Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cinta Umar pada Rosul

Sebelum Umar masuk ke dalam golongan orang islam. Tidak ada yang menyangsikan bagaimana kebencian Umar kepada rosul. Sebaliknya juga tidak ada yang menyangsikan kecintaan Umar kepada Rosul setelah Umar memeluk Islam dan menjadi salah satu sahabat terdekat nabi. kecintaan umar salah satunya terbukti dari perkataan umar sendiri kepada Rosul (kurang lebih seperti ini) "Ya rosul dulu tidak ada orang di muka bumi ini yang paling kubenci selain dirimu, Tapi sekarang tidak ada orang yang paling aku cintai di muka bumi ini selalin dirimu". Itulah Umar! Ucapan beliau bukanlah ucapan penghias bibir belaka, kecintaan Umar akan terbuktikan kalau kita membaca kisah Umar secara lebih detail selama perjalannya menjadi sahabat Rosul.

Salah dari kisah itu diantaranya ketika Rosul wafat, seluruh orang beriman merasa terguncang. Dan umar pada waktu itu merupakan orang yang paling terguncang dengan peristiwa itu. Bukan karena Umar tidak pecaya dengan takdir Allah. Namun ini di dorong semata-mata karena kecintaan Umar sangat kepada Rosul sehingga Umar kemudian memperingatkan orang beriman lainnya bahwa 'Demi Allah Rosulullah tidak mati dan Rosulullah tidak akan mati, hingga ia memotong kaki tangan orang-orang munafik'.

Apa yang di lakukan umar ini tidak dapat di benarkan, namun sekali lagi semua itu di lakukan karena kecintaanya yang sangat besar kepada Rosul. Sampai akhirnya Umar disadarkan oleh teguran dari abbas (paman nabi) 'Apakah ada salah seroang dari kamu yang pernah berjanji dengan Rosulullah tentang hal yang demikian (hal yg dikatakan umar diatas)' dan Umar menjawab 'Tidak demi Allah'.

Kisah Umar ini hanya gambaran kecil bagaimana kecintaan sahabat dan orang beriman lainnya kepada Rosullnya. Kecintaan yang semestinya juga tumbuh dalam diri kita yang juga sebagai pengikut Rosul sebagai sahabat Rosul yang meneruskan pengajaran dan perjuangan Rosul!!! Dan di sini juga kita bisa mengambil pelajaran bagaimana sikap para sahabat yang bisa menerima ketika dirasakan ada musibah datang tidak menjadi risau atau sedih berkepanjangan, di tinggal orang orang yg sangat di cintainya.

kisah lainnya:
Figur seorang pemimpin
Mungkinkah muncul Utsman dimasa sekarang

REALLY Make a Difference

There are lots of things people can do to make a difference in your community.
  • Run for office and fix potholes.
  • Donate Money to Good Causes.
  • Give out Free Viagra to the over-60 crowd (but you'd have to move to Chile)
But perhaps the most noble thing you can do is to donate your time and parts of yourself to help tomorrow.

This Thursday, May 1, Big Brothers and Big Sister of Orange County will be hosting an event in Newport Beach to get more exposure for it's group.

From the Daily Pilot article:

"The event will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Newport Sports Museum, 100 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100. Free appetizers and drinks will be served."

I've been a Big Brother for many years now and it has changed my life.

And I would hope that my Little Brother (although he's not so little anymore) could say the same thing.

Because of our experience, we will be lifelong friends.

If you have an extra 4-16 hours a month to give, then give your experience/mentoring/time to help someone who isn't as fortunate as yourself.

It'll change your life too.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Campaign Promises Fulfilled

As we go into an election this June and November, there is always a common theme.

How can the candidate improve the lives of their constituents?

We see the mailers, we hear the speeches, we read their statements.

And we, the voters, hope and hope that the candidates can come through with their campaign promises to improve our lives during their terms.

Well, to all the prospective candidates and current office holders, take note of this article:

"Older Chileans given free Viagra"

"A Chilean mayor is to hand out free potency pills to older people in his municipality near the capital Santiago.

Mayor Gonzalo Navarette Munoz says he wants to improve their quality of life by giving them free access to Viagra.

He will give men aged 60 or over in the working-class suburb of Lo Prado the chance to get their potency pills courtesy of the taxpayer."

Yes, I know, this is a Government/Taxpayer subsidy, and in concept, I am completely against this, but...

This Mayor is really doing something to improve the lives of his constituents.

This isn't fixing a pothole, easing traffic, or annexing a piece of property surrounded by Costa Mesa.

This is something real. Something tangible. Something measurable (sorry...couldn't resist that one.)

With the high % of over-60 male voters in Newport Beach, this also could be something to consider in November...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Menahan Nafsu

"Dari Abi Hurairah r.a ia berkata, Rasulullah saw bersabda : Orang yang kuat bukanlah orang yang kuat gulatnya, tetapi orang yang kuat itu, ialah orang yang dapat menguasai nafsunya di kala dalam keadaan marah (H>R. Bukhari dan Muslim)

Jelaslah dengan adanya hadist ini, bahwa sesungguhnya orang dikatakan kuat bukanlah semata ketika orang itu memiliki badan yang kekar yang siap mengalahkan siapa saja. Tapi seseorang dikatakan kuat yaitu ketika orang itu mampu mengalahkan hawa nafsunya ketika rasa marah bergejolak. Sehinggal ia tidak sampai lupa daratan mencanci maki, melontarkan sumpah serapah untuk melepaskan amarahnya.

Emosi atau amarah tentu tidak akan pernah lepas dari setiap diri manusia karena memang sifat itu telah menempel semenjak manusia lahir kemuka bumi. Dan tentunya ketika rasa marah tersebut muncul dengan sendirinya rasa itu akan membawa suatu reaksi dimana kita akan sanggup untuk melakukan kekerasan sekalipun. Bahkan sesorang yang sudah dikuasi dengan amarah akan sangat mudah terdorong untuk memiliki perasaan dendam yang sangat merusak dan merugikan dirinya. Dendam kepada orang yang telah dianggap menindas atau merugikannya. Bahkan bisa juga dendam kepada lingkungan yang dianggap tidak bersahabat dengan dirinya.

Disitulah ujiannya Buat kita semua, sanggupkan kita menundukan rasa amarah dalam diri kita? tentunya kesabaran, penyerahan diri dengan ikhlas pada ketetapan Allah akan sangat dibutuhkan oleh kita semua untuk menundukan amarah itu.

Bukan berarti kita tidak boleh marah, tentu kita akan marah ketika aturan Allah diinjak-injak, ketika Aturan Allah di hinakan. Tapi itu bukan berarti kita jadi bisa melepaskan amarah kita semau-maunya. Tentunya kita harus banyak belajar dari Rosul dan para sahabat.

Serious Newport Beach Police Department Morale Problem?

A couple of days ago, I noticed on my visitor page that someone from the Newport Beach Police Departments IP address got my this blog by typing in Google:

"daily pilot newport beach police morale."

And I didn't think much of it, until seeing this article in the Orange County Register.

Serious morale problems' reported within NBPD

Interesting huh?

I've written about it before (here and here), and in speaking with members of the Newport Beach Police Union, as well as with Retired NBPD personnel, it's no secret that there's a morale problem.

Let's think about this for a moment.

Our Newport Beach City Council recently approved a "Wonderful" raise in pay and benefits for our Police Officers, in the name of keeping our Public Safety priceless in Newport Beach.

But I was told, and shown articles, indicated that we were losing Newport Beach's finest, not to just the higher paying Anaheim and Huntington Beach Police Departments, but we had lost some who went BACK to the Los Angeles Police Department and BACK to work in the Orange County Jails for the Orange County Sheriff's Department...

For less pay.

This is the perfect example in business that just because you pay more, it doesn't mean people will stay, especially if morale sucks.

Money doesn't buy happiness?

And I think someone within the Newport Beach Police Department (at least someone using the NBPD's IP address) knew this type of article was coming.

They just thought the Daily Pilot was going to write about it first.

Update - It appears as though I missed Barbara Venezia's great opinion piece about this exact topic on this from this past Saturday in the Daily Pilot. Must have been confused by the Pilot's new format...

Why Not Make Nice With Irvine?

A few months back, Newport Beach's City Manager Homer Bludau warned the Newport Beach City Council that:

“We are entering a new era of cooperation with the city of Costa Mesa, and it would be the wrong thing to do to foster that relationship,”

Homer was talking about annexing West Santa Ana Heights.

Also, Newport Beach needs to keep Costa Mesa happy, especially since they are also against any expansion of John Wayne Airport.

So, Homer might be right.

Newport Beach and Costa Mesa need to remain chummy.

But what about Irvine?

Not too long ago, Irvine went to war with Newport Beach about the El Toro International Airport.

Irvine won, and Newport Beach is still licking it's wounds.

So when Irvine started going development crazy, our Newport Beach City Council (along with Tustin's), spearheaded by Councilmember Leslie Daigle, decided to sue the City of Irvine to have them stop.

Well (see here and here) we won, Irvine lost, and Irvine's Development (and extra Development related income) have stopped, for now.

...adding another chapter to the animosity between Irvine and Newport Beach.

Now, I understand why Newport Beach did this. The added traffic and environment concerns from the new Developments would adversely affect Newport Beach.

But what would be worse for Newport Beach, more traffic or an International Airport at John Wayne?

Irvine needs to be on our side regarding the expansion of John Wayne right?

Logically, if Irvine got to build up residential towers around their part of John Wayne Airport, wouldn't they, in the best interest of their newest residents, not want John Wayne to expand too?

But since those Developments have been stopped...

In order to get an ally for our John Wayne expansion fight, our Newport Beach City Council made their best effort NOT to completely piss off Costa Mesa...too much, but,

Our Newport Beach City Council continue to do everything they can TO piss off Irvine.

Fighting Irvine over extra traffic for Developments (which I was told had slowed down anyway because of the housing slowdown), furthering the animosity with Irvine, and possibly jeopardizing a joint Anti-John Wayne Airport expansion front is very short sighted.

Doing everything to foster a "New Era of Cooperation" with Irvine, like we are nurturing with Costa Mesa, should be the agenda, not gloating over winning a lawsuit.

As Leslie Daigle says,

"We look forward to working with Irvine to resolve the planning issues that will benefit both communities,"

How about looking forward to working with Irvine to stop the expansion of John Wayne Airport?

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Triumvirate that Shaped Me Ideologically

Though business travels, tax season, and routine family commitments have delayed this article from being drafted, I really wish I had completed this just after the death of William Buckley. I fear that the delay in getting this out will dilute the message I am trying to communicate herein, and to me, it is a crucial message. On February 27, God took William F. Buckley Jr. home. As I commented to my wife that night, the last several years have brought about the passing of Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman, and now, Bill Buckley. With the passing of Buckley, the triumvirate that these three men represent is no more. The world is a worse place for it.

I have written in the past what Ronald Reagan meant to me as a young person ( Though not an intellectual per se, we certainly see in the publications that have come about since his passing what a true ideologue Reagan was. Unlike our current President, the man governed with a clear, distinct, and forceful philosophy in place. And while President Bush may have such in the world of foreign policy (one I largely agree with, for that matter), he has been the most non-philosophical President in recent memory in the world of domestic and economic policy.

Ronald Reagan believed in the principles that Milton Friedman argued for throughout his entire illustrious career. Friedman started with the sociological reality that countries which have embraced political freedom end up receiving economic prosperity - time and time again. From there, Friedman developed a comprehensive economic worldview that was firmly rooted in principled philosophy. Friedman and Reagan believed that the individual was unique, was powerful, was capable, and left to his own devices apart from the intervention of burdensome government bureaucracy, was a force to be reckoned with. Friedman knew monetary policy better than anyone whom has ever lived (I include in this contrast both the fallacy-ridden Keynesian school, and the mystifying Austrian school). He taught with a clarity and persuasiveness that is practically non-existent in contemporary dialogue. Ronald Reagan adopted much of the great Friedman's ideology, and surrounded himself with a Friedman-soaked economic team. The result was the greatest economic boom and prosperity the world has ever seen. As Larry Kudlow refers to it, it truly is "the greatest story never told." I have absolutely no doubt that the vast majority of economic privilege we enjoy today has come about as a result of the philosophy of Milton Friedman and the governance of Ronald Reagan. They not only shaped my thinking as a very young conservative, but they changed the world. I can not imagine my life without Friedman or Reagan. Neither can Western Civilization ...

So with words so flowery for the first two members of this triumvirate, you may wonder what I could possibly have to add about William F. Buckley Jr. As a matter of fact, it is my contention that even more than my aforementioned heroes, Buckley deserves the lion's share of praise for what has become the conservative revolution of the last fifty years. Reagan applied much of Buckley's philosophy and Friedman's economics to his day-to-day governance of the country. The result was the victorious end of the cold war, and the reduction of marginal income tax rates that spurred an economic boom. Friedman taught a generation of economists, teachers, investment bankers, and policy hounds, that laissez-faire economics works, and that the Libertarian approach to domestic policy warranted substantial consideration. These are huge accomplishments. However, I propose to you today that, were it not for the ideological influence of Bill Buckley, the popularizing efforts of National Review, the ethically-driven foundation that created all Buckley ever did, neither Friedman or Reagan would have ever had their day in the sun. Indeed, there is no Milton Friedman without Bill Buckley. And there certainly was no Ronald Reagan without Buckley.

I first read Mr. Buckley at the age of 9, when a glorious senior citizen in my church, Dorothy Curll, shared National Review with me for the first time. I would rather have missed toys in childhood than this periodical - this life-changing bastion of freedom, hope, ethics, and anti-Communism. When I was 9 years old, Communism was not dead. In fact, many in our own country were perfectly willing to co-exist with Communism in perpetuity. Buckley worked from 1955 through 1989 to see that wall fall, and it happened, and his ideological crusade is why. Reagan said as much, and only an historical illiterate would deny what Buckley contributed to this effort.

But here is the thing: many men fought Communism, and many men played a role in what we now call the "Reagan Revolution". Though I am a Protestant through and through, it is the devout Catholicism of Bill Buckley that I most respect. His foundation of faith, of obedience, of family, of law, and of duty, is so intertwined in his religion and his career that it is incredible. This man, a powerful pen if there ever was one, never compromised the fact that a Trinitarian faith guided his socio-political worldview. There is a 0% chance, I fear, that one of his acumen will surface in the near future. Fortunately, he has offspring. Dinesh D'Souza, Rich Lowry, Larry Kudlow, Victor Davis Hansen, and many others - they all come from the ideological bosom of William Buckley. Those names alone are enough to change the world.

I am not 9 years of age any more, but I still feel a zeal and passion for impacting the world. My formative triumvirate (Buckley, Friedman, and Reagan) are all gone. But the ideas they believed in are hardly gone. I pray that Mitchell and Sadie will grow up in his rich foundation. May I maintain the zeal of Buckley, pursue the intellect he possessed, and most importantly, never forget that faith and culture and politics are not just mutually allowable items; they are requirements. Mr. Buckley, I will never forget what you have contributed to the cause I believe in. God Bless America. And say hello to my dad, please.

Upcoming Newport Centric GOP Events

From the OCGOP Calendar.

This upcoming Monday, go see two people having fundraisers in Newport Beach, who don't represent Newport Beach...

Monday, 4/28/08

12:00 PM

Special Event

Where: Pacific Club – Wine Cellar Room, Newport Beach

J. Devin Dwyer very cordially invites you to attend a reception honoring U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy, California's 22nd District at the Pacific Club's Wine Cellar Room in Newport Beach on April 28, 2008 beginning at noon. To RSVP, pease call 714-883-9669. Lunch provided. Business attire.

Monday, 4/28/08

5:30 PM

Special Event

With Congressman John Campbell, Assemblywoman Mimi Walters & Assemblyman Chuck DeVore

Where: Rothschild's Restaurant, Corona del Mar

You are cordially invited to attend a reception honoring Diane Harkey, Candidate for the 73rd Assembly District and former Mayor of Dana Point. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Business attire. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Beth Holder at 949-854-3497or

Then go meet a candidate for Orange County Superior Court Judge, Kermit Marsh. He's a GREAT guy, and you can never know enough Judges...

Wednesday, 5/7/08

5:30 PM

Special Event

Where: Office Of Inland Group, Newport Beach

Host Committee members Buck Johns, Hon. Scott Baugh, Hon. Dana Rohrabacher, John Saunders, Hon. Mimi Walters, Mark Bucher, Hon. Van Tran, Jim Righeimer, Hon. Jim Silva, Hon. Tom Harman and Hon. Bob Huff invite you to a reception in honor of Westminster Councilman Kermit Marsh, Candidate for OC Superior Judge at the office of Inland Group in Newport Beach. Please RSVP to Shelly Lee at 949-856-2200 or can go see another Candidate for Judge (different seat) that same evening

Thursday, 5/8/08

6:00 PM

Special Event

Featuring Special Guest Tony Rackauckas, Orange County District Attorney

Where: Home Of Susan & Mike Schroeder

You are cordially invited to a fundraiser for Jonathan Fish for Judge at the home of Susan and Mike Schroeder in Corona Del Mar from 6:00- 9:00pm on May 8th, 2008. Please call Desiree for more details at 949-794-7204.

Finally, you can go see a Congressman who actually does represent Newport Beach.

Wednesday, 5/28/08

5:00 PM

Special Event

A Crystal Cove Beach Party

Where: Historic District, Crystal Cove, Newport Beach

You are invited to Congressman John Campbell’s 1st Annual Mai-Tai’s and Mark Up’s, A Crystal Cove Beach Party, Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 beginning at 5pm at the Historic District at Crystal Cove. For more information, contact Jennifer Fitzgerald at 714.441.0200 or

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Neighbor Watching - HB Campaign Contribution Edition Continued

As a continuation of my post yesterday, I saw that Red County also wrote something about Huntington Beach getting rid of campaign limits.

Red County also condemns the Independent Expenditure Committees, going further with a previous post at the beginning of April showing just how much money these IE Committees have spent for State Legislative Races since Campaign contribution limits came in place, linking to the California Fair Political Practices Commission website report.

Here are some excepts from Jubal's post:

"In 2000 -- when there were no state contribution limits -- total independent expenditure committee spending on legislative races was $376,000."

"In 2006 -- with contribution limits -- total IE spending on legislative races exploded to $23.8 million."

"This is just more evidence that contribution limits do not get money out of politics -- they simply re-direct campaign spending away from the control of candidates and into the hands of IE committees. They diffuse accountability and make it more difficult for candidates to communicate with voters."

So instead of hearing from candidates, you'd be more likely to hear from the Political Consultant, as IE Committees were responsible for sending out more Campaign Mailers than most of the 2006 Newport Beach City Council candidates.

Are we electing the Consultant to the City Council?

In Newport Beach...we kinda did...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Neighbor Watching - HB Campaign Contribution Edition

The City of Huntington Beach just got rid of contribution limits for City Council races, making it effective for this November's election.

Now, common sense would say that campaign limits are good because it would keep one person from "buying" a potential City Councilmember.

However, since I don't have too much common sense, I must say that this was a good thing which other Cities should follow.

And here is why.

Newport Beach has a $500 per person Contribution Limit.

In the 2006 election, two victorious Councilmembers raised (and loaned themselves) over $100k with those limits.

Every person who contributes more than $100 to a candidate gets their name placed on a report for all to see.

There are no secrets there.

However, two side effects of these contribution limits arose.

1. The biggest side effect of Contribution Limits - Independent Expenditure Committees. There were many Independent Expenditure Committees, who had NO contribution limits, who anonymously spent lots of money in Newport Beach in 2006. The contributors to those Committees are not on the City of Newport's site, instead you'd have to dig a little bit deeper (onto the State of California's site) to see who contributed to those causes. In many cases, one wealthy person (or her companies) funded the IE's hit pieces. Also in many cases, these Independent Expenditure Committees were controlled by one person (who just happened to be the Political Consultant for many present and past Councilmembers). The Contribution Limits for individual candidates were circumvented, having the Contributors be able to fund hit pieces sent out by Randomly Named Neighborhood groups.

2. Only the wealthy can effectively compete. In addition to raising tens of thousands of dollars, a wealthy candidate can pour in tens of thousands of their own money into their race, making more signs and sending out more mailers. Would a wealthy candidate still do that if there were no contribution limits? Maybe. However a popular candidate might not have to do that if they could have people donate whatever they want.

The simple fact is that its become very expensive to run in Newport Beach, for both the City Council and for the School Board.

To even the playing field, you would need to get rid of Contribution limits.

Both candidates would raise the same amount of money, but then the wealthy candidate pours in tens of thousands of their own dollars and un-levels the field.

Wealthy contributors could then contribute whatever they wanted to for the candidate they like.

The difference? I could click here to find out who contributed it.

To find the contributor to an Independent Expenditure Committee takes much more effort.

Could one person "buy" a candidate? Sure.

But at the first hint of impropriety, and the Councilmember goes to jail.

Very unlikely.

You get rid of the Contribution Limits and you get rid of the Independent Expenditure Committees and make it a race between candidates ONLY.

As it should be.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Triple Play

1. Just 'Cause I'm Morbid Doesn't Mean I'm Sick
I've heard from a few people, worried about me because I haven't blogged lately and because I talk about my demise in a recent post. I'm fine. I have a routine oncology appointment May 2, and will report on that. I'm going to be a keynote presenter at a conference in Iowa City on Friday. I went to step aerobics tonight and was my usual clumsy self, but didn't fall. One time I fell backwards when I was sitting down and using one of those colored elastic stretcher things. They're dangerous.

2. What Price Friendship
In case anyone wondered, I've figured it out. It's the difference between the cost of a house in Wrigleyville and one in Andersonville (2 miles north). We have been looking at condos and houses because L and I are going to live together full time, after four years of marriage. He still has his house in Gary, though he stays in my condo most of the time. My condo is big but there's no room for his furniture there, or for an office for him. We're planning to sell his house and find a place where we can both have offices, as well as a guest room. A few weeks ago we paid earnest money on a brick farmhouse around the corner. It's very close to B and S; some time ago S and I vowed to stay in the neighborhood. They live down the alley from us now. We found out today that it would cost, roughly, half the selling price to rehab the place properly. So we threw in the towel. We have to have vintage (or else I'll be depressed) and we have to have outdoor space for L. There's tons of vintage north of us, but I promised S. And so we keep looking. My parents chose their neighbors when we moved into a new house in the 1960s. The three families bought the land together and drew straws to see who would be in the middle. We were, with the W---s on one side, and the S---s on the other. The families are still friends.

L and I realize that in most of the world, my condo would house 30 people. I said this to my visiting friend D, and he said: I'm glad you said it because I don't like to criticize my friends. Later he sent me an email in French that said, Property is theft.

3. 85 Years
This year again I didn't go to the homeland (Texas) for Passover. Sunday was my mother-in-law's 85th birthday so we sojourned with her in Litchfield, IL, tripling the Jewish population there for two days. L's kids came from Indianapolis: daughter, son and his wife and stepdaughter. They're all Christian. I led a short seder Saturday night for us. A friend of L's mother's came, too. I used the 1923 Union (Reform) haggadahs on hand, published the same year that L's mother was born. It didn't mention the 10 plagues. I think this is because the plagues seemed too magical to the logical Reform rabbis who felt the need oh-so-strongly back then to differentiate themselves from the superstitious Orthodox. At the seder on Saturday L asked the group: [Cancer Bitch], my mother and I are the least religious people here. Why do you think we wanted to have the seder? Our stepgranddaughter, aged 7, said: Because you're Jew-iss? L said he likes Passover because of the focus on liberation, and the way that you can make analogies with other freedom struggles. I said I like that aspect and also I like to think that people for thousands of years were observing the holiday just like we are. More or less. I'd pointed out that the haggadah was male-centric and had been published only three years after women got the vote. We had our granddaughter open the door for Elijah and look for the afikomen. If I had it to do over, I would have used a simple haggadah written for children, without verbs that end in "eth" and without so much God. In Houston I use an amalgam of texts. Sometimes we just go with the The Telling haggadah, which is egalitarian and progressive and quotes Emma Goldman. How many haggadahs can say that?

Risau ketika di timpa musibah

"Dari Abdillah bin Mas'ud r.a berkata : Nabi saw bersabda : 'Tidak termasuk golonganku orang yang memukul-mukul pipinya, merobek-robek sakunya, serta berdo'a dengan do'a cara jahiliyah."
(H.R Bkhari, Muslim, Turmudzi dan Ibnu Majah)

Bukanlah sifat orang yang beriman kepada Allah apabila di timpa musibah seperti orang yang digambarkan hadist di atas, kehilangan kendali dirinya. Terbawa pada kesedihan Dengan berlebihan.

Sebaliknya orang beriman adalah orang yang mampu mengendalikan diri dan sabar ketika memperolah musibah atau di timpa bencana. mampu menghadapinya dengan ridho dan menyerah kepada Allah, dan mengucap "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rojiuun" sesungguhnya kami ini milik Allah dan kepada-Nya kami akan kembali.

Sikap tidak menerima pada keadaan disertai kesedihan yang berlebihan, berkeluh kesah dengan berlebihan sampai kehilangan kesabarannya dan berputus asa maka akan tertolak sebagai golongan rosul.

Percayalah kepada Allah, yakinlah selalu kepada Allah bahwa Allah tidak akan mendatangkan suatu kesusahan diluar batas kemampuan kita untuk menanggungnya. Justru datangnya musibah, datangnya kesusahan itu sebagai ujian buat keimanan kita. "Apakah kamu mengaku telah beriman kepada Allah sementara kamu belum diuji".

tidak ada keimanan tanpa ujian. Jadilah orang yang sabar : orang yang tidak menjadi lemah dengan datangnya kesusahan atau musibah, orang yang tidak menjadi sedih menerima kesusahan yang datang, orang yang tidak pernah berputus asa mencari solusi dan hikmah dan kesususahan yang ada untuk kemudian bertawakal kepada-Nya.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Daily "I Love Debbie Cook" Pilot - Part Deux

Yes, I know that the Daily Pilot also covers Costa Mesa, in addition to Newport Beach, but since that Congressional Race also hits Santa Ana Heights (the Newport Beach part of it), I guess the Debbie Cook lovefest the Daily Pilot has does affect Newport as well.

Anyway, but the way the headline reads:

"Report:Cook prevails in funds"

You'd think that Congressman Rohrabacher didn't raise any money in the 1st Quarter 2008 and is in serious trouble right?

Well continue reading and you'll find:

"...Rohrabacher has far more cash on hand — $331,253.68 to Cook’s $32,314.44..."

And Debbie Cook had raised a whopping total of $47k.

Gee, that's almost as much as Current Newport Beach City Councilmember Leslie Daigle had raised in her 2006 Campaign...during a similar time frame.

Wow, at this rate, Debbie might raise enough to compete in a Newport Beach City Council Race! (but not enough to compete in Irvine's).

But it is still early, I know.

However, the true sign of things to come is the Cash on Hand.

To send out a mailer to the entire Congressional District will take ALL of Cook's dough on hand.

Congressman Rohrabacher, if he chose to, could send out 10 mailers to every one of Cooks.

Oh yes, and Dana also has serious name ID already in the District, which Debbie does not.

So unless Debbie's next report (for the 2nd Quarter 2008) shows that she raised another $200k, this race might be a bit more lopsided than the Dems think, and she can pretty count on NO help from the National Dem Money Machine.


[40:61] Allah-lah yang menjadikan malam untuk kamu supaya kamu beristirahat padanya; dan menjadikan siang terang benderang. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar mempunyal karunia yang dilimpahkan atas manusia, akan tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak bersyukur.

Di ayat Allah memberikan teguran kepada kita, kenapa Kita tidak sampai bersyukur kepada Allah, padahal Telah menciptakan malam, padalah Allah telah menciptakan siang Untuk kita, manusia. Dan begitu banyak nikmat yang Allah limpahkan kepada kita.

Hendaknya pernyataan Allah bahwa ‘kebanyakan manusia tidak bersyukur’ ini menjadi suatu bahan evaluasi buat kita, Sudahkan kita termasuk kepada manusia yang telah bersyukur kepada Allah, Sudah cukupkah rasa syukur kita kepada Allah?

Pertanyaan itu tidaklah perlu dijawab dalam tulisan ini, ataupun tulisan yang lain, cukup di jawab dengan hati kita, cukup dijawab dengan perbaikan amalan kita. Perbaiki terus, jangan pernah merasa puas karena nikmat Allah pun tidak ada batasnya. Banyak ragam bagaimana kita bersyukur kepada Allah namun semuanya akan bermuara kepada satu pangkal ‘Menjadi hamba Allah yang beriman, tunduk dan taat kepada Perintah Allah, kepada Aturan Allah, kepada Maunya Allah’

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sudahkah kita bersyukur

[40:61] Allah-lah yang menjadikan malam untuk kamu supaya kamu beristirahat padanya; dan menjadikan siang terang benderang. Sesungguhnya Allah benar-benar mempunyal karunia yang dilimpahkan atas manusia, akan tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak bersyukur.

Sudahkan kita termasuk manusia yang bersyukur? telah di beri kulit dengan jumlah pori2 yang tak terhitung, telah di beri kepala dengan otak didalamnya, telah diberi tubuh, kaki, tangan, jantung, dan semuanya yang tidak bisa di hitung, bahkan mungkin sebagian nikmat Allah tidak kita sadari?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Buat apa kita ngeblog.......

Anda suka ngeblog!!! Tapi apakah ngeblog bermanfaat Untuk Anda???

Adalah sesuatu yang alamiah ketika ada sesuatu yang baru yang menarik minat kita dengan sendirinya juga akan membangkitkan semangat kita untuk mengetahui dan mencobanya....

Mudah-mudahan saya dan juga anda tidak hanya terbawa keadaan alamiah atau ketertarikan sesaat sehingga tergerak untuk membuat blog (untuk blogger2 senior percaya dehhh...). Untuk itu saya ingin mengungkapkan sedikit yang saya rasakan dengan adanya blog menjadi bagian kegiatan saya.

Hal pertama yang dirasakan ketika mengenal blog adalah keinginan untuk belajar, awalnya berupa keinginan untuk mengetahui bagaimana membuat sebuah blog, kemudian berlanjut bagaimana menjadikan blog saya menjadi menarik, kemudian berlanjut lagi bagaimana blog bisa menjadi media saya untuk mengkomunikasikan fikiran2 saya. Satu hal dati itu semua Pasti ada proses belajar di dalamnya. Saya fikir ini positif. 'menumbuhkan semangat belajar'

Ternyata tanpa sadar sayapun belajar hal yang lainnya, yaitu belajar bagaimana mengungkapkan fikiran2 saya, bagaimana mengkomunikasikan fikiran2 saya sehingga bisa tersampai ke orang lain, dalam hal ini pembaca blog tentunya. ini juga saya fikir positif.

kemarin malem saya sempet chatting-an dengan seorang temen bloger juga, abiaz. saya pun menangkap hal yang sama dari saudara abiaz, ada semangat baru untuk berbuat sesuatu, yang positif tentunya adanya dengan blog ini. Kita lanjutkan, selesaikan, tidak berhenti di tengah jalan.

Mudah-mudahan itu hanya sebagian kecil perbaikan yang terasa, dan akan menjadi langkah awal untuk bisa lebih bisa berkarya lagi melalui blog ini. Baik itu dalam hal saling bersilaturohim, saling berlajar, saling memberi pelajaaran, ataupun hal positif lainnya. Berkarya sebagai bentuk rasa syukur kita kepada Allah yang telah memberikan ilmu kepada kita, telah memberikan waktu kepada kita.

terakhir mari kita tanya kedalam diri kita, apakah betul ngeblog bermanfaat untuk saya, untuk Anda?? Apa???.

Ayo terus berkarya!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Carilah Hikmah di Balik Masalah

Bersama dengan kesulitan ada kemudahan

ini janji dari Allah, dan yakinlah bahwa Allah tidak pernah ingkar dengan janjinya. Ketika kita dihadapkan pada sebuah permasalahan, ketika kita di hadapkan pada sebuah kesulitan maka yakinlah Bahwa bersama dengan datangnya permasalahan itu, bersama dengan kesulitan itu ada kemudahan bersamanya, akan selalu ada jalan keluar untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan itu.

Ketika suatu masalah datang, ketika kesulitan datang, dan datang lagi. Seringkali kita merasa bingung, merasa gusar karena jalan keluar tidak juga kita temukan, atau bahkan permasalah2 itu menjadikan diri kita stress, karena begitu banyakannya masalah yang harus dihadapi dengan jalan keluar yang tidak juga ditemukan.

pertama yakin kepada Allah, Allah mendatangkan kesulitan atau permasalahan kepada kita dengan sebuah penyelesain, Tetaplah sabar untuk mencari penyelesaian itu dengan tetap berusahan dan berdoa kepada Allah.

Kedua yakin kepada Allah, Allah mendatangkan permasalahan atau kesulitan kepada kita dengan ukuran kita akan mampu menanggungnya.

Ketiga yakinlah, dengan kehebatan otak kita(maha besar Allah) yang selalu mampu menemukan apa yang di cari. InsyaAllah kemungkinan besar akan ditemukan. Jika kita ingin mencari sisi buruk dari sesuatu hal maka otak kita akan menemukannya, dan jika kita ingin mencari sisi baik dari sesuatu hal maka otak kita akan menemukannya.

Tak perlu diragukan salah satu cara efektif untuk menghindarkan diri kita dari rasa prustasi dalam menghadapi masalah dan persoalan yang kita hadapi adalah dengan selalu mencari sisi baik dari keadaan yan kita hadapai, selalu mencari hikmah di balik setiap masalah yang kita hadapi. Dan jangan lupa bertawakal, berserah diri kepada Allah. karena semua terjadi atas kehendak Allah, kita manusia hanya sekedar menjalani skenario dari Allah.

Friday, April 11, 2008

...And Away We Go...

I can't imagine there being as much hoopla surrounding the 2008 Newport Beach City Council race as there was for 2006, when 6 out the the 7 seats were up for election.

This time, out of the 3 seats up, all three are held by properly elected incumbents, and while all 3 were originally appointed, they have been since voted in.

So let's look at the three on the hook this year.

First off, former Mayor (rotated in, and not directly elected, mind you) Steve Rosansky.

Steve got lots and lots of heat for his "role" in the Sober Living/Rehab Home issue, most undeservedly so (ok, I'm ready for the nasty comments...).

But will that make him vulnerable?

Unless the potentially candidate is willing to pour in $100,000 of his/her own money, probably not.

He's safe for another four years and probably another turn at Mayor at some point.

Next, current Mayor Ed Selich.

His opponent last time in 2006 (Bob Schoonmaker) was a nice guy, but you knew he wasn't a serious candidate when he would say that he was both for AND against most of the major issues on tap.

He's safe for another four years.

Lastly, we have Councilman Keith Curry.

In 2006 Keith had the formidable and personable Dolores Otting run against him, and beat her pretty handily.

This year? Rumors have been running abound...(but then again, for personal reasons, my ear hasn't been as close to the ground in the past few month) that a former Councilmember might take another go at it.

That rumored guy could present a real challenge to Keith, but hasn't filed a statement of intent with the State of California yet, but you can keep checking here or here to see when he/if he does.

Then again, this guy has a track record of filing to run at the very last minute.

Regardless of if he gets a Challenger or not, Councilman Curry isn't taking any chances.

Thursday, 4/17/08

5:00 PM

Special Event

Featuring Special Guest Supervisor John M.W. Moorlach

Where: Offices Of Buck Johns (Inland Group), Newport Beach

You cordially invites you to a fundraising reception in honor of Lincoln Club Member and Councilman Keith D. Curry, Newport Beach City Council featuring special guest Supervisor John M.W. Moorlach on Thursday, April 17, 2008 from 5:00 to 6:30pm at the offices of Buck Johns (Inland Group) in Newport Beach. RSVP by April 15th to Gina Malone at 949-885-6517 or Send donations to: Keith Curry for City Council, 40 Vienna, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

Regardless of who runs against him though, Keith doesn't have anything real against him, so while it could get close, and possibly expensive, he gets another four years.

So we'll have the same City Council for another two years, when Councilman Webb terms out.

Other than that, the other Councilmembers on the hook in 2010 will be able to run again.

Get used to the look of this City Council. We should have it pretty intact for many years to come...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Not knowing what to do. It's a continuum. Some people know what to do and others don't. When I was young I never knew. It was as if all the other kids had learned the secret handshake. For instance: One day when I was in second grade my mother packed fried chicken for my lunch and I wasn't sure if it was acceptable in the school cafeteria to eat it with my fingers. So I opened the top of my lunch kit straight up and scrunched behind it to eat. Around the same time, kids used to ask, Are you a Texan or an Aggie? I had no idea what they were talking about, even though my mother was a Texan (alum of UT) and my uncle was an Aggie (not alum of Texas A & M ; once an Aggie, always an Aggie). I didn't even know enough to ask my parents what those terms were.

In the next decades, I've been less at a loss. For instance, now I know that there's a monitor at the airport that tells you which carousel your luggage is coming through. (Is carousel the right word?) But then yesterday I was picking up a pair of glassses that had been languishing at the optical place since forever and I also got my eyes checked. Afterward I met with the paperwork guy and made an appointment to pick up the new contacts next week and get my eyes dilated. Then the guy said, Do you want me to put it on a card for you? I said, No, I'll write a check. I assumed he meant did Iwant to charge it. But he meant did I want him to put write down the date of the appointment on a card.

On the one hand you could say that language itself is such a miracle that it's amazing that we can communicate with one another even approximately. On the other, I bet the Aggie vs. Texan kids would have known what the optician was talking about.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Archivists

The university archivists came by today to Cancer Bitch Central, toting a box containing flat pre-boxes, plus a luggage cart. They filled up one and a half gray acid-free boxes, made from a flat pre-boxes. They took papers I wrote in college, syllabi from my college years and from my teaching (at the same place--Well-Regarded University), some photographs (of a campus landmark, of a tiny park that's now a fancily landscaped), satirical newspapers created by summer high school students on campus. It seems almost comical, these two guys ringing the bell and going through my papers. Taking what could be junk and treating it well. Or else it seems sinister. (I read too many accounts of Nazi soldiers coming into people's houses and rifling through belongings.) But I brought the archivists' visit on myself. L and I are thinking of moving, are moving toward moving, and I am a packrat, and I have trouble throwing things away. I will pay $7 to send a box of taped interviews and papers to strangers (at the Tamiment Library, something I did earlier this year) but I cannot not throw out the same material, for free. The university archive (at Well-Regarded University) is always emailing its faculty, reminding us to save and send for posterity. (Motto: When in doubt, don't throw it out.) So that is why I emailed them, offering my wares. I also offered my personal writerly papers, but the archives said I wasn't famous enough (said this nicely, of course, talking about limited space, etc., etc.). I felt some regret at letting my coursework go, but I can visit it whenever I want, during business hours. At least I can visit once the stuff is catalogued, and I can speed up that process by writing a bio and sending it in. The archivist told me to look at bios on its site for models. I have and I see that there was a prof who tried to enter Tibet in 1922. After being turned away, he sneaked in, dressed as a "Tibetan coolie," and then wrote a book, To Lhasa in Disguise. He is represented by five boxes of goods at the archives. As I read the bios of the other donors, I feel pretentious. There's no one else as young as I am, and I'm not young. I also had cancer and have a pre-cancerous blood disease. Part of my motivation is the possible imminence of my demise. I think: This will be one less task for L. Though it's just the tip. I still have six four-drawer file cabinets in my office at home. The archivists took just about half a file drawer plus a slice from a box of college stuff. I have files and files of journal entries and accounts of my dreams (boring; but after toting them around for 30 years, I'm loath to throw them out) and letters and even faxes. I have my bat mitzvah speech and notes my friends passed to me in 7th grade, and comic strips I drew featuring talking French pastry, and research on the Weimar Republic, back when you had to go through everything so painstakingly via newspaper indices and microfilm and -fiche.

My work will help future researchers who want to write on the history of journalism and liberal arts education. My papers will be catalogued and tucked away, not too far from the Leopold-Loeb ransom note and other treasures.

Some day soon I will go through the letters in my file cabinets, and, yes, the dreams, with the purpose of winnowing. I didn't give the archivists copies of two papers--the one on Weimar and one on Salome in fin-de-siecle art and thought, though I did hand over all the other research papers as well as my journalism papers. I like the idea of my papers living beyond me, even though some of them are embarrassing (dumb title; stupid mistakes; bad grade). When I was in graduate school, we were told that copies of all the stories and poems we workshopped were sent automatically to the university archive, the idea being that at least some of our peers would become famous. When I took an NEH seminar on biography, we often talked about the surfeit of information. The problem of the future, we said, will be that surplus--too many documents, too many photos, too many home videos. How will researchers be able to sift through and weigh? What will our family members, not yet born, appreciate having and what would they rather not be bothered with?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ingat Dengan Janji

Di disini Allah mengingatkan kepada orang-orang yang telah beriman, beriman kepada Allah. Yaitu orang orang yang tunduk dan taat kepada Allah Allah, tunduk dan taat kepada Aturan Allah, tunduk dan taat kepada kehendak dan keinginan Allah yaitu orang-orang yang mau mengikut kehendak Allah. Di ayat ini Allah mau agar orang-orang beriman memenuhi uqud nya atau janji nya. Janji yang telah di ucapkannya di hadapan Allah. Sebenarnya perjanjian itu bukan hanya telah diucapkan oleh orang yang beriman saja, tapi perjanjian itu telah diucapkan oleh setiap manusia yang akan lahir ke muka bumi. Yaitu perjanjian antara Manusia dengan Allah sebagai mana perjanjian itu Allah kisahnya di surat Al-A’raaf ayat 172.

Dan ingatlah ketika telah mengambil rab kamu dari bani adam dari sulbi mereka keturunan mereka dan telah menyaksikan(mengambil persaksian) mereka atas diri mereka “bukankah aku ini rab kamu”, mereka berkata bahkan kami menyaksikan....

Kita pernah dengar dalam sejarah tentang perjanjian-perjanjian yang pernah terjadi antara indonesia dengan bangsa belanda pada jaman dahulu, ada perjanjian KMB, perjanjian linggar jati, dan banyak lagi perjanjian yang lainnya. Walaupun ida lupa tentang poin-poin yang ada dalam perjanjian itu tapi ida pasti tau dalam perjanjian itu ada poin-poin yang disepakati dan kemudian poin-poin itu harus dijalankan setelah masa perjanjian itu sampai pada masanya perjanjian itu dihapus, betul gak.
Ya tentunya perjanjian kita dengan Allah pun tidak hanya sebatas pada ucapan semata, tapi disertai dengan poin-poin yang merupakan isi dari perjanjian itu. (jangan sepenuhnya perjanjian kita dengan Allah disamakan dengan perjanjian yang terjadi diantara sesama manusia, karena posisinya berbeda). Al-Qur’an. Sebelumnya saya pernah mengatakan bahwa Al-qur’an ini sebagai pandangan yang Allah datangkan kepada kita dari Allah. Pahami bahwa Al-qur’an ini juga merupakan uraian yang Allah jelaskan sebagai poin-poin dari perjanjian kita. Al-qur’an ini yang akan menjabarkan kepada kita bagaimana kita menjadikan Allah sebagai Rab, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam perjanjinjian di atas.

Ada titik temunya? Bagaimana kita bisa memegang dan memenuhi perjanjian seperti disebutkan di surat al-maidah ayat pertama kalau kita sendiri tidak memahami atau bahkan tidak memenuhi rincian dari perjajian tersebut. Bagaimana kita mungkin kita bisa mengatakan kita telah memegang perjanjian kalau kita malah tidak tau poin-poin apa yang Allah tuliskan dalam Al-qur’an.

Yang harus kita ingat, kita tau ataupun kita tidak tau dengan isi perjanjian itu, Allah akan tetap meminta kepada kita pertanggung jawaban kita dengan perjanjian itu. Lalu bagaimana kita mempertanggung jawabkannya dihadapan Allah nanti.

Ada lagi titik temunya? Adalah penting bagi kita untuk mengetahui isi perjanjian kita dengan Allah. Supaya kita bisa memegang perjanjian itu, supaya kita tau dengan apa yang akan kita kerjakan, supaya kita tidak menyalahi isi perjanjian tersebut, karena resikonya terlalu besar. Neraka, yang kita tidak mau dimasukan kedalamnya. Sebalik nya kita ingin dimasukan kedalam Surga, yang tentunya untuk itu kita harus dulu memunuhi persyaratannya, karena Surga itupun melupakan poin kesepakatan antara manusia dengan Allah. Kita tidak perlu ragu dengan Allah. Allah Akan memenuhi janji kepada kita. Termasuk surga yang dijanjikan kepada kita, tapi kitanyalah dulu yang harus memenuhi janji kita dulu kepada Allah, jangan sampai Allah menggugat kita karena tidak bisa memegang perjanjian.

Link Popularity

Link Popularity adalah angka yang menunjukan jumlah link yang masuk ke blog kita. Ada beberapa tools yang bisa kita pake untuk mengetahui link popularity dari blog ada site kita, diantaranya : dulu untuk dapat fasilitas link popularity)
SEO Chat

Check link popularity blog kita untuk secara runtin untuk melihat kemajuannya.

Apakah Perlu Submit ke Directory Blog

Banyak directory blog yang menawarkan jasanya dan manjanjikan peningkatan posisi blog kita di search engine akan lebih baik. Seberapa pentingkah keberadaan blog direktory buat blog kita, dan seberapa penting kita submit ke direktory blog tersebut?

Dengan submit dengan direktory blog, maka satu usaha untuk membangun links sudah di lakukan. Namun ada sebagian direktory yang memasukan blog kita kedirektory tapi tidak melakukan apa2 tidak melakukan apa2 dengan link kita. Jadi berhati-hatilah memilih direktory blog karena bisa saja itu hanya buang2 tenang atau mungkin biaya. Tapi jangan jadi ketakutan, banyak juga direktory yang blog yang memang dia membangun mata rantai link.

Pada akhirnya saya akan menganjurkan untuk submit ke directory blog, karena bisa membawa kita pada jaringan link yang lebih luas dan menjadikan link popularity kita jadi makin baik. Dan Sebagian dari mereka ber PR tinggi. Tapi ini bukan satu satunya langkah, membangun blog dengan content yang bagus dan bermanfaat akan jauh lebih penting.

Fungsi Link Buat kita

Ada dua hal yg bisa kita dapatkan dari sebuah link. Dengan link tentunya kita bisa menuntun seseorang untuk bisa masuk atau datang ke blog kita. Link yang optimal juga dapat meningkatkan posisi blog kita di search engine. Tentu tidak mudah untuk mendapatkan keduanya, memerlukan waktu dan usaha dari kita.

Dengan banyaknya link yang masuk ke blog kita, tentu akan meningkatkan traffic di blog kita juga. So.. bisa saja kalau begitu kita dapatkan link sebanyak-banyaknya dengan tukeran link misalnya sehingga bisa terkumpul banyak link dan traffic blog kita bisa naik dengan cepat. Bisa saja, tapi ingat ini juga ada resikonya, kalau kemudian blog kita di cap sebagai spammer. Bukan SEO yang meningkat malah sebaliknya. Tapi jika kita bisa melakukannya dengan cara yang benar, bertukar untuk membangun sebuah relasi dan ingat juga Cuma memperhatikan tukeran link sementara content kita lupakan, maka link popularity dan traffic akan meningkat dan tidak perlu khawatir dengan SEO.

Akan sangat bermanfaat seandainya kita bisa membangun mata rantai dengan blog yg punya PR tinggi. Link popularity akan meningkat dan dengan sendirinya akan membawa pada posisi yang lebih baik pula di search engine. Maka dari itu jika sungguh ingin meningkatkan SEO dengan link, bangunlah dengan cara yang benar. Link yang berkualitas (link ke PR tinggi) lebih baik dari pada link yang banyak, link yang banyak lebih baik dari pada tidak punya link. Link yang banyak dan berkualitas, itulah yang terbaik.

baca artikel lainnya: Internal link, Link Popularity

Link Crawable

Membuat link dengan dengan javascript elemen bisa menjadikan link atau secara keseluruhan lebih cool. Namun kalau ternyata itu tidak efektif untuk SEO, bagaimana? Link yang di buat lebih simple akan memudahkan search engine untuk bisa menangkapnya dari pada link dengan elemen javascript seperti contoh :

< href="" onclick="javascript:void(...)">Cinta Umar ke rosul< /a >

Link seperti itu tidak akan efetif untuk menigkatkat SEO karena tidak akan tertangkap oleh serach engine. Akan lebih efektif jika kita menggunakan sturkur link sebagai sperti berikut :

< href="" onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/outbound/ cinta-umar-pada-rosul.html?/ref=/');">Cinta Umar ke rosul< /a >

Script di atas akan lebih bermanfaat karena akan terdeteksi oleh search engine dan bisa membantu SEO kita!

Internal Link

Jika kita akan membuat posting baru untuk halaman , maka pertimbangkanlah untuk membuat internal link, maksudnya link ke postingan yang sudah sebelumnya di buat. Selain untuk memudahkan navigasi buat pembaca dalam mengetahui artikel yang berhubungan. Hal ini juga bisa membantu meningkatkan‘search engine optimization’.

Banyak pemilik blog yang ketika membuat sebuat posting baru, siapa yang di dapat di link, dan siapa yang dapat me link balik ke halaman tersebut. Pada hal termudah dan bermanfaat adalah dengan melihat ke belakang, ke postingan kita sendiri yang sudah di buat sebelumnya.

Ketika halaman baru sudah di buat, kita juga bisa kembali ke postingan lama yang sudah kita buat. Dan membuat link juga dari ke halaman baru kita. Batlah kata kunci yang bisa di jadikan link untuk halaman baru kita.

Halaman sudah di optimalkan. Cara sederhana namun bermanfaat untuk membuat matarantai link. Repot kan kalau kita selalu berharap orang lain untuk membuat kita ke artikel kita, kenapa tidak kita sendiri yang melakukannya!. Jangan lupa perhatikan juga bagaimana link itu di buat!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Councilwoman Nancy Gardner April Newsletter

Councilwoman Gardner does a good thing.

She reaches out to her constituents through the Web.

Only she and Councilman Curry do this.

It's good to read what they have to say.

Anyway, here's her April newsletter.

She starts off by thanking Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor (Nancy, you mis-spelled his name in your newsletter...twice) for reaching out to Newport Beach Councilmembers to try and improve relations between our two cities.

I also must commend Allan for his leadership in doing this.

However, as a borderline OCD, I couldn't get past the spelling errors on Allan's name and cannot tell you what the rest of Nancy's newsletter is about...but I'm sure it's great.

Who Is Subsidizing Who?

If I understand correctly, Residents, Businesses, and tourists pay certain fees and taxes to keep Government moving.

Government, technically, should not be turning a profit on services.

We pay the Government to provide services to their Residents, Businesses and Tourists right? today's OC Register;

"Fee hikes on horizon in Newport Beach."

According to a City-commissioned report, the City doesn't charge their Residents, Businesses, or Tourists enough for certain City services.

So the consultant suggests we raise fees (or that the fees already charged are not comparable to our neighboring cities) so that the City can start recouping costs on certain things like:
  • Police Services (if the City would stop increasing Pensions and Salaries...)
  • Planning Department Services
  • Recreation Services
  • Neutered Dog License Fees
  • Alcohol Sales Permits
  • Short Term Lodging Fees
Apparently, the consultant feels that the City should be able to recoup more of the costs for these services.

Hey, I have an idea.

In order to keep the City's coffers in good condition, why didn't the consultant suggest that we cut costs instead of raising fees (taxes...).

This "Raising Fee" mentality (which the State of California LOVES) instead of "Cutting Costs" sure is contagious.

I sure hope our "Republican" City Council doesn't even think twice about these fee increases.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Everyone wants to live in Newport Beach!

Congratulations to West Santa Ana Heights..for now
becoming a part of the greater Newport Beach area!

Years ago...Goat Hill....Costa Mesa..for those less knowledgeable,
might have been a contender for greatness. In those days, Costa
Mesa had actual access to the sea. It could have taken over West
Newport,Banning Ranch, The Standard Oil Property and who knows
what? Yep,just like Marlon Brando in "On the Waterfront!"...."No,
Charlie was you...that made me take the short money against
Wilson..I could've been a contender...I could've been...somebody!"

Well, none of that happened. Now, Newport Beach has become the
next Greater Malibu!!! For those that don't know...that once two
mile stretch of beach up in LA is now longer than Catalina Island
...26 miles plus. Newport Beach has grown up too and we are proud
as punch that the little beach town that now "Big Time"!
The battle over the Santa Ana Country Club and the Banning Ranch still at hand and that undoubtedly will ruffle enough
feathers to leave both parties shaking their heads endlessly. We do
believe that unless the Santa Ana Country Club changes its name
to "the OC" Country Club; the property should probably remain
in Costa Mesa...either as a sphere of influence or as Costa Mesa
proper! Banning Ranch...that should be Newport Beach! But hey,
what do we know? The powers that be..will make the right choices
and we will do the nodding doggie in the window impressions.

To West Santa Ana Heights..(don't get cocky!) snuck in under
the wire...and should be extremely grateful to Supervisor Moorlach
and those that made real contributions. We don't know you people we did the East Santa Ana Heights please send
those Welcome Wagon folks to City Hall and make introductions to
our City Council Members. We are a bunch of elitists
you will have to try roll-reversal. You are joining the likes of
Newport Coast, Balboa Island and The Balboa Peninsula...Corona Del
Mar too! Hey, you have ascended into rarefied try being
a little can take the next ten years to ply those
more elitist climes! Today, nobody in NB would even notice if
you were trying to be snooty....Well, it is almost that bad. So,
try to refrain from discussions on boating, sailing or even beach need not so easily or quickly embarrass yourselves!
The good news is that our property values are you got
a big bonus...even though you may not be able to take advantage of
it for a few it looks now!

Just start off humble, doing community service and helping others.
We need more people like that. Making demands and complaining
have already been assigned to others in the city for the time being.

Congratulations East and West Santa are great people
and we welcome you with all our love and best that you
will bring some great community pride and caring into our lives.
Commodities that all of us will appreciate for many years to come!

To the great people of Costa Mesa;

Hey, you have IKEA...we got SA Heights!

For the story in the Register:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Aku dan Kudanil

Ada apa dengan kudanil ??

Bagi sebagian orang mungkin binatang ini bukanlah hal yang menarik, dan lebih memilih binatang lain seperti burung, kucing, kelinci atau binatang lain yang disukainya atau tidak suka binatang sama sekali.

Bagiku, aku lebih suka memandangi kudanil berlama2 dari pada bermain dengan kucing, walaupun aku suka kucing.

Bukan awal yang bagus kenapa akhirnya aku sangat suka dengan kudanil, mulanya dari sebuah ledekanku keseseorang yang dia ketika nguap tidak menutup mulutnya (he he jangan tersinggung ya,ini mah hanya bercerita kisahku) spontan aku bilang 'aduuuh kayak kudanil aja nguap gak di tutup!! tutup donk!!!' berulang saya ngingetin dia karena masih saja gak ditutup kalo nguap. eh jadi kebiasaan manggil dia kudanil walaupun kemudian nguapnya dah gak terbuka lagi, alias ditutup. dan....... akhirnya kudanil malah jadi panggilan sayang (duuuuhhh sayang...) aku sama dia.

Sampai kapanpun Kau, kudanil akan jadi binatang kesukaanku, untuk mengenang dia yang kini telah tiada. karena walaupun kau hanya bisa membuka lebar mulutmu, bagiku kau telah bercerita banyak. sebanyak kenanganku bersama dia.

Aku tak menyesal kau tak melihat, kini aku telah ada dijalan yang dulu ingin kau tunjukan kepadaku. InsyaAllah akan kupegang, bukan karenamu sebagaimana kau ajarkan 'jangan karena aku mengambil jalan ini' tapi karena Allah, yakin bahwa inilah yang Hak.

OCGOP April Calendar - Newport Centric Events

It's starting to get a bit busy for the political calendar.

First off, don't forget Senator Tom Harman dinner coming up...

Thursday, 4/3/08
5:30 PM
Special Event

With Special Guests Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman & Senate Republican Leader-Elect Dave Cogdill

Where: China Palace Restaurant, Newport Beach

Please join Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman and Senate Republican Leader-Elect Dave Cogdill at a reception for Senator Tom Harman on April 3rd from 5:30-7:00pm at China Palace Restaurant in Newport Beach . $200 per person/$300 per couple. For more information and to RSVP please call 714-321-2759.

Then, go see County Supervisor John Moorlach at the Newport Harbor Republican Women's luncheon.

Thursday, 4/17/08
11:30 AM
Special Event

With Guest: John M. W. Moorlach

Where: Five Crowns Restaurant, Corona del Mar

Newport Harbor Republican Women present John M. W. Moorlach, Chairman, Orange County Board of Supervisors for a luncheon on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at Five Crowns Restaurant in Corona del Mar. Social 11:30am. Lunch 11:45am. Cost: $26.00. Don’t miss this opportunity to have lunch with John Moorlach! He is always an extremely informative and entertaining speaker! For reservations or questions, please call Sue Bennitt by Monday, April 14th, at (949) 644-0539.

A week later, learn something from a great reporter from the Sacramento Bee.

Wednesday, 4/23/08
5:00 PM
Special Event

Book Signing Hosted By FLash Report & Lincoln Club Of Orange County

Where: Inland Group Offices, Newport Beach

You are cordially invited to join Jon Fleischman, Publisher of The Flash Report and Richard Wagner, President of The Lincoln Club of Orange County to meet Dan Weintraub, Columnist of the Sacramento Bee on April 23, 2008 from 5pm to 7pm at The Office Of The Inland Group, Newport Beach. Dan Weintraub is considered one of the foremost experts on California politics and policy. Weintraub will discuss his new book, Party of One: Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Rise of the Independent Voter.Barnes and Noble will be selling books at the event and, of course, Dan will be happy to sign your copy! There is no cost to attend this event, but we encourage attendees to Purchase a copy of Party of One. For more information on the book, Go to: To RSVP, please contact or

The week after that? If you are interested in an Assembly race which does not impact Newport Beach...

Monday, 4/28/08
5:30 PM
Special Event


Where: Rothschilds Restaurant, Corona Del Mar

You are cordially invite you to attend a reception honoring Diane Harkey, Candidate for the 73rd AD and former Mayor City Of Dana Point. Cocktails and Hors D’ouvres will be served. Business attire. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Beth Holder at

In May, go meet a potential Judge (you can never know ENOUGH Judges...), while also seeing Orange County's District Attorney.

Thursday, 5/8/08
6:00 PM
Special Event

Featuring Special Guest Tony Rackauckas, Orange County District Attorney

Where: Home Of Susan & Mike Schroeder

You are cordially invited to a fundraiser for Jonathan Fish for Judge at the home of Susan and Mike Schroeder in Corona Del Mar from 6:00- 9:00pm on May 8th, 2008. Please call Desiree for more details at 949-794-7204.

And finally, in the end of May, go and see Newport Beach's Representative to the House of Representatives, Congressman John Campbell, and ask him for money to help dredge the Back Bay...

Wednesday, 5/28/08
5:00 PM
Special Event

A Crystal Cove Beach Party

Where: Historic District, Crystal Cove, Newport Beach

You are invited to Congressman John Campbell’s 1st Annual Mai-Tai’s and Mark Up’s, A Crystal Cove Beach Party, Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 beginning at 5pm at the Historic District at Crystal Cove. For more information, contact Jennifer Fitzgerald at 714.441.0200 or

The Election Season is gearing up.

Can't wait to see if Councilman Curry and Councilman Rosansky get contenders for their seats.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Homeland Security

L and I have just returned from Texas, where we had a three-day celebration of my mother's 80th birthday, and then we drove to San Antone to visit his friend J, who used to work with him. Yesterday we walked up and down along the river, which is brackish and greenish (and not just from St. Patrick's Day, I don't think), but nonetheless has ducks and fuzzy brown ducklings and a cormorant or two making homes in it. We chose a nuevo-ish Mexican restaurant it seemed to me; it calls itself a Texas bistro) for dinner and L and J sat down at an outside table but I stopped to see why about a dozen people, including several waiters, were staring at the water. Turned out that a duckling had a pink snake-like object in its mouth. Some people thought it might be bubble gum; others, candy; others, a real snake. I thought about throwing something at the duckling so that he'd release it (in case it was bubble gum) but I didn't. I just stood and watched helplessly as the duckling gobbled up more and more of the object. I don't think candy would hurt a duck, but I think that bubble gum would do damage. I doubt any studies on this have been performed.

In Texas it was spring, with balmy weather and bright green grass and geraniums, floods of pansies, tall bright snapdragons--and azaleas, on their way out. And the state flower, the bluebonnet, and other wildflowers, Lady Bird Johnson's legacy. We saw very few lizards at first, which disappointed me, but then L and I walked around before the brunch started and for some reason found a lot of lizards on the cement borders of flower beds in front of the restaurant. I recommend Masraff's if you are looking for lizards.

My mother hadn't wanted any fuss for her birthday but she relented and it turned out she loved the events, which my sister, for the most part, had arranged. A friend of hers said, I hope I look as good as you do...when I'm as old as you are. She said it to be funny, of course, because they're almost the same age. We would all do well to look as good as my mother does. See photo below.

It was the first time I'd been to back for almost two years, since I stayed in Chicago last Passover instead of flying to Texas, like I usually do; I'd started chemo and and didn't want to expose myself to airplane germs. On this trip everyone told me how wonderful I looked, which may say more about how they expected me to look than how I do look. L keeps telling me to keep my hair short, and he was sure to pass along any compliments he could gather about my hair-do.

Here is a picture of me at the brunch. I swear I didn't have this much gray before chemo.

In San Antonio, J had thought that we'd gone to Houston to celebrate my birthday, so she had a birthday card for me and made a chocolate eclair cake for me. She put a little green candle in it and turned down the lights and she and her husband and L sang happy birthday to me. It was very nice.

We were both happy to be home tonight and we walked around the neighborhood. It was cool and not too windy. Yesterday was opening day for the Cubs, and there were still signs in the window at nearby Murphy's Bleachers, letting people know they could come to the bar from 5-9 a.m., when Mike & Mike from ESPN radio would be broadcasting live. I kept thinking the "a.m." was a typo, but a man standing outside smoking told us that people had indeed come to the bar that early in the morning; they were disappointed because the bar couldn't serve beer until 7 a.m., he said. The ESPN web site tells me that people were lining up at 4 a.m. and ventured that they "may have had some Bud Lights in their system already."

In San Antonio in a few weeks Fiesta will begin--a huge, 10-day festival. The Cubs are our continuing fiesta, and even their constant losing doesn't dampen the party. We humans need to gather together for a cause that is that is larger than ourselves, and for many people that thing is the Cubs. A baseball team is benign enough. It could be worse.

In Houston Sunday night, after the cousins and aunts and uncle had left for the airport, and I was returning photos to my mother's albums (we'd put a bunch of pictures in frames and set them on the brunch tables), I felt melancholy. Partly because it was so quiet after three celebratory days with a crowd of family. Partly because in going through the albums I'd seen pictures of so many people who had died--my father, my maternal grandparents, my father's mother, cousin J, Uncle C and Aunt M, cousin B, Aunt S, Aunt B, so many of my parents' friends, and on and on--and I'd looked at photos of cousins and aunts and uncles when they were so young, so very young. I was so young. And partly because a number of people at the brunch were my mother's friends I'd known forever and some of them weren't in great shape. I felt Time as an antagonist, a strong, unstoppable force like wind or earthquake. And just as indifferent. And at the same time I wondered how long the photo albums would stay in the family, how future generations in general will deal with their inherited surplus of tangible memories. Who will be able to name all the people at my father's 60th birthday party? And who will care?

In San Antonio, J brought out a shoe box to show me. It was filled with letters her father had written when he was serving in the navy just after World War II ended. He was 19 and on a destroyer in North Africa. And then he came home, married her mother, and they had J. He died in a car crash when she was a baby. Because his life was so short, because she doesn't have memories, everything he left was precious.

We were in Texas at the peak of wildflower season. Because of Lady Bird, the highways are lined with bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, evening primroses (which I call buttercups), a deep red species of phlox. This is what Lady Bird wrote, five years before she died: "My heart found its home long ago in the beauty, mystery, order and disorder of the flowering earth. I wanted future generations to be able to savor what I had all my life." In the comment section of her on-line obituary in USA Today, some people ridiculed her beautification crusade. Yes, it's true she didn't speak out against the war in Vietnam. But she also didn't do nothing.