Sunday, November 30, 2008

Busby SEO test : Kini Sahabat saya..

Sudah sejak awal duniasoer memberikan komitmen untuk memberi dukungan kepada kontestan Busby SEO test asal Indonesia, setelah beberapa postingan terdahulu saya memberikan support untuk mas Dewaji, kali ini giliran sahabat saya sendiri yang ikut meramaikan kontes SEO tersebut. Sudah pasti saya akan dukung sahabat saya, salah satunya dengan postingan ini dan saya juga mengajak temen2 blogger lain untuk mengajaknya. caranya mudaha pasang link dengan anchor text Busby SEO test di sidebar atau melalui halaman postingan seperti halaman ini.

Sambil menyelam hidup air, saya juga minta dukungan temen2 untuk Blog saya my notes yang sedang mengikuti lomba review yang pemenangnya di tentukan dengan posisi di search engine juga, caranya sama dengan yang tadi cuma linknya menggunakan dan anchor text Review

Ok buat sahabat saya, semoga sukses !!

The Best TV Channels Provider

Are you looking for the best TV channels provider at affordable prices? Well, you might have felt disappointed for quite long time as you do not get what you want related to your chosen TV channels. It is true that sometimes you do not pay what you exactly watch, but you pay much more than that. Some TV channels providers charge for more than what they offer and the customers feel being a fool as the deals did not mention the additional charge. They even sometimes do not get what are on the deal and when they make complaint to the providers, they just say sorry easily.

However, if you are in this condition, you might feel distress with finding the best TV channels providers while you deeply need to have entertainment at your home. Now, you do not have to be worry as you can go to and find out the offering. In this website you will be able to know that you can fulfill all of your TV channels needs. This website offers you DirecTV channels which enable you to watch any kinds of TV programs at affordable prices which are over more than 130 channels. There are six programs which consist of special channels that might suit each of your need. Direct Sat TV guarantees that DirecTV deals are the best among others at similar fields. Having the service at this company will help you to get rid of any additional charges since every charge is obvious.

Therefore, if you want get the service from this provider you can simply fill in the quote only in 5 steps. Each step will require you to answer specific information that will be helpful to determine what program suits you best. DirecTV offers are all in the best packages which will just and only give you more benefit. You will never feel disappointed with the service since you will directly get the broadcast from the satellite. Now, you can have fun with your family without being afraid of additional charge and broken signals.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mengenang dulu

Ini ceritanya lagi di bengkulu, waktu masih suka bikin program...
Daerah ini merupakan daerah paling parah kerusakannya waktu gempa di bengkulu.. saya ada di sana setelah gempa.. eh belum seminggu saya ninggalin benggulu ada berita di tv daerah kena gempa lagi...

Nah kalo ini di Bantimurung makasar, photo bareng temen2 di PT Integratech, konsultan IT. sebelum mutusin jadi blogger ^_^. Saya yang di tengah belakang.

Kalo photo ketiga ini lagi di Pantai Losari, lagi makan pisang efe. pasti tau kan pantai losari..

The NRU Review

Are you someone who has been dreaming for being a very wealthy person? Or are you have been dreaming for simply being rich? It is all alright. You have the right for dreaming of everything in this world including dreaming of being one of the richest persons in this world. However, what s the meaning of dreaming without the will to bring the dream comes to reality It will be just a dream if you can not find something that will push you hard into the effort of being wealthy. In fact, in this world so many people have been trapped for so long in the condition where they will only stand to dream.

So let’s take a brief observation on a page from website. In the page, you will be able to find a list of the riches people in the world. But not only stops there when we start to look at the page a few more clearly. Thos people come from the vary life backgrounds. There are the celebrities in there, also are with the entrepreneurs, the fashion designers, and even a king of a country. We can then simply conclude that those people must have struggled for being put in within the list. You must now have the same desire of joining the list as well. Of course you can. All you need to do is just learn that Nouveau Riche University is the answer for your desires.

Nouveau Riche University is a business school where the students are taught of the real estate investment skill. This school educates its students by using the special method called SEEK or Super Entrepreneurial Encyclopedia of Knowledge. Nouveau Riche University was founded by Jim Piccolo in 2002. And now this school is led by the former president of University of Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Laura Palmer Noone.

Nouveau Riche University

Real estate business is a very promising field for someone who wants to be success in life. Being real estate investors gives people chance to change their financial conditions. But how to be a successful real estate investor? Not all people have the chance to be a successful investor because you have to have the link to survive in this business.

If you want to be a successful real estate investor, you need to know how to be a good one. You need to have the educational background on the real estate investment business. Fortunately, now you can learn the real estate business in Nouveau Riche University. Nouveau Riche University offers you the education on real estate management and investment and not only that, Nouveau Riche University also provides you with the resources on the investment so that you can start investing.

Nouveau Riche University has many years of experiences and has created many great real estate investors in this wide world. You can read their successful life on You will see how they gained their success after joining Nouveau Riche University. They don't need lots of time to get millions dollars because here, in Nouveau Riche, they learn how to manage, how to invest on real estate business, and also start doing the real estate investment. Some of them only need two or three months to gain many profits in this business. Nouveau Riche helps them to reach their dream to be free financially.

From the former students' success above, we can ensure you that by joining Nouveau Riche; you can also reach your dream to have a successful life. You will prove that being rich doesn't always take a long time. You only need to enroll on Nouveau Riche University and learn the management and investment on the real estate business then you can start to jump up on your career. Nouveau Riche University is a bridge to reach your success.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Focus pada hal yang di perlukan !!

Jika kamu sering mendengar cara cepat untuk menghasilkan dollar, maka di sini saya akan coba memberi sedikit tips cara susah untuk menghasilkan dollar ^_^ kok susah..?? ya iyalah… mau duit harus mau berusaha. Saya akan sedikit permudah cara itu sehingga tidak perlu sampai waktu berbulan2 untuk mendapatkan mendapatkan dollar pertamanya, cukup 3 sampai 4 bulan saja. Sebentar kan??

Pasti kita sudah sering membaca bahwa kalau kita ingin membangun bisnis online, tetaplah fukus untuk mengembangkan blog kita soal uang itu akan menyusul dengan sendirinya.. Saya sangat setuju dengan hal itu, dan sekarang ini paham itu juga saya pegang!! Lalu bagaimana kalau kita punya kesulitan lain, misalnya Dana ! untuk memelihara blog perlu Dana kan? Minimalnya untuk bayar koneksi dan kita juga di kejar oleh kebutuhan lain sementara kita berharap banget untuk dapet penghasilan dari ngeblog. So, perlu waktu lebih cepat kan untuk segera mendapat penghasilan dari ngeblog!!

Cara ini pernah saya tempuh ketika awal saya terjun menjadi fulltime blogger. Mungkin bagi kamu yang mengikuti blog ini dari awal akan tau kalau blog ini sempat hilang dari peredaran sekitar 2 bulan karena saya tinggal, kenapa? Begini ceritanya.

Sesuai judul postingan ini untuk Focus pada yang di perlukan dan fakta kebutuhan dana yang mendesak pada kalimat di atas, saya putuskan untuk focus mengoptimalkan salah satu blog saja untuk segera bisa menghasilkan karena tidak di pungkiri saya perlu uang untuk meneruskan kegiatan ngeblog saya termasuk mengurus blog lainnya, salah satunya yang blog ini. Berapa waktu yang di perlukan? Tidak nyampe 4 bulan. Kita semua juga pasti bisa!! Ikuti saja langkah berikut ini.

Lakukan posting secara teratur dan jangan terlalu jauh jaraknya, ini untuk menunjukan keseriusan kita mengurus blog tersebut, ingat orang akan melihat itu!!

Jangan pernah merasa capek untuk blogwalking, ini merupakan satu-satunya cara ampuh untuk mendapatkan traffic untuk blog baru dengan kemampuan terbatas. Lakukan terus, semakin sering di lakukan akan semakin bagus buat alexa rank kita. Yang mana alexa rank ini akan menjadi salah satu modal kita nanti..

Lakukan link exchange untuk mendapat backlink sebanyak-banyaknya. Tapi saya sarankan sebelum melakukan ini, yakin bahwa blog kita sudah ada kontennya jangan baru berisi 2 atau 3 artikel nanti malah di tolak dan lakukan link exchange ini setelah sebelumnya kita beberapa kali mengunjungi blog itu *kalo saya gk enak baru kenal langsung minta tukar link*

Lakukan ketiga hal itu selama 3-4 bulan (menyesuaikan dengan update PR) targetnya sampai kita dapat pr setidaknya 3 dan kita dapat alexa rank yang kecil. Asal konsisten dengan 3 hal atas, saya yakin 3 bulan cukup untuk menjadikan blog kita siap jual. Setelah itu baru kita mulai program monetize blog dengan mendaftarkan blog kita untuk pa1d rev1ew.

Setelah masa itu di lalui, kita bisa mendapat penghasilan dan bisa lebih konsen memikirkan rencana yang lebih matang untuk membangun bisnis online yang lebih terprogram ^_^ Alhamdulillah setelah lewat masa itu sekarang saya pun bisa kembali ngeblog dengan normal, termasuk kembali mengurus blog ini dan sekarang sudah ada beberapa blog yang sudah bisa di monetize termasuk yang domain sendiri.

Cara ini mungkin hanya baik dilakukan buat pemula yang kere seperti saya yang harus terpaksa merelakan menjual handphone di bulan pertama karena tidak punya buat bayar internet. Tidak apa toh sekarang sudah bisa terganti. Mudah2an pengalaman ini bisa bermanfaat buat pemula kere lainnya ^_^

Web Hosting Rating Review

The most common type of internet hosting service is the web hosting. The internet hosting service is a service that provides the clients – individual or organization – to make a content service by the internet. It is a must that an internet hosting service provider to allow the clients to create anything they want like the web server or any other kind of severs and get the internet connections in a good bandwidth. And as mentioned before, the most common type of internet hosting service is the web hosting. This kind of hosting allows the clients to create their own website and this service is provided by the company usually called as the web host. A web host allows the clients to use some space of its own as the space to put their own data center. A web host also provides the service of email hosting.

In the internet we can find a website that operates focusing on giving the rates to the web host. This rating aims to be the reference for the clients to pick the best web host they should use. The website is named This website is providing the web host rating based on the customers’ satisfactions, the affordability of the web host, the reliability, the uptime, and also the technical support and the qualified web hosts will be put in the list of the top ten web hosts.

This website also gives the awards to the best web hosts. The awards are consisted of the various subjects in what a web host gives its best service. In this website, we can also find a web hosting articles related to the way we can use the dedicated server in order to handle the effect of having a popular site. You can log on to the website and learn the way a web host works in such internet hosting service.

Monday, November 24, 2008

My book cover

On the cover is a photo of a specially-made Cancer Bitch. I'm told it's small and somehow it's a whistle--I think if you take off the head. It was my friend S's idea to have the circle-slash over the left breast. Click here to read more about this book.

Server Error Sponsor Komplain

Dalam 2 hari ini blog saya di blogetery yaitu myreview, tidak bisa di buka. Dan saya sendiri tidak tau pasti kenapa karena pada saat yang bersamaan website blogeterynya sendiri tidak bisa di buka dengan pesan error yang sama "Bad gateway".

Karena kejadian ini, Terpaksa harus mengirim email untuk advertiser yang menunda pembayaran karena error ini. Pagi ini saya membuka SR dan ternyata status blog saya "Rejected" sepertinya ini juga dengan error yang sama.. fiuhhhhh begini nasib orang numpang.... :( mudah-mudahan mereka mau nerima penjelasan saya melalui email dan kembali menerima blog saya dan berharap mudah-mudahan error cepat teratasi dan masalah tidak meluas ke broker lain.... bisa berabe kalo yang lain juga menunda pembayaran seperti advertiser dari Australia.... fiuhhhhhh jangan sampai deh..

Ternyata error yang muncul di sebabkan karena blogetry sedang melakukan migrasi server dan sedang melakukan penyetingan ulang di server mereka.. *Sabar menunggu dan berdoa cepat beres*

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Corporate Awards Production

Within an organization or company, there must be competition among the employees to be the best aside of the teamwork. There has to be a motivation or a triggering factor to make the company’s employees work better and better because it will influence the company’s performance and productivity. The effectiveness and efficiency of time and assets will determine the level of achievement along with the quality of the human resources in each department. One of the ways to make them work harder for the sake of the company’s continuity is by giving the awards to create the courage to work better than the others.

Whatever your occasion is, whether it is for the internal or external program held by the organization, you can have the reference of high quality corporate awards production service online in the website at With high quality of service that you can get, cheap price is something that you can count on there. Check out the website and see that they also offer you the chance to be the international supplier for the awards. Their price is negotiable where you can get the advantage of money saving. The have been working in the industry for many years with the experience so that you can rely on their service and offer.

In the website you can see the list of awards production that they have including police awards along with the trophies for sports events, academic awards, trophies for karate tournaments, graduation awards, medals, ribbons, military awards, certificates for various events, badges, plaques for retirement, and many more in relation. You can check out the pictures of the result examples of the awards that they produce in orders. The information and explanation about the ordering process is available there. There is also special offer of lower price there; get started now and order your awards for corporate and any other events.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Langkah Untuk Menghasilkan Dollar dari Blog

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, seorang teman dari Palu meminta di ajarkan bagaimana supaya bisa bisa menghasilkan dollar dari blog. Walaupun sepertinya pertanyaan ini salah alamat karena di tujukan kepada seorang newbie yang juga masih baru dalam hal monetize blog Namun saya coa buat sedikit tips biar tidak terlalu mengecewakan Mudah-mudahan tips berikut bisa sedikit menjadi bahan masukan.

Langkah pertama, tentu saja kita harus memiliki blog terlebih dahulu karena blog ini yang akan menjadi modal utama kita untuk mulai menghasilkan dollar dari blog (di sini tidak di bahas mengenai cara menghasilkan dolar yang tidak melalui blog).

Pilihlah tema content blog yang sesuai dengan bidang yang kita sukai dan kita kuasai, sehingga kita bisa mengupdate blog secara rutin tanpa harus selalu kebingunan mencari ide, karena idenya telah ada dalam fikiran kita. Selain itu dengan kita menguasai topik, kita juga bisa memberi respon berupa masukan atau solusi terhadap pengunjung blog yang memerlukan informasi lebih detail. Dengan sendirinya ini akan menciptakan brand positif bagi si pemilik blog. Sebagai tambahan design yang enak di pandang akan menjadikan pengunjung tertarik dengan blog kita setelah content yang baik.

Langkah kedua, Lakukan pengembangan jaringan dan lupakan dulu keinginan untuk segera menghasilkan dollar. Apakah yang akan kita lakukan jika kita pergi ke pasar untuk membeli buah2 dan menemukan di pasar banyak pedangang yang menjual buah yang sama? Pasti kita akan memilih buah yang terbaik. Nah kalau kita juga ingin blog kita ‘Layak jual’ maka perhatikanlah rating kita sudah layak jual atau tidak. Parameternya kita bisa melihat dari alexa rank, jumlah backlink atau link popularity, pagerank.

Langkah ketiga Pilih program monetize untuk blog kita. Buatlah suatu perencanaan yang baik untuk memonetize blog. Tidak perlu bernafsu untuk mendapatkan dolar sebanyak-banyaknya dengan mengikuti semua program yang telah terbukti menghasilkan bagi orang lain. Ingat meskipun blog kita sudah layak jual, blog masih tetap perlu untuk di kembangkan, aturlah sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kembangkan secara bertahap, mudah2an dengan cara ini akan terbangun sebuah pondasi yang kuat untuk bisnis online kita kedepannya. Mengenai program apa saja yang bisa menghasilkan dollar InsyaAllah saya bahas dalam postingan berikutnya.

Langkah keempat pemeliharaan kerja. Yang saya maksud di sini terus jaga untuk mengupdate blog dengan content yang bagus, tetap bangun jarinan dengan blogger lain, jangan hubungan baik dengan advert1ser. Ini penting sehingga bisnis online kita semakin lama akan menjadi semakin kuat dan berkembang tidak booming pada saat tertentu saja walaupun dalam keadaan tertentu mungkin saja itu terjadi.

Mungkin itu langkah praktis sederharna yang bisa di lakukan, setidaknya itu yang saya lakukan selama ini untuk menghasilkan dollar dari blog saya. Dalam prakteknya tentu saya juga masih harus terus memperbaiki segala kekurangan. Bila ada kekurangan mohon maaf, karena saya sendiri masih awam dalam hal monetize blog. Untuk blogger yang lain yang bersedia sharing, silakan ^_^ dengan senang hati saya terima.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Leslie Daigle Fights For Her RIGHT To Be Mayor

According to my super scientific survey, it's a tie between current Mayor Ed Selich and current Mayor Pro-Tem Leslie Daigle for Newport Beach's next appointed mayor.

So the Daily Pilot has weighed in with their own article about Daigle possibly being passed over for the Big Seat too now. Here's my previous take as well.

Well...according to even Daigle herself, she's already assuming that she's going to be passed over.

“It is ironic that while nationally, young and/or women elected officials are advancing, just the opposite may be happening in Newport Beach,” Daigle said.

Of course Daigle is saying this after being a Planning Commissioner for ONE (maybe TWO) meetings before getting Appointed to the Dais over many, many other MALE City's Leaders ...most of which who were (and still are) fixtures in Newport Beach's Business (President of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce) and Political (Planning Commissioner, Parks Beaches and Recreation Commissioner) activities.

It's fascinating that Newport Beach's last female Mayor Jan DeBay says that she,

"...doesn’t think the so-called glass ceiling is holding Daigle back"

While Former Mayor Evelyn Hart was more...delicate about this issue by suggesting that a Mayor needs two years (in reference to another 1 year Mayor Selich term) to get anything worthwhile done.

“I think that Leslie Daigle would make a fine mayor; however, I do see some real advantages of having a mayor for two years,” Hart said. “If a mayor wants to try to really accomplish something, there’s no way they would be able to do something in one year’s time, so I think I see more of an advantage of having a two-year mayor.”

But I don't remember her, or anyone else for that matter, saying this when Steve Rosansky was Mayor, when Don Webb was Mayor, when John Heffernan was Mayor...

So Daigle the Great continues by saying...

“We have a time-honored tradition of rotation,” Daigle said. “Whether the mayor has done a good job or bad job, this is our system.”

Interesting how Daigle considers it her RIGHT to be the next Mayor as opposed to a PRIVILEGE.

And I'm not too sure the City of Newport Beach should have someone in the Big Seat who feels as though it's her RIGHT to be Mayor.

Good Stuffs for Best Planters

Many things could add to make our home looks more beautiful. But people usually would plant some flowers and make little garden in front or in the back yard of the house. If you want to make a garden, you have to see the size of your front or back yard first. You can just purchase big trees and plant it in front of your house. You have to see all of them, so you can see the balance of the plants and your house. You want everything looks great, right, planters?

If you have little place in your little home, you can explore your ability to make decorative planters in your home. This is a good opportunity to make your house more beautiful than before with plants and flowers. If you want to look best product for your house you may visit This website will shows you a wide range of outdoors planters. You can see many things to makes your out door house looks great. This is the easy way to shopping anything you need in your garden planters. You will save your time comparing if you go store by store. This opportunity also can save your money if you know, because they offer good price for the customers

You can also see many indoor planters beautiful pots also in this website. If you want to add window Box planters, you can also choose the unique one. Just choose the most suitable for you. This website also provides many tools for garden planters. So you can decorative your garden with your own way. This is so nice! Purchase also high end planters from this website. Besides purchasing things, you are allowed to find depth information about products, materials, manufacturing methods about plant, and much more. You can also choose the materials for each product that you want to purchase. They will give you some option. Now, you can make your house more beautiful with good indoor and outdoor planters.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Menarik Napas Lega

Kabar terakhir dari ajang Busby SEO test, kini dewaji kembali ke posisi puncak, tapi sepertinya posisi ini belum aman, karena saya melihat beberapa hari ini posisi sering berubah. mudah2 posisi puncak sekarang bisa di pertahankan. sampai di akhir kontes ini. ^_^ saya sendiri malah tidak tau kapan kontes ini akan di tutup.

2 kali saya menarik napas lega hari ini, setelah melihat posisi dewaji di ajang Busby SEO test, ternyata blog saya juga bisa muncul di halaman pertama di ajang kontes pemula yang juga masih di ramekan para seo pemula Indonesia, sayangnya halaman yang saya posting tersebut sudah tidak ada karena sudah terhapus :(, gantinya saya posting halaman lain yang menggunakan keyword Latihan SEO untuk pemula yang sejauh ini halaman pengganti itu belum di lirik oleh search engine. Mudaha-mudahan nantinya bisa muncul seperti postingan pertama yang munculnya dengan tiba2 tanpa di duga setelah lama tidak nampak di halaman pencarian. Yah saya sendiri tidak yakin akan terus berada di situ, ya itu tadi halamannya sendiri sudah terhapus... gak apa2 setidaknya ini sedikit mengembalikan semangat saya untuk terus belajar seo..

akhir kata, sukses buat blogger Indonesia baik sedang ikutan latihan seo atau yang ikut Busby kontes SEO.

Update saudara.. sebelum saya tekan terbitkan entri.. ternyata posisi kembali berubah.. ^_^ tenang masih orang Indonesia di posisi satu..

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today I was rushing to meet an editing client at 2pm when L called. He said, I have bad news. He told me that our good friends' son was killed in a car accident earlier today. At first I was in minor shock, just feeling shaky and unable to process it. I knew people died in car accidents, and I knew the son, but I couldn't connect the two. Later I found the news story on the web and just keep thinking about the times I've seen this kid (who was 28). The last time was a few years ago at his wedding.

People say that when you have cancer you start worshiping at the altar of carpe diem. It's one thing to think of yourself slowly fading away; it's quite another to find out that a healthy 28-year-old was thrown out of his car when a tire blew out while he was on the exit ramp.

I'm sure that his parents, our friends, will replay the "what ifs" forever and ever.


It's amazing that we drive these machines that are so deadly. Many of us can name people who were killed in car accidents. The mother of a friend of mine was killed on the road between Austin and Houston, in 1991. Her daughter, my friend's older sister, was in the car with her. My friend A's cousins lived with their grandparents because their parents had died young in a car crash. And then one of the cousins, in his late twenties or thirties, and married, died of lymphoma. If I'm not mistaken, there's a part of Milan Kundera's novel Immortality, which I read back in the 1990s, that discusses the strangeness of the very high rate of deaths caused by automobiles. Why do we accept it?

I read once in In These Times, I think, that in Germany (and this may have been back when there was an East and West, and this was in West), conscientious objectors who refuse to pick up guns are not allowed to drive cars, because they too, are fatal weapons. I couldn't confirm this, but the (Christian) Orthodox Peace Fellowship reports, "Thus there are Orthodox priests who do not drive a car because of the danger of inadvertently causing someone’s death."

It is dangerous to drive. It's even dangerous to be around cars. I know someone who was walking downtown and was struck by an out-of-control car that roared up on the curb. She is now quadriplegic.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Finally, You Find It!

The use of internet as a source of information is widely proven, nowadays. People can get any information from a part of this world while they are located in another part. In doing so, people usually make use of search engines. There are lots of search engines on the internet, but people sometimes find difficulties in using it. The problem is usually about the use of wrong or incorrect keywords. People sometimes have to try several times before they get into the right websites.

Now, you can have another option of search engines that will provide you with easy to use and to find features. You can log in to to find the best result for your searching option. In this website, you can find everything you search by simply typing the keywords or choosing from the top 100 keywords available, and then click the 'Find' button. After that, you can have the results of your search. This is not a usual search engine but this is a find engine where you will be able to find what you are looking for while the others keep you searching. Moreover, you can also advertise your website through this search engine by simply joining in pay-per-click keywords advertising program. This program will let the advertiser to only pay when people click their site. Their website will be displayed throughout the keywords they provide with a sponsored result sign on the top right. Furthermore, when you decide to be a advertiser, you just need to complete the form with your personal information. Then, when you have become an advertiser, you just need to log in under Advertiser Login to edit your keywords bid.

Since this is a new find engine, a thorough development is still under progress. You can keep yourself in checking how this find engine grows.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Email Marketing

Marketing as the major thing that should be considered as the main key of the business' success, has found its form that is the most suitable to the era nowadays, the web marketing. This kind of marketing is allowing the business owners to be more outgoing since the web world is freely accessible by everyone in this earth. It means that the marketing will not have to take some difficult ways anymore in order to make the company become well known. And it is quite cheap as well. So the web marketing has offered a whole package of advantages when it is done well.

One of the ways in how the web marketing works is by using the email marketing. The email marketing system will make some kind of newsletter, mailing list, or any other kind of marketing ways. It will surely help the company to stay in contact with the customers and it all will end up in the long lasting company's credibility, of course. So all you need to make a success business is definitely a best relationship or partnership within you and your customers, and the way to get it is by using the email marketing solution. You can find the email marketing software at the web site.

'I Contact' is the email marketing online provider that offers you so many advantages with its features. By filling out the several fields provided in the special form available in this web site, visitors will be able to take a free trial service in order to give the visitors chance of thinking to use the full service. This web site helps you to organize your mailing list and also increase its quality in order to make your company become better in the email marketing subject. All sort of thing related to the email marketing is then combined in a very easy to use product.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Update sementara Kontes SEO

Hari ini kembali saya ingin memberikan dukungan kepada Dewaji, kontestan Busby SEO Test dari Indonesia sekaligus juga mengajak blogger lain untuk bersama-sama memberikan dukungan, untuk yang belum tau cara memberikan dukungan silakan baca postingan kontes SEO sedang berlangsung, buat newbie lain yang sekarang sedang sibuk belajar bareng Latihan SEO untuk pemula jangan lupa kalau para senior kita sekarang sedang berlaga juga di ajang kontes SEO yang sesungguhnya dan sepertinya sekarang ini sedang panas-panasnya persaingan untuk menempati posisi teratas.

Posisi terakhir yang saya liat posisi teratas sementara di tempati oleh kontestan asal philipina (kalau di lihat dari namanya) dan posisi Dewaji ada di urutan ke 2-3, setelah sebelumnya sempat turun juga di posisi 3. Tentu kita sangat berharap kalau kontes ini bisa dimenangkan oleh salah saorang kontestan dari Indonesia. Saya sendiri mendukung Dewaji karena, si mas inilah kontestan Indonesia pertama saya ketahui ikut di ajang ini.

Dukungan saya ini mungkin tidak terlalu berpengaruh, tapi kalau kamu yang membaca postingan ini juga ikut mendukungnya saya fikir itu akan lebih berarti, bukan untuk mas Dewaji sendiri saya rasa, tapi untuk seluruh blogger Indonesia dan untuk perkembangan SEO di Indonesia siapa tau kedepannya kita para newbie bisa mentransfer ilmu seo-nya dari mereka ^_^ kata terakhir, SUKSES !!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

New Opportunity dari blo99erwave

Setelah lama tidak ada kabar dari blo99erwave kemarin masuk email dari dari mereka isinya pemberitahuan adanya job baru yang bisa di ambil blog ini, beberapa hari yang lalu pernah juga nerima sms serupa cuma males saja postingnya soalnya minta embed video. Dan ternyata kali ini harus kembali menyisihkan opportunity itu, tidak berminat kayaknya untuk memposting artikel seperti itu itu yang judulnya saja ***is enl********

Ya mudahan-mudahan munculnya 2 job dari blo99erwave walaupun tidak di ambil, tapi setidaknya menunjukan blo99erwave belum mati setelah lama tidak mendengar kabar beritanya sama sekali sehingga bisa menjadi peluang tambahan kedepannya, mengingat job dari BBR juga mulai sepi sekarang hanya satu dua saja dan kecil-kecil lagi, hanya satu dua aja yang nilainya 10 ke atas.

Beruntunglah bulan ini order dari rev1ewme dan SR agak lumayan, dari BV juga Alhamdulillah ada meskipun tidak tiap hari.. Apakah blo99erwave akan kembali meberikan harapan? mudah-mudahan tidak kabur harapannya seperti kaburnya keyword Latihan SEO untuk pemula dari blog ini ^_^ menyimpang yah..

Belakangan memang ada beberapa broker sepertinya yang mulai sepi seperti blo991ng ads dan sm0rt1, dari keduanya belum pernah dapat job, karena sejak daftar 2/3 bulan rasanya belum pernah liat ada opportunity. Sebagai gantinya muncul l1ngworth dan yang baru pay1ngpost yang mirip sekali sistem kerjanya dengan payp3rpost.

^_^ gak jelas dan gak mutu ya postingannya, wiss daripada tambah gak jelas mending di akhiri saja sambil nyari tau perkembangan newbie yang lagi belajar seo bareng sudah sampe dimana..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bertukar link VS Bertukar klik iklan

Untuk meningkatkan link popularity atau sekedar menambah teman Bertukar links adalah hal biasa di lakukan blogger yang satu dengan blogger lainnya. Dan rasanya cara ini sah-sah saja, tidak ada aturan yang melarang atau sama sekali tidak merugikan pihak lain. Namun sepertinya belakangan ada juga tukar menukar dalam bentuk lain yang meskipun istilahnya tidak sepopuler atau mungkin istilah tidak ada, apa itu ? Bertukar klik iklan atau banner.

Walaupun istilahnya tidak popular namun tidak terlalu sulit untuk menemukan hal-hal seperti ini, bahkan kalaupun tidak di caripun akan nampak sendiri. Ya, saya sering juga menemukan pesan-pesan yang di bungkus dengan berbagai kalimat yang intinya minta iklannya di klik, bahkan masih ada ketika di salah blog saya tuliskan pesan tidak menerima tukar menukar klik iklan. Yang lebih lucu lagi,di blog ini yang sama sekali tidak ada iklannya kadang ada yang minta klik balik iklan..hehe23x aneh, bisa jadi memang dia ngetik pesan di shoutbox tanpa melihat dulu sekeliling kali.. ^_^

Kalau bertukar link tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkat link popularity, apakah bertukar klik iklan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemasukan??? Dan kalau saling bertukar link tidak ada pihak yang di rugikan, apakah dengan bertukar klik iklan seperti itu tidak ada yang di rugikan?? Sepertinya itu mendzalimi para pemasang iklan :) Yuk ah sama2 bermain jujur dalam berbisnis Internet. Biar sedikit tapi tidak merugikan orang, dan masih banyak kesempatan dari sumber lain kalau dari iklan belum bisa di harapkan…

Jangan ada yang tersinggung yah,, saya posting ini daripada pusing mikirin keyword Latihan SEO untuk pemula yang entah nyangkut dimana, seperti search engine lagi malas mengunjungi blog ini apalagi untuk sedikit memberi sedikit tempat di SERP nya… tapi kalau di fikirkan bloh kok soal bertukar klik iklan ini :) Semoga sukses !!!


This is a painting of Diana, goddess of the hunt, not quite an Amazon, but she could pass. According to legend the Amazons cut or burned off their right breasts so they could shoot arrows better. This is by Artemisia Gentileschi.

The reason I was looking for an Amazon is that now Cancer Bitch is on Amazon. With blurbs and everything--except not a cover image yet.

Transfer Ilmu

kontes Latihan SEO untuk pemula merupakan bukti antusias blogger Indonesia terhadap SEO yang sangat luar biasa, di saat para senior sedang berjuang dalam Busby SEO contest, para newbie juga tidak mau ketinggalan dengan mulai meramaikan search engine dengan keyword SEO untuk pemula. Walaupun para newbie SEO ini, termasuk saya belum punya pengalaman dalam praktek langsung mengoptimasi blog dengan SEO, namun tidak mengurangi keinginan untuk mencoba dan tentunya belajar.

Dari adanya ajang berlatih buat newbie SEO ini tentu yang di harapkan adalah adanya transfer ilmu dari para senior SEO. Kalau dalam keseharian mungkin timbul rasa malas untuk belajar dan berlatih Seo secara berkelanjutan, namun dengan adanya ajang ini semangat kembali muncul. Kenapa? karena saya fikir ini merupakan sarana yang tepat untuk berlajar trik SEO yang pernah di baca sehingga proses belajarpun tidak hanya teori saja tapi merasakan secara langsung bagaimana mengoptimasi keyword, dan salah satunya sekarang adalah Latihan SEO untuk pemula.

Mudah-mudahan proses transfer ilmu yang di harapkan dari ajang kontes ini bisa di berlangsung dengan baik dan memuaskan, dalam arti bisa mendapatkan pelajaran berharga untuk proses belajar ke depannya. So, ayo kita optimasi keyword Latihan SEO untuk pemula-nya.

Lifelock will Benefit You

Crimes are just a part of our life. They will not be able to be separately existed from us. All we need to do just knows how we can make prevention so it will not harm us furthermore. There are crimes which are operated by using the victims’ identity such as the credit cards, or other kinds of document that are important for our life. These kinds of crimes need a special treatment from the special expert.

The expert can be found by accessing the web site. This web site is providing the Lifelock system of identity protection. In the case when we lost our wallet or our purse, the system will contact the credit cards issuers to put the fraud alert on each of your cards. After that all kinds of matters related to the cards replacement will be taken care by Lifelock without having you wait in the line at the issuers’ office. The system will also automatically renew the alert as well.

Other advantage that you can have from using the Lifelock is that you can have your inbox reduced at the junk mails, or spams, or any other kinds of harmful mails that might be interrupting your email.

Repair Your Credit History!

To have an immediate need of money can be occurred to almost people in the world. Therefore, there is no use of feeling terrible since it is a thing that, like just mentioned, every living person in this earth has ever suffered for. Nowadays, the rush needs of instant cash can be ended by using the help from applying for the loan. The loan will serves you the cash you may need in a very fast time with almost no collateral and several conditions. The point is when you need the immediate cash; all you have to do is just applying for a loan system that will surely help you without causing you furthermore troubles, problems, nightmares, or even the disasters.

But the problem is to have such loans, you have to be checked for your credit history, whether it was good or bad. Many people fall down in their missions of getting some loans just after they hit the credit checking step. This is all because they never really put an extra attention on their history of credits. The system works like this, the worst your credit history was, the higher the interest rate you will get for the loan you are applying for. So why do you have to apply for the loan if it only causes you the more problems of debts? So, you will have to have a help on how to improve credit score you have. But relax, there has been some assistance provided by the web site. The web site is a company which offers you the credit repair online service.

The company provides the ways that you can be approved for almost loans application; make you save your money and time, help you to improve credit score you have, and also avoid the next credit dispute that may occur.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Can Leslie Daigle Count to Four?

In light of the Winship's post below, it's time again to ask that question.

Who will be Newport Beach's next mayor?

Typically it's the Mayor Pro-Tem, who's bumped up to the hot seat.


The "One" in line has had an interesting time on the City Council, first getting appointed to her City Council seat after ONE (maybe two) meetings as a Planning Commissioner,and barely beating someone who had already withdrawn from the 2006 City Council race, still owing her Political Consultant dough from that race (as of June 30, mind you...)

So...will Mayor Pro-Tem Leslie Daigle (who's been EXTREMELY quiet fabricating issues, no "fascinating" opinion pieces, no Environmental Lessons, no Community Tours) be able to Count to Four?

Can Leslie Daigle get three others on the City Council to unleash her ego and jumpstart her rumored campaign for the 2010 Assembly primary race by voting her in as Mayor of Newport Beach?

The past year with Mayor Ed Selich at the helm has been relatively quiet for him.

The previous year with former Mayor Steve Rosansky...well...not soo quiet for him.

What will the next year bring?

And will three others on the Newport Beach City Council risk all kinds of "Fun Times" on the City Council by letting Leslie be the City's Figurehead?

Looking at the City Council roster...and who might support her?

After hours of cigar smoked discussion, my guess?

4 to 3 - in favor of Mayor Daigle.

A Democrat/Socialist led (in the White House and Congress) US of A.

An increasingly unpredictable Sales-Tax raising California Governor.

A County of Orange who cannot be trusted to stand up to the Unions, so we have to do their job and vote on Union Pension Increases.

and now...

Welcome to the Mayor Leslie Daigle era...

Fat Jack Hosting

A web hosting company is an online company that will surely help you in building your own web site. The company will accommodate and facilitate every kind of needs that you may want to build such a great web site of your own. This kind of company will also help you by doing the optimization of your web site so that your web site will be ranked at the top of the search engine results when the visitors search for the keywords related to your web site. This system will also help your company to do the online marketing in an easy way. is a web site that provides the service of online web hosting in the Internet. At its web site, it offers a lot of services that is able for the visitors to choose such as the News, Web Hosting, Buy Domains, Dedicated Servers, Collocation, Support, and Partners tools. There is also an item of About Us that will provide the visitors with much information about this web site and its services.

For the visitors who want to build a web site, they can buy a domain by paying only $11.97 per year. The service will be given with the fast setup and the visitors will have to check the availability of the domain they want at first. The visitors will also be able to get the Shared Hosting only by paying $4.97 per month. They will get the fast setup service as well with the Linux servers, Cpanel or Plesk, and 24 hours ticket supports in a week. This web site is also equipped with the Fat Jack Hosting audio promo so that the visitors will be able to listen to the web site's promotion live by the Internet. So, why don't you just check it out?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Electing a bad could it be?

Slime is rampant in politics. Deep slime comes with ambiguous
process and ambiguous options for electeds! Demagoguery comes
when "the people" are not informed fully....or are occluded
from the process of Representative Government.

Newport Beach has a 20th Century process which has served the
people (those that really don't care much) well for now over
100 years! It is very much like watching Fess Parker as Davy
Crockett when he ran for Congress from Tennessee. "Hey, have
a drink on Davy and send him to Congress!". Those were great
days...when we elected concerned veterans from World War II,
dedicated and caring people ran for office that loved their
community and wanted to keep it a lovely place to live. It was
a time when perhaps the biggest issue to be faced was a defaced
Pulic Restroom or an errant tree growing in front of someone's
ocean view plain!

But today is today and the great Irvine Company, as well as
the various Sons and Madam's of the Irvine Company have all
taken it upon themselves to guide and direct the fortunes of
Newport Beach. Allowing groups like Greenlight, Stop Polluting
Our Newport or even the Airport Working Group are certainly
not worth considering in any regard. Those groups have seen
their day....done their work for the power structure and are
no longer viable. "Concerned Citizens of Newport Beach" is a
newbie. CCNB is looking to protect our community from the
rabid influx of Rehab Homes and Drug Rehab facilities in Newport
Beach. They follow on the heels of the group of daring do
environmentalists and concerned citizens that fought changing
the location of the new City Hall to Fashion Island. So far,
both groups haven't won much yet. CCNB has been fighting the
Rehab issue for several years and found that lots of people we
would not expect..were deeply involved way or the other.

The truth is: We have no City Leader that "the people" can go
to and ask for a "policy decision" or vote out if they are
insensitive to our needs. Lord knows that our City Manager
Homer Bludau..has been doing his best to fill the void, but
the problems are even bigger than what the designated Newport
Beach Bureaucracy can handle fairly or logically. We need as
a citizenry to find Leadership that can in fact Lead. Right
now, there is a sloppy configuration of 7 individuals all or
mostly supported by a back room group and power structure, all
with their own back pocket considerations which makes finding
the direct leadership we seek - rather unconvincing!

Those presently elected would be the first to argue that they
have a wonderful group of people that work together and that
this loose and relaxed oligarchy does everything either almost
perfectly or in the best way possible! Odd..that this basic
theme has been ongoing for just about 35 years. Remember the
great upheaval the election of Dick Nichols caused? They acted
as if the end days had come. One lone voice had them beside

The issue is plain: We need someone willing to offer policy
choices to the electorate! We need someone that actually can
run "for something" rather than just because they know someone!
Ed Selich couldn't even get anyone to run against him in this
last election! Ed, by the way is a very nice guy but not
exactly Mr. Excitement!

To the point...we need to elect a Mayor! Irvine does so...and
has not fallen off the San Andreas fault! Why can't Newport
Beach have an elected Mayor too?

How about two things: "Vote for a Mayor!" and let's also "Vote
for Restricting Rehab Homes!" Oh, we have to change the Charter?
Great! Then let's do it! Time for Newport Beach to become the
City that it is - with all the warts and an elected leader!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Menghadapi Dilema

Bukanlah suatu rahasia lagi kalau bermain dengan yang namanya artikel berbayar maka dengan sendirinya kita akan berhadapan dengan google. Saat di mana google melakukan update pagerank adalah saat mendebarkan apakah pagerank kita mengalami kenaikan atau penurunan atau malah terjun bebas sampai di PR nol atau n/a. Keadaan ini tentu tidak terlalu berpengaruh buat mereka yang ngeblog untuk haping fun.

Lalu apakah kita mundur? Tentu ini akan sangat tergantung kepada tujuan kita membuat blog dan ngeblog selama ini. Sebagai salah seorang blogger yang mempunyai tujuan mencari penghasilan dari kegiatan ngeblog ini, tentu saya tidak akan mundur. Masalah penurunan pagerank, itu adalah sebuah resiko yang harus dihadapi ketika kita memutuskan untuk me-moneize blog kita dengan mengikuti program artikel berbayar. Toh, yang kita lakukan sama sekali tidak merugikan orang, jadi tidak ada alasan untuk berhenti.

Seperti seorang petani yang sedang menggarap sawah, ada saat dimana dia mempersiapkan dan merawat sawah atau ladangnya dan ada saat di mana dia memanen hasilnya. Tidak ada yang salah. Seperti kita juga blogger yang mencari peruntungan dari program artikel berbayar tadi, ada saat memupuk ada saat memanen. Akan lebih menyenangkan seandainya masa memanen itu akan jauh lebih panjang sehingga kita bisa menikmati hasilnya lebih banyak dan lebih lama? Bagaimana jika tidak, Tentu siapapun tidak ada salahnya juga kalau kita memanfaatkan waktu yang sebentar dapat memberikan hasil yang maksimal, setidaknya bisa setimpal dengan tenaga yg kita keluarkan ketika merawatnya sampai siap panen dan untuk kemudian kita harus kembali merawatnya lagi karena masa panen sudah lewat dan menunggu masa panen berikutnya.

Hanya pasrah menunggu hasil dari google? Tentu tidak. Apa yang beda antara artikel berbayar dan artikel biasa, apakah bobot contentnya? Bisa ya bisa tidak. Seorang yang sedang mencari informasi tentang seo dia tentu akan melewatkan informasi yang berhubungan dengan suatu produk. Ini akan berlaku sebaliknya orang yang mencari informasi tentang suatu produk, misalnya ponsel, tentu dia akan melewatkan informasi yang berhubungan dengan SEO atau tips blogging lainnya. Jadi intinya berbobot atau tidaknya suatu content bukan dari apakah itu tentang SEO,tips blogging atau computer tapi siapa yang membacanya. Ini artinya artikel berbayar kitapun sebenarnya bisa berbobot dan menjadi informasi yang penting buat orang banyak, Itulah mengapa ketika menulis tips tentang menulis artikel berbayar tips saya Cuma satu yaitu buatlah artikel berbayar kita sebaik mungkin, jangan Cuma asal di setujui sponsor saja. Sehingga bisa menjadi arrtikel berbobot untuk orang yang membutuhkannya. Selebihnya maksimalkan cara-cara lain mencari backlink untuk selalu bisa menutup outgoing link yang kita buat dari artikel itu.

Itu hanya usaha, selebihnya keputusan ada di tangan google apakah tetap mempertahan pagerank kita atau akan menjatuhkan vonis penurunan PR. Kalau ternyata penurunan PR yang di dapat kembali memupuk dan merawat lagi untuk masa panen berikutnya, jangan kalah dengan petani.

Selamat berusaha semoga sukses!! jika ada kata-kata atau pendapat yang salah mohon di maafkan. Namanya juga belajar ^_^

Credit Card Application

This is the right time for you to make your own credit card. You already prepare your account and ready to have a credit card. But you are confused with many offerings that try to pursuing you to choose their credit card. You have no idea about balance transfer, and low interest rate that available in every offering. Your sister and friends also ever had bad financial condition because of credit cards rated. And they have to work hard to pay their credit cards. You do not want this bad condition happen to you.

If you ever feel in that situation, you need a guide that could help compare all credit cards that you desire. You need This website is not a Bank official website. You know there are so many banks influences people to use their credit card. A person who does not know about balance transfer will apply it and gain some financial trouble in the future. This website will give you knowledge of wide selection of crdit cards. You can learn one by one. Do not worry, enjoy your time. After you read all positive and negative side of them, you can decide to choose the most suitable credit card for you. You can use their easy steps to get what you want. Research, compare and apply. These three easy steps are well known could help you to decide the lowest rates credit cards for you.

This website also featured Bank of America Credit Cards, Visa Card, Bank Freedom, and Discover credit cards , that you know offers you 0% APR. You can also read information about Providian Credit Cards. You can compare it by some category. There are compare by brand, compare by credit quality, and compare by issuer. Read the credit cards reviews and latest news of credit cards. This information could help you to find credit card with more rewards. This online card comparison tool will give you the big benefits of credit cards.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Heart Surgery to Fix Your Heart Disease

Do you often feel pain on your chest and shortness of breath? Do you often find it difficult to continue your activities because of the feeling of heaviness, tightness, pain, burning, pressure, or squeezing around your breastbone, arms, neck or jaw? If your answers are yes for those questions, you might have to be careful; those are the symptoms of coronary artery disease. Those kinds of pains can be caused by Cigarette smoking habit, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and in some cases, male gender and family history.

As we all realized that the health of our heart means the health of our entire body regarding the main function to pump the blood’s circulation, we must be careful in maintaining the normal condition. If you think you have been living in unhealthy life habit too long until you are sure enough that your heart have been damaged by bad substances entering your body, maybe you should take a look at This website is from University of Maryland Medical Center, one of the leaders in Coronary bypass surgery as well as other heart surgery. You can read the valuable information provided in this website to inform you more the danger of bad lifestyle and what the effects on your heart’s health are.

You can also ask for an appointment to meet the expertise to see if you are in a danger of heart disease or not. If yes, this medical center will be able to help you taking the most suitable solution including by performing Coronary artery bypass surgery if it is necessary. This medical center itself is supplied with the world’s leader in robotic heart surgery that will make sure the patients has the best result to get the heart as normal as possible. The coronary surgery is recommended for disease of the left main coronary artery, disease of three or more vessels (triple vessel disease), and also for cases in which nonsurgical management hasn’t worked.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ipod Products In Online Store

Nowadays the development of gadget products has been so rapid where everyday there can be a new gadget rising in the market. You surely do not want to miss one; for your dynamic lifestyle and sophisticated personality that you can show through the products that you use. In choosing gadget products to buy you have to consider whether the features match with your needs and whether the price is worth the function. Do not be worried because you are about to find out the reliable source about it.

You can start browsing in the internet and go to and search for iPod products and you will be finding the result of complete products options that you can tae a look at to complete your tools of entertainment; where you can listen to your favorite music wherever you are. The stocks of iPod 4 GB Nano will satisfy your entertainment needs with many options of models and colors that you can see from the pictures available in the website. With the convenience of the usage it will give more advantages with the enjoyable features that the products bring. You can also fid the products of iPod 160 GB Classic there; along with the kits and accessories display along with price information.

Go to the website and start your online shopping. You can get more modern taste with the products of iPod 32 GB Touch with the support of stylish look and fashion. There are also he offer of beneficial deals coming from mobile phone products which you can get along with the iPod in some conditions which you can check out yourself. TO check out the complete stocks, you can go directly to the products’ store’s website on certain products that you are interested to. Add the products into the shopping cart now; save your time in getting gadget products deals.

The Effectiveness of $250,000 IE's

When Keith Curry and I tried to introduce to the Newport Beach City Council the idea of giving the people of our city a say before their public employee unions bullied themselves a better pension agreement, Dolores Otting stood up at the council meeting and said something to the effect that "this is a move from the Lincoln Club, and they didn't support my candidacy; in fact, I didn't have any big money people blah blah blah". How that justified her rejection of an idea so fundamentally fair and necessary for our city is beyond me, and apparently 75% of the people in Orange County agree (see Measure J's landmark passing yesterday).

But what I have been mystified by throughout this campaign is the change of heart Dolores appears to have had about the support of one's campaign. While apparently is what offensive to her that God and country loving Americans like myself and other LC members would give $500 whopping dollars to Keith Curry, apparently rallying with $250,000 of independent expenditure money from Jack Croul was just fine. I actually happen to think it was - I don't begrudge this guy the right to waste his money on whatever grudge and political score he wants. I believe in the first amendment, and despite some of the extraordinary things one reads even on the comments section some time of this excellent blog, a candidate is not "in bed with big business" when someone freely supports the candidate they believe in. Quid pro quos are already against the law, and no slanderous mailer can make lemons out of lemonade. So, I reiterate, IE's, Jack, 250k, Dolores - it's all good by me. It is a free country. BUT, I have to say, it may not be a wise investment for the rest of us looking to spend 250k in the future to dethrone a city council member. As one will see from the below exact election results, this 250k ADDED 1,000 votes to Keith Curry's margin of victory. I have to think that if I ever get tempted to do an IE, this would scare me a bit.

2008 Results - Curry win by 2924 votes

Vote Count

2006 Results - Curry wins by 1999 votes

Vote Count

I hope Keith will govern the city well. I think he will. I believe there is a lot of good happening in the city, and I believe there is a lot of work to be done. I hope those of us who love the city will calm the rhetoric a bit, and move on with the job of civic responsibility and improvement.

In Grant Park

It was nice, I tell people. Yes, it was nice.

That's not what they want to hear. They want to hear that the Obama rally in Grant Park on Tuesday was fantastic. Exhilarating. Incredible. Moving. They want to hear all that, but they'll have to hear it from someone else. I wish they could hear it from me. I wish I had burst into tears, like other people standing around me, like my husband. I wish that I'd felt a whoosh, a thrill, when I clapped along with everyone else when we heard that Iowa was going for Obama, and then Ohio. I wish that when I yelled in my green Obama t-shirt, among the tens of thousands in their t-shirts and caps and hijabs, holding their American flags aloft, wearing Obama pins, one girl with Vote Obama written on her face in blue, that I felt a thump in my chest, a heave in my heart. I wish that when I cheered along with everyone else when the CNN announcer on the JumboTron said, "It's looking exceedingly grim for John McCain," I felt gleeful. But I didn't.

CNN announced that Obama was the apparent winner. My friend Garnett, standing next to me said, "For the first time the country can actually get better." I agreed with her. A voice came over the loudspeaker: "Final sound check for the next president of the United States." Then I shouted along with everyone else, "Not for us!" when McCain said it was natural to feel some disappointment. I sang the chorus to "Sweet Home Chicago" along with the rest of the crowd. Then the president-elect came on stage (though I couldn't see him with my naked eye), but I didn't feel anything. I felt like the girl who sings "Nothing" in A Chorus Line. Except she became defiant about not feeling the way her acting teacher wanted her to, and I was disturbed.

What was wrong with me? This was historic, the first African-American president-elect. A brilliant man, a non-imperialist, a person we wouldn't have to disavow when traveling abroad. This was what I wanted--this is why I made phone calls to Iowa and rang doorbells in Indiana and Wisconsin, and organized a fundraiser in Chicago. This was the result I had hoped for, when I argued with Hillary supporters early on. In the park I listened to Obama, his stirring words about unity and inclusion and sacrifice, I listened to him say everything I would want a president to say--and still...

Wednesday I felt--or didn't feel--the same way. I kept trying to figure out what was going on. I kept thinking of syllogisms. Like: This country is conservative. Obama is progressive and I agree with him. But the country elected him. Therefore, Obama can't be progressive.

Maybe, I thought, I never supported a winning candidate before. That's partly true, except I voted for both Obama and Durbin for the Senate. How did I feel when Obama won his Senate seat? I don't remember. I did a tiny bit of work for that campaign. I campaigned for Harold Washington's second term. I was out of state for his first win. But he was hamstrung by a racist bloc of aldermen--at least at the beginning. I worked for an aldermanic candidate who lost twice. I voted for Carter and Clinton--but I didn't support either of them in the primaries.

Most of my adult life I've been politically marginal. My friends ran for state office on the Iowa Socialist Party ticket, and I voted for them. That was the choice: you vote for your beliefs or you vote for the compromisers. You vote your dreams or you sigh and vote for the possible. This is so ingrained in me that when I finally support a candidate who wins, with whom I agree, with whom I share a world view--my brain short-circuits and threatens to explode. How could suddenly a nation that I don’t quite feel a part of, embrace the same candidate that I embrace? How did that happen? Am I in shock?

Or am I depressed?

Latihan SEO untuk pemula

Latihan SEO untuk pemula sepertinya sedang rame belakang ini. Ternyata ini berhubungan dengan kontes SEO pemula menggunakan keyword tersebut. Sebenarnya belajar SEO bukan hal baru yang ingin saya lakukan, namun sibuk mikirin dapur biar ngebul *alasan klise* jadinya gak jalan belajarnya. Alasan sebenarnya sih puyeng aja dengan SEO, tapi dengan adanya latihan ini jadi timbul lagi keinginan untuk melanjutkan proses Belajar seo-nya.

Karena judulnya Latihan SEO untuk pemula , jadi kalaupun ternyata postingan ini tidak masuk 10 halaman awal sekalipun di halaman haril perncarian tidak malu, orang namanya juga pemula yang buta SEO. Ambil positifnya saja dengan adanya latihan SEO ini kita sebagai pemula bisa mengambil pelajaran bagaimana memilih trik atau tips dengan belajar dari postingan orang lain yang nantinya muncul di halaman lebih baik, dan yang pasti semangat untuk Belajar seo-nya kembali muncul. Nah buat yang sama2 newbie yuk ikut kontes latihan seo untuk pemulanya.

Sebenarnya apa manfaat SEO, Dengan search engine optimization kita bisa menempati posisi yang baik dalam halaman pencarian search engine berdasarkan keyword tertentu, hal ini tentu akan berpengaruh pada jumlah pengunjung blog kita, selain blogwalking tentuya ^_^ walaupun itu sepertinya belum berhasil untuk blog ini, wiss gak apa2 belajar saja terus dan dan tetap belajar dan latihan.

Technorati : ,

Should Someone At Least Win Their Own District?

Newport Beach votes for their City Councilmembers in Districts.

If you are running for City Council in District 2. You need to live in District 2.

You represent District 2. You are called District 2's City Councilmember.

But the entire City gets to vote for you.

So while you are associated with being District 2's Representative, you are voted at large.


You should at least represent your District and your District should want you as their Representative right?

Interestingly enough...

District 2's Councilman Steve Rosansky didn't win his own District in the 2008 election.

Out of the 3049 people living, or registered to vote, in District 2 who voted for the City Council race -
  • Steve Rosansky got 1481 votes - 48.5%
  • Gloria Alkire got 1568 votes - 51.5%
Rosansky also lost District 1 to a larger margin (43.8% to 56.2%), but overwhelmingly won the rest of the City.

District 2 also had the lowest voter turnout as compared to the rest of the City too, bringing out only 51.4% while Citywide, Newport Beach had 58.5% come out to vote.

What does this mean?

The people who know Steve Rosansky best (his neighbors) didn't want him as their City Council Representative, while the people who don't live or work next to him do...

In case you are curious...

In the District 7 race between Incumbent Keith Curry and Challenger Dolores Otting, as voted by District 7
  • Keith Curry had 2827 votes 59%
  • Dolores Otting had 1939 votes 41%
District 7 got the Councilmember that they wanted.

Congratulations - Here's to the Power of Incumbency

First off, congratulations to Councilman Steve Rosansky and Councilman Keith Curry on their successful re-election campaign.

To say that this election cycle wasn't wasn't like having the 13 candidates from two years ago, but this election was certainly fascinating.

Lots and lots of money was spent...and the status quo for Newport Beach was kept.

Thus the power of incumbency.

Regardless of how much money was spent, how much mail was mailed, none of that really made too much difference.

Consider neighbor is as Conservative as it gets.

She likes to consider herself well informed.

She voted for McCain,

Voted Yes on 8

Voted for all the Republicans (in partisan offices) and that's all that really mattered to her.

But when it came down to the down ticket items...

She voted for our City's incumbents.


Because life in Newport Beach is great.

Why change it.

None of the money spent, none of the mailers, none of the newspaper articles made a difference to her.

Heck...she didn't even know about any of them.

Never noticed.

All she cared about was McCain and Prop 8.

Costa Mesa kept it's Incumbents and the top vote getter was the former popular Mayor.

Irvine (who's money spent DWARFS Newport Beach's spending) kept their status quo.

Throughout Orange County...only a very few incumbents lost.

Nationally -

Incumbent Crack-smoking Marion Barry was easily re-elected to the DC City Council.

Incumbent Convicted Felon Alaska's US Senator Ted Stevens still holds a slim lead.

So congrats to Steve and Keith on their victories.

And congrats to Newport Beach for keeping Newport Beach's status quo...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dimana kita bisa mendapatkan backlinks dan traffic?

Backlinks dan traffic selalu menjadi tema yang banyak di bahas diblog-blog yang banyak membahas mengenai SEO. Yah memang kedua hal itulah yang menjadi modal utama untuk mendapatkan pagerank dan tentunya bekal untuk monetize blog. Dan itu juga yang kemudian mendorong saya untuk ikut-ikutan mencoba belajar SEO. Walau masih sering pusing ^_^. Wiss lanjutin ke tema awal soal backlinks dan traffic. Ada beberapa cara atau media yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk mendapatkan backlinks sekaligus juga mendatangkan traffic.

Di sini banyak orang akan bertemu mulai dari para pemula yang mencari informasi sampai para master yang berbagi ilmu dan pengalaman. Melalui forum ini, jika kita memiliki kemampuan maka akan menjadi sarana bagus untuk membangun brand dan tentunya juga mendapatkan backlink melalui signature pada threads yang merupakan kontribusi kita di forum itu. Dan jika threads kita menarik orang untuk membacanya dengan sendirinya ini juga bisa mendatangkan pengunjung. Tapi ingat jangan menjadi spammer.

Social bookmarking
Media ini merupakan alternatif lain untuk berbagi informasi atau sharing dengan audien mengenai artikel yang kita sukai. Dan kita juga bisa men-submit artikel dari blog kita sendiri. Selain mendapatkan backlinks, hal ini juga bisa mendatangkan pengunjung jika kita memiliki artikel yang bagus. Tapi ingat jangan Cuma artikel dari blog kita saja yg kita submit nanti malah di anggap spam dan orang males lagi mengakses artikel yang kita submit.

Blogging merupakan cara atau langkah yang banyak kita pake selama ini untuk mendapatkan backlinks dan traffic. Dengan saling mengunjungi blog satu dengan yang lain dan meninggalkan komentar pada blog yang kita kunjungi. Rasanya semua sudah mengenal dan melakukan cara ini.

Article submission
Jika kita memiliki kemampuan pada bidang tertentu, kita bisa memanfaatkan media ini sebagai salah satu cara mendapatkan backlink yaitu dengan men-submit artikel kita di article submission. Jika artikel itu bagus dan menarik pembaca. Maka itu juga akan mendatangkan traffic buat blog kita dengan mengunjungi link yang menuju blog kita yang kita tempel pada artikel tersebut.

Sementara itu dulu, soalnya saya juga masih harus banyak belajar ilmu seo nya dan menyerap dari yang lain sambil memaksimalkan media tadi, Malu sendiri blog ini juga belum di optimasi.. ^_^ malah kepincut nyari job artikel berbayar jadinya belajar seo nya banyak tertinggal dan alexa rank juga tidak terjaga, wiss kedepannya perbaiki lagi..

Lamps Collections from Farrey’s

Making your room looks better and sweeter is kind of difficult task. Picking the right products and stuffs that can fit with our room is very hard. We should pick the right color; pick the right design and also the right atmosphere of the stuff itself. It can be happen for anything including lamps. Lamps are one of important part in our room. Without proper lamp’s design and atmosphere, our room can look old or even massy.

Of course thinking is the easiest way that we can do now, but we should buy and pick one of products that will fit with our room. If you want to start choosing and buying new lamps, then you should go to This is the right website where you can find anything for your home, not only for single room, but also for all rooms. When you are looking to the website, you can see that this website will show you more than just enough. This website can show you more than thousand lamps collection that already in the warehouse.

This is actually the right warehouse where you can find any kind of lighting and lighting fixtures including lamps of course. When you first come to the website, you should click the lamps link that available. After that you can be guided to the nest page that show you lots of variance of lamps, for example are the table lamps collection that available with the detail information of each product and also the price.

If you want to see other collections, then you can open the floor lamps collections for example or task lighting. All of them are available in this website. This website is not only show you lots of collections but also the brands of the products. All of the products that shown here will also came from the best producer in the world. Contact them now and see what you want to see then buy it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dolores and the raffle

The apparent announcement by the Dolores Otting campaign that they will cancel her fundraising raffle and refund all contributions made in consideration for raffle tickets is an acknowledgement that the raffle was illegal.

Specifically, from what I understand the raffle violated the following seven laws;

1. Violation of Penal Code Section 320. The raffle itself was illegal. Political campaigns are specifically not defined as “eligible organizations” under state law for purposes of conducting a raffle.
2. Violation of Penal Code Section 320.5 (C) (f). This section states “A raffle may not be advertised, operated, or conducted in any manner over the Internet, nor may raffle tickets be sold, traded, or redeemed over the Internet.” From September 9-October 20, Dolores Otting’s web site advertised the raffle and provided a down load to a raffle entry form.
3. Violation of Penal Code Section 320.5 (C) (h) (1). This section states “An eligible organization may not conduct a raffle authorized by this section unless it registers annually with the Department of Justice”. In addition to not being an “eligible organization” this raffle was not registered with the Department of Justice.
4. Violation of Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 1.25.030 (Count 1). The fair market value of the six day Honolulu vacation offered as a raffle prize exceeds the $500 contribution limit of the Newport Beach Code.
5. Violation of Newport Beach Municipal Code Section 1.25.030 (Count 2). The fair market value of the Cancun vacation, which includes “economy airfare for two, two free nights in a five star hotel and round trip ground transportation to Cancun International Airport” exceeds the $500 contribution limit of the Newport Beach Code. (Airfare alone is approximately $500 per person).
6. Violation of the Political Reform Act. The source and fair market value of the Cancun vacation have not been reported in accordance with the provisions of the Act. This is now more than two weeks since Ms. Otting assured voters that disclosure would be forthcoming.
7. Making false statements under penalty of perjury. On October 6, 2008, Dolores Otting signed her FPPC Form 460 attesting to the following statement “I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing and reviewing this statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and complete. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct”. This report listed a $495 in-kind donation of the Honolulu vacation by “Lesna Orozco”. Public statements by Linda Orozco confirm that the donation of the vacation was solely by Linda Orozco and that Lesna Orozco did not make any contribution of value to the campaign. This makes the reported donation a false statement.

So tomorrow is a big day for our country and our city. And in both cases, the votes seem obvious to me.


Friday afternoon I was walking to the main library downtown and thought about the time, years ago, I was in the library and this guy came up to the counter asked the librarian if she had any books by Studs Terkel, if she'd heard of Studs Terkel. It was Studs, in his characteristic red-checkered shirt. I don't think she had. I should have said, Yes, I've heard of you, I've read your work--but I didn't.

See, it's all about me. A great wonderful person dies and I think of myself. I feel sorry for myself, I feel regret: I met Studs a few times, talked to him, but I wasn't friends with him. I knew people who were friends with him. At a party a few weeks ago I talked to T, who was telling me about visiting Studs, who was not doing well. He may have been bed-ridden. T told me that Studs told him that he'd wanted to stay alive to see the Cubs go the World Series, and now he wanted to hold on until the election. (His absentee ballot arrived at his house the day he died.) I thought later that I wanted to ask T if I could go with him next time he went to see Studs. Would that even have been appropriate? I'm sure Studs wouldn't have remembered meeting me. My friend S came to Chicago several years ago to read from her book of oral histories. She visited Studs. She visited Carlos Cortez. She could do that because she was from out of town. Now both of these grand old men are dead.

I still haven't read the obit. I couldn't figure out my resistance to it, and then I thought: It's because I'm jealous. I wish I'd written it. I wish I'd known him the way Rick Kogan, who wrote the obit, knew him. What is wrong with me? I just heard on the radio Studs recalling the day that Rick was born; he was friends with his father, the editor Herman Kogan. (I met the elder Kogan once. So what?)

I wanted Studs to read at the fundraiser for Obama. I asked a friend of his, twice, if he would ask Studs for me, and both times he said: Studs is ill.

On the radio now are people I know talking about Studs. One of them is another grand not-as-old man, Quentin Young. I know him through his daughter. I wrote about his wife's funeral. (Studs was there, looking frail.) I admire him and want to spend time with him. How can we do that? We can call to ask him to dinner. Would he want to come to dinner with us? Would he want to be with us?

And I wondered, did Studs die the moment I happened to think about him?

Why does it matter, Cancer Bitch?

I want to be like him, but he didn't get to be who he was by wanting to be like someone else.

Artistic Modern furniture

There are various style of furniture in the market available for home with any interior style, but apparently the trend is now refers to contemporary furniture. This kind of furniture is now highly demanded because of the multiple functional benefits obtained by the owner. This kind furniture will be great not only in providing a room with necessities required but also as artistic decoration. Besides, modern furniture is also become so popular because the flexible design will be perfect for any size of room even the narrowed ones. It will make a room looks wider than classic furniture with complicated details that usually will make a room look narrow.

Because of it popularity, artistic and functional value, modern furniture can be really expensive. Well of course it is worth the values we get from it, but it will be much better if we can get high quality modern furniture in a low is the right answer for this problem. This website has wide numbers of contemporary Italian furniture sorted in categories such as living room, dining room, bedroom, and kid’s room. Founded on the principle that well-designed, well-made furniture should be stylish, functional and affordable, eroomservice are able to provide you all you need in furniture.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Town Hall

Fancy Hospital had its annual Town Hall meeting last week on breast cancer. Meaning, anyone could come and ask questions of a panel of experts: my erstwhile oncologist, my current oncologist, my erstwhile and very nice radiologist, a patient advocate (who lives in Des Moines) and a oncologist-plastic surgeon. I learned a few things, some of them unsettling. That estrogen-positive cancer (such as mine) is easier to treat than other kinds, but it also has a greater chance than other cancers of coming back after five years. How did I miss hearing that before? That triple-negative breast cancer is more common in African-American women than in women of other races, and that it's more aggressive and more likely to recur than many other other kinds of breast cancers. That according to one trial, five years of tamoxifen is better than 10 because breast cancer cells can learn to grow with the tamoxifen.

A man asked about Dr. Susan Love's new research effort. My old onco pooh-poohed Love, calling her an "entrepreneur," and said he was "not sure what she's doing." My current onco said that Love was encouraging patients to get in clinical trials to help the next generation. "What she's doing is great," she said. My onco also said that bone scans and CT scans and tumor markers aren't helpful in finding metastasis. It makes no difference, she said, whether you find out now or three to six months from now that the cancer has spread.

One woman was dressed in orange and spoke with an accent, maybe Eastern European. She had sleek short hair that may have been, now that I think about it, a wig. She asked about extra testing when a person is in remission. Her mammograms didn't show anything but "now I find out ... I don't have much time."

But the most shocking thing I heard was this, at the beginning: My former oncologist said that he'd gotten e-mails from some patients, asking him if there was going to be anything new at the Town Hall this year. What? He gave his e-mail address to patients? And he answered them? Unbelievable.