Sunday, February 28, 2010

Passive Income Dengan Upload Ziddu

Pada saat kita membutuhkan File tertentu di internet kita pasti mencoba mendapatkan file tersebut dengan cara mendownloadnya bukan. Pertama-tama kita mencari Download gratis di Google Search, prioritas utama tentunya yang dicari adalah download gratis.
Salah satu web yang menawarkan download gratis adalah Manfaatkan Passive Income Dengan Upload Ziddu. selain bisa download ternyata bisa untuk upload file dari pengunjung. Layanan gratis website satu ini benar - benar unlimited upload, malahan setiap orang yang mendownload file yang sudah anda upload sebelumnya maka anda akan mendapatkan komisi sebesar $0.001 dan referral link Rp.0,1.
Memang kecil tapi jika anda memiliki layanan gratis yang memiliki visitor yang cukup besar, kemungkinan penghasilan akan besar juga. Pembayaran dilakukan jika mencapai komisi $10 , ada 2 pilihan pembayaran ,paypal dan Money Bookers.
Memang saya baru mendaftar beberapa hari ini, saya juga belum tahu  apakah mereka membayar komisi yang telah mereka janjikan atau tidak.
Tapi sebelum itu sebaiknya anda pikirkan peluang yang cukup baik ini jika anda upload dan banyak yang download file anda. Kita hitung - hitungan kasar saja,  dengan visitor 10000 setiap bulan dengan layanan gratis anda setiap bulan memberikan 10 produk gratis.
maka 10000 x 10 x 0.001 =  $100 / bulan (belum dari referral link)

Referenrensi Upload yang mungkin bisa anda berikan pada Ziddu :
* Software Freeware
* Ebook
* Script
* Artikel
* Games

Bagaimana?.. bagi anda yang aktif di Web/Blog tentunya hal ini bisa menjadi peluang bisnis kan?.. iseng-iseng tapi menghasilkan dollar. Hehe.. Selamat mencoba.

Get rid of those Large Pores

So, as February draws to an end and already two months of the new year over, I would like to conclude my February with a post on getting rid of the large pores on your face.First of all, I would like to tell you that the size of the pores on your face also depend on your genes. Some people have by birth large pores and it can become very difficult for them to get rid of the size of the pores. And, large pores also give us an older look and not so smooth skin. And, the pores size of worst visible on the bridge of our nose. Here, I would be sharing with you certain home remedies to minimize the size of the pores on your face. These home remedies I am going to discuss are also anti-aging and skin firming masks.
  • The first mask is egg white and honey. Blend egg white with honey in a thick consistency. And, apply on your face. Wait till it dries up and wash off. Follow with a good moisturizer.
  • The second home remedy is to apply tomato juice on the face. We have already read about how tomato juice is helpful for hair. Now, lets learn about its importance to the face. It brings a glow to your face and also helps in reducing the pores size. A regular use will help a lot and show results in about a month. 
  • Third is the usage of Clay Masks. We have already read about why the clay masks are so important. Now, it is time to use them to reduce the size of your pores and firm up your skin. They give toned look to your face.
So, gear up and go for a smooth and flawless skin. And, wish you and your family a very happy Holi.

Apakah Alexa Rank?

Alexa adalah sebuah web informasi yang memberikan ranking terhadap sebuah web semacam google page rank yang juga memberikan pengaruh terhadap sebuah website. Kemudian apa pengaruhnya terhadap sebuah website, kalau melihat sebuah website yang hanya menampilkan PR dari google akan tidak lengkap jika tidak menampilkan alexa website karena banyak sekali website di dalam maupun luar negeri yang mempertimbangkan website dengan alexa ranking sehingga cukup berpengaruh sekali ranking alexa tersebut apalagi jika sebuah website ingin mencari dollar dari dunia maya (adsense, dll). Kemudian apakah alexa rank?

Alexa rank merupakan sebuah tolok ukur dari web alexa terhadap suatu web yang ukurannya dilihat dari traffic tollbar alexa atau bisa dibilang pengunjung uniqe tollbar yang mengunjungi suatu web, loh emangnya alexa itu semacam tollbar ya kalau kita mengatakan sebuah tollbar memang semacam itu karena kalau kita mau mengecek sebuah page rank kita di alexa maka kita menggunakan tollbar yang dimiliki alexa sehingga kita mudah untuk mengetahu alexa rank kita. untuk saat ini ketika postingan ini dibuat ranking tertinggi sebuah web yang di cek di alexa adalah :
  1. Google sebuah web search engine raksasa di dunia
  2. Facebook situs jejaring sosial yang diminati semua orang dunia
  3. Youtube situs video yang untuk upload dan download video
  4. Yahoo situs search engine

Sekarang banyak blogger yang cukup mementingkan alexa rank selain PR yang dilakukan oleh google. Hal ini wajar jika memang kita serius untuk mencari penghasilan dari online alexa merupakan salah satu ukuran untuk menilai apakah Alexa Rank kita layak mendapatkan dollar  karena ada beberapa web yang membayar untuk review juga mempertimbangkan ranking alexa. Satu hal lagi walaupun PR kita di google bagus belum tentu ranking alexa kita yang besar. sudah saya berikan penjelasan diatas bahwa alexa mengukur ranking suatu web dengan pengunjung uniqe dari suatu web site dan karena itulah Alexa Ranking kita perlu kita perhatikan. Selamat ber-alexa ria!!..

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A nourishing and moisturizing mask

Well, after playing Holi, you should apply an extremely nourishing mask to avoid the drying of your skin with colors. So, what mask should you apply for that. Definitely, a honey mask would be a good option. But, we can surely improvise on it.

1 half of a very ripe Banana (mashed)
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon cold / chilled yogurt 
5 tablespoon milk cream
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon almond oil
1 teaspoon coconut oil
Method: Blend the egg yolk first into a smooth and frothy paste. Add banana and yogurt to blend again. Then, add honey and milk cream and blend for 5 minutes more. Finally, add the oils and runt he blender for a minute. Your nourishing face mask is ready. This mask also acts as a skin firming and anti-aging mask.
Apply it on your face in a thick layer and settle down. You can put cucumber slices or chilled tea bags on your eyes. Wait for 30 minutes. Remove the mask and wash your face with cold water. Your face would very soft. You can moisturize if you feel the need or apply 1 drop of olive or coconut oil. Preferably, apply this mask at the night and do not put any moisturizer on your face afterward. Your face will be soft in the morning.
For Oily Skin: You can exclude the oils, substitute the milk cream with milk and lemon or tomato juice and the egg yolk with egg white.


Sebagai blogger pemula,saya merasa senang mempunyai sebuah blog,dan sebisa mungkin sayamenghias blog tersebut.
Bahkan hampir semua widget saya pasang pada blog tersebut,mulai dari belajar memasang jam,kalender pada blog sampai widget-widget yang sebenarnya saya tidak tahu manfaatnya.
Sampai tidak saya sadari,blog cantik saya tersebut membutuhkan kurang lebih 1 menit baru bisa tampil sempurna.
Secara logika,jika anda mengunjungi suatu blog dimana blog tersebut mempunyai masalah saat loading,apa yang anda lakukan?
Yes,anda akan segera menutup blog tersebut,apalagi blog yang anda belum tahu jelas statusnya.
Pengunjung,disini menjadi peran utama,karena tanpa pengunjung,suatu blog komersil dibilang tak berarti.

Nah,cara membuat pengunjung akan berkunjung kembali,salah satunya adalah mudahnya akses blog saat tampil/loading,disamping kualitas isi blog tersebut.
Biasanya blog-blog yang sedikit mengalami masalah loading adalah blog bertema advertising,belajar seo,multimedia.
Lain menurut saya,pasti lain menurut anda,so bagaimana menurut anda? setuju?
Nah,jika anda setuju,untuk membius pengunjung agar selalu nyaman berkunjung,cobalah gunakan trik-trik berikut:

  1. Gunakan widget yang sekiranya anggap anda penting saja, Misal;Link/blogroll,Tag Cloud,Search,Label,Archive Blog,Stats..
  2. Secara logika,pada setiap komputer sudah menyediakan seperti,jam,kalender,Apakah sekiranya widget jam dan kalender pada blog anda diharapkan oleh pengunjung?
  3. Usahakan content/isi blog berupa text.
  4. Kurangi pemakaian gambar,baik *jpg maupun berformat *swf alias flash yang berlebihan meskipun ukurannya cenderung lebih kecil.
  5. Pakailah script kode yang mempunyai manfaat penting saja,Misal;Google Analystic,dll.
  6. Pengunjung,sebagian besar lebih suka blog yang rapi dan tidak awut-awutan.
    Cobalah,bertema sederhana dan simple tapi tetap menarik dan nyaman dipandang mata..

Cara-cara diatas saya sarankan hanya untuk blog yang bersifat sosialis dan informatif,tidak berlaku untuk blog pribadi maupun hobby.
Semoga bermanfaat ya dan semoga tambah temen barunya :D.
(sumber :

Pasang Google Search Widget di blog

Bagi anda yang ingin memasang google search widget di blog. Ada salah satu cara yang saya dapatkan dan ingin saya share sehingga anda dapat memiliki widget google search, silahkan baca artikel ini sampe tuntas. Untuk screenshootnya google search itu seperti ini :

Untuk memasang google search widget ini, caranya sama sepertipasang yahoo search widget. Anda login dulu di blogger, kemudian masuk ke halaman tata letak lalu tambahkan page element dan pilih yang html/javascript. Selanjutnya, silahkan copy paste kode dibawah dan ganti text yang berwarna biru sesuai dengan keterangan blog anda :
<form action="" method="get">

<input onfocus="'#fff';" maxlength="255" value=""
3px center no-repeat'" style="height:18px;border: solid 1px black; background:#fff
3px center no-repeat; position:relative;" size="25" name="q"/>

<input id="btn_undefined" style="position:absolute;padding-left:5px;"
value="Search" src=""

<div style="margin-top:5px;">

<li style="display:inline;padding-right:10px;margin-top:5px;">
<input checked="checked" value="" name="sitesearch" type="checkbox"/> Web</li>

<li style="display:inline;padding-right:10px;margin-top:5px;">
<input checked="checked" value="http://" name="sitesearch"
ype="checkbox"/> Blog Anda</li>Pasang


Setelah kode HTML diatas beres di copy paste, jangan lupa untuk mengganti text yang berwarna biru dengan alamat blog anda dan nama blog anda. Selamat mencoba dan memiliki google search widget di blog kesayangan anda.. ciee promosi..

Ada cara lain yang lebih praktis lagi sob buat pasang Google Search Widget di Blog (ini asli dari gue) .. buka dasboard – tata letaktambah gadget – pilih html/java script – pilih kotak penelusuran. Hehehe .. cetek amat cara ini yach ^_^
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Friday, February 26, 2010

How to protect your skin and hair during Holi

Yes, finally, Holi is just a few days away and all are gearing up for the celebrations and festive cheers. But, the season of Holi brings with it the added risk of chemically synthesized colors which are extremely harmful for our skin and hair. So, you must take certain precautions before staring off with playing with colors. Not only should you take care of your face and hair, but do not forget your arms and your nails. 

Before playing:
  • Wear a high factor water proof sunscreen on every part of your body which is exposed. Apply it in thick layers. You should ideally go for 2-3 layers applied at an interval of half or an hour each. This will protect you from prolonged sun exposure and do not forget that the colors might react with your skin and make it photo sensitive. Try to use a chemical sunscreen instead of a physical one as they are more effective and make sure sunscreen is the first thing you apply on your skin.
  • After applying sunscreen, apply a thick layer of any oil like almond, olive, coconut or sesame oil (preferably castor oil as it is thick in texture) as they make a film on your skin and protect direct contact from colors. Sesame Oil also provides an added sun protection as it is a natural sun blocker.
  • Do not forget to apply the sunscreen and oil to your arms and other parts of your body exposed. All the precautions apply to your feet as well. It will be beat if you are wearing socks. If not, apply oil and then, put a very thick coat of glycerin or honey to avoid slipping.
  • You should take care of your nails too. So, apply a thick coat of any nail paint in the morning. And, do not forget to oil your cuticles. They get the worse effects.
  • Oil your hair nicely concentrating on the roots and ends. And, after an hour, apply a thick coat of your hair conditioner to your hair. Prefer a leave-in instead of the regular after-shampoo hair conditioners.
  • Apply a moisturizing lip paint coating it with a lip gloss.
After playing:
  • First of all, wash all your skin with cold water. Do not use hot or lukewarm water. It takes more time to wash.
  • Brush your teeth. I know you would have done it in the morning, but, nothing wrong in doing it again.
  • Do not use a soap or cleanser to wash your skin. Use a homemade scrub mixed with milk and milk cream to wash your body.
  • Now, use a herbal shampoo to wash your hair. After washing your hair, use an intensive conditioner or a deep conditioning treatment or you can apply honey on your hair and wash off after 30 minutes. 
  • During your bath, clip your nails. The nail beds would have been ruined because of the color so make them grow nice and strong again. 
  • Do a hand soak and a foot soak to relax your hands and feet during your bath. 
  • Remove the lipstick and scrub your lips nicely.
And, now, you are back to being beautiful and gorgeous without ruining your skin and enjoying the festival of colors. Some precautions to be observed:
  • Do not let the color go into your eyes. If you wear contacts, I would advise you to wear specs as they give a barrier between your eyes and color. If any color enters your eyes, wash them with cold water repeatedly.
  • Do not let the color enter your mouth. Yes, it happened to me once. Someone attacked me from the back and it was liquid color. It went into my mouth. If it does, rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth then and there. 
  • I would suggest you all to go for herbal colors available in the market instead of the synthetic colors. 
Wish you all a very Happy Holi.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Be happy * it's Adar.

Adar is the Hebrew month that we're in now, and sundown Saturday is the beginning of the holiday of Purim, which is when we're supposed to get gifts, not during that puny little holiday in December. But we live in a Christian society.
Rabbi Susan Schnur has a fine series of articles in Lilith about the holiday and its misogyny and pagan origins. And more.

[Anne Gauldin as Waitress Goddess Diana, 1978; put it in context by reading the Lilith pieces.]

An amazing lip scrub

Yes, I wanted to share with you an amazing lip scrub which I tried while brushing my teeth. I have already talked about home remedies for teeth whitening. Now, I want to tell you that you can use Baking Soda or the toothpaste (3 spoons of Baking Soda and 1 spoon salt) for scrubbing your lips. Use a spare brush to scrub your lips. And, your lips would become natural pink with regular usage. But, be careful with the frequency of scrub. Be very gentle while scrubbing your lips or you might harm them. And, do not use the scrub more than 4-5 times a week and not more than once in a day. 
And, after scrubbing your lips, moisturize them with this homemade lip balm.

Generic Host For Win32 error

Pengalaman ini saya dapat beberapa bulan lalu, komputer kesayangan saya koneksi internetnya sering terputus dan selalu muncul pesan “Generic Host For Win32 error” bila di-close maka browser PC tertutup. Begitu beberapa kali sampai koneksi internet ga bisa reconnect lagi dan harus restart.

Solusi sementara saya ketika message box tsb muncul tidak saya klik tapi dipinggirkan, untuk sesaat berhasil tapi message box itu terus muncul memenuhi layar dan koneksi tetap terputus. Investigasi system saya lakukan baik dengan beberapa program utility dan berbagai anti virus.Hasilnya tetap nihil dan masih juga tetap keluar error svchost.exe. Saya pikir ini sih spywate tersembunyi.

Ada 3 solusi untuk mengatasinya Generic Host For Win32 error/ error svchost.exe :

1. Install ulang windows XP SP2 anda, tapi ini hanya bersifat sementara, dikemudian hari masalah ini bisa muncul kembali.

2. Edit Manual system, buka registry editor,
start – run – ketik regedit – ok HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters pada kolom kanan cari TransportBindName dan klik
Setelah itu kosongkan parameter pada Value data dan klik OK
cari EnableDCOM, kolom kanan, klik. parameter Value default Y, ganti N lalu klik OK.
Tutup registri editor dan restart

3. Install ulang Windows XP anda dengan Windows XP SP3. dengan cara ini dijamin anda akan terbebas dari masalah Generic Host For Win32 error .. forever.

Saran saya solusi ketigalah yang paling tokcer (pengalaman..hehe), solusi 1 hanya bersifat sementara, solusi 2 mengakibatkan beberapa port terganggu karena parameternya kita tutup. Bila ada pertanyaan/tanggapan silahkan isi kolom komentar dibawah ini.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Use Orange peel to bring a glow on your skin

Today, I would be sharing with you a simple scrubbing method for your face without getting into the trouble of elaborate recipe making techniques. Yes, just as I talked about Banana peel last time, this time I am going to talk about how to use orange peel.

Eat your orange. Now, rub the peel directly on your face or anywhere else. Make sure you dig into the skin of the orange peel with your nails to extract its juice and apply it to your face. Keep on rubbing till the skin color of the peel changes into black. Do not wash your face immediately. Wait for 15-30 minutes. Then, wash off your face with cold water. Do not use any cleanser or soap after this application. Your skin will glow and be squeaky clean. And, this also ensures reduction in blemishes and dark spots. But, remember to do this at night as the citric acid makes the skin photosensitive and dry.
A tip: Dip the orange peels in raw milk for 1 hour before scrubbing. This would balance the drying effect of the orange peel with the moisturizing effect of milk. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gimme That Ol' Gift O' Cancer

And Annie and I fell in love all over again. We refer to the gift of cancer, because despite the hell she went through, it delivered us heaven on earth. It gave us gratitude for every blessed second we have together
--Mark McKinnon, media strategist and name-dropper, on his wife's cancer in the Daily Beast

Ruth Pennebaker
alerted me to this saccharine-filled bromide-fest.

Mark McKinnon, who should be asking for public forgiveness for helping George W. Bush and John McCain meet strategic challenges, is instead lauding the wonderful attitude of his perfect wife. She was diagnosed with an unnamed cancer that kills 85 percent of those who get it. She decided she was going to be in the 15 percent. And she was. And despite radical radiation, aggressive chemo, and surgery to take out basically all non-essential organs, Annie beat the terrible odds. She turned out to be Lance Armstrong in a skirt.

Apparently there are some people out there who are unaware of mortality. They need a jolt of lightning, in the form of cancer or other life-threatening disease (any will do), to wake them up to the notion that Life is Limited. We will die. Carpe diem. Or as the liquor store down the street and around the corner puts it: Carpe noctem.

McKinnon writes about always having been lucky. Apparently that luck came without a drop of empathy. His brother is paralyzed from an accident, his sister has endured 30 operations for severe arthritis, and he calls himself lucky. Oh well, he can move without pain. A more aware person might write about the sadness of being the only well sibling (a term used recently and well by Jessica Handler) and having to watch the suffering of people he loves.

Hey Mark, please talk to my young friend Jesse. Ask him about cancer being a gift. He could drop names, too: he hangs out with famous people like Oscar Mayer and Jack Brickhouse and Frances Willard.

And you can guess the punchline: in the cemetery.

[photo: entrance to Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago]

Gimme that ol' gift o' cancer
Gimme that ol' gift o' cancer
Gimme that ol' gift o' cancer
It's good enough for me.
It was good for Gracie Paley
It was good for Molly Ivins
It was good for Mimi Engelberg
It's good enough for me.

Learn the best habits for "THAT" perfect skin

Those of us, who do not quite possess the best of the hairs, skin and body among their friends and acquaintances, always envy "THAT" perfect skin, hair or body. They always wish for a miracle medicine which will grant them all three and make them beautiful. They are so desperate that they end up trying everything they read and, mark my words, ruining themselves even more. Yes, I am sure, many of us can identify with such situations. 
Ok, here is some preaching before I come on to the real motive of my post. Please accept yourself and the way you are. Your life would be much easier. Do not sit and crib for every pimple and acne you get. Trust me they multiply into more if you complain and they silently go away if you accept. Sometimes, these are just result of hormonal changes occurring in our bodies. So, do not worry, the phase would get over very soon. 
Now, I would like to present to you the 10 best habits to get the perfect skin. Inculcate them into your daily routine and you are on your way to a flawless skin.


Teknis menambah koneksi optimal modem Smart Haier C700 perlu dilakukan bila setting windows & software telah dilakukan. Faktor teknis ini adalah faktor eksternal koneksi, yaitu bagaimana pengaruh kabel USB handphone, kabel dan juga perangkat keras tambahan untuk menambah sinyal & kecepatan internet anda.

Beberapa tips ini bisa dilakukan karena dijamin kecepatan kbps modem Qualcomm anda akan bertambah & lebih stabil.

Cobalah beberapa tips dibawah ini :
• Coba letakan handphone Haier C700 anda diatas lembar aluminium, bisa aluminium foil atau lempeng aluminum.
• Saran saya coba simpan Handphone tutup panci aluminium, pengalaman saya sih otomatis sinyal dan kecepatan koneksi terus bertambah. nyentrik memang..tapi dijamin deh koneksi makin cepat.
• Kalo ingin lebih lagi coba colokkan kabel koneksi USB langsung ke port USB yang berada di bagian belakang CPU, jangan yang di depan. Tujuannya untuk mengurangi hambatan transfer koneksi.
• Kalo masih penasaran buat nambah kecepatan ada satu trik lagi, potong kabel USB anda untuk memperpendek jarak antara HP-kabel-port.

Tip dan trik ini setelah saya praktekan ternyata sangat membantu sekali karena koneksi modem lebih cepat dan lebih stabil. Masalah kecepatan ga pernah nyampe speed maximum (153 kbps)itu sih wajar kalo dibanding hasil sebelumnya. Setidaknya anda bisa browsing dengan nyaman dengan trik-trik diatas. SEmoga bermanfaat & jangan lupa komentar atau tanggapannya yach.. Selamat mencoba…

Monday, February 22, 2010

Alternative to applying egg on your hair

Today, I would be talking about the goodness of egg for our hair. Well, we have all grown up listening to the fact that egg is extremely rich in proteins and should be made a part of our daily diet. And, we also know that egg is extremely good for our hair too. Egg turns our hair into silk. It makes hair smooth, soft and shiny. Regular application of egg makes hair healthy. But, there is a big downside to applying egg and that is its SMELL. Yes, many people dislike the smell of egg and hence, do not prefer to apply it. There is an alternative to get rid of the smell and get the goodness of egg. An Egg Shampoo.

Method of Application: You can turn your regular shampoo into an egg shampoo by just adding an egg to it.  Take a little shampoo in a separate bowl and add a whole egg. Mix the mixture properly. And, while you apply the shampoo, wait for 10-15 minutes before washing off. 

Your bathroom would stink with the smell of egg but not your hair. And, you do not even need to apply a conditioner as egg takes care of your hair better than a conditioner does. And, you can carry out your last rinse with tea or lemon juice. Both give shine to your hair and ensures no smell of egg remains on your hair as your hair dries off.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Disini saya akan memberikan sedikit gambaran estimasi profit bagi anda yang akan menjalankan bisnis warnet semoga bisa menjadi gambaran bermanfaat bagi yang memerlukannya (Survey – Februari 2010).

RUMUS SHIFT SIANG (08.00 - 23.00 / 15 jam)
3/4 jumlah PC x 3/4 jam kerja x harga/jam ---> 3/4 (6) x 3/4 (15) x 3000 = Rp.152.000
RUMUS SHIFT MALAM (23.00 - 06.00 / 7 jam)
1/2 jumlah PC x paket begadang (Rp.10.000) ---> 1/2 (6) x 10.000 = Rp. 30.000
PENDAPATAN/BULAN (30 hari) = Rp. 5.460.000

Kontrak tempat/bulan ---> Rp. 1.000.000
Bayar listrik & air / bulan ---> Rp. 250.000
Speedy unlimited Paket Game/bulan Rp. 645.000 (PPN&meterai)
Gaji 2 operator/bulan @ Rp.500.000 ---> Rp. 1.000.000
TOTAL PENGELUARAN ---> Rp. 2.895.000

keuntungan bersih per bulan adalah Rp.2.565.000
(dengan asumsi kita menggaji 2 operator untuk tiap shift-nya, tidak ada cicilan pinjaman)

RUMUS SHIFT SIANG (08.00 - 23.00 / 15 jam)
3/4 jumlah PC x 3/4 jam kerja x harga/jam ---> 3/4 (10) x 3/4 (15) x 3000 = Rp.253.000
RUMUS SHIFT MALAM (23.00 - 06.00 / 7 jam)
1/2 jumlah PC x paket begadang (Rp.10.000) ---> 1/2 (10) x 10.000 = Rp. 50.000
PENDAPATAN/BULAN (30 hari) = Rp. 9.090.000

keuntungan bersih per bulan adalah Rp.6.195.000

cukup menguntungkan bukan?.. apalagi bila biaya pengeluaran bisa dikurangi, misalnya tidak perlu kontrak/sewa rumah karena rumah sendiri, biaya operator cuma 1 karena lawan shift dengan anda sebagai pemilik, Belum lagi keuntungan lainnya bila anda buka print out, scanning, makanan & minuman ringan sebagai pelengkap, dijamin penghasilan anda semakin bertambah. diperlukan inovasi, maintenance dan kreatifitas anda untuk mengembangkan warnet untuk bertahan, bertambah. jika perlu buka cabang di tempat lain .. selamat mencoba :-)

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Bisnis warnet merupakan salah satu usaha yang cukup menggoda. Sebelum memulai ada beberapa hal yang harus disiapkan & diperhitungkan terlebih dahulu. Selain biaya ada hal lain yang bisa menghambat bisnis ini, yaitu lokasi usahakan cukup strategis dan waspadai jumlah pesaing.
Bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin belajar bisnis warnet disini saya sediakan contoh rancangan sederhana anggaran biaya yang bisa dijadikan acuan untuk estimasi biaya (survey - Januari 2010).
satu hal penting yang ingin saya sampaikan adalah apapun bisnis yang anda minati jangan takut untuk memulai .. dan jangan menyerah :)

Server Dualcore E 5300 (2.6) BOX, Chasing, 1 Gb DDR, Monitor-KM Rp. 2.500.000
Client P4-1,7, DDR 256, Monitor-Keyboard mouse @ Rp. 1.000.000
Note : monitor jenis CRT bukan LCD, jumlah klien bisa disesuaikan misal untuk 6 unit totalnya budget PC Client Rp. 6.000.000

HUB 8 port link Rp. 200.000
Kabel Koneksi UTP 30 m Rp. 150.000
Konektor RJ 6 pasang Rp. 15.000
Kabel listrik 20 m Rp. 100.000
Steker Listrik 4 hole (1 pcs) Rp. 10.000
Steker Listrik 2 hole (6 pcs) Rp. 30.000
Stabilizer motor 1000 watt Rp. 300.000

Sebenarnya banyak provider yang menawarkan biaya yang kompetitif, tapi disini kita ambil contoh salah satu, misalnya :
Paket Speedy Game Unlimited pasang perdana Rp. 250.000
(Biaya per bulan Rp. 645.000+PPN+meterai)

TOTAL BIAYA INTI Rp. 9.555.000
(note : asumsi pemula bisa instalasi PC & jaringan sendiri, tagihan internet di bulan berikutnya)

Informasi Tambahan
biaya pembuatan partisi, banner, instalasi listrik yang support dan biaya software yang diperlukan sifatnya relatif sesuai keinginan/budgeting anda.
Disarankan ketersediaan listrik sebesar minimal 1300 watt atau lebih. Software OS disarankan memiliki lisensi resmi, tergantung anda memakai OS windows /linux ? .. :)
Selain daripada itu sediakan biaya tidak terduga untuk pengeluaran diluar perkiraan dikarenakan biaya pembuatan partisi, karpet, meja dll belum masuk ke total budgeting.

Bagi rekan & sahabat yang memerlukan konsultasi ataupun membutuhkan bantuan pemasangan dari awal ataupun (lengkap dengan instalasi software OS, billing dll) bisa menghubungi saya lewat email terlebih dahulu. sebelum itu mungkin bila ada pertanyaan, tanggapan silahkan beri komentar mengenai isi posting ini.. Salam :)

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Saturday, February 20, 2010


Sejak putus hubungan dengan warnet, kebiasaan browsing & blogging memaksa saya untuk berpikir “pake apa ya internetan murah pake komputer di rumah. Akhirnya saya membeli handphone modem Smart Haier C700. Denger-denger sih Smart mengklaim handphone modem kali ini 2X lebih baik dalam hal kecepatan karena menggunakan chip QualComm QSC1110. Handphone Haier C700 ini harganya murah dibanding yang EVDO. Kelebihan dari Modem smart ini adalah akselerasi terbilang cepat dan tersedia aplikasi Opera Mini dengan platform BREW. Dilengkapi fasilitas MP3 player dan tersedia Micro SD slot. Lumayan juga.

Setelah saya coba pasang di koneksi di PC hasilnya? ..ampun deh. Lemot banget! Buka fb & google bisa bisa nyambi bikin kopi dulu. Selanjutnya setelah googling sana sini, uji coba & akhirnya terkumpulah solusi dari berbagai referensi & eksperimen pribadi. Hasilnya?.. koneksi modem C700 bisa saingan tuh sama paket obral yang udah abis quota. Lumayan bisa gratis 100 hari seterusnya sebulan Cuma 45 ribu. Kita mulai dari hal intern dulu deh. Lanjuutt..

Sebenarnya ini settingan umum untuk semua koneksi internet, yaitu Qos Packet Scheduler dan TCP/IP.
Qos Packet Sceduler silahkan ketik di run : gpedit.msc masuk ke edit Group Policy Computer Configuration – Administrative Templates – Network - Qos Packet Scheduler. Rubah Limit Outstanding Packets dari not configured menjadi enabled dan Bandwidth Limit (%) = 0. Hal ini akan menghemat bandwidth kita 20% yang dipakai oleh Microsoft.
Pada TCP/IP bisa kita set services pada regedit, yaitu pada
HKLMsystem-CurrentControlSet-Services-Tcpip-parameters dan edit value register pada :
DefaultTTL isi value 00000040
EnablePMTUBHDetect isi value 00000000
EnablePMTUDiscovery isi value 00000001
GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize isi value 0005ae4c
SackOpts isi value 00000001
Tcp1323Opts isi value 00000003
TcpWindowSize isi value 0005ae4c
Restart PC

Ditemukan satu software yang cukup membantu dimana dengan software ini kecepatan dapat disulap 2-4X lebih cepat dari koneksi standar. Jaringan yang mampu di tingkatkan pun beragam, mulai koneksi via jaringan modem line telepon, dari Dial up, GPRS, EDGE dan Broadband.
Cara menggunakan software ini sangat mudah, anda juga tidak perlu melakukan setting yang njelimet (tinggal klik). Tapi anda tetap bisa melakukan setting secara manual jika anda kurang puas.

Bagi anda yang mau coba silahkan download program tambahan penguat koneksi ini. download
Download juga manual guide instalasi modem Haier C700 beserta drivernya disini. download

Bagi anda yang ingin uji coba parameter login silahkan coba daftar dibawah ini, karena untuk beberapa bisa mempercepat koneksi. Beberapa Parameter yang digunakan adalah :
username : smart / password : smart / dial-number : #777 (Default)
username : smart / password : smart / dial-number : *31*11111#
username : cdma / password : cdma / dial-number : #777
cdma 311
username : cdma / password : cdma / dial-number : *31*11111#
wap 311
username : wap / password : wap / dial-number : *31*11111#

Sebagai catatan pada jam-jam sibuk terasa menurunnya kecepatan akses internet. Hal ini merupakan hal yang wajar dikarenakan banyaknya pemakaian dan murahnya paket-paket yang ditawarkan. Dikarenakan sibuknya jalur yang digunakan pada #777 username dan password smart. Coba anda kombinasikan dial up *777# atau 222 atau *99# atau *31*11111# dengan username dan password cdma atau wap. Semoga berbagai catatan ini bermanfaat bagi anda yang memerlukannya.

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Which foods are the most Beauty-Enhancing?

Today, I will be asking you a question. I have talked about the importance of nutrition in many of the posts. But, do you have any idea about what are the best foods to improve your skin, hair and health? 
If you think you have, well, I would ask you to take this quiz and check your knowledge about your nutrition. Who knows, you might learn something new. So, go ahead and start in-taking the best foods for great hair and skin.
In my subsequent posts, I would be writing about what is the use of proper nutrition and what are the foods which should be taken on a regular basis and which in a daily basis. Do not worry, I am not copying from the above mentioned quiz. Keep a lookout.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Homemade Coffee Hand Scrub

Well, today, I would like to share a scrub which I made for my hands. I do not have much time to spare for manicure and pedicure. So, I thought I can at least make a hand scrub which will keep my hands beautiful and soft. Its nothing complicated. Just drop your favorite scrub into your hand wash. 

What I did?
I had 2-3 small hand wash liquid tubes which I got as complimentary in a hotel. So, I did not know how to use them. I also ran out of my hand wash liquid. So, I emptied the tubes into hand wash bottle and mixed it with water to keep the soapy consistency but increase the volume. Then, I mixed it with a little of vitamin E oil and some coffee powder. And, my hand scrub is ready. It keeps my skin soft and smooth. The scrub works wonders on your skin. You can feel the difference in just a day. You can use it after every household activity you perform like laundry, cleaning utensils, cleaning your house, et cetera. The oil would not let your hands dry up and the coffee granules would keep on renewing your skin by exfoliating it. If you do not like to exfoliate your skin so often, you can use this scrub once in 2 or 3 days. That should do the job and you would see no need for manicure.
But, if you use a bottle with pump action to squeeze the soap, refrain from storing the scrub in such a bottle as the coffee will get stuck in the pipe. Use a normal pour from bottle to store the scrub.

Foods to keep your teeth white and healthy

Last time, I talked about the home remedies to whiten your teeth. Today, I would like to talk about certain foods which you can eat to whiten your teeth and believe me, they work the best. Eating raw vegetables like carrot, cabbage or cucumber at the end of your meal helps in cleaning your teeth. The chewing mechanism actually cleans the teeth.
You can even eat an apple to clean your teeth. Cut a slice of apple and rub your teeth. That helps in whitening them. Effects are visible immediately.
Try to eat lots of crunchy foods, such as celery, apples and other similar fruits and vegetables - as opposed to sticky, sugary foods. The former group has a gentle rubbing action on the teeth which help to keep it clean and unstained.
And, stay away from too much of tea and coffee as they can cause stains on your teeth. Cut down on cigarettes as it is pretty harmful for your health and is responsible for discoloration of your teeth, lips and fingers. Stay away from soft drinks, alcohol and wines as they leave your teeth pigmented. Read here to know about more foods which cause staining of your teeth. Do not forget to rinse your mouth well with water or mouthwash after having meals or taking any liquids (milk, tea, coffee, soft drinks, hard drinks, et cetera). 

I would like to make you aware that cavities, plaque in the teeth can become big problems if neglected. One case I know is with my friend. She started feeling pain in the left side lower jaw. And, when she went for consultation, she was told her cavity had become really big and has reached the nerves. So, she needs a root canal treatment done. When asked, the doctor said that the cavity must have started to build a year ago. So, it can take a lot of time to get a problem detected in the tooth if you do not go for regular examination. Therefore, go to your dentist unfailingly in 6 months and get a proper check up done. You can even get the cleaning done at your dentist regularly.

Last, but not the least, do not forget to floss your teeth daily. If you leave your teeth unattended and let the food remain between your teeth, it will cause cavities in a very short period of time and cause extreme inconveniences. Teeth is one of the body parts, which if starts giving problems, its hard to make it in perfect health again. So, start taking care from now on.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Get rid of the blemishes and dark spots on your body

Today, I would be sharing with you a very simple home remedy to get rid of blemishes and dark spots anywhere on your body. Well, that is banana peel. Yes. Eat your banana everyday to get your vitamins and proteins. And, instead of throwing the skin, use it to beautify yourself. Applying banana skin or banana to your body gives the same benefits. Its just that one you can gain from inside and one from outside. 

Rub the banana peel over your body and let it stay for 5-15 minutes. Go and take a shower. Your skin would be smooth and soft. Banana nourishes and moisturizes your skin well. And, a regular usage would ensure your dark spots and blemishes are all gone. Enjoy a flawless skin. And, do not forget, banana also helps in anti-aging skin care.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"Take two (or so) and call me in the morning (or next week or next month or next year)."

A large study that was just published shows that women with breast cancer who take aspirin are more likely to live longer and to not have a cancer recurrence than women who don't take aspirin.

Doctors at three Boston-area hospitals observed 4,164 female registered
nurses in the Nurses’ Health Study who were diagnosed with stages I, II, or III breast cancer between 1976 and 2002. They were observed until June 2006, or death, whichever came first.

The main outcome was breast cancer mortality risk according to number of days per week of aspirin use (0, 1, 2 to 5, or 6 to 7 days) first assessed at least 12 months after diagnosis and updated..There were 341 breast cancer deaths. Aspirin use was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer death.

Full report here.

The study says of itself that it's unprecedented: Of several large prospective studies of the association of aspirin use with breast cancer incidence, only one found a protective association, whereas four others did not. The 10-year Women’s Health Study Trial found no effect of low-dose aspirin intake (100 mg every
other day) on breast cancer incidence among almost 40,000 women. However, meta-analyses of either NSAID [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents/analgesics such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen] or aspirin have found a 9% to 30% reduced risk of breast cancer incidence. Despite inconclusive evidence linking aspirin and breast cancer incidence, aspirin may improve survival through various mechanisms.

To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting a survival
advantage among women with breast cancer who take aspirin. Abundant
scientific evidence supports why aspirin may confer this advantage.
More than 2 million US women are living after a breast cancer
diagnosis6 Survival among women with breast cancer is variable, and
risks of dying of the disease are elevated even 10 or 15 years after

How much aspirin is helpful? I kept reading reports about this and couldn't find the number of milligrams. I'm especially interested because I take 162 mg. for polycythemia vera. What a nice surprise it would be if something I take for one disease would help me survive another. Alas, the researchers admit: We
lack details on aspirin dose. If there is a dose response, the effect size in
the current study may be diminished because frequent aspirin users
may be more likely to be low-dose users attempting to prevent heart
disease. Confounding is always a limitation of observational studies.
We addressed this by adjusting for all relevant covariates and through
marginal structural models.

Another caveat: Our results may be generalizable only to longer term breast
cancer survivors (ie, only women who have lived long enough after
diagnosis to report aspirin use after diagnosis, which is approximately
4 years). Fortunately, almost 90% of women diagnosed with breast
cancer live at least 5 years. Thus, our findings have considerable
clinical importance.

"Take-home message," as they say in business: It couldn't hoit. Aspirin has relatively benign adverse effects compared with cancer chemotherapeutic drugs and may also prevent colon cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

One skeptic has already pointed out that this is an observational study that does not prove cause and effect.

Is Glycerin drying for our skin?

Well, the title may seem really odd. But, yes, there have been lately many contradictions to the fact that glycerin draws moisture from our body and not from the air. Here, you would find one of the articles which states such a claim.
Glycerin is a natural by-product of the soap making process and is separated for soap to be used in the lotions and creams. 100% natural glycerin is highly concentrated and is not considered good for our skin as it can cause blisters by drying our skin. But, the glycerin which you get in the markets is not the original concentrated glycerin but the diluted glycerin which is good for daily usage. 
And, when you use glycerin, you mix glycerin with other ingredients and then use it on face (or for any skin care). Interestingly, a mixture of glycerin and rose water used to be a favorite moisturizer in the olden days when there were no body lotions available. And, your grand moms will swear by the remedy. So, basically, it does not dry out our skin. Instead, it acts as a humectant just like honey and provides a protective covering instead of just coating our skin like Vaseline does. So, if you are buying a product which says it has glycerin in the top of its ingredient list, do not worry, because it is not the original glycerin but rather a diluted form of it. And, it would not cause any skin irritation or have any drying effect.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Whiten your teeth and improve your personality

Teeth are one of the most important parts of a face and they reflect the eating habits of a person. They can make or destroy your personality altogether. It is no good wearing heavy make ups when your basics are not right. And, the health of your teeth comes in the basics. No person can live without smiling or laughing. But, to smile confidently, talk impressively, you need to make some efforts or the result is not worth the glamor displayed. No one really likes yellowed and stained teeth. That is why, so many teeth whitening treatments are in the market and they do sell. But, before you start shelling out your pockets on them, try some home remedies first.

The first one is, definitely, Baking Soda. It is good for removing stains made by coffee, tea or other alcoholic beverages. Wet your toothbrush a little and dip it in a pot full of baking soda (keep it by your wash basin) and brush with it. Do not brush for more than 1-2 minutes. And, leave it on for 5 minutes. Do not rinse. Finish your other works while you wait. Now, apply your regular toothpaste on the unwashed toothbrush (which had been dipped in Baking Soda) and brush your teeth no more than 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth well. Follow this routine 2 times a week. Do not use Baking Soda on your teeth too often because it is mildly abrasive and is not good for the enamel on your teeth if used frequently.
An effective teeth whitening toothpaste: Mixing 3 teaspoons of baking soda mixed with a teaspoon of table salt makes a very effective whitening paste for your teeth. Store the mixture in a jar and brush your teeth and gums twice a week rinsing thoroughly afterwards.
Many people say that you should mix Baking Soda with Hydrogen Peroxide solution and use this toothpaste to clean your teeth. The mixture is definitely very effective and Hydrogen Peroxide is an ingredient in many teeth whiteners, but, it dries your mouth. And, it is not even good for your teeth if used frequently. So, use baking soda alone and you will find some difference in the first usage itself. Well, do not expect your teeth to become sparkling white any time with this treatment. But, it does clean your teeth and gums nicely and keeps them in good shape. And, do not mix baking soda with water to make a paste as it sort of runs down more on your face and hands instead of sticking to your teeth.
And, if you do not like the taste of Baking Soda (kind of salty and bitter) or using it as a paste, then you can mix baking soda in water and make a mouth wash. Use it after every meal. It also helps in removing bad breath.  

Second method which is not very advisable, but, can be tried for some special occasions is Strawberries. Yes, rub strawberries on your teeth and see the difference. The citric acid in the fruits cleanses your teeth and makes them white.
Same effect can be achieved by all citric acid rich foods. Lemon juice can be used as mouth wash sometimes as it removes bad breath. And, simultaneously, helps in cleansing your teeth. But, the acid is highly corrosive on the enamel and makes your teeth very sensitive so make sure you do not use it more than once a month.

Do not use the commercial DIY Bleaching Kits. Read this to know why?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baking Soda - an environment friendly beauty product

Today, I would be discussing with you various uses of Baking Soda. Baking Soda is a natural sodium bicarbonate which is used in raising the doughs. It is generally used in cakes and pastries and even, pakodas in Indian cuisine. But, apart from these, Baking Soda is good for various other things. I would start with talking about how it can be used as a beauty product and then, move on to its other household uses.

Baking Soda in Beauty:
  • It is one of the most gentle scrubs available in the market and does not even cost you that high. And, it leaves your skin super soft. Mix 3 parts of Baking Soda with 1 part of water and scrub your body with it. Do not bother to apply soap or any cleanser as Baking Soda cleanses all the dirt right from the pores. You can use it 3-4 times a week.
  • You can mix it in various scrubs or cleansers to make your skin squeaky clean.
  • Mix it water and apply on your face. Leave till it dries or for 30 minutes (which ever is earlier). And, wash off. You face will be soft. Do not use any soap or cleanser after that.
  • Remove product build ups on your hair with Baking Soda. Mix Baking Soda with shampoo and wash your hair with the mixture. Your hair will squeak when you run your finger through a strand. 
  • It cleans the scalp also thoroughly and can be used regularly to prevent any bacterial or fungal infections on the scalp.
  • Use baking soda to thicken your hair instantly
  • As a teeth whitener
  • Make a homemade deodorant using Baking Soda
Household Uses: Baking Soda is a natural disinfectant which can be used to clean almost everything in the house and it is enviornment friendly just like soapnuts.
  • It is a very good cleaner for toilets, floors, windows, tiles and tables. It cleans everything thoroughly without damaging it. Mix baking soda in water and spray onto the thing you want to clean and wipe off. 
  • Put a table spoon of baking soda in the washing machine along with the detergent to clean your clothes. Baking Soda does not harm the fabric of your cloth. Instead, it brings out the colors very nicely.
  • Mix the baking soda with the utensils detergent and clean the utensils. The baking soda cleans all kinds of deposits and makes your utensils squeaky clean.
I have listed all the things I have tried with Baking Soda and I request you to share with everyone if you know any other uses too.

    Laughing Baby

    This is a very recent picture of my step-granddaughter Brielle, who was born Jan. 2, 2010 (an' I hailped). We think she has a nice personality and is very curious and alert.

    I had never seen a birth before, and many years ago asked my stepdaughter if I could watch if she ever had a baby. When she told us she was pregnant, she said, Sandi, I didn't forget. She and her husband plan to spoil Brielle, but not rotten.

    Sunday, February 14, 2010

    How to shave "down there"?

    Today, I would be talking about how to shave your pubic hair. All women like their bodies clean and shaven. And, that, definitely, includes the pubic region. And, I think it is the most messy thing to do. Either you can shave it off or go for Brazilian or Hollywood waxing. Both the ways have their own pros and cons.

    There are specialized salons with licensed services for Brazilian or Hollywood waxing though not many people are comfortable getting it done outside the confines of their own privacy. But, if you are the one to go for it, make sure the salons are hygienic and all equipments and linens clean. These were the cons for waxing and here are pros: All the advantages of waxing apply to the pubic waxing too.

    Now, coming to the other method of getting rid of pubic hair, you can shave your pubic hair regularly in the confines of your home. But, while using a razor, be careful not to cut yourself.
    • Wet the region for minimum 3 minutes to soften the hair. The pubic hair is very rough and thick and needs a lot of water to get softened.
    • Apply a generous amount of hair conditioner instead of a shaving cream would give a smoother shave.  
    • For getting a smoother shave, do reverse shaving instead of a forward shaving.
    • Only use 1-2 strokes at any place in the region or you would cut yourself.
    • Do not stretch the skin while shaving or you would run the risk of ingrown hairs.
    Finally, remember, it is easy to get ingrown hairs in the pubic region as it is one of the most sensitive places of your body. And, change your razor once in every 2-3 months depending on the frequency of use.

    Saturday, February 13, 2010

    Myths of Anti-Aging Skin Care

    Hey Guys!! On the eve of Valentine's Day, I would like to post my next article on anti-aging skin care. I had recently hosted a poll to know what people think about the correct age to start anti-aging skin care. The general consensus goes to the age ranging from 30 to 40. Some think 20-30 might be an ideal time and some even think above 40. I would like to bring to your notice that many people are of the opinion that you grow old when you cross 30 and then, they start taking care of their skin. This is entirely wrong. And, does not help in preserving your skin in a good health. Basically, there is no age limit of starting to take care of your skin. The sooner you start, the better the results and the longevity of the results. And, you would not even need to stick to those anti-aging skin care products displayed on the shelf.

    Moreover, some other things which people generally tend to miss. You look aged because of very many reasons apart from how your face looks. Many people tend to forget the skin on their necks, hands, stomach or feet. Each and every part of your body may contribute to your looking older than you think you are. The neck is more exposed to sun and as a result, has a darker skin tone than the rest of your body or even face. Applying sunscreen, face masks and not ignoring neck during the general skin care routine is very important to preserve your neck in a good shape. Again, do not forget your hands and arms. You need not apply masks to your arms but a regular exfoliation will help to keep them soft. They get more tired and worn out as we do our maximum work with our hands. Same is the case with our feet. They carry our burden everywhere. We, too, need to show them some care in return. Apart from this, if you are overweight, your belly is huge, your thighs are flabby, your breasts are hanging down or you have thin hair; you sure do look more old than you are. So, never forget 4 commandments of good health:
     They would keep you in shape and improve your vitality and confidence. And, take care of yourself by applying sunscreen daily on all the exposed parts of the body. And, do not forget to reapply frequently. Generally, everything you do in your day has a long term effect on your body. So, think about what you are doing and what effect will it have on your body and ultimately, your looks. Stay away from stress. Join some yoga or art of living classes. It would contribute to mental piece. Control your anger. It brings your blood to a boil. 

    Coming back to the topic of proper age to start with anti-aging skin care depends on your skin type and routine. If you know that you spend a lot of time in sun, start with protecting your self with sunscreen. Do not forget your children. Teach them early so they lead better lives. Every skin has a different reaction to sun. So, one can never generically say this is the right age to start on these products. And, you would not need any such products if you start on your skin care early. So, take care of your and your kid's skin from today and follow it as a routine day in day out. That would delay aging. 

    Thursday, February 11, 2010

    Leaf Blowers?

    About 10 years ago, we bitterly complained that since
    1994 the ubiquitous Leaf Blower had become a common
    environmental nuisance. With their use unregulated we
    were confronted with gas operated models that made
    enough noise to qualify for a Motocross Race at Angel's
    Stadium. Then they came out with Electric Models much
    later, that once reved up.....were almost as loud as the
    gas operated models.

    OK, the rumour of the day is that the City of Newport
    Beach is looking into banning Leaf Blowers. Finally,
    enough people have been offended that it has reached
    the NB Council Agenda. Well, Leaf Blowers don't pollute
    the environment, but the people behind those Leaf Blowers
    can and more likely than not - do! We are sure you have
    heard this reasoning before, but before the City Council
    of Newport Beach, votes in it's wisdom to completely ban
    this egregious vehicle to kill a good phone conversation,
    upset the cat or dog, or worst yet dump all that dust
    and fertilizer all over the nearest Mercedes - after
    just being detailed...let's take another look at the
    Leaf Blower issue.

    There is little doubt that many people are affected by
    the blowing pollen and dust. There is little doubt that
    as well that some actually have alergic reactions from
    the airborne contaminants. This is a good reason to
    control the use of Leaf Blowers - so that they will not
    be utilized indicriminantly.

    However, what about Palm Trees? Ever heard of them?
    Every time one of these beauties has to have the fruit
    removed or the palm frawns trimmed....there is sizable
    waste to collect and put into the pick-up truck for
    transit to the dump. The various pieces left over from
    big palms can create a big mess, even for professionals.
    This is maybe one reason to crank up the old Leaf Blower
    for a few minutes and save both the homeowner and the
    gardener hours of labor policing completed project.
    Sensible and cost effective use - usually makes sense!

    Face it, we find there are reasons for Leaf Blower
    use...but in most cases....they are severely over used.
    In our old neighborhood complex, the gardeners would
    spend way over an hour, two or three days a week....
    moving a few leaves from one side of the complex to
    the other. Many times pushing them down storm drains
    as well. This, in our opinion, was over use at its
    worst. Watching gardener helpers spend many hours of
    the day walking lazily up and down streets, followed
    by a high noise making mini-street sweeper pick-up
    truck..which blotted out the local news on TV or radio
    ...disturbing computer projects, school studies or a
    variety of other productive activities. Dealing with
    constant airborne pollutants over that period of time
    probably requires some regulation.

    Completely banning Leaf Blowers may have some costly
    unintended consequences however. There can be found
    good reasons and uses, as well as some very poor ones.
    Finding the correct balance is the preferred course
    in this case. Therefore, although we touted a Leaf
    Blower ban in the past, after additional consideration,
    we now oppose a complete ban, but with some strict
    additional regulations.

    Severely restricting the use of Leaf Blowers to large
    projects and various short spans of use......we could
    certainly support, however.

    Hopefully, the City of Newport Beach....will agonize
    a little longer than usual - before they vote.....and
    ask that City Staff come up with additional regulations
    that are "not too complicated", "but fair and reasonable"
    - that will correct the current abuses of the use of Leaf
    Blowers without adding a complete ban. Obviously, Gas
    Operated Models, we would suggest, are out! Restricting
    use to low decibel Electric Models will also help save
    the pet's ears and not drive the Senior Citizens too
    crazy, if applied judiciously.