Friday, April 30, 2010


Uji coba Pesawat Hipersonik Milik Militer AS mengalami kegagalan. Militer Amerika Serikat (AS) kehilangan kontak dengan sebuah kendaraan hipersonik eksperimental di Samudera Pasifik.

Menurut Turner Brinton dari Space News, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) kehilangan kontak dengan kendaraan Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV)-2 sembilan menit setelah diluncurkan.
HTV-2 merupakan pesawat pertama dari serangkaian eksperimen penerbangan. Rencananya, teknologi yang bisa dikerahkan untuk rudal-rudal konvensional jarak jauh di masa depan.

“Kendaraan tersebut diluncurkan dari Pangkalan Angkatan Udara Vandenberg di California, dengan sebuah roket Minotaur 4,” kata Brinton, seperti dikutip dari laman TG Daily, Selasa 27 April 2010.

Dibangun oleh Lockheed Martin Corp., pesawat HTV-2 meluncur di atas Samudera Pasifik dengan kecepatan 20 ribu kilometer per jam selama 30 menit. “Namun, sembilan menit setelah meluncur, DARPA kehilangan kontak dengan pesawat, dan penyebab kegagalan itu belum diketahui,” ujarnya.

Namun, Frank James dari NPR mencatat bahwa dalam masa-masa awal percobaan teknologi pertahanan, proyek militer teknologi tinggi biasanya ditandai dengan sejumlah kegagalan.

“Program angkasa luar AS pada akhir 1950-an juga terdapat kegagalan, jadi tidak heran, tes yang dilakukan militer pekan lalu untuk menguji Falcon dan menguji konsep pesawat hipersonik yang bisa melanglang buana dengan kecepatan hingga 20 kali lebih cepat dibanding kecepatan suara, juga mengalami kegagalan,” ucap James.

“Ide dari teknologi ini adalah menciptakan sebuah pesawat yang bisa mencapai lokasi-lokasi di Bumi dalam hitungan menit,” kata James (vivanews).


Pada awalnya blog ini memakai trik menghilangkan Navigasi Bar karena tidak ingin terganggu penampilannya. Setelah beberapa lama ada kekhawatiran apakah hal ini tidak akan menjadi masalah di kemudian hari. Setelah beberapa kali blogwalking, mendapat informasi bahwa menghilangkan Navbar ternyata melanggar TOS Blogger dan bisa mengakibatkan account blog ini dihapus. Setelah dipertimbangkan, akhirnya diputuskan untuk tetap memakai Navbar tetapi dengan trik Auto hide Navigasi Bar Blogger.

Dengan memakai trik Auto hide Navigasi Bar ini saya harapkan tidak melanggar TOS Blogger. Selain itu dengan trik ini tampilan Navbar tetap tidak akan mengganggu main page karena akan muncul bila disorot saja.

Bagi anda yang tertarik dan ingin ingin memakai trik ini silahkan login ke account blogger anda, buka dashboard, Tata Letak, Edit HTML, jangan lupa download template untuk jaga-jaga.

Selanjutnya masukkan kode script dibawah ini :

#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}

simpan script tersebut diatas kode:  body { 

Setelah itu Simpan/Save template dan lihat hasilnya. cara ini banyak dipakai blogger lainnya karena dinilai lebih terjamin dari pelanggaran. Semoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Home Remedy for Pimples

Since I have warned you about the risks of using mustard oil on skin, we can  proceed with the beauty masks including mustard oil. Mustard Oil is supposedly very beneficial for pimples and good at treating the white patches on the skin. So, if you are one of the victims, you can give it a try.

- 1 table spoon mustard oil
- 2 table spoons yogurt
- 1/2 table spoon turmeric (pounded Katuri Manjal would be better instead of the cooking variety)

Method: Mix all the ingredients to form a consistent paste and apply it on the face paying special attention to the pimples and white patches. The white patches can be anywhere on the body so you can apply this mask anywhere. Leave it to dry (which might take a little longer) and remove it using gentle circular motions to remove the mask.
You can even massage the body with this mask as it is good for improving the skin tone. The mask is also good at lightening any kind of blemish or scars. 

Caution: Do a patch test before you use it. Apply a little of this mask on the skin of inner elbow and let it dry. Wash off as usual and wait for 24 hours. If your skin does not react to the mask, you can use this mask safely on your body.

My experience with the mask: So, when I read the mustard oil anti-pimple mask, I decided to give it a try though I do not have any pimples. I applied the mask minus the yogurt. And, frankly, I did not like the mask. My skin did not react to the oil but the mustard oil left a yellow tinge on my face and a very greasy film after washing off the mask which is not moisturizing but rather irritating. It did bring a glow to my face but I think I can do without this mask. So, my advise to you readers is if you want to give it a try, remember that I warned you and I want you to be the best judge of what is best for you.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Is Mustard Oil good for skin?

I have read about so many oils being good for the body but never heard from anyone about the usage of mustard oil on the body. But, when I 'googled' it, I found so many references for its usage on skin. Ok, lets talk first about its use on hair.

Mustard Oil is considered extremely good for hair growth. Using it regularly will keep your hair from going gray. Yes, if you want a proof, you can ask your grandmothers and ladies of the same age who have been using mustard oil since years and still have dark hair. Of course, it also depends on your diet. But, instead of dying, you can saturate your hair with mustard oil every night before you shampoo your hair and enjoy the benefits. Mustard Oil does not allow fungal growth making it useful for avoiding scalp infections. The oil is considered to be highly beneficial in treating dry and damaged hair. It is known to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. You can couple the mustard oil with castor or coconut oil to massage on your hair for beautiful shiny smooth hair. And, you may even infuse the mustard oil with various herbs as instructed in the Hair Oil recipe for Faster Hair Growth for better results.

Coming to skin care with mustard oil, its a very debated topic that whether it should be used on skin or not. Actually it depends on how the mustard oil has been produced or extracted. The cooking oil is produced by simply pressing the seeds and extracting the oil where as the essential oil is produced by mixing the seeds with water which produces a compound Allyl Isothiocyanate which irritates the skin. So, if you are planning to use mustard oil on your skin, go for the cooking oil which is available in the general stores. Make sure that you do a patch test before using the oil. If your skin is sensitive and hypoallergenic, its best not to use the oil.  You should stop using the oil immediately if you suffer from any skin reaction. Always prefer a cold pressed mustard cooking oil. Though mustard oil has been used for centuries for massaging purposes, I would advise you not to use this oil on children and babies or you can perform a patch test before you use it on them since their skin is much more sensitive than ours. One thing to consider is that if you feel warming sensations after applying the oil, it is not the skin reaction but the increase in blood circulation which is a good thing and surely not a reason to stop using mustard oil.
And, I surely invite your opinions on the usage of mustard oil on skin.


Dulu konsep teknologi dalam film klasik startrek banyak ditertawakan orang, tapi dewasa ini satu persatu konsep teknologi itu terbukti. Misalnya handphone, earphone, pistol laser dll. Bagaimana dengan komputer?, NEC Design Ltd sebuah lembaga di jepang menawarkan sebuah konsep komputer masa depan yang spektakuler. Konsep teknologi komputer berikut berpotensi untuk merubah wajah dari Personal Computer di masa mendatang. Inilah Konsep Komputer Masa Depan dari NEC.

Komputer Model Pena
Sulit rasanya untuk mempercayai bentuk dan model dari komputer masa depan ini, Sebuah unit komputer dari pena? percaya atau tidak, ini adalah beberapa gambar dari model komputer pena tersebut

Bila dilihat sekilas itu hanya sekedar pena dilengkapi kamera. Tentu saja tidak demikian. Pena ini jauh lebih canggih dari yang kita bayangkan. agar lebih jelas mari kita lihat fungsi sebenarnya dari pena ini.

inilah konsep hologram layar sentuh dari komputer masa depan, dengan pena ini kita bisa mengucapkan "selamat tinggal Laptop"

Komputer ini di sebut P-ISM sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh desainer NEC sebagai "Pen-style Personal Networking Gadget Package". Prototipe model ini diperkirakan senilai $30.000, dalam rupiah sekitar Rp.300 juta.

Menurut Website NEC Design, mereka menjelaskan konsep ini sebagai :
 "P-ISM adalah paket komputer pena yang mencakup 5 fungsi yaitu :
·         Ponsel bergaya pena dengan cara input data menggunakan tulisan tangan
·         virtual keyboard
·         proyektor kecil
·         Camera Scanned
·         Personal ID password yang berfungsi sebagai identitas pemilik

P-ISM terhubung satu sama lain dengan technology wireless yang berdekatan. model ini juga bisa tersambung dengan internet menggunakan fungsi telepon selular pada P-ISM ini.. Gadget personal ini bergaya pena minimalis yang mempunyai fitur yang Luar biasa Lengkap.

Mungkin awalnya kita berpikir bahwa model teknologi laptop "Keyboard dan layar" akan bertahan lama. namun tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa pena dan kertas adalah alat tulis dan simbol yang secara alami kita terima, hanya tinggal masalah waktu saja sampai seseorang menemukan produk Canggih terbaru yang berkedok sebagai "Pena Pintar" ataupun "Kertas Pintar".

terjemahan bebas dari NEC Design Web
bila artikel ini menurut anda menarik dan anda ingin dikirim setiap artikel terbaru secara otomatis, silahkan tulis email anda dibawah ini 
Silahkan masukan email anda disini:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Begitu kita memiliki website/blog, kita akan langsung berkenalan dengan SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) dianggap perlu untuk membangun eksistensi dan aktualisasi website. Jika anda mengalami kebingungan mengenai beberapa istilah SEO maka anda bisa memanfaatkan berbagai layanan dictionary SEO. Memahami istilah SEO dengan SEO dictionary berguna untuk menambah wawasan search engine.

Dictionary SEO berguna untuk melihat lebih detail arti penjelasan kata-kata tertentu berkaitan dengan SEO. Salahsatunya yang ingin saya ketengahkan adalah tool dari

Berikut metode penggunaan layanan SEO Dictionary : 
1. Buka
2. Muncul halaman yang mencantumkan istilah-istilah yang berkaitan dengan SEO

3. Untuk mengetahui arti kata tersebut, klik pada link yang disediakan.

Semoga dengan bertambahnya pemahaman terhadap istilah SEO maka proses optimalisasi SEO bagi website anda menjadi lebih terarah dan lebih menguntungkan. Karena semakin baik SEO maka semakin besar peluang traffic didapatkan website/blog anda.


Bagi rekan bloger pemula yang baru kali ini membuat blog (Bloger lama pasti udah tau), pasti ingin menambah link dengan cara bertukar link bukan? Dalam penawaran link exchange tersebut biasanya pemilik blog telah menyediakan script link blognya untuk kita copy. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin berbagi dengan rekan bloger pemula Cara membuat kotak Script tukar link.

Misalkan kotak script tukar link seperti yang saya miliki :

Hasilnya sebagai berikut :
Bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin mencoba membuat kotak script tukar link seperti diatas bisa copy paste kode script di bawah ini :

<textarea cols=""20″" rows=""3″"><a rel="dofollow" href="" title="news and blogging">Allien 99</a></textarea>

1. Copy paste kode script diatas lengkap dengan text area-nya
2. Ganti url berwarna merah dengan url anda
3. isi title (text berwarna hitam) dengan deskripsi singkat blog anda
4. Tulis nama blog anda (ganti text berwana ungu)
5. Nilai cols dan rows bisa anda sesuaikan dengan keinginan anda

Semoga tips sederhana ini bisa bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan bloger pemula. Selamat mencoba.. dan jangan sungkan untuk sekedar mengisi kotak komentar di bawah ini yach.. semoga bermanfaat :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Drink Water to Lose weight

Losing weight easily becomes a nightmare for everyone. We all try so desperately to be in shape and most of the time we are unsuccessful and the sole reason for this is because we are not trying it in the right way. And, things which we go wrong about are, generally, the most trivial and the most important habits of our daily life . I would be talking about one habit per week and you can change or inculcate the habit in your life and see the difference it makes in one week.

Today's Habit: Drinking adequate amount of Water

I know it sounds pretty simple and obvious. And, many will think they are already doing it quite right. But, there are many ifs and buts involved in this seemingly simple habit too. I would advise you all to first go through the post "Drinking Water for Skin and Hair Care". 

Water cleans up the toxins from our system and improves the fat metabolism. It helps the liver to fight the fats in our system and pushes it out through the kidneys. But, there is a loophole there.

Too much of water can wash away a lot of minerals and vitamins too from the body along with the fat. So, regulate the amount of water you drink according to your body weight, age and the physical activity you do in a day. A good estimate would be not to increase the regular water intake if you find your urine to be colorless. Another very good way to regulate water in body is to drink a liter of water in the morning as soon as you wake up and reduce your water intake after 7 PM in the evening.

Sometimes, drinking water leads to water retention in the body instead of passing it out of the system. The reason is due to the presence of huge amounts of salt and sugar in your body. So, reduce the intake of salt and sugar to reduce your weight. You can see the difference in a week. Tips to reduce salt and sugar intake:
  • Drink your tea and coffee with honey or without any sweetener to reduce the calories
  • Decrease the amount of salt you take everyday by a pinch and soon you will be used to less salt 
  • If you drink milk, do not add sugar to it
  • Reduce the desserts, sweets, chocolates and carbonated beverages you take


Laporan dari Orlando mengenai Gebrakan Blackberry di Wess 2010 patut kita simak. Pamor BlackBerry beberapa tahun belakangan ini terus meningkat dan penggunanya semakin banyak. Smartphone besutan Research in Motion (RIM) dari Kanada itu telah menjadi "ponsel sejuta umat" di Indonesia.

Tak berlebihan rasanya jika BlackBerry kita juluki "ponsel sejuta umat". Sebab, kalau kita cocokkan dengan data operator, pengguna akses jaringan end to end untuk layanan handset ini memang sudah lebih dari sejuta pelanggan.

Berdasarkan data yang detikINET rangkum dari para mitra RIM di Indonesia, XL Axiata menjadi  operator seluler terbesar yang melayani pengguna BlackBerry dengan kisaran 335 ribu  pelanggan.

Kemudian disusul oleh Telkomsel dengan jumlah 290 ribu, Indosat 290 ribu, Natrindo Telepon  Seluler (Axis) 45 ribu, Hutchison CP Telecom (Tri) 30 ribu, serta Smart Telecom yang coba  menembus 10 ribu pelanggan mengandalkan BlackBerry CDMA.

Berkat pertumbuhan pelanggan di Indonesia yang sempat menembus 500%, RIM secara global  berhasil menambah 4,9 juta pelanggan BlackBerry selama kuartal keempat tahun fiskal 2010. Dengan demikian sampai akhir kuartal itu, jumlah pelanggan BlackBerry di seluruh dunia  telah mencapai 41 juta.

Rasanya tak berlebihan pula jika Indonesia kemudian dilirik oleh RIM sebagai salah satu  pasar yang paling potensial di kawasan Asia selain AS-Eropa. Bisa kita lihat, Indonesia  kini menjadi negara kedua setelah Amerika dan Kanada yang dibidik jadi tempat peluncuran  setiap ponsel terbaru BlackBerry.

Terkait hal itu, baik RIM maupun XL mengakui bahwa lonjakan pesat pertumbuhan pelanggan BlackBerry di Indonesia, tak terlepas dari bantuan para mitra seperti media massa, distributor, pengembang aplikasi, serta kalangan komunitas.

Itu sebabnya, RIM dan XL kemudian memberi apresiasi dengan mengundang para mitranya, termasuk detikINET, untuk menghadiri ajang bergengsi bagi pengguna BlackBerry dalam acara  Wireless Enterprise Symposium/WES 2010 di Orlando, Florida, Amerika Serikat, 27-29 April ini.

Ajang WES merupakan ajang resmi tahunan yang digelar RIM untuk memberikan edukasi serta berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman teknis maupun non-teknis antara para pengguna BlackBerry di seluruh dunia. Tahun ini diperkirakan ada 2000 pengunjung yang datang.

Biasanya, dari ajang ini pula banyak bocoran informasi terbaru seputar dunia BlackBerry. Well, pembaca setia detikINET, mari kita nantikan saja laporan yang dikemas tim redaksi detikINET, langsung dari WES 2010 di Orlando.

The Memory Biz

Cancer Bitch is concerned with memory and its lack, and subscribes to Johns Hopkins' weekly health alerts about that and other subjects. Hopkins presented a Q and A (just one Q, one A) about memory workouts with Peter Rabins, M.D., M.P.H., Richman Family Professor for Alzheimer's and Related Disease'
Co-Director, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He says, basically, we don't know for sure what will save your brain, but do what you like to stimulate your brain--after all, it couldn't hoit.

I just saw a TV special about a local "memory gym" where people go to work on improving their memories. Are these memory businesses just a fad or is there some real science behind them?

Dr. Rabins replies: Both. Emerging research suggests that remaining active -- cognitively, physically, and socially -- might lessen the risk of developing dementia or at least delay its onset. Doing the definitive scientific study would be very difficult and prohibitively expensive, though, so a clear-cut answer might never be available.

However, I believe the evidence is strong enough that people who want to do what they can to lower their risk of memory loss should consider some type of regular cognitive stimulation. Unfortunately, we have no real information and almost no scientific evidence to provide guidance on specific activities to improve memory. That is, we cannot say whether sudoku is better than group political discussions or trips to interesting and stimulating places such as museums, historical sights or the movies. And -- even more challenging -- we have no idea whether the activities that would benefit one person might not be helpful to another.

Given this lack of information, I recommend (with no scientific evidence!), that people who want to stave off memory loss use common sense. For example, the likelihood seems low that a person who never liked crossword puzzles will do them regularly and over time, so I recommend that people think about what they like doing and try to come up with activities that fit their interests and skills.

For some, the structure, peer interaction, and competition (with one's self or others) of a memory gym, computer program, or regular bridge game would increase the likelihood that they would continue with the activity. For others, the more solitary and less scheduled nature of the crossword or sudoku puzzle would work better. However, to insist that a person do any of these "for their own good" when they do not want to seems inappropriate to me.

Yes, we don't want people to feel guilty for not doing the day's crossword puzzle. It would be too ironic, anyway; there are people who do the crossword as a guilty pleasure.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Facial Exercise: Anti-aging Skin Care

Just as our body muscles need exercise to stay in shape, our face muscles too need exercise to keep the skin from sagging. Sagging of the skin can be due to a number of factors ranging from aging, excess exposure to sun to gravity. Yes, gravity is a very big reason for sagging our body whether it is your face, your breasts or your belly fat. So, you need to exercise everyday at least for 15 minutes to counter the effects of gravity. You can couple the facial exercise with the facial massage everyday to get the maximum benefits. The exercises are very simple and you can perform them while sitting and watching television also.  They will take only 10 minutes of your time and take years off from your face. The results will show in as less as a month.


Banyak Tips diberikan mengenai meraih dan meningkatkan alexa rank. Mulai dari yang sekedar hoax sampai yang benar-benar sharing yang bermanfaat. Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi Kunci meningkatkan alexa rank sangatlah mudah. Blog ini terhitung masih sangat muda (3 bulan) tapi sudah mencapai di bawah 800.000 (data tanggal hari ini dari alexa toolbar). Disini saya akan berbagi kunci Meningkatkan alexa rank bagi sesama bloger. 

Sebelum saya memasang alexa rank, saya mempelajari apakah alexa, bagaimana cara kerjanya dan mempelajari pentingnya alexa sebagai tolok ukur suatu web/blog. Untuk detailnya anda bisa membaca artikel berikut :
Pada awal blog ini dibuat (pertengahan februari 2010), saya mendapatkan alexa rank - No Data. Untuk lebih detailnya anda bisa membaca pada artikel terkait berikut :
Selanjutnya berdasarkan sharing dan tips dari berbagai rekan bloger dan juga eksperimen pribadi akhirnya saya mulai memahami Kunci meningkatkan Alexa Rank. Detail artikel terakhir saya adalah sebagai berikut :
Setelah saya coba memahami maka pada artikel ini saya mencoba merumuskan Kunci meningkatkan Alexa Rank, sesuai apa yang di alami perjalanan blog ini.

Tahapan Meningkatkan Alexa Rank :
1.  Membuat tulisan/artikel tentang alexa (membuat link-nya juga)
2.  Usahakan blog anda terindeks dulu oleh mesin pencari Google
3.  Menginstall alexa toolbar pada browser anda (compatible with firefox)
4.  Menulis artikel rutin secara berkala (kalau bisa tiap hari)
5.  Maksimalkan SEO keyword agar artikel anda berada di page 1-5 google
6.  Rutin membuka blog anda via browser yang terinstall alexa toolbar
7.  Rutin login ke untuk evaluasi blog anda (minimal 1 minggu sekali)
8.  Untuk tahap awal rajin-rajinlah tukar link dengan blog diatas anda
9.  Usahakan sebanyak mungkin membuat link komentar di blog-blog top
10. Perbanyak traffic site anda dengan bergabung dengan web direktori
11. Lakukan ping dan Google webmaster tool secara berkala (1 minggu sekali)

Bila rekan-rekan melakukan langkah-langkah diatas Insya Allah Alexa rank anda akan cepat meningkat. Mulai dari Ranking puluhan juta, Biasanya selanjutnya turun 1-2 juta/hari. Setelah di ranking 3 juta, angka menurun mulai melambat 100 ribu/hari. Pada ranking 1-2 juta nilai alexa turun 10-50 ribu/hari. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi karena tingkat persaingan alexa semakin berat di level ini.

Kunci sebenarnya adalah semakin banyak traffic ke website anda maka semakin besar juga nilai alexa rank anda (makin kecil angka alexa berarti semakin tinggi rank anda). Jadi kesimpulan akhirnya perbanyak artikel anda (usahakan selalu terindex google) secara rutin.
Sepengetahuan saya, Tidak ada trik/software khusus yang bisa memperbanyak traffic, hanya kesabaran dan ketekunan andalah kuncinya.
Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan, mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dan semoga bermanfaat.

Note: artikel tentang SEO, google webmaster, ping, web direktori, bisa anda baca di kategori tips blogging

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Kunci pertumbuhan Mobile Internet dipengaruhi 3 hal, yaitu : Infrakstruktur, Tarif dan Harga Ponsel. Bagaimana pendapat Kendro Hendra salah satu CEO Mobile Internet? Mari kita simak ulasan berikut. Pertumbuhan mobile Internet di Indonesia kian pesat beberapa tahun terakhir. Menurut Kendro Hendra, chief executive officer (CEO) inTouch, ada tiga faktor kuat yang mempengaruhi pesatnya pertumbuhan mobile Internet di Tanah Air. 

Sekadar diketahui, inTouch merupakan salah satu pengembang aplikasi Mobinity, yakni aplikasi ODP (On Device Portal) yang khusus dibuat oleh pengembang teknologi, aplikasi, dan solusi mobile asal Indonesia. Tujuannya untuk menyediakan berbagai konten mobile.

"Ketiga faktor itu meliputi kesiapan infrastruktur layanan data oleh operator telekomunikasi, didukung dengan tarif Internet yang semakin kompetitif dan murah, serta harga handset yang terjangkau, mulai Rp 100 ribuan sampai Rp 1 jutaan," ujar Kendro saat diwawancarai VIVAnews di Jakarta, Sabtu 24 April 2010.

Kendro mengatakan, persaingan di dunia telekomunikasi selular, termasuk penyelenggara telekomunikasi maupun penyedia perangkat (produsen) ponsel, sedang sehat-sehatnya.

Beberapa tahun lalu, di sisi operator selular, tarif Internet masih mahal. Itu pun, kata Kendro, belum didukung dengan teknologi infrastruktur yang mumpuni, masih pas-pasan dan hanya di daerah tertentu, tidak seperti sekarang ini yang telah diramaikan dengan teknologi 3G, EVDO Rev A, dan WiMax dalam waktu dekat.

Yang menarik, menurut Kendro, justru di sisi perangkat ponsel. Trennya, orang-orang yang tadinya tidak mampu menjangkau ponsel, kini sudah mampu memilikinya.

"Tak menutup kemungkinan, 100 juta pengguna ponsel berikutnya adalah orang-orang yang benar-benar awam, yang mana sebelumnya tidak punya telepon, akses Internet, mp3 player, sampai TV. Semua pengalaman itu langsung dirasakannya melalui handphone yang dilengkapi Internet, mp3, dan TV," terang Kendro.

Hal ini, menurut Kendro, tidak lepas dari derasnya ponsel-ponsel China yang menyerbu pasar Indonesia. Dengan harga murah, kini masyarakat sudah bisa mendapatkan fitur-fitur sekelas ponsel bermerek besar (branded).

"Dulu, setahun yang lalu, ketika sopir saya punya uang Rp 1 juta, ia mencari hape Nokia second. Katanya, nggak apa-apa second, yang penting Nokia. Tapi, sekarang bagi dia, brand sudah tidak penting lagi. Dia beli hape Qwerty merek lokal," kisahnya.

"Ini fenomena baru. Seiring porsi ponsel-ponsel branded mulai tergerus di pasar, pengguna mobile Internet perlahan-lahan mencatat pertumbuhan yang signifikan," tukas Kendro.
from: vivanews

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jaggery - Health Benefits

Jaggery is a natural and viable alternative for Sugar. Sugar is manufactured by chemical processes where as jaggery is obtained from sugarcane juice. It is the safest and the purest form of sugar and the process of obtaining jaggery does not involve any chemicals. The manufacturing process of jaggery is very hygienic and requires no human intervention. It is full of proteins, mineral salts not present in refined sugar and vitamins and is extremely nutritious and delicious. In fact, it has all the nutritional values present in a sugarcane. It is used in many Indian dishes in place of sugar. Let us take a look at few of its many health benefits:
  • diabetic people are often advised to replace sugar with jaggery
  • purifies the blood
  • extremely beneficial for anemic people as it is rich in iron
  • helps maintain blood pressure levels due to low amounts of sodium
  • reduces water retention in the body so controls weight of the body
  • is rich in anti-oxidants so helps in fighting the free radicals in the body
  • strengthens the nervous system
  • helps control indigestion and constipation problems
  • extremely beneficial for throat and lung infections
  • helps in preventing breathing problems and asthma
  • helps fight pollution by allowing people to breathe easily in higher levels of pollution and smoke
  • is rich in magnesium so helpful in relieving fatigue and relaxes muscles and nerves 
  • prevents rheumatism
So, looking at the subset of the health benefits, I would certainly recommend daily consumption of jaggery in the morning breakfast and afternoon lunch.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Dalam berkomentar di web/blog orang tentunya ada etikanya. Misalnya mencantumkan nama, url blog ataupun by email. Anonim dianggap kurang memiliki nilai etika karena tidak memiliki nilai tanggung jawab selaku komentator. Bagi pemilik blog tentunya ingin menghargai tamunya. Salah satunya adalah dengan Link Love atau U Comment I Follow. Apa keuntungan bagi pemilik dan komentator dengan Link Love ini? Silahkan baca lanjutan dari Setting 'U Comment I Follow' - Link Love di bawah ini.

Allien 99 ini telah di set U Comment I Follow, artinya setiap pengunjung yang memberikan komentar di salah satu artikel yang terposting disini akan mendapatkan Link Love dan akan ikut di index oleh mesin pencari (search engine).

Catatan : biasanya kebanyakan template blogspot atau wordpress telah di set "NOFOLLOW", hal ini untuk menghindari komentar spam (spam dihapus manual saja, karena itu hak owner).

Bila anda ingin menset blog (blogspot) anda menjadi blog link love caranya mudah, coba ikuti tutorial di bawah ini.
Cara Setting 'UComment I Follow' - Link Love 
1. Login ke account blogspot anda - dashboard.
2. Klik Layout - Edit HTML - Expand Widget Templates
3. Carilah script dibawah ini 

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'>

Kalau sudah ketemu, ganti kode diatas dengan kode di bawah ini

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'>

4. Bila telah selesai, simpan template klik SAVE, done!

Bagi pengguna Google Chrome search dengan 'cari di laman' Ctrl+F dan begitu pula bagi pengguna Firefox gunakan tombol CTRL+F, copy tulisan biru diatas dan paste ke dalam kolom Find: klik Next

translate from original article :

Hair Types and their Hair Care Routine

Our hair has generally been categorized only in three types: Dry, Normal and Oily. But, have you ever thought that the hair can also be like skin. As skin has many types like dry, sensitive, normal, oily, combination; similarly, our hair can also be categorized in various types:
  • Normal Hair
  • Damaged (or Sensitive) Hair
  • Dry Hair
  • Oily Hair
  • Combination Hair
    • Dry Scalp with Oily body
    • Oily scalp with dry body
Please remember that I am talking about the condition of hair not the texture of hair. And, the way we care for our hair should be customized depending on the hair condition.

Normal Hair does not require any special care. Normal routine of shampooing and conditioning will keep it in place.

Dry Hair needs a lot of conditioning and deep conditioning treatments. Avoid going into sun too much and do not let your hair get subjected to heat.Always keep your hair moisturized using a leave-in conditioner or aloevera gel. And, of course, do not forget the hot oil treatments for your hair weekly once or twice.

Oily hair does not need oil. It needs something which can soak oil from the hair and neutralize the oil production. For this, you can two things: one is using lemon on your scalp and another is using milk (without cream) or buttermilk on your scalp. Apply fresh lemon juice on your scalp before you shampoo your hair every time. You can also use tomato instead of lemon juice. It also has the same effect. You can also experiment with strawberry hair mask. And, you can use your clay masks as a hair mask also. After all, clay will absorb oil no matter where it is applied. Right!!

Combination Hair really needs a combination of oily and dry hair treatments but not so much in intensity.
- For dry scalp, you can massage a few drops of oil (coconut or olive) every time before you shampoo your hair. And, leave the hair body as it is. If your scalp is dry to the extent of being scaly and itchy, only then use hot oil treatment but use it just for the scalp. And, once in two weeks you can also go for deep conditioning treatments but make it only for the scalp (only if your scalp is scaly and itchy or if you feel a tightness in your scalp).
- For oily scalp, follow up the lemon juice or tomato treatment on the scalp and leave the body as it is. Follow up with a leave-in conditioner. You can also use your favorite conditioner to condition your hair. But, in no case, use hot oil treatments or deep conditioning treatments on your hair.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Strawberry Hair Mask for Oily Hair

Well, care for oily hair is the exact opposite of care for dry hair. So, we need kind of ingredients which can soak up the oil and balance the sebum production in the scalp. For one, I have written about using Clay masks as hair masks. They work wonderfully. The home remedy I want to share today will not only control the oil in your hair but also make your hair glossy and shiny. 

- 5 Strawberries

You can blend the strawberries in the blender till they become of watery consistency. Take a little of the pulp and start applying it on the scalp and massage gently. Cover the complete scalp portion by portion. Then, take your hair section by section and dip it into the blended strawberry pulp and cover the hair body thoroughly. Let it stay on your hair for 30 minutes to 1 hour or till it dries off (it will take a long time to dry). Do not go in the sun. The liquid will drip a lot because of the watery consistency. To avoid this problem, you can gently blot your hair once you finish applying the strawberry mask to your hair. That will remove the excess of liquid. You can use this liquid as a hair rinse. After the stipulated time, you can just wash your hair with cold water. The acids in the fruit will clean your hair. The mask will not stink in your hair. 

- You may mix the strawberry's with honey for dry hair.
- You can also include lemon juice with the strawberries. That will take care of the dandruff also. 


Bagi anda yang menginginkan Blogroll bergerak keatas dapat dilakukan dengan Trik Marque. biasanya trik ini digunakan untuk jumlah link cukup banyak dan juga menimbulkan efek bergerak. Manfaat lain dari Trik Marque ini adalah untuk menghemat tempat di halaman web anda. Bagi anda yang tertarik silahkan ikuti tutorial berikut ini.

Cara membuat trik marque ini cukup mudah, Letakan script di bawah ini pada bagian yang ingin digunakan untuk meletakkkan blogroll tersebut (kalau di blogspot letakkan di page element “HTML/Javascript”), Umumnya di simpan di sidebar. inilah kode script marque :

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onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" direction="up"
width="200" height="250" scrollamount="2" align="center"></p>
<p>zzzz<br />zzzz<br />zzzz</p>
<p></marque><br /> 

Keterangan :
1. Sesuaikan nilai width dan height dengan tempat yang akan dialokasikan
2. Setting tulisan up untuk bergerak keatas, down bergerak ke bawah
3. ganti zzzz dengan daftar script link blogroll

Selain digunakan untuk blogroll bergerak trik marque ini bisa anda gunakan untuk kepentingan lain. Misalnya untuk Top artikel berjalan, iklan/advertisemen dll. Semoga bermanfaat.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are you positive it's negative?

I've always thought that the challenge of the pathology report was understanding it. I'm talking about my challenge as a patient. Now the front page of the New York Times tells us that the tests are shaky that determine whether a tumor is HER2 negative or positive, meaning whether it has extra copies of a protein called HER2. If it's positive, the tumor should respond to Herceptin. The problem is that tests are not uniform. The patient profiled in the times is a doctor, and her tumor was tested four different times with four different HER2 tests. The first test was positive, the second negative, the third positive, the fourth negative.

My tumor was fed by estrogen--or was it? Tests for estrogen sensitivity are wrong 10 percent of the time. I will have to think about this and figure out if there's anything I can or should do about this. Get the tumor tested again? I did send it to a pathologist at Vanderbilt who came to the same conclusions that the doctor at Fancy Hospital did: that the whole breast needed to be removed. But I don't think he re-tested the tumor.

Just because a tumor hasn't been inside you for three years doesn't mean it can't still cause trouble.

[The photo above is of a low grade fibromatosis-like metaplastic breast carcinoma chosen only for the color of the dye.]


Bagi anda yang suka utak atik template blog tentunya mengenal script HTML. Di[perlukan edit HTML dengan berbagai script dengan tujuan merubah  tampilan halaman web/blog anda. Salah satu elemen HTML yang sering dipergunakan adalah elemen warna. Tapi masalahnya diperlukan kode warna untuk disisipkan dalam script HTML. Di sini saya akan memberikan Info kode warna untuk setting template blog. Bagi anda yang memerlukan  kode warna tersebut klik read more di bawah ini.. :)

Info ini saya dapatkan dari rekan saya optimasi blog alias OB.
Coba perhatikan tampilan  kode warna di bawah ini :
  sample picture

Penggunaannya cukup mudah, anda tinggal sorot warna yang diinginkan dengan mouse, maka kode warna akan muncul di kotak kode warna yang terpilih.
Anda mau coba silahkan kunjungi link berikut ini - kode warna -
semoga tips ini bisa membantu. Selamat beraktifitas.. :)

Are you shampooing your hair the right way?

Our hair is our pride and it needs an extremely tender care. Cleaning is the first step for it. We all think we are shampooing our hair in the right way but are we? How to know how to shampoo the hair in the right manner? Well, let us look through a few key points which should never be missed or ignored under any circumstances:
  • Comb your hair before you shampoo your hair. Tangles in the hair do not let the shampoo work properly and evenly on your hair.
  • Do not shampoo your hair more than twice a week for dry hair and more than thrice a week for oily hair in whatever conditions. This habit leads to dryness in hair which might pose severe problems. You can avoid washing your hair even 2 or 3 times a week if you know that it has not gathered any dust. You may even choose to cowash your hair instead of shampoo.
  • Use a very mild shampoo, a herbal one if possible. Choose your shampoo wisely or you may use the age old ways to clean your hair. Much of the chemicals do not do any good to your hair.
  • While pouring out the shampoo, make sure you are using a right amount. Too less will not clean your hair properly and too much will dry your hair. 
  • Always dilute your shampoo no matter what is says or which brand is it. This rule even applies for herbal shampoos. Pour a small dollop of shampoo in a bowl and put a handful of water in the bowl and mix it well. This reduces the harshness of the chemicals in your shampoo.
  • Wet your hair well under a shower. Do not forget to wet it in layers. Partition your hair if it is long and stand under the shower till your are sure your hair is saturated with water. Wet hair is essential for the shampoo to lather though more lather does not mean the shampoo is good. It only means the shampoo is harsh. That is why it is important to dilute it in the first place. 
  • Do not flip your head over while washing your hair. You will create more tangles.
  • Once your hair is wet, take a little shampoo (which is in liquid condition) in hand and start applying on scalp. It will lather well. Cover all your scalp and start massaging it. Do not use your nails or palms. Just use your finger balls. Use the lather produced to wash the body of the hair. Do not worry about its adequacy. The hair will get cleaned with that amount of shampoo. 
  • Massage your scalp in only four directions: back and forth and sideways (left and right). Any other way would end up tangling your hair. And, do not pile up the hair on your head. Shampooing does not mean your let the hair get tangled. You are supposed to keep your hair untangled in whatever condition. 
  • If your hair is coming out while you are washing it, pull the strand out. Do not panic if more are coming. Just remove them and throw them. It is better to remove the strands which are dead otherwise they will hinder in the new hair growth.
  • Wash your hair properly and follow up with another round of shampoo. Always go for two rounds of shampoo - first one is to remove all the dirt and second one is to ensure squeaky clean hair. Only remember to use even lesser shampoo in the second round as the hair is really wet and will lather quite well with a very little shampoo. Keep it on your head for 2-3 minutes and wash off.
  • Once you finish shampooing your hair, take a strand in two fingers and run them through it. The strand should make a squeaking noise. If it does, you hair is clean and if it does not you can proceed with one more round of shampoo but always be careful about how much shampoo are you putting on your hair. You can perform this test even after first round of shampoo. Second round is generally recommended but if you shampoo your hair too frequently, you can forgo it.
  • You may apply conditioner on your hair. This will control your frizzes and dryness caused by the shampoo. Apply the conditioner gingerly as your hair is wet and in the weakest condition. Do not apply conditioner to the roots. You will end up clogging the hair follicles and effecting your hair health as a consequence. Apply it only to the body and pay special attention to the ends. Wait for 5-10 minutes and then, wash off. 
  • Remember to shampoo your hair with lukewarm water and condition your hair with cold water. Stand under cold water to end your shampooing routine. Make the water as cold as you can tolerate. Do not go to the extremes.You may even follow your hair wash with hibiscus shampoo or using baking soda. 
  • You can follow with a leave-in conditioner or better, use natural aloevera gel straight from the plant or apply glycerin while your hair is still damp.It will keep your hair moisturized.