

While surfing the internet, I came across a really great video which has lot of information about how to lose weight - the do's and the dont's. It is around a 20 minute video. But, before I share the link to the video, I want to make you aware that it is actually an advertising video for their weight loss program. And, I do not have any kind of affiliate link with them or I am not doing this for any personal gain of mine. I do not earn anything out of it. I am sharing this link purely because I liked the whole lot of information shared on there and would love you all to gain that information too. So, there I wrote about my disclaimers so here goes the link: Weight Loss Tips. Enjoy and hope you learn something new out of it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fennel Seeds: For digestion and detoxification

Fennel Seeds (saunf in hindi) have become increasingly popular these days to aid in digestion. Well, they do deserve their popularity because of the immense health benefits they provide. You would be surprised to hear that something so insignificant can help us stay healthy for a long time. Everyone knows that it is used as an after-meal breath freshener. But, there is more to this natural breath freshener. 

This herb or spice is very much rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium and vitamins like B1, B2 and B3. It helps with proper digestion of your food and also controls your appetite. It cures the acidity or bloating problems of the stomach. Not only that, it also relieves the respiratory problems so people having problems in the respiratory tract or lungs or even sinus problems should take fennel seeds. It also relieves of heartburn and intestinal cramps and spasms. Fennel seeds are great for women especially as they promote growth of the breast tissue and relaxes the uterus helping in menses period. They are also used to treat the hormonal imbalances in the body and stimulates milk production in the nursing mothers.

Since the seeds are high in fiber, they are also great for detoxification of the body and also in losing weight. Regular intake of the seeds help in dealing with the problem of water retention in the body helping in losing weight and also, as said earlier, reduces the appetite. And, foods with high fiber content always helps the body to get cleanse well. So, start chewing a tea spoon of fennel seeds from today and clean your body naturally. Caution: Make sure you are not allergic to the fennel seeds. It is rare but possible.


Television can be usefull for business. Do you believe this? The recession has forced many companies to change their approach to business travel. Compared with a few years ago, companies are holding fewer out-of-town meetings, and travelers are staying in lower-priced hotels - or forgoing trips altogether. The solution for this problem is New Technology of Television – Telepresence.

This is the explanation :
So what happens if a sales executive for a company with travel restrictions fervently believes the only way to close a deal is to meet face-to-face with a prospective customer?

The answer increasingly can be a technology called telepresence, the most advanced and sophisticated form of what has been known over the last two decades as videoconferencing.
The technology, using broadband hookups, links people in different locations so they can look at one another on large TV or computer screens as they talk.
Telepresence  is New technology that could helping businesses cut back on travel. Hope this technology perfectly usefull.

also read this article :
Ten technologies will be growing in 2010
New technology in mobile phones 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Almonds for Brain Power and Skin Care

We all know what good are almonds for our skin and hair and brain and our overall living. There is nothing different I am going to tell you today except for recounting everything again so that you get yet another reason of liking almonds again. 

First, eating almonds soaked in water overnight everyday is very good for our brain. It is especially good for the growing kids as they need more nourishment. The almonds have been found to increase the brain activity considerably. 

Second, almonds is extremely good for skin, hair and overall health. Daily ingestion of adequate almonds nourish our skin and make it look more beautiful from the inside. It also prevents early aging of your skin. Same goes for the hair. You will see an immediate change in a matter of month of starting to take almonds everyday first thing in the morning. 

Third, almonds are not only great for internal care but also for external. So, today, I wanted to share a very small tip with you about eating almonds. Please do not peel the almonds and throw away the skin. Skin of almond is fiber and necessary for our body. Second is almonds are supposed to be taken with milk. So, take the soaked almonds and a little milk and make a paste. Ingest the paste. It is said to be delicious in its own way. You can even use this paste to scrub your skin. 

One should not eat more than 5 almonds a day as it increases the body heat. This caution is for the people who live in tropical climate or hot climate; especially if you are not sitting in air-conditioner all day long . In cold areas, you can eat as many almonds as you feel like. So, this is for people who feel that they can live on dry fruits all day, please do not excessively take them and increase your body heat which will give rise to a varied number of problems like constipation, outbreaks on the skin, excessive sweating and many internal problems.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Finding The Best Car Accessories

The internet has made finding car accessories so much easier. You can search for accessories for your model cars, the ones that you just can't find at your local dealer. Every large car accessories manufacturing brand nowadays has an online presence through web stores. This will save you a lot of money, and time. Just by entering a keyword into your browser of what accessories you are looking for you can literally pull up hundreds of potential sellers. The internet gives the car accessories buyer the flexibility to compare prices across several websites thereby getting the best value, and best of all this can be done conveniently from within the comfort of your own home.

Sites such as Chevy Tahoe accessories, and local online classifieds are an excellent source for finding both used as well as brand new car accessories online. There are also the smaller specialty shops exclusively on the internet for parts and accessories that cater to the niche market and sell only particular brands that you usually cannot find at your local retailer. Most sites have enormous categorized databases of car accessories and auto components, ranging from tires, to transmissions helping you find the most expensive right down to the cheap car accessories. These sites usually offer the most competitive rates and deliver across the country providing service to anyone with access to the postal service. You should always know what their return policy is if it is the wrong accessories, damaged, or not the quality you were expecting. Most online sellers will give you at least a 14 day return policy.

Brown Rice: Benefits

Brown Rice is a better substitute to the stipulated white rice. Why? Because it comes with a whole lot of health and beauty benefits instead of just helping in increasing the carbs in the body. 

Brown Rice is very useful in detoxification and losing weight. How? Because of its fibrous nature. When brown rice passes through the oesophagus and the intestinal tract, it absorbs all the toxins along with it and flushes them out of your body. Similarly, due to its fibrous nature, it helps you in losing weight instead of gaining. Since fibre is actually just passed out of the system rather than being absorbed, it is mainly useful in taking out the unnecessary waste from the body. Eating more fiber is actually very healthy for the body. It keeps your body metabolism in check and regulates your bowel movements for one. It helps in lowering the cholesterol and blood sugar levels. 

And, the best benefit of all is that it helps you in losing weight. How? Fiber is actually pretty heavy on stomach and takes a lot of time to chew so while you are busy chewing your food, your brain takes time to register when you are full and consequently, you end up eating less food, most of which passes out of your system. So, you can maintain weight. And, since it just passes out of your body, it clears up all the toxins. Thus, it makes your skin look good from the inside. So, next time you think eating rice, look out for brown rice and it is actually more delicious than the white rice too. And, you think of detoxifying your body without giving up the food, you might want to gorge on brown rice.


Perkembangan atau terkenal dengan istilah blogspot semakin memudahkan penggunanya. Rupanya blogger memperhatikan user-nya lewat riset yang dilakukannya sebelum memperbaharui tool yang akan ditawarkannya. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya Social Bookmark dari blogger.
Rekan blogger tidak perlu lagi menambahkan widget social bookmark di gadget HTML/Javascript. Bagi sobat-sobat yang belum memiliki social bookmark ataupun bagi yang sudah tapi ingin mengetahuinya, silahkan ikuti tutorial dibawah ini.

Tutorial yang saya berikan ini kebetulan memakai versi berbahasa inggris.

1. Seperti biasa, Login ke Account blogger anda
2. Masuk ke Dashboard - Design

3. Pada Tampilan Page element - klik edit Posting Blog
4. Muncul tampilan Configure Blog post, Perhatikan Main page option

5. Fasilitas Social Bookmark telah tersedia pada bagian bawah
6. Checklist kotak yang tersedia, Arrange item - Save

Setelah perubahan sobat simpan dan masuk ke Blog, maka dibawah postingan akan muncul social Bookmark dan siap untuk dipergunakan.
Rupanya Blogger tidak melupakan terobosan user friendly terhadap penggunanya, hal ini dibuktikan dengan tool ini. Bersamaan dengan ini juga Blogger menambahkan tool yang bermanfaat yaitu template designer untuk mengubah tampilan blog anda dengan mudah.

Baca juga artikel menarik berikut :
Cara termudah edit template blogger
Memasang kode translate dan ikon bendera
Strategi keyword dengan keyword suggestion tool
Mengenal Tehnik SEO
Periksa link website dengan Broken link checker
Cara membuat blog dofollow serta logo dofollow

Friday, June 25, 2010


Sebuah kabar dari menggemparkan dunia. Dikatakan bahwa dikemudian hari asteroid besar bersiap menghujam Bumi 50 tahun mendatang. Sebuah solusi akhirnya terpikirkan dengan cara sebuah bom nulir diluncurkan untuk membuat batu luar angkasa itu hancur berkeping.
Itu adegan yang sangat menarik film Hollywood, persis seperti film Armageddon. Solusi Ancaman asteroid dengan nuklir bukanlah suatu hal yang mustahil.

Solusi tersebut bisa jadi nyata Sebab, para ilmuwan mengatakan bom nuklir memang bisa jadi solusi penyelamatan Bumi. Namun, ada beberapa prasyarat yang harus dipenuhi. Yakni, asteroid harus jadi ancaman yang nyata bagi Bumi dalam jangka waktu yang relatif singkat, untuk justifikasi pilihan ekstrim ini. Apalagi, tambah ilmuwan, puing-puing ledakan asteroid yang dibom nuklir bisa jadi tetap berbahaya.

David Dearborn, fisikawan Laboratorium Nasional Lawrence Livermore, California mendukung bom nuklir sebagai salah satu alternatif terbaik menghindarkan malapetaka Bumi.

"Bom nuklir adalah bom terkuat yang kita ketahui. Ini 3 juta kali lebih efisien daripada bom kimia. Masalahnya, adalah bagaimana untuk menggunakannya," kata dia, seperti dimuat laman, 25 Juni 2010.

Apalagi, dengan nuklir, kita bisa membawa sumber energi luar biasa ke laur angkasa dalam kapasitas yang kecil.
Namun, masalah tak berakhir dengan hanya meledakkan asteroid. Ancaman lain masih ada -- puing-puing asteroid.

Kata Dearborn, penting untuk memperhitungkan sedemikian rupa, hingga hanya sebagian kecil puing yang mampu menembus atmosfer.

Dearborn membuat simulasi untuk mengetahui jumlah energi dan waktu yang efektif untuk mengalihkan asteroid dan puing-puing yang menyebar agar tak menabrak Bumi.

Kata dia, memecah asteroid sepanjang 270 meter dengan 300 kiloton sumber energi dapat dilakukan selama 15 hari, dengan jarak lebih dari 100 juta mil dari Bumi.

"Di luar orbit Bulan. Itu berarti Bumi akan baik-baik saja. Dipastikan 97 persen material tidak menuju Bumi."
Laboratorium Universitas California saat ini sedang merancang dan menguji senjata nuklir penghancur asteroid.

Dearborn yakin, ledakan nuklir bisa digunakan untuk mengubah orbit asteroid yang mengancam -- sebelum menubruk dan menciptakan bencana luar biasa bagi Bumi.

Sementara, Direktur NASA Lunar Science Institute dan astrobiologis senior lembaga antariksa AS, David Morrison mengatakan nuklir hanya efektif dalam situasi mendesak.

"Jika asteroid itu benar-benar besar dan manusia tak punya waktu banyak, nuklir mungkin satu-satunya penyelamat kita," tambah dia.

Laporan survey NASA mengungkapkan, 90 persen batu luar angkasa besar yang berpotensi mengancam Bumi telah ditemukan.

"Dalam beberapa tahun, kita bisa yakin tak ada di langit yang bisa menyebabkan kehancuran Bumi. Namun, masih ada jutaan benda langit yang cukup besar untuk menyapu bersih sebuah kota. Perlu waktu lama untuk menemukan dan mencari orbit mereka," kata dia. 
Meskipun ini baru bersifat penelitian tapi tidak ada salahnya kita menyimak untuk menambah wawasan kita bahwa bencana bisa terjadi dalam bentuk apapun, termasuk dari luar angkasa.

Do you clean your tongue?

I wanted to talk about how to detox your body and then, I came across an article which said that tongue cleaning was a habit which has been carried out since centuries and it actually has a great importance for our body according to Ayurveda. I was a little surprised to read that because I had always thought of it as a habit which has to be carried daily after we brush our teeth and I thought its importance was limited only to hygienic purposes. But, what I came to learn about was that it is one of the ways to help our body get rid of toxins. 

The question which pops to our minds is How? During our sleep, body gets rid of all the toxins in our body, right. So, how do all these toxins get out of our body? Sweat, urination or excretion. Yes. But, some of the toxins also get deposited as a film on our tongue. So comes the ritual of tongue scraping in the morning to remove this film of toxins. The bacteria present in these toxins are also the cause of bad breath. And, they prevent our taste buds from getting a proper taste of the food. How? Because, they get deposited continuously and if not cleaned, the deposits can become pretty thick and the food we eat is not actually tasted by our taste buds. Ultimately, we do not get the feeling of satiety which the taste buds trigger to the brain because taste buds do not know that we are eating. So, we end up overeating and gaining weight in the process. So, I hope you realise how important it is for us to clean our tongues everyday.

Now, how do you clean your tongue? Using a plastic tongue scraper or your brush? Well, both of the methods are not advisable. Plastic is not good for health and the brush actually does not clean the tongue. It just disturbs the bacteria and sometimes, the bacteria can begin breeding in the brush too which is definitely not good for your dental health. So, you should use a tongue scraper made of gold, silver, stainless steel or brass to avoid toxicity from metals. Be gentle while using the scraper but firmly remove the debris from your mouth. Hold the scraper on both sides and place it at the back of the tongue near the tonsils and start scraping from there. Repeat the movements 5 times. Clean the scraper properly and disinfect it occasionally using baking soda.
Today's Lesson: Detox your body by making tongue scraping a habit.


Bagi rekan blogger pemula tentunya ingin mencoba membuat artikel tutorial. Sebuah tutorial akan semakin menarik, lebih interaktif dan mudah untuk diikuti bila disertai image/gambar sebagai panduannya. Pertanyaan berikutnya adalah bagaimana mengambil screenshot gambar sebagai bahan postingan?
Ada cara termudah menampilkan Tutorial gambar, yaitu dengan menggunakan fasilitas/tool paint yang ada di Windows OS sobat. Trik sederhana bisa membantu rekan blogger pemula yang ingin mencoba membuat tutorial bergambar.

Cara Termudah menampilkan tutorial gambar :
1. Buka image yang ingin sobat ambil screenshot-nya
2. tekan tombol Ctrl - Alt - Prt Scr secara bersamaan
3. Buka tool Paint di Start -Program - Accesories - Paint
4. tekan Ctrl-V untuk paste screenshoot yang diambil tadi
5. Save As gambar dengan format JPEG (ukuran relatif kecil)
6. Simpan file tersebut sebagai materi gambar tutorial sobat

Apakah gambar tadi sudah siap posting? tentunya belum kan? untuk penyempurnaan tentunya gambar tadi perlu di edit lagi. Caranya juga mudah, sobat tinggal membuka file tadi Microsoft office picture manager atau di photoshop dll. Crop ataupun resize bagian yang ingin sobat tampilkan.
Dibawah ini adalah contoh hasilnya :

Mungkin bagi rekan yang sudah senior hal ini merupakan masalah sepele tapi mungkin bagi rekan blogger pemula tutorial ini bisa membantu membuka wawasan penulisan artikel.
Semoga bermanfaat dan bila tidak keberatan silahkan sobat untuk memberikan sedikit komentar ataupun tanggapan.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to feel confident of your image?

" The world sees you the way you see yourself "
Confidence is one of the first things which get noticed and makes an impression on the other person whether they meet you for the first or last. The image you give to them about yourself is the one which they carry with themselves.
So, get your self esteem levels high and love yourself for what you are. Forgo all inhibitions and let others appreciate you for what you are. Check out these confidence booster tips and think positive about yourself. And, stop worrying about those zits and pimples. Worrying makes more of them.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tips For Getting Benefit By Loan Modification

Many times, these types of modification can be combined to come up with the Best Loan Modification agreement that suits both the lender and borrower’s interest.

Tips for getting benefit by loan modification :

  • Know your lenders requirements or the prerequisites needed to file for the modification process.
  • Prepare your ‘hardship letter’ in which you will state what events or circumstances has arisen that will not allow you to make or afford your current monthly payments. This is your opportunity to state your case so be honest and straightforward.
  • Have your monthly budget prepared and your entire corroborating paperwork ready, so you can show the lender why you are unable to meet the monthly mortgage payment.
  • Get all agreements or arrangements from your lender in writing for your record

Pep up your home facial sessions

Well, now that you know how to go about doing a home facial, you can pep up your home facial sessions with some live ingredients and fresh juices which will do your skin a lot good. Let us discuss what all you have at hand.

Ingredients for oily and combination skin
  • Red Wine Facial
Red Wine is the latest craze at the upper crust salons and which one obviously can not afford on a mediocre income on a regular basis. But, need not worry for anything. Well, I think that most of really do not own a good wine too. So, what we will do is use the basic ingredients of wine. Yes, you guessed it right. Grapes. The only thing you would need for this facial is a bunch of high quality grapes. You can go for American
Grapes or the black ones available in the market. Pick the ones which do not have seeds. Now, extract glass of grape juice using a juicer or just crushing the grapes in a blender. Either way is fine. Make a fresh batch for every facial session. Add a few drops of the juice to the cold cream while massaging your face. Mix the cream and the juice for proper consistency and use the rest for mixing the clay mask. Remember, not to store the juice. As you know, grapes are rich in anti-oxidants, it is great for anti-aging skin care.

One more thing is that if you have red wine at your home, you can mix a few drops of red wine with your cream for proper consistency and continue with your facial. Red Wine too is rich in anti-oxidants and great for anti-aging skin care. It also gives a pinkish tinge to your skin.
  • Pomegranate Facial
Extract the juice of pomegranates and add it to the cream. Pomegranates are the latest fad in anti-aging skin care.
  • Berry Facials
You can use strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries or any other kind of berry, if exists. Extract the juice and mix your cream with it and enjoy a glowing complexion.
  • Citrus Fruit Facials
Again use orange or red orange or mandarin orange juice, grapefruit juice, tangerine juice, lemon juice or sweet lime juice to get a flawless complexion.
  • Black Plum and cherry facial
Add black plum juice and cherry juice to the cream.
  • Pineapple facial
Add pineapple juice to the cream and blend nicely. But, remember, not to add too much. Just 5-10 drops of juice is enough for a facial session.It is great for acne prone skin and rejuvenates the skin because of its high concentration of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids.

Ingredients for Dry Skin
  • Mango Facial
Make mango puree out of a ripe mango and blend it with your cream for a smooth consistency and use it for facial.
  • Honey Facial
Keep honey pot in warm water for sometime. The consistency of honey will turn thin. Then, pour a little of honey in a cup and blend it with your facial cream.
  • Peach Facial
Mash a ripe peach and blend in with your facial cream. Peach is supposed to be the best for dry skin.
  • Papaya Facial
Mash a ripe papaya and mix it with your facial cream.
  • Avocado Facial
Mash a ripe avocado and mix it with your facial cream. It is extremely moisturizing and keeps skin soft and flawless.

Ingredients for All Skin Types
  • Essential oil Facials
You can mix 5-6 drops of your favorite essential oils in the cream. Use essential oils good for oily skin like sandalwood, lavender, rosemary, rose, orange, lemon, or any other.
  • Cocktail Facial
Mix the fruits good for your skin type with the cream, blend for proper consistency and you get a fruit cocktail facial.
  •  Milk Cream Facial
Add raw milk to your cream and blend properly. You can also use milk cream or white butter for a more moisturizing effect.
  • Beetroot Facial
Beetroot is again good for bringing a pinkish tinge in your face. It will be more visible on a fair skin. Extract beetroot juice and mix it with your cold cream. 
  • Refreshing Facial
The most favorite ingredients are watermelon juice and mint juice. You can use them individually or combine them to get a thoroughly refreshed skin. The cooling nature of both ingredients will be relaxing for your skin and particularly useful for reliving from sunburns or soothing the untimely breakouts. Use freshly cut mint if you have one at home.
  • Floral Facial
Grind the fresh rose petals and add them to your cream. You can even indulge in other flowers like jasmine, marigold, chamomile, rosemary and lavender. You can also go for herbs like sage leaves which are extremely good for skin care. Always be sure to pick the fresh flowers just after the morning dew.
  • Green Tea Facial
You can add green tea or any other tea also to your cream and blend in nicely.
  • Aloevera Facial 
Aloevera gel is the best for skin care again. So, pick a fresh leaf from the aloevera plant in the afternoon (at that time the gel is full of the minerals) and remove the gel from it. Mix the gel with your cream and perform your facial with it. And, aloevera is great at curing all the skin infections so it suits all skin types.
  • Chocolate Facial 
Here comes our favorite. How can we ever forget talking about chocolate in skin care. Add cocoa powder to your cream and make a smooth paste. The facial will give your skin a chocolaty fragrance and a clean moisturized skin.

Other Tips:
  • Use shea butter or cocoa butter with your cream or use them as a base for your facials if you have access to pure butters.
  • You can also use almond peels or orange peels in your cream. They provide gentle scrubbing while improving your skin type. 
  • You can even mix and match all kinds of ingredients specified above or ones you can think of in your facial. You can use all the things which you can think of in facials so get crazy. Use spinach or lettuce or cottage cheese or potato juice or turmeric or sandalwood paste. The options are endless. Be innovative and do share your recipes.


Bagi rekan-rekan yang suka browsing ke blog tetangga ataupun sobat yang ingin melihat-lihat kembali postingan lama anda lewat menu tentunya dipusingkan dengan tampilan label yang standard pada main page. Mungkin anda hanya ingin melihat-lihat artikel di postingan lewat judul-judulnya saja. Menampilkan Judul posting saja pada menu label bisa sobat lakukan. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut.

Cara menampilkan judul posting saja pada menu label sbb:

·         Seperti biasa Login ke Account blogger sobat
·         Pilih Tata letak/Design, pilih Edit HTML – expand template

<div class='blog-posts hfeed'>
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·         Cari kode diatas atau kode berwarna merahnya (Ctrl-F)
·         Ganti kode warna merah tadi dengan kode script di bawah ini, save

<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl !=
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Contohnya sobat bisa mencoba membuka menu label Blog Allien 99 ini (misalnya klik-Blog Trick).
Semoga tulisan singkat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan blogger.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to do a parlor facial at home?

Tired of visiting parlor every time for every small service or just feel like enjoying an indulgence this afternoon. Well, then let me just instruct you through a home facial course which will give you the exact results which you get from the parlor. Keep all your things handy. So, lets see what all things you will need for a facial session:
  • A big roll of cotton
  • A clean wash cloth
  • A glass full of pure water
  • A bottle of cold cream 
  • A face pack (mix it at the time when you are ready to put it on)
  • A scrub (if you need)
  • A face wash
  • A small pot filled with boiling water (for taking steam)
  • A towel
  • Wash your face thoroughly.
  • Steam your face for 5-10 minutes to open your pores.
  • Immediately after taking steam, take a little cold cream and massage it into your face using upward circular motions like you do in a facial massage
  • Keep on massaging for 30 minutes. Keep on taking little cream at intervals and add little water as the cream dries on your face and keep on massaging. 
  • After massaging your face, let it stay on for about 5 minutes and wash off with the wet cotton pad. 
  • You can scrub your face after the massage. Or, follow the massage with a clay mask. 
  • Finish the facial with splashes of cold water. Moisturize your face if you feel your skin is dry. 
  • Remember not to forget you neck and upper chest while doing the facial.
Some tips to remember:
  • Do facial once or twice in a fortnight. Frequent facials are not good for skin.
  • Be very gentle during the facials. You can use shea butter or cocoa butter as a base for facial instead of a cold cream. 
  • Feeling like being more indulgent: Go to a supermarket and hunt for a facial massage cream with anti-aging and rejuvenating properties and a pearl or gold face mask. 
  • A nice twist to your cream: Grind rose petals and add them to your cream for that extra kick.

    Son of Son of Meltdown/I am Zapped

    One symptom of my polycythemia vera is itchy skin. All over? two people asked in one day. No, not all over. Not my hands or feet or face or scalp. But just about everywhere else, so much of everywhere else that it seems like everywhere. It stings as well, sometimes as bad as backyard ants that attacked me while I was trying to rescue my sister, who was being dragged by her (unwitting) friends one night through an ant bed. We rushed inside and ran to the bath tub. I ran water all over my legs and R, all over her head, where the ants had nabbed her. This was in Texas, but before the era of Fire Ants, or else we might not be here to recall the event. Today I'm home, trying to take a short nap and my skin is stinging and I already took a 24-hour Zyrtec (which was mislabeled--should be 24-minute) three hours ago. The itch and sting cause panic and weeping and thoughts that it will always be this way, I can't do anything about it, the medicine doesn't work, Atarax was great while it lasted, before it stopped working, I'm helpless; time stops and this becomes my whole life, I can't go anywhere, I can't escape into sleep. I'm living in the moment, can't see beyond it except to an entire life bounded by this, making me unable to leave the house and it's so bad I cancel my therapy appointment later in the afternoon. I try to reorder some gabapentin, but my prescription is outdated, and the gabapentin didn't work anyway, but it was a fleeting reassurance to think about gabapentin, that there might be something out there that I could reach.

    That was a couple of weeks ago. I ended up taking more Zyrtec, and I think a benadryl, and I slept three hours. I'd been to a dermatologist who specializes in skin problems caused by non-skin diseases. He was born in Colombia and his father grew up with a kid who always said he wanted to be a writer. Yes. Garcia Marquez. The dermo said that was a 50/50 chance that phototherapy would help, and his people said they'd check with my insurance. Last week I called to see what the insurance decision was and found out it was in my favor! So yesterday I got zapped. I went to a little office without windows with two nice ladies in it in solid-color uniforms. There were three or four big upright tanks (reminding me of the big round French outdoor bathrooms) and I changed into a gown and paper footies and went inside (luckily, the one that was open on the top), wearing stiff dark goggles over my eyes, attached by an elastic strap, my eyes closed. The lady in green set the machine for 38 seconds and I could hear whooshing around me and could see, through my closed lids and the goggles, purple light, and it seemed to last about two minutes. Then the sound and light stopped and I put on my gown and footies and pushed on the metal bar to open the door. I felt like I'd been in Mr. Peabody's WABAC Machine and that I should be stepping out into the 18th century or any other era. But I was back in the Office of the Two Ladies with dream catchers and psoriasis bulletins on the wall.

    L saw me a few hours later and asked if I was still itching.

    I was zapped on Monday and now it's Thursday. I'm taking one-a-day Zyrtec just once a day. But I've also been inside a lot; being outside can make my skin itch because there are so many allergens out there.

    [Dog scratching pic:]

    Monday, June 21, 2010

    Black Plum (Jamun) facial mask

    Its time for the jamun fruit. Black Plum is a great astringent and is really good for oily skin. So, squash some jamun in a container and you can add a little of lemon juice or tomato juice to go with it and apply a thick layer on your face. Remember not to make the mask very thin. Just keep it in a semi-liquid form. This mask is a great help for acne too. It helps clean your pores. 
    For dry to normal skin, you can add honey in the mask and apply on the face. Be innovative by adding the juice to a clay mask or adding a little milk to its squash and apply on face.
    A tip: Pick the largest size of the fruit. They are best in quality and sweetest.


    Ada sebuah kabar mengejutkan yang saya baca di salah satu forum, Handphone bisa Hack Lampu lalu lintas? HP ini adalah HP keluaran Motorola. Mungkin menurut sobat handphone Motorola tidak ada apa-apanya dibanding yang lain baik segi fitur atau desain, ini disebabkan promonya yang kurang gencar. Ingin lihat HP-nya seperti apa? silahkan baca lanjutan artikel ini.

    Jangan dulu anggap remeh dengan produk-produk Motorola, dalam segi fitur standar Motorola pun telah memilikinya dan bahkan memiliki kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki oleh produk lain.

    Inilah Motorola Droid yang akan menunjukan kehebatannya. Setelah di unlock handphone ini mampu nge-hack lampu lalu lintas dan mendeteksi uang yang ada di dompet kita (kalau yang ini teknisnya ga dijelasin). Ada yang menebak bahwa ini adalah HP Motorala Miles stone yang harganya memang selangit.
    Bagaimana menurut pendapat sobat? ada yang bisa menambahkan perihal informasi ini?

    How to Find the Right Used Stationary Bike For You

    If you haven't a gym membership, invested in a used stationary bikes. You've made the decision to buy a used stationary bikes for your home, which is a good decision by the way. So what should you be looking for when choosing your stationary bikes?

    Probably the first issue will be budget. You obviously may be limited in that way. You can still get a good bike on a lower end of the price point. The other issue is that you do not want to spend a great deal of money if you are not sure that you are going to stick with it. If you've never used stationary bikes before on a regular basis you may not use it as often as you think. So you may not want to spend thousands of dollars on your first stationary bike.

    The second issue is space in your home. If you are limited with square footage a manual bike may be your best option as it can be quite a bit smaller. The down side is that it may not offer the bells and whistles of an electronic machine. It may still be a good stationary bike but without the different options. If, however, you do have room then you could easily accommodate an electronic bike.

    The third issue is upright versus recumbent. With the upright bikes you sit straight up in the seats and the name implies. You can stand up on these bikes for those big hills and sprints and when your bum needs a little rest. The down side of the upright bikes, they are not very comfortable for long periods of time. The recumbent on the other hand is very comfortable. It is a reclining stationary bike so all your weight is leaning back. Your legs actually have to work harder in this position. You obviously can't stand. There is no pressure on your bottom or back which can be great for many older individuals and some females. The down side is that these stationary bikes can take up more room.

    Well there certainly is a lot to think about. But you can't go wrong with choosing a quality Used Stationary Bikes. It's a great workout for everyone.

    Sunday, June 20, 2010

    Facial Exercises Series - Video 24 of 30

    Video 24 in the series of face workouts by Jack Lalanne.

    Friday, June 18, 2010


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    Sport Supplement Effects

    Do you believe that a million Americans expend 40 billion bucks on Sport supplements, vitamins, herbs and alternative remedies? Sport supplements are widely consumed to increase muscle mass , reduce recovery rate, and make exercises more good. Even so, there are a lot of misconceptions on Sport supplements. Here are a few common myths and supplements facts.muscle building are categorised into weight gain supplements, fat burners and creatine supplements. Creatine supplements give us a specialized protein known as creatine that the body, which help to the production of phosphocreatine in muscle cells. Raised production of phosphocreatine in muscle cells, in turn, strengthens the ability to extend the operation of high intensity.

    A Sport Supplement guide usually lets you know the advantageous and bad effects every product may have on your body, is typically known that protein is essential to anybody who’s a serious bodybuilder. Protein is required for muscle building and repair it; this is necessary for the serious bodybuilder. You can consume more protein in your diet in many ways. The most common ways to supplement protein is with whey protein. You are able to add them to shakes or other food and drinks. Your body will absorb them rapidly. Proteins can also be obtained from egg whites, the milk protein casein, or soy protein. Although more if not most people are used to getting their protein from meat, meat isn’t a good protein source because it’s so high in fat.

    Make study on the different ingredients used in a particular supplement to know the nature and usefulness of that supplement in raising the muscle mass or to avoid reduction of the muscle mass of a bodybuilder. Buy only the supplement that use legal and permitted ingredients. Only such supplement can be called as powerful Sport supplements that can obtain positive results in sport. Important things that need to be noticed here, however, is that no dietary supplement, sport related or not, can ever replace a conventional diet. Consult to a physician before using sports supplements, that’s the best.

    Thursday, June 17, 2010

    Do you take care of your body?

    Everyone wants to look beautiful and young. But, have you thought that how other people perceive your skin? I am not talking about your face or your looks. I am talking about the quality of skin. Everyone takes a lot of pains to keep their face skin young and youthful. But, what about the skin on your body like your neck, arms, legs or tummy. Do you take the same care of your body as your face. If you have noticed yourself closely in the mirror, you will find that your face looks younger than your body and gives your age away or makes you look much more older than what your age actually is. The thing I want to convey is that anti-aging skin care is not just for your face but also for your body. 

    Your arms or your neck give your age easily away as they are more neglected during skin care and do a lot of our daily work too. So, the skin on these areas get thin and flabby. Have you ever thought of taking care of your these parts of the body? Have you ever bothered to get rid of the extra fat and flabbiness on your thighs or midsection because it makes you look many years older probably add a ten at least. If you take care of your body as well as you take care of your face, you would look younger and natural. And, then you can take easily 10 years away from your actual age and stay that way forever. So, next time you think of a facial, give your whole body a facial and do not forget to get an hour exercise everyday or ever alternate day. That will keep your body in check. 

    A great tip to keep your body young forever: Give yourself massage at least every week with natural oils like coconut, almond or olive oil.

    Wednesday, June 16, 2010

    Acne: Home Remedies

    Yesterday, I talked about how to take care of your skin and keep hygiene for preventing more acne outbreaks. Today, I would like to talk about some effective home remedies for acne. Hope these will be helpful for you. 
    • Lemon juice is one of the best bets. It kills the bacteria in the acne and also reduces the oil production on the skin. In fact, all the citrus fruit family is great for acne. Oranges, strawberries, raspberries; take a slice of them every time you eat a fruit and rub it over your face and other affected parts of the body and keep it on till it dries off. Wash with very cold water so that it gives some relief from any burning or tingling sensation. 
    • When I talked about lemon, tomato is the next follow up. Tomato juice is also equally effective for acne.
    • Remember one thing: Whenever you feel a tingling sensation after you apply any herbal or other product, it is a proof that it is working. If it starts irritating the skin or causes change in skin color, then it is probably time to get rid of the product or remedy.
    • Onion Juice and Ginger Juice is another great remedy for acne. Extract onion juice or ginger juice or cut a slice of onion or ginger and apply it on the affected parts. Wash off with cool water. You can even mix both of them.
    • To reduce any burning sensation or inflammation, use cooled tea bags and chilled cucumber slices. They provide a lot of relaxation. You can also apply sandalwood paste. It cools the skin and is an antiseptic. Mint juice is also very useful in dealing with the acne.
    • Mix 3/4th part of sandalwood and 1/4th part of turmeric. Make a paste with any fruit juice or mint juice and apply to the affected parts.
    • How could I forget aloevera gel. Plant an aloe at home and reap its benefits. The gel straight from the plant is great for acne.
    • Do not forget to use pomegranates. They too give you a lovely acne free skin.
    The basic lesson is that use anything which will keep your face clean and reduce the oil production on the skin. You can also use something which will provide a cooling sensation or relief to the acne.

    La Nausée dans le Métro

    Nausea makes me feel gentle, compassionate toward everyone sitting with me. Slows me down. Makes it so I can't read on the L. I have to look. I feel sorry for people. The man with the bump in his nose with his head down. Somber. I feel open to others: the two boys with freckles and tan hair and baggy tan shorts in the two seats that hug the wall, their mother catty-cornered. The older one's (maybe 10?) eyes open, alert, waiting and watching for Grand. Finally, they're there and leave for the excitement that awaits them there.

    Nausea can be subtle. You pay attention to yourself. Is it gone? Where is it? What was the matter again? What did I feel? It comes back when you're unaware. There it is again. Pressing against the soft palate, the nape. Back again, inside the head, between the nape and the palate. Alighting as softly as a moth. Now somewhere down the throat.

    I had La Nausée Monday night (threw up--not so subtle) and the next day. Tuesday morning I went to the drugstore to pick up Effexor, which had been waiting there for me for a few days. I'd kept meaning to pick it up. Monday night I was going to, but then there was the chance to see Metropolis at the Music Box, in all its restored silent-movie science-fiction proto-Nazi benevolent-dictator-propagandistic Deco-Expressionist-melodramatic glory.

    It ended at 11, after the pharmacy closed. At the CVS Tuesday morning, N, one of the few techs who has stayed there for years, was speaking casually in Spanish to a couple. When they left she got my Effexor and I said I had una pregunta por la farmacia--, happy that I remembered the word for question, since it's a cognate in French, which is usually the primary second-language that pops into my head. N corrected me: La farmacéutica, and I kept repeating it after her to capture all the syllables. I told la farmacéutica (in English) that I had felt nauseated, and that I'd run out of Effexor for a couple of days, and I was thinking the two were connected. Yes, she said, that's a symptom. Withdrawal.

    I took the two big red capsules of Effexor with the water I'd brought (or brung, as we used to say in my Texas childhood) with me, and wanted to feel better immediately. I didn't. It took about 12 more hours to be entirely free of the nausea.

    The stupidest illnesses are those that we can control. Nausea caused by sloth.

    {Breugel the Elder, The Seven Deadly Sins]

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010

    Acne: How to take care of your skin

    Acne is one of the most afflicting skin disorders. Getting rid of acne is not very difficult if a strict routine is followed. The only thing to be kept in mind is to be strict with yourself whether in diet or skin care routine.

    First things first. Never exfoliate your face. That just worsens the problem. You want to slough off the dead skin. Use milk. Apply raw milk on face with cotton very gently and wait for it to dry. Wash off with cold water (as cold as you can bear). It gives a relaxing effect to your skin.

    Do not ever touch your face and do not let your hair fall on your face. The dirt and oil form the fingers and hair does cause bad outbreaks. You might also want to make a change in your hair products if you have outbreaks near forehead or chin. This might happen if your skin is giving allergic reactions to the ingredients of the products.

    Use a separate hand towel or wash cloth for your face. Do not use your body towel to clean the face. Use a very very gentle cleanser. Best if you can get a dermatologist recommended cleanser which is more gentle as compared to over-the counter products. A cleanser with bacteria fighting abilities would be preferred. Be very gentle while cleansing your face. Any rough movement can cause an outbreak. Wash in circular motions.

    Lets talk about your skin care products. First thing is a very light moisturizer. Preferred if it has spf properties also so that you do not have to cake your face in lot of product layers which will lead to closed pores. Makeup products should be water based and best if in a powder form or if you can avoid them totally, that would be the best. At night, try to keep your skin completely naked instead of slathering any anti-aging cream. That would allow your skin to breathe.

    Change your pillow covers every day. The dirt and oil is soaked up easily by the pillow covers and if you use the same ones night after night even for a week, they would cause some outbreaks. Hygiene is a very big part of your skin care regime. Change the face towel also daily and wash in an antiseptic like dettol or savlon. That would keep it bacteria free and dry them in direct sun light. That would prevent any humid bacteria build up.

    Now, lets talk about your diet. Cut on junk, oily and spicy food. That just increases the outbreaks from the inside. Decrease the amount of sugar and salt too. Also cut down on alcohol, coffee, carbonated beverages and smoking. They all contribute to your aggravated acne condition. No energy bars or energy or fruit drinks too. They are just full of sugar and nothing else. Reduce the chocolates too even if it is the dark chocolate you prefer.

    Drink lots and lots of water and eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Drink lots of fresh fruit juices made at home. Keep your body light and exercise for a hour or two daily or thrice in a week. Drink fresh lemon juice every day in the morning. Follow all the tips I talked about today and you should see some improvement in a week or two.

    How to Choose the Perfect Health Insurance Plan

    If your place of work does not offer health insurance then you must forge into the massive world of available coverage. Research and knowledge will help you decide on the perfect health insurance plan.

    For starters, what type of plan are you looking for? Do you want an individual, family or business plan? Once the type of Health Insurance Plans is decided upon you will need to examine what you want in a plan. Read the fine print before
    signing on for a health insurance plan and you will circumvent any potential misunderstandings.

    Most insurance plans do not include eye or dental coverage and a few visits to the dentist can add up quickly! If you do need wither eye or dental insurance and your health insurance plan doesn't cover it, purchasing these other overages separately is always an option. Another factor when choosing a health insurance plan is the amount of premium required.

    If you are planning on needing health insurance for a short time or if you're taking a trip you may want to consider temporary insurance. Actually, temporary insurance can be for up to one year. If visiting a foreign country, a temporary
    health insurance plan could save you thousands if you are involved in an accident. No one wants to be stuck far away from home because they are refused to leave until all their bills are paid.

    When it comes down to it, a health insurance plan is a must. Whether you sign up for a family, business, individual or temporary insurance you will find a plan that will fit your needs. Even if you run into difficulties finding a
    company that will accept you, keep at it, it's worth it!

    A proper health insurance plan will give you peace of mind knowing that you and your family are protected. There are many plans to choose from, but by keeping your needs in mind you will find the perfect plan that covers all that you want and within the price range that you can afford.

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