Monday, November 30, 2009

Ducks in a Barrel

OK, it's not fair to attack the Tribune twice in a row--it's too easy, but I had to point this out. An editor was sleeping when working on an astute review of Jonathan Safran Foer's book, Eating Animals. The lede is: Looking forward to your turkey dinner? Think twice. It's time, argues Jonathan Safran Foer, to stop lying to ourselves.
How smart do you have to be to know that you need to change this if it's running the Monday after Thanksgiving? Why not change it to: Did you enjoy your Thanksgiving turkey?... The editor had heard that you're supposed to cut from the bottom, but I guess never learned to change the top if it's not applicable any more
It was written by LA Times Staffer Susan Salter Reynolds, published in the Times on Nov. 8, when readers (there must still be readers, right?) were looking forward to their Thanksgiving meals. To read the original review, click here.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

All solutions are individual.

That's what I learned from reading the Chicago Tribune today, specifically, a little wrap-around page touting itself. But wasn't it preaching to the choir? It should be boasting to people who don't have the newspaper in their hands.

First problem: A pizza deliveryman was mugged and carjacked. Solution: "...people from as far away as South Korean and Germany sent in more than $16,000" so he could return to his pizza route, which I would bet doesn't supply him with health insurance. But that's not mentioned.

The second problem: A reporter wrote about a family living in a storage faculty. Solution: the "generosity of friends, family and Tribune readers touched by their troubles" provided money to put the family up in a motel.

Whew. Problem solved. Don't look to the left or right to see if there's anybody else homeless.

Third problem: A kid was in foster care and he got himself more than $1 million in scholarship offers. I remember reading about this kid. It was a feel-good story. It was the kind of story to make you think, Why don't all the kids pull themselves up by their bootstraps?

Also of note: The Tribune tells us it is "[s]hining a light on the persistent and often ignored problem of youth violence...." Persistent? Yes. Ignored? By whom? Not by the kids who are killed each year and their families. Not by people who live in violent neighborhoods.

Everything was off today. Ask Amy said that doctors should always be called by their titles because of their expertise. Hell, I'm an expert and my students call me by my first name. This is America, talk-show-etiquette America, where everyone has a first name but maybe not even a last. I call some of my doctors by their first names. Sometimes I have to force myself because of all the years of calling doctors doctors but if they call me by my first name, I do the same, especially if they're 20 years younger.

But we subscribe and we read the Tribune and it does give us some information about the city. And suburbs. Even though it is so so embarrassing how every other story seems to be based on a TV show. We can't be treated like real adults; we have to be able to relate our news to broadcast (or digital?) fictional dramas and comedies. We are amusing ourselves to death.

Which is the title of a book by Neil Postman, in which he writes: "What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism."

Friday, November 20, 2009

...and now Pap smears...

["Curiouser and curiouser."]

Holy Toledo! Now we don't need Pap smears as often. Have we been (the equivalent) of navel-gazing in the past, getting ourselves checked out too often? Our society is paranoid about cancer. Screenings make us feel like we're doing something, like we're being (that horrible corporate word) pro-active. As Sen. Arlen Spector told the New York Times, That is curious.
The past recommendation had been for young women to have Pap smears three years after becoming sexually active. Now the guidelines are to wait until age 21, no matter when a girl started having sex. The numbers bear this out: only two new cases per million teens (15 to 19 years old) per year in the U.S. What if you are one of the two girls? Everything makes sense, statistically, but not if you're one of the statistics.
The old tension between the individual vs. the community.
Cervical cancer is slow-growing, and pre-cancerous conditions often don't turn into cancer. Surgery for the pre-cancerous conditions could lead to premature births, says the Times.
This is the same thinking that went into the decision to recommend mammograms less often. The mammograms picked up non-cancerous tumors, which led to biopsies and more tests, for nothing, I guess you could say. And anxiety. Everyone is worried about our anxiety. I think most women would vote for a little surgery and anxiety so that their anxiety about cancer would be lessened. At least most women who have the choice.
A student of mine this fall thinks she has mono but can't afford health insurance or a visit to a doctor. She assured me last night she was no longer contagious. But she wasn't absolutely sure about the diagnosis, which had been delivered by a guess-timating nurse.
We all need the health insurance coverage that our federal elected officials get. Don't we deserve that?

Who will watch the store now that he is gone?

Dr. Jan Vandersloot.....was our personal hero! He
marched across difficult terrain, when going another
way may have been easier. He applied himself each
day with a renewed fervor.....a renewal of spirit
that was infectious. He wanted to make people aware
that San Diego and other places around our nation....
may not be doing the right thing. He asked us to attend
meetings with him. He stood tall when no one else would.
Dr. Jan's solitary presence, at not only City Council
Meetings, Country Boards and State Commissions told of
someone truly dedicated to a better world. Someone who
would show by example; rather than just shouting from the
roof tops or spouting off for an uninterested audience!

Some people in life that serve as role models are later
to be named for streets, parks, open space, buildings
and even sometimes with a bronze statue. What they have
accomplished could be of little consequence...perhaps
family or powerful friends fronted the cash for these
endeavors. So it would be easy to be cynical about the
process of being grateful to those that have served
without a desire to be remembered. What was in it for
them? "A better world!" comes to mind when the name of
Dr. Jan Vandersloot is mentioned!

Dr. Jan Vandersloot, marched ahead with facts, figures,
study and a targeted move things forward
and to save our "Quality of Life" for not only our
progeny but those that would survive the years with
memories of wonder and beauty that once existed before
"Redevelopment or Naked Progress" that would take our
community and make it into something that was without
beauty or at worst, simply unlivable.

Water quality, Open Space and the beauty of trees and
plants.......were protected by Dr. Jan and his warrior
mentality. He stood tall, he asked the tough questions
and he offered solutions. He did all this....without pay
or self-aggrandizing purpose. He did it, because he knew
that if no one did it....the worst could happen and most
likely leave us depleted in spirit and in the beauty of
our environment!

Dr. Jan Vandersloot should be remembered. Should be
honored by our City, our County and our State. His
passing on November 5th, 2009 came too early. The people
standing in line to replace his tireless energy are not
only too few - but without his amazing knowledge! We
need to honor his memory with a Park,a street or Open
Space..marked by his name!

Thank you Dr. Jan, but the Lord has taken you too early.
We needed you to stick around a lot longer. We needed
for you to bring that tireless energy back to the Dias,
time after time - to protect us!

To his family and friends, the citizens of Newport Beach,
Orange County and California...and even the patients of
his caring, healing Dermatology practice - God bless us
all. We will remember you Dr. Jan and do our best to
walk a tiny step or two in your shadow!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In Memoriam Jan Vandersloot, MD

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

No one exemplified these words better than Jan Vandersloot, medical doctor, environmentalist, and family man. He was generous with his time and his money, and we are thankful to him as well as to Cheryl, Jon and Tiffany.

I first met Jan about twenty years ago, though I’d seen his numerous and eloquent letters to the editor before that. I was a city planner at Newport Beach and he called about illegal fill of a wetland. Someone in the office said “that Dr. Vandersloot” always had some complaint. Still, I arranged to meet Jan at the site along with a biologist and, lo and behold, a wetland was being illegally filled.

After that, I got many calls from Jan. Sometimes he’d be reporting habitat damage, or illegal dumping. I learned that when “that Dr. Vandersloot” called, it was something I really needed to check out. If he had a complaint it was well-founded and well-researched. Unlike some residents who called regularly, Jan was concerned about all areas of the city and beyond, not just matters within a block or two of his house.

Sometimes he was just looking for information. For Jan, there was no such thing as too much information.

Years later, after I’d left the City and was involved in various causes, many at the prodding of Jan, my house was overrun with environmental impact reports (EIRs) and other studies. Jan stopped by about some project. I was mortified at the boxes of documents spilling into the living room. Jan was delighted.

Jan had a way of pulling people into his causes. Bolsa Chica, Ocean Outfall Group, San Diego Creek, trees on the Peninsula. He put so much into so many causes, how could you not help at least a little? Almost daily there’d be e-mail from Jan with calls to action, research requests, or outlines of potential strategies for ongoing projects.

As he toiled to end the Orange Count Sanitation District’s waiver from federal clean water law, he’d ask not IF you’d attend any meetings to speak against the waiver, but WHICH meetings in which cities you’d attend. Eventually Jan, or in rare cases a surrogate, spoke before every city council and sanitary district in Orange County, usually with a few others in tow, but alone if need be.

Jan didn’t care if he was the only one to stand up and fight for something. If it was the right thing to do, he was there.

It wasn’t all just hearings and meetings. I especially appreciate the work he did at Fairview Park. Jan advocated for the park at hearings and also weeded and planted plants, sometimes with a group, sometimes with just one other person, like Gil Collins, sometimes alone.Though I’d been involved in Fairview earlier on, soon Jan surpassed me in his knowledge and dedication to improving habitat at the park. I’d be out for a hike and there was Jan, clearing away the anise choking out native species. Seeing his hard work, I’d go back to my car for an extra bag to pick up trash along the way. How could I not?

We distributed flyers at election time. Of course, if you and Jan covered opposite sides of a street, you really had to hustle. With his long legs he’d finish the distance long before you.

Jan really loved to celebrate the big wins. And he hated to lose. After a setback, he’d be seeking other strategies. Was there a way to appeal? Another agency involved? Should we litigate? Any other options?

Jan just did not give up. If we’d finally run out of options, he’d be planning how we could handle a similar situation “next time”. Unfortunately, now there is no “next time” with Jan.

Today, we are able to reap what Jan so diligently sowed and tended: Open space at Bolsa Chica, cleaner beaches, wetlands, trees, and habitat in various areas. What a tremendous legacy!

Perhaps an even greater legacy is the army of activist that Jan has encouraged and mentored over the years. Now we must continue in well-doing, that we and others may reap in the years to come. How could we not?

Everything They Told Us Is Wrong...

...or at least it seems so. Now they say that self-exams aren't necessary and that you don't need a mammogram until age 40. I'll have more about this. In the meantime, you can read the study and recommendations here.
If you found your cancer via under-40 mammogram or breast self-exam, please comment! Of course, all comments are welcome, by survivors and non-, as long as you're a real person, not a computer program.
Meanwhile, Our Bodies Our Blog concurs with the guidelines, and explains why, providing important history and perspective, with excellent links. Check it out.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Siapa Pemenang Kontes Cinta Pandeglang

Tidak aneh kalau kita menebak nama dalam beberapa hari kedepan akan menjadi pemenang dalam kontes cinta pandeglang yang sudah hampir menghabiskan masa putarannya. Hampir sepanjang perjalanan kontes Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang namanya selalu mendominasi posisi puncak.

Di bawahnya masih ada dan, apakah mereka akan membuat kejutan di akhir kompetisi. Saya fikir kejutan masih mungkin saja terjadi meskipun peluang itu tidak begitu besar. Dan saya yakin kedua peserta tersebut masih akan berusaha memaksimalkan kesempatan itu berapapun besar kecilnya.

Jawaban itu semua tidak akan lama lagi akan segera kita ketahui kalau tidak lebih dari seminggu lagi kontes ini akan berakhir dan pengumuman pemenangnyapun akan di keluargak oleh penyelenggata kontes Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek wisata di Pandeglang ini. Buat saya sendiri, kontes ini sangat bermanfaat untuk menambah pengalaman dan menambah ilmu. Meskipun semakin mendekati akhir semakin malas mengikutinya :D

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wow! I Told You So???

It's not too often when a highly respected "member" of the community agrees with a very small, yet very vocal, part of the community.

For years now, residents of West Newport Beach and the Balboa Peninsula have been complaining about, and opening their wallets to fight, the Sober Living/Rehab homes which littered through the community.

The claim was that the Residents of these Sober Living/Rehab homes were thieves and destroyed property.

The claim was that the Residents of these Sober Living/Rehab homes were disruptive.

The claim was that the Residents of these Sober Living/Rehab homes were disrespectful and rude to their neighbors.

The claim was that the Residents of these Sober Living/Rehab homes didn't belong in residential neighborhoods.

Denys Obermann and the Concerned Citizens of Newport Beach spent lots and lots of money to get the City of Newport Beach to do something about it.

The Sober Living/Rehab homes hired some seriously BIG GUNS to defend themselves.

The City of Newport Beach's response?

Tepid to Ceremonial.

And realistically, as the 2008 City Council showed, that's how the voters felt about the Sober Living/Rehab "patients (and I use that word VERY lightly...)" living in residential areas.

A Council member was accused of profiting off the Sober Living/Rehab Homes.

And while he may have lost in the districts affected by them, the rest of the City cared less, indicating that they were more concerned that he had a house in disrepair, for many years, and that he seemed to push his weight around to keep it in disrepair.

And he was overwhelmingly re-elected.


Finally, a highly respected "member" of the Community has echoed, and VALIDATED the sentiments of West Newport Beach, Balboa Peninsula, and the Concerned Citizens of Newport Beach.

Finally, a Company, who's President's endorsement is highly coveted and sought after by Potential City Councilmembers.

I can still remember Mayor Pro-Tem Keith Curry quoting their President's words when he was on the campaign trail.

It's all in the title of the Orange County Register article.

Hospital bars drug rehab patients from A.A. meetings

Read it.

Study it.

Here's are some excerpts for those too lazy to click

"Effectively immediately, sober living homes and substance abuse treatment centers that drop off van and bus loads of residents to attend this meeting will be asked not to do so," says the letter. "We ask that you find other meetings to attend."

"Unfortunately, there has been an ongoing history of disregard for the property and policies of Hoag Hospital," according to the letter from Dotty Dozal of the Hoag Chemical Dependency Recovery Center.

"These behaviors include: theft, destruction of property, smoking on campus, profanity, congregating in groups outside of the building rather than attending the meeting, gathering in restricted areas and other disruptive behaviors."



Perhaps the Sky was falling...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Massacre at China Cove

Bet you thought that title was some kind of joke. Unfortunately not.

Akin to what occurred in West Newport when some reprobates decided to bulldoze the dunes, someone has hacked away a fair amount of vegetation at China Cove, including native plants (pictures). Word has it the Newport Beach Police have apprehended the miscreant.

Could it be the same guy that’s been chopping down trees elsewhere, including Costa Mesa parks? Is he just a spoiled brat who feels he has the right to alter public property to suit his convenience and/or enhance his own property value? News flash chainsaw man: You are not the center of the universe.

It’s hard to understand what this jerk was thinking. Were the plants blocking his view? One would think that any views blocked by the massacred plants would also be blocked by Kerckhoff Marine Lab.

What was next on his agenda? Was he planning on disassembling Kerckhoff and burning it in the fire rings piece by piece? Oh, wait. Council Member Gardner’s getting rid of those.

Never mind. If some predictions as to climate change are to be believed, it will all be under water in a few years.